Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 804 Big Circle Vs Big Circle

Chapter 804 Big Circle Vs Big Circle

Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Ding Yunfeng put down the phone and looked at Zhan Mi and the prince: "Cheng Tianhai asked Li Xiangdong to join a big circle gang called Jiang's brothers.

Do you know anything about this organization? "

"Brother Feng, brothers from the Jiang family, suddenly became famous in the Tao in the past six months.

They committed a total of three crimes, two gold shops, one watch shop.

This group of people acted decisively and took ruthless actions, killing seven or eight people. Their boss was named Jiang Hai, and the other three brothers were named Jiang He, Jiang Min, and Jiang Chuan. "The prince took a step forward and said loudly.

Ding Yunfeng turned his gaze to Zhan Mi: "Is this the only thing that the prince knows? Do you have the files for establishing this gang?"

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry.

Because the big circle gang has always been very exclusive, it is difficult for people in the club to get in touch with them.

In addition to your position, Hong Kong Island knows both black and white, and it is difficult for us to develop informants other than Hong Xing and Lian Sheng..." Jimmy stood up awkwardly and replied.

Ding Yunfeng hummed, and waved the two of them to sit down. When he was still in the police force, it was the fastest time for Jimmy to build an intelligence network.

After all, in addition to the underworld, the white way can also take advantage of it.

But since he retired from the police force, even if Zhan Mi asked, Chinese Police Five would never refuse to open the door for convenience, but in order to avoid a gap with Lu Minghua, he actually asked Zhan Mi, and if it is absolutely necessary, don't ask Hua Department An embarrassing request.

As a result, the development speed of the intelligence network in Zhan Mi's hand naturally began to slow down.

In "Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers 2", Ding Yunfeng was impressed by the Jiang family brothers, but the second brother Jiang He, this guy has a big silly face, because he was arrested by Li Xiangdong for committing crimes in Gui City, he recognized him on the spot He came and forced Li Xiangdong to fire and kill him.

But where this group of people are hiding, Ding Yunfeng really doesn't know.

All he knew was that these people were not the real high-level members of the big circle gang, but the actual commander was a guy named Yang Cai, nicknamed Jackal.

"Is there a person named Changzhou on the road? If I remember correctly, this person specializes in selling stolen goods for the big circle. He may have come into contact with the Jiang family brothers." Ding Yunfeng recalled the plot of the movie in his mind, and reported a name.

Originally, they were worried that Brother Feng would blame them for their backward intelligence.

Hearing this, Qiqi smiled.

The prince patted his pectoralis major: "Brother Feng, I know Changzhou, this old boy is from Heliantu, he has been with Liantu for decades, and now he is still a fourth-nine.

However, he does have some knowledge in the business of selling stolen goods, and he can probably earn tens of millions a year. "

"Tell him to be sensible." Ding Yunfeng nodded, and then focused on teasing his daughter.

The prince took the order to leave, and Jimmy opened the memo book in his hand, and mentioned that some time ago, his hometown wanted to import some fabrics from Hong Kong Island through the passage on the Luohu side.

Because in the past two years, with the development of the economy, the goods related to food, clothing, housing and transportation in my hometown have been in short supply.

It is said that in Shishi, Fujian Province, almost every household is engaged in clothing-related businesses, and even the smoking machines cannot keep up with sales.

"This is a major issue related to people's livelihood, you can ask within Hutchison to see if anyone wants to do this business.

The difference in the price of raw materials between the two places is only allowed to double the profit. Whoever wants to take out 2 million to build a warehouse in the north of the New Territories, and I will send someone to build a garment factory in Fujian Province. "Ding Yunfeng decisively finalized the general regulations.

Zhan Mi scratched his head: "Brother Feng, due to the lack of information, at present, just for fabrics, as long as you walk from Haojiang to your hometown, you can get at least 4-5 times the huge profits.

The balance of your card is 2 times in one breath, and you can make money. I said hello to Hutchison, and a lot of people came out to participate in the stock market.

But I am worried that the group of people who were originally in this business will not give up. "

"Ha, 15 yuan a piece of cloth, put it on a boat, and ship it, it will sell for 75-100 yuan!
After fishing for two years, I have already made a lot of money.

Now if I, Ding Yunfeng, double the sales, I can only double the sales!

If anyone is not convinced, it's okay, continue to take the goods, see if the customs officers on the opposite side dare to let their goods in! Ding Yunfeng got up with a smile, carried his daughter to the study on the second floor.

Zhan Mi pursed his lips, and in his heart, he mourned for two seconds for those who took advantage of the information gap between the two places to make a fortune in their hometown.

Brother Feng went upstairs to make the phone call, and the price of the cloth was twice as high, so it should be considered finalized.

With the current emphasis on brother Feng in the southeast provinces, even if some people want to keep secrets, they probably have to weigh whether they can handle the investigation team that came down from the capital.

The last time Yang led the team down, the result was a change of general.

The facts are exactly as Jimmy expected...

Ding Yunfeng went to the study, and immediately called Leader Ye. Hearing that Mr. Ding had responded to the request of his superiors, he wanted to come here to invest in the cloth industry and bring his own raw materials + channels + factories.

Leader Ye was very enthusiastic, and he agreed on the phone that the location of the garment factory can be chosen at will.

Except in Yangcheng, those planned lands that cannot be moved.

For the rest of the place, Ding Yunfeng will build it wherever he likes. There will be a regular meeting next week. He will also arrange personnel and form a working group to take charge of this matter...

But what he didn't expect was that Ding Yunfeng interrupted his plan that Yangcheng would soon become a national garment manufacturing base, and poured a bucket of cold water on him: "Leader Ye, I'm sorry, actually, I called you today because I I don’t know the team in Fujian Province, so I want to ask you, an old acquaintance, to help me introduce it.”

"Ah?" The smile on Leader Ye's face froze, and he hastily explained: "Mr. Ding, it's not a problem to introduce you to the team from the next province, so let's put this matter aside for now.

Now I would like to suggest, anyway, you are investing in the garment industry, why don't you consider Guangdong Province?

It's only a few kilometers from Luohu by truck?

If you want to build a factory, you can choose Pengcheng or Yangcheng, why bother to choose the far away?
Official documents, manpower, these are not problems.

What Fujian Province can provide, our Guangdong Province can provide, and what Fujian Province cannot provide, we can apply for it..."

Hearing Leader Ye's non-stop talking, Ding Yunfeng gave the other party a hang, and replied with a smile: "No, he has a foundation in Fujian Province.

What's more, where to build a factory, isn't it all to add bricks and tiles to the hometown and improve the quality of life of the people?
In my opinion, this time I will choose Fujian Province. After a few years, I will have more money and set up a car factory in Guangdong Province. "

"Okay! You said it yourself, Mr. Ding. I, Mr. Ye, heard it with both ears today. The car factory must be built on our side next time."

"All right, all of us are old acquaintances. I won't lie to you if I lie to anyone. When you open official documents in the future, just don't get stuck on my neck."

"How can you? You can't get stuck on anyone's neck, but you can't get stuck on the God of Wealth's neck!
It's settled like this, you choose someone to come out, make an appointment, and I will personally take him to Fujian Province to recognize him. "


After chatting for more than ten minutes, Ding Yunfeng put down the phone.

Things like the car factory are purely fanciful, he just wants to let the other party let go.

After all, in the future, many bigwigs will spend countless sums of money to prove that investment needs to be cautious, especially when making cars.

At this time, the prince who left Repulse Bay was also at a food stall in Yau Ma Tei, blocking Cheung Chau who brought the dancing girl Diana out for dinner.

"Hey, why don't you say hello when you see people? My prince doesn't deserve to know you?" The prince pulled away the chair in front of Changzhou and sat down, and slapped it down, causing all the cups, plates and chopsticks to jump up.

Some soup splashed on Diana's A-grade LV bag on the table, and she pushed Changzhou coquettishly: "Brother Changzhou, look, the newly bought bag is covered by these short mules..."

"When men talk, women are not allowed to interrupt."

Seeing the prince glaring at him, Changzhou hurriedly put on a straight face and pushed Diana to the ground.

Ignoring the playful woman on the ground, Changzhou poured a cup of tea for the prince courteously: "Brother prince, stop playing with me, old man.

I brought this girl in for dinner, but I didn't know you were reading the newspaper over there.

It's not that I don't respect you, I didn't say hello to you on purpose, but I was blocked by the newspaper. "

"Hmph, you guys are dragging this bitch away, it's so fucking noisy." The prince waved his hand, and a few boys behind him rushed up, dragging the crying Diana out of the food stall.

Changzhou's head was covered with cold sweat, and he didn't even dare to break a fart.

As for the bosses and employees of the food stalls, all of them are selectively blind, silently doing their own things.

"I heard that you have been helping the brothers of the Jiang family during this period of time. You have made a lot of money, right?" The prince took a sip of tea and looked at Changzhou with a sneer.

Changzhou wiped off his sweat nervously: "Brother Prince, I only helped them take out the goods once.

The price for the second time has not yet been negotiated, and it was agreed to be 2 in advance, but after I sold the goods afterwards, they asked me to pay back 35.

If a few of them offend you, you should do it as soon as possible without giving me face..."

Hearing this, the prince hadn't expressed his opinion yet, the matches on the side had picked up the ceramic teapot on the table, and directly patted Chang Chau on the ground.

Pointing at the screaming Changzhou, Match kicked him a few times: "You are so funny!

To save face?

You are an old forty-nine, what capital do you have to say this to my leader?
Oh, you made this group of big circles for you, you originally need to pay them back, and you can be hacked, right?
Who gave you the guts to use Hongxing as a knife?ah! "

After allowing Match to teach Cheung Chau a lesson, the prince finally put down his teacup and leaned over to pull him up.

Using a newspaper to pat off the other party's dusty white suit, the prince sighed and said, "When you come out to mess around, you can eat but you can't talk nonsense.

This matter is changed in the past, I don't use you to fill the sea, so I don't have to come out to mess around in the future.

Fortunately, you are lucky, I am now the leader, and my status is different from before.

If it's just one sentence, I can't get along with you, an old forty-nine, wouldn't it appear that I am too narrow-minded.

So, if you beat me up, this matter is over.

Moreover, I would like to remind you a few words, if you want to deal with the big circle, it is best to find a way on the big circle.

For example, it is useless to find other fierce people in the big circle to help you talk to the Jiang family brothers. If you find a local club, it is useless. "

Changzhou wiped the blood from his nose, nodded again and again: "Thank you, Prince, thank you."

"Ma De, I wanted to buy some goods from you, but seeing your virtue, I am disgusted at first glance. Match, go, go to another place to eat." The prince casually dropped the half-read newspaper.

Changzhou nodded and bowed to see him off. When the prince led the people away, he finally dared to cover the corner of his broken mouth, took a breath, and sat down again.

While waiting for the clerk to bring ice cubes to compress the wound, Changzhou saw the newspaper that the prince had left on the table. Today's headlines were the news about the crime committed by the three of them.

"Hey, what a coincidence..." Changzhou grabbed the newspaper and read it, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number: "Hey, Daddy, aren't you familiar with those provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers?
Do you recognize that Li Xiangdong who recently appeared on the road? "

at the same time.

Da Da, who brought Li Xiangdong and the three of them to a McDonald's to feed his hunger, quickly covered the sound hole of the big brother, and winked at the three of them at the same time.

As an old fritter who has been undercover for more than ten years, it is easy to open his mouth to lie.

He intentionally put on a foolish tone, and replied loudly: "Brother Changzhou, what's the matter? Do you have any business concerns?

These few said that they came to Hong Kong Island to do big business.

I don't think they will be interested in a job with too little oil and water. "

"Brother Jiang, you know that last time they asked me to sell the goods, they agreed to pay 35. But when I helped them get the goods, that bastard Jiang Hai asked me to hand over 45.

Isn't this clearly bullying me?
Please help me to give Li Xiangdong a word, if you can help me settle this matter.

In the future, if they come to find me to take the goods, I promise to take [-]% less than others! When Changzhou heard that there was a door, he quickly offered conditions.

Da Da felt that the phone call was a coincidence, and things went too smoothly;

However, due to his quality as a professional undercover agent, he still talked with Changzhou on the phone for about ten minutes, negotiating a 3 middleman fee to increase his credibility.

Without the plot of rescuing Da Da from the black ghost Tang's gun, Da Da still hasn't made love to Li Xiangdong and the other three.

He hung up the phone, and while eating a burger, he said in a low voice: "Hey, the person who called me just now is called Changzhou.

He is a well-known dealer in Yau Ma Tei who sells stolen goods.

The Jiang family brothers that Cheng Sir asked you to contact were the ones who sold the goods through him.

Now they have internal strife because of a sum of money, Changzhou wants to ask you to help him settle the matter.

I think this is a good opportunity to get close to the Jiang family brothers.

But it was too smooth, which made me feel a little uneasy. As for whether to go or not, you can decide for yourself. "

Li Xiangdong discussed with Qi Jingsheng, and replied directly: "Of course, you can make an appointment for us as soon as possible, and we will solve the rest by ourselves."

"Hmph, don't blame me for not reminding you. According to my years of experience in the industry, most of the things that go too smoothly are ambushed. You only have one life, so be careful."

"Thanks, brother, you are a good man."

"Hey, I can't afford not to climb up on relatives."

(End of this chapter)

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