Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 810 Need some money to buy stomach medicine

Chapter 810 Need some money to buy stomach medicine
Cui Miaoxiang was holding a large pile of US dollars, staring blankly at her busy husband.

"What are you still doing?
Hurry up, we are short on time.

Also, you help the Songzhu Gang come back, don't stay outside and cause trouble.

Those who have a criminal record on their body, while there is still time, come to my place to get some money, and run to the countryside to avoid it. Zhou Chaoxian turned his head and yelled at his wife.

Cui Miaoxiang didn't dare to say much, got up and ran out with the money.

Two hours later, the senior leaders of the Songzhu Gang who received the call from the sister-in-law put down their work and rushed to Zhou Chaoxian's house.

What shocked them was that Zhou Chao first placed a few boxes of banknotes in the living room, with a melancholy expression, holding a glass of brandy with ice, and leaning on the general column of the stairs. This battle, no matter how you look at it, looks like Zhu Bajie divides his luggage - he is going to break up .

"To be called over by me today is because of my brothers.

Everyone knows who I will live with in the Zhou Dynasty first.

This time, I was in a bit of a bad situation.

Whether I can get by, I have to give it a shot.

So, in order not to drag you brothers, you share the money here, and then go find a place to hide.

If I pass this test, you guys are still willing to recognize me as the boss. You are welcome to come back to the Songzhu Gang afterwards.

If I get embarrassed, everyone will have to go their separate ways, and this money will be treated as severance pay. "

After raising his glass to a group of cronies, Zhou Chaoxian raised his head and suffocated the wine in his glass.

Regardless of everyone's obstruction, he picked up a suitcase full of documents and strode out of the villa.

On the other side, according to his suggestion, Cui Miaoxiang took a bunch of red envelopes and walked all the famous and famous media in the north of Wadao Island.

Accepting such a large benefit fee, coupled with the fact that the Wadao media at this time is far inferior to their counterparts on Hong Kong Island, can develop barbarously in the public opinion circle.

Therefore, everyone's income is naturally not as rich as their counterparts on Hong Kong Island.

It was rare for Zhou Chao to act so generously first, and announced big news that shocked the entire island.

All of a sudden, all the media sent elite troops to the gate of the National Building.

Seriously, occupy a good position, set up a long gun and a short cannon, and point the camera at the straight avenue at the entrance of the building.

Irreverent, while looking at the National Building, while looking around, the recording pen in his hand kept scratching on the sketchbook.

Adhering to the good professional ethics of taking money and doing things, it doesn't matter whether Zhou Chaoxian has a report or not, it depends on the $2000.

Even if it is made up, tomorrow will arrange for Zhou Sheng to be on the headlines of his own newspaper!
As there were more and more reporters, the security guard standing at the front of the National Building couldn't help but stepped forward to ask a few questions.

Collecting money to cooperate with this kind of thing, of course, can't be said in the open.

The reporters all talked about him, and used very official language to prevaricate Wei Baoan's inquiries.

A baby-faced guard complained in a low voice: "Back to the north, are these reporters Xiao (crazy)?

If they make trouble here, not only will they be unlucky, but we will also be implicated. "

An old-fashioned man next to him reminded in a low voice: "Don't pay attention to them, it is estimated that some important person is coming to show, just stand in your position."

After being reminded by the senior, the baby face suddenly realized, he raised his head and chest, and tried to show his most positive mental outlook. If he behaved well and won the favor of some big shots, he would be able to reach the sky in one step, and he didn't have to be a watchdog here up.

In the National Building in the north of Wadao Island, there are actually big bosses coming to give speeches or put on shows on weekdays.

However, in the past, everyone brought their own staff to take a few photos, and invited one or two media to do some interviews.

Hundreds of media came today.

It was a first-of-its-kind experience.

As more and more reporters came, Zhou Chaoxian, the main character, hadn't appeared yet, but the security guards present became excited instead.

The pomp and circumstance are so big, it can't be that the little boss will end in person...

On the other hand, Zhou Chao started from home first, and he drove a Mazda himself, slowly increasing the accelerator.

Along the way, he silently typed out the draft of what he was about to say next, and bought some time so that there could be more reporters present.

After about 45 minutes.

Zhou Chao came first, and he drove a Mazda that didn't get stuck in traffic.

After applying pomade, wearing a suit and tie, he opened the car door with his right hand, and carried a suitcase in his left hand. With dozens of camera guns on his head, he walked over to the crowd with a calm face.

"Mr. Zhou, I am a reporter from "Daobei Daily". Your wife went to our newspaper office and said that you have enough shocking news to shake Wadao. May I ask if you can disclose a little bit now."

"Mr. Zhou, according to our "Taoyuan TV" understanding, in addition to your identity as a businessman, you also have a background of a gang leader. May I ask, are you here with great fanfare to report some major events of black and white collusion?"

"Mr. Zhou..."

Less than 20 meters from the car, Zhou Chaoxian was blocked by a lot of microphones.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the reporters, Zhou Chaoxian secretly praised that the money was well spent, but at the same time, he deliberately put on an annoyed expression like a prodigal son turning his back.

"Sorry, friends from the press.

Come here today, in fact, want to surrender.

I'm not human, I met an inappropriate person at an inappropriate time.

Bewitched by it, I did many things that endangered the safety of Frog Island.

Today, I came to my senses, I want to surrender, I brought a lot of opponents intending to use me to occupy the beach, as evidence of the opposite landing point.

Now, please make room for me, this lost lamb, and give me a chance to redeem myself..." Zhou Chaoxian began to show off his acting skills.

Eye sockets are red when they say red,

The expression is in place in a second,
The voice is crying,

But no matter how superb his acting skills are, they are still not as eye-catching as the violent news that comes out of his mouth.

"Mr. Zhou, please elaborate. Is the opposite side you are talking about?" A reporter bravely asked the question first.

Zhou Chaoxian nodded directly: "Yes, it is the place you think it is."

Seeing that Zhou Chao first admitted that the explosive barrel would be detonated, countless reporters rushed forward, trying to put the microphone into his mouth.

And the security guards who originally thought that there were some important people coming to put on a show, stood at attention and tried to show their performance, were blowing whistles to shake people, and those who ran up to control the field ran up to control the field. Nest porridge.

[From our station, at 10:17 this morning, a man surnamed Zhou came to the National Building to report external forces against the island...]

All the reporters went crazy. The reporter who had just connected to the signal and was about to interrupt the live broadcast for the audience in front of the TV, was knocked down by the person rushing past the camera before he could finish speaking. Countless TV screens, momentarily into snowflakes.

Since it involved the most sensitive topic, and Zhou Chaoxian vowed to bring evidence, the special department of Wadao quickly dispatched and took him away in handcuffs and shackles.

However, at this time, many media people have moved quickly to report this matter.


warning call...

Countless higher-level departments began to control public opinion, and it seemed that they would gradually control it. Unexpectedly, the international edition suddenly exploded. Several well-known London media, who did not know where to get the first-hand information, directly reported it on the headlines of each.

And the most frightening thing is the attitude of my hometown towards this matter, adopting a default attitude of neither explaining nor denying.

This time it will be wonderful!
The decision has already been made, and now Zhou Chaoxian is arranged, the special department of Wadao that has evaporated in the world.

Suddenly, they received a call from their superiors, ordering them not to act recklessly, so as to prevent Wadao from gaining a notoriety of killing people in the world.

Repulse Bay.

Ding's mansion.

Ding Yunfeng led Zhan Mi, Huang Dawen, Gan Lianghong and other senior officials of the Ding family to surround the TV.

On the screen, there was a scene of Zhou Chaoxian being taken away by a group of people in special uniforms.

When the person was escorted into the car, the screen was interrupted suddenly, an advertisement was interrupted, and Ding Yunfeng pressed the switch off button: "Zhou Chaoxian has already taken the first step, and the next step is to see London's efforts.

Ah Hong, those London ghosts, have you fed them? "

"Don't worry, Washima attaches great importance to international public opinion.

I didn't even invite the mainstream media in London for such a trivial matter today.

I only spent a few thousand pounds and asked two second-tier TV stations and third-tier magazines to speak out. "Gan Lianghong tapped the soot. He has been in the public opinion circle for many years, and his grasp of the degree is much more sophisticated than before.

Ding Yunfeng patted his palm lightly twice: "Very well, at my hometown, Leader Sun also agreed to cooperate, and now we are waiting for Hou to make a move."

"Brother Feng, that Hou, will he help?" Zhan Mi asked worriedly.

Ding Yunfeng smiled confidently: "It's hard for others to talk about it, but for that person, as long as he has enough money, everything is easy to talk about!

Moreover, he is still the white glove of the little boss, who is eager to take over and needs a lot of money to publicize the gang of old men who are about to retire.

He won't let go of my money. "

In the north of Wadao Island, Yinsong Pavilion.

Minister Hou picked up a piece of sushi with his chopsticks, held it up to his eyes and looked at it: "Oh, what should I say about Chaoxian?
It's hard, it's hard, it's really hard.

Murder and arson, robbery and extortion, these are all easy to say.

But he actually touched that line, so besides being shot, I can't think of any other end for him. "

It's difficult to say three sentences in a row?

That means, it can actually be done!

Cui Miaoxiang opened the suitcase beside her, revealing bundles of colorful dollars inside: "Secretary Hou, Zhaoxian was also momentarily confused!
Moreover, he was actually forced.

That time, the Bamboo Union Gang asked him to bear a deficit of 2000 million US dollars.

He had no choice but to be forced to surrender to Ding Yunfeng!
Now that he figured it out, he offered to provide a lot of materials, which can be regarded as turning to the light.

Oh, I brought a bag of tea, please taste it, old man.

As long as you are able to rescue him once, we, my wife and I, will have three bags of tea as a gift. "

Secretary Hou craned his neck to take a look, and estimated how much money was in the box in less than three seconds.

Calculating the difficulty of this matter, he stuffed the sushi into his mouth and chewed it vigorously, and said with a slurred smile: "Ah Xiang... this little tea is not enough for me to treat, I see, you still have another Find Gao Ming."

"Four times the tea leaves!"

"No, it's like I don't like it too much..."

"Five times!"

"You... You are like this, but it means buying and selling by force."

"Six times!"

"For the sake of being filial to me before Chaoxian, you don't need to add any more!

If I want to save his life this time, I will definitely have to drink and vomit many times again, so I can just charge a few hundred million for stomach medicine.

As for the rest, you take it home.

They didn't know about it, and they thought that someone from me, Hou, took advantage of the fire to rob you and extorted bribes from you and your wife. "

One hundred million dollars? ? ?

Cui Miaoxiang's eyes went dark, and her right hand hurriedly pressed down on the short table full of daily necessities to stabilize her almost collapsed body.

What is the lion's mouth?
Today, she realized that the price offered by the other party was twice their original budget.

For 5000 million US dollars, Ding Yunfeng needed a blood transfusion.

Now that [-] million is mentioned, Cui Miaoxiang is not sure whether Brother Feng is willing to pay this sum of money.

"Why, is it difficult?
Ah Xiang, I can tell you frankly.

Chaoxian has seriously crossed the line this time, I didn't take credit for it, and this kind of thing happened to him now.

If more than ten or twenty years in advance, you have already been arrested to accompany him to wait for the target, and you still have a chance to sit in front of me and ask me to help you get involved!

Tell yourself, is your husband's life worth my money for stomach medicine? "Secretary Hou held a gun and a stick, and directly threatened Cui Miaoxiang.

Cui Miaoxiang knew that now the arrow was on the string and had to be launched, so she couldn't afford to hesitate.

"Okay! As long as my husband can get through this hurdle safely, after the matter is over, we promise that we will send you the money you paid for the stomach medicine."

"That's right, smart girl, okay, go back and wait for my news. It will only take two days to see if the matter will be completed." Secretary Hou applauded a few times in satisfaction, but her eyes were fixed on the one that Cui Miaoxiang brought. Suitcase full of dollar bills.

Cui Miaoxiang didn't care about the millions after giving up a hundred million.

She stood up and nodded, without even looking at the cash box, she turned around and opened the door and walked out.

Zhou Chaoxian had a good team, so he distributed the money and sent everyone to take refuge separately, but there were several loyal ones who stayed behind to help the sister-in-law.

The Shandong guys who stayed outside saw Cui Miaoxiang's pale face and staggered footsteps coming out of Yinsong Pavilion, thinking that the sister-in-law had suffered a disadvantage, and hurried up with a few brothers.

"Sister-in-law, did that bastard bully you?"

"No, it's okay, send me back first, and we'll talk about it when we get back. Go!" Cui Miaoxiang stopped the furious Shandong guy and ordered another boy to drive over.

$5000 million is missing.

After Cui Miaoxiang went back, she immediately started raising money.

In these years, Zhou Chaoxian took refuge in Ding Yunfeng, and he has really developed greatly.

But because most of the money, he invested in those beach casinos;
Therefore, apart from the villa and a few luxury cars under the couple's name, they don't actually have a lot of floating wealth.

Unable to contact Ding Yunfeng directly, Cui Miaoxiang had no choice but to sell the property. For a while, the story of the Songzhu gang's seller saving the gang leader quickly spread across Wadao.

Many people took advantage of the opportunity to come to the door to take advantage, but some people faintly saw that there was a hand behind the manipulator, and they were going to come to send charcoal in the snow to make a good relationship.

For example, Black Wolf Li Youyou, the military advisor of the Bamboo Union Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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