Chapter 824
Faced with Li Yuanba's request to borrow the phone, Matthew readily agreed: "No problem, would you like to arrange a separate room for you?"

"No need." Li Yuan walked up to Matthew without being humble or overbearing: "Just lend me any office."

"OK. Please follow me to my office." Matthew made way sideways, turned and walked towards the stairs.

After the two left, the atmosphere in the office became more and more embarrassing. Dozens of eyes silently focused on Cai Yuanqi.

A tiger never loses its prestige!

With a blank expression, Cai Yuanqi took out his ID and gun, and placed them on the table next to him: "Sir Jane, you have the highest position at the scene.

Please, help me receive something.

Sir Matthew said that the new department is still waiting for me to report, so I will go first. "

"Cai Sir, regarding your gun and documents, it's better to wait for Lu Sir to come and go through the procedure...

I'm a commander of the Flying Tigers, and I'm a few ranks behind here..." Jane proudly said half of it, facing the two pleading eyes that Cai Yuanqi looked at her, and the rest of her evasion turned into a long sigh: "Forget it, after all, it's all about colleagues.

Sir Cai, please write me a letter of authorization for the temporary transfer of work items.I will go to Sir Lu and the others to hand it over later. "

"Okay, I'll write now, wait for me for 2 minutes." Cai Yuanqi nodded proudly at Jane, turned around to fetch a pen and paper, and started writing at his desk.

Seeing this, the others stepped lightly and quietly exited the conference room.

Before Hu Zhonghui left, he proudly asked Jane in a low voice: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"Hey, it's just helping others to save face. It's okay. Even if Ah Feng finds out about this matter today, he won't blame me." Jane proudly smiled, and immediately urged Bawanghua to leave.

At this time, Cai Yuanqi had written the entrustment for the transfer of public property. He signed his name, got up and handed the pen to Jane proudly: "Thank you, Jane Sir."

"It's just a matter of raising your hands." Jane proudly took the pen and signed her name on the line of delegates.

Then, he found a transparent evidence plastic bag, put Cai Yuanqi's certificate and gun into it and sealed it.

Cai Yuanqi took out two thin cigars and handed one to him: "Jane Sir, your little effort can help me save the last face in front of Lu Minghua.

I remember this kindness.

If there is a chance, I will definitely pay you back. "

"Thank you. I have changed to smoking Huazi for many years. I am afraid that I am not used to smoking cigars." Jane proudly took out a pack of Zhonghua from her pocket, knocked out one, and nodded.

Cai Yuanqi laughed at himself, and threw one of the cigars into the trash can in the corner: "Cai is taking the liberty."

After saying a few polite words, Cai Yuanqi bid farewell to Jane proudly, turned around and opened the door to go out.

Returning to the office alone, Cai Yuanqi fetched a cardboard box and began to pack his personal belongings.

In the corridor outside, people come and go.

Cai Yuanqi could guess without looking that this was the people sent by various forces to confirm the news of his resignation.

In order not to let others continue to read the joke, Cai Yuanqi moved quickly. In less than 10 minutes, he packed his things, picked up the cardboard box and walked out of the room.


The people who were poking around in the room just now hid from Cai Yuanqi's field of vision.

With a disdainful face, Cai Yuanqi walked out of the hall slowly, holding the cardboard box in both hands.

Because he was suddenly transferred from the police force by the ghost, and he didn't know it beforehand; therefore, he didn't drive his own car here, and he gave Jane the key of the original No. 1 license plate for pride.


When Cai Yuanqi was wearing the uniform of the constitutional committee of the police force and was standing at the gate of Taiguan to stop the car, all the passing taxi drivers were very confused.

Lu Minghua stood on the small balcony outside the office, until he saw Cai Yuanqi took a taxi and left, then he put out his cigarette and came in, and asked the secretary to invite Jane from the conference hall downstairs to come up.

Jane proudly came up quickly, entered the door and sat down. He put the bag containing Cai Yuanqi's belongings in front of Lu Minghua, and said with a joking smile, "I thought you wouldn't see me until after dinner."

"Well, since Cai Yuanqi thinks, I will stand in front of him as a victor.

I might as well wrong you to wait a little longer and ask you to come up after he leaves. Lu Minghua smiled, got up and opened the filing cabinet, took out two boxes of Huazi, and handed one of them to Jane proudly.

Seeing that the cabinet was full of Huazi, Jian Zihao first took Huazi and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, and then he walked around Lu Minghua very familiarly, complaining, while opening the file cabinet: "Banana, you bastard!
You want to be a good person, but you caused me to blow the air-conditioning alone for half an hour in the conference hall downstairs.

Send me now with Bao Huazi?
Oh, my Jane's proud personality is worth this bag of flowers, right? "

Lu Minghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he shook his head and opened the cigarette in his hand: "Don't get me wrong, the pack on my body has been smoked on the balcony, and I haven't put down anyone like this with my opponent, let alone you?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I was insulted by you today."

"This... Then tell me, what do you want?" Lu Minghua smiled wryly and looked at Jane proudly.

While Jane proudly spoke, she kept taking out Hua Zi from the cabinet: "Don't worry, I know how to comfort myself...

1, 2, 3...

So-so, just six.

I said, Lao Lu, you have to learn from Ah Feng in terms of stocking up.

When he was in the police force, no matter where he went, there were cigarettes and alcohol in the room.

By the way, next time, you remember to prepare a few more 30-inch black handbags.

Otherwise, if I go out with my things in my arms like this, the impact will be bad..."

Seeing Jane proud of emptying his stock, Lu Minghua was completely stunned.

When he came back to his senses, Jane proudly pushed the door out, leaving behind a government bag containing Cai Yuanqi's personal belongings and a letter of entrustment and handover.

Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Ding Yunfeng sneezed several times in a row, thanked Huang Yaobing for his concern on the phone, put down the receiver, and said to Huang Dawen: "Cai Yuanqi was kicked by the ghost to become the director of the Transport Department. Everyone is speculating whether Lu Minghua may go further and become the new police chief."

"I don't think there is any hope. The ghost would rather go offside and bring Li Shutang up. It's impossible for them to let Lu Sir take over." Huang Dawen denied it without even thinking about it.

Just as Ding Yunfeng was about to speak, the phone in his hand rang again. He glanced at the caller number, and he said helplessly to Huang Dawen, "Chen Jianxin from Tsim Sha Tsui, these guys are all in their decades, and their concentration is still so bad?"

To complain, Ding Yunfeng still pressed the answer button, too lazy to be polite to Lao Chen, Ding Yunfeng cut to the chase, and told him directly, there is no need to pry, Lu Minghua is out of the game this time, if there is a rumor, he will go.

I have already organized a game, called Lu Minghua and the giants of the chamber of commerce, and went to Fenling to play golf together.

"Oh, what a pity.

If Brother Hua can make up his seat this time, everyone will be able to live a stable life for a few days in the next few years. "Before Chen Jianxin hung up the phone, he expressed his feelings and let out a long sigh.

After hearing this, Ding Yunfeng suddenly understood why these people couldn't sit still.

Factions clash like blades dance.

Maybe sometimes, I and Lu Minghua, the two leaders of the Chinese police, give up an order, and there are some guys below who need to give up a rare opportunity for promotion, or pay some heavy price.

From the establishment of ICAC in 1974 to the present, the Chinese police officers followed themselves and Lu Minghua successively, fought with the ghosts, with the British department, and even with the local department led by Li Shutang in recent years. They have been fighting for almost 9 years.


Everyone has long been tired of this kind of intrigue.

Opening the cigarette case, Ding Yunfeng found that it was empty, just as he opened the drawer to unpack an extra pack.

Huang Dawen, who was sitting next to him, pressed his hand: "Brother Feng, smoke less."

"Oh, Shi Shi and the others said the same thing." Ding Yunfeng threw the cigarettes back into the drawer, rubbed his cheeks vigorously with both hands: "I won't smoke anymore. Lao Huang, come make tea, and I'll clear my mind."

"Okay, it just so happened that the president of the Great Wall News Agency came here last time and brought six cans of Dahongpao!"

As Ding Yunfeng expected, after Cai Yuanqi left, the ghost Matthew was temporarily acting as the chief of police.

When the appointment was announced, there was an uproar in the police force.

Since the establishment of ICAC, the police chief at that time was investigated, and Gui Lao announced at a high-level meeting that the position of No. [-] brother will be filled by Chinese police officers in the future.

Now that Cai Yuanqi was transferred away, another ghost was chosen to come up.

Regardless of which faction, almost all Chinese police officers feel very uncomfortable.

"If that's the case, it's better to let Cai Sir continue to work."

"Damn it, which side of your ass do you sit on! In the past few years, if Cai Yuanqi hadn't deliberately suppressed him, the members of our faction, on average, would definitely be able to advance one level more."

"But the problem is, if you change to a ghost now, I'm afraid it's not that you will be promoted less, but you will be demoted."

"Made, Brother Hua is on top to help the brethren, I'm afraid of a bird! Are you a ghost now, or a ghost in the detective era?"


There was a lot of discussion, and the guys were very worried about their future.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Wu Jue and Li Shutang of the Chinese police to summon their cronies one after another to appease people's hearts.

Matthew is only an agent, and his agency period is only 2 years at most.

Within 2 years, the best Chinese police officers will be selected and promoted to take over as the Chief of Police.

Cao Dahua, Huang Yaobing, Wu Xin, Chen Jianxin and Lin Leimeng, plus a Chen Shiqi who became the principal of Wong Chuk Hang.
The six people came to Repulse Bay to visit Ding Yunfeng together.

"Brother Feng, Gui Lao's move is so poisonous that he wants Li Shutang and Brother Hua to fight to the death." Huang Yaobing pushed up his glasses and said angrily.

Chen Jianxin sighed: "As soon as Cai Yuanqi left, Li Wenbin was promoted to the senior police superintendent and served as the deputy director of CIB. Li Shutang was also transferred from Brother Hua to another deputy director in parallel to serve as the director of personnel and training.

In the past, the top three stood at the same time, but now the two are tied together, and they have to meet each other on a narrow road, and fight hand-to-hand. "

Feeling discouraged by saying these words in front of Ding Yunfeng, Hu Xin kicked Chen Jianxin secretly: "Hey, you haven't started the fight yet, old Chen, are you in this mental state?
Can you do it? If you can't, make a report and apply for early retirement. There are still a lot of guys waiting to come out! "

"I can't? I was not afraid of anyone in Happy Valley before, let alone transferred to Tsim Sha Tsui now!" Chen Jianxin was furious when she heard the words, pointing at her nose and shouting.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Ding Yunfeng tapped on the armrest of the sofa: "That's enough. The key now is to find out whether Cai Yuanqi's strength left in the police force has been taken over by Li Shutang, and not for a few words of quarrel, and his own people are arguing non-stop!"

Brother Feng became angry, and the two who hadn't been scolded for a few years immediately didn't dare to speak.

Huang Yaobing gave the two of them a blank look, and resolutely brought the topic back on track: "Brother Feng, everyone came here today to find you, just to ask, if someone under Cai Yuanqi has an idea to come over, can he accept it?"

"You have to ask Lu Minghua about that." Ding Yunfeng frowned slightly, looking at Huang Yaobing and said.

"Lu Sir was arranged by the ghost to go to London for a training camp. Since two hours ago, we have not been able to contact him." Lin Leimeng explained with a serious expression.

Get rid of Lu Minghua?
This is to deliberately create opportunities for Li Shutang so that he can take over Cai Yuanqi's subordinates!
Do not!
Not only that, Lu Minghua lost contact, Lao Huang and his gang will definitely come to find me.

If I made up my mind, Lu Minghua would know about it afterwards and might have some opinions, but if I didn’t make up my mind, Lao Huang and the others would not dare to compete with Li Shutang. When Lu Minghua found out after the fact, the strength of the Li family should at least be doubled...

Ding Yunfeng rubbed his chin, and in the blink of an eye, [-]% to [-]% of Guilao's plan was pushed out.

"This matter..." Ding Yunfeng looked up at Uncle Hua.

Uncle Hua spread his hands: "Brother Feng, I know you are in a difficult situation.

As long as you nod your head, let them do the rest in my name.

Big deal, if Lu Sir finds out about it afterwards, I will retire early and give him an explanation. "

"Nonsense! When will I, Ding Yunfeng, need my old subordinates to come out and take the blame?" Ding Yunfeng's face darkened, and he glanced at them coldly: "It's reliable, you can accept it appropriately.

As for Lu Minghua, when he comes back from London, I will explain to him personally.

That's it, time is running out, you guys go back to work. "

"Yes sir!" After hearing this, several people were certain in their hearts, and they all stood up and saluted.

After several people left, Ding Yunfeng looked at Chen Shiqi and asked: "Old Chen, you are not teaching and educating people in Huangzhukeng, so why don't you come to join in the fun, let alone, you are very quiet and want to move, and want to be transferred back to the front-line department again."

"Brother Feng, don't be joking. Now that I've done a good job in Huangzhukeng, why should I come to the quagmire of the first-line department of the police force?" Chen Shiqi shook his head repeatedly, and took out a white paper with many people's names written on it from his arms: "I came here today, mainly in the school, and found this list.

Some people in there, I think, need to let you know. "

"Oh, let me take a look." Ding Yunfeng took the list curiously, and found that there were many acquaintances on it, such as Chen Yongren, Luo Ji, etc., all of whom were 'appreciated' from the police academy and were pulled to be undercover students.

"Well, even the unit of my hometown on Hong Kong Island has sent people, these guys, haha." Ding Yunfeng folded the list, and smiled at Chen Shiqi: "Old Chen, you haven't seen me today, have you? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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