"Fack!" Anthony turned angrily, and made an internationally impolite gesture at Wuffby: "Howard, let me tell you, you and your son-in-law have successfully angered us Italians this time!
buy bullets?
I'll call King Bai now and ask him to give your son-in-law a bullet for free! "

"Very good, Anthony, your courage has made me admire the Italians. OK, no problem, you can call your godson now. Please, don't worry about my presence, I'll just watch here." Worf took out his pipe from his suit pocket as he spoke, struck a match to light it, and then exhaled a puff of second-hand smoke at Anthony.

After coughing and coughing, Anthony's neck was red with anger. While cursing Duke Howard, he asked the butler to open the window, sat down angrily, and pulled the phone on the table over.

After dialing the number, Anthony quickly got in touch with King Bai who was far away on Hong Kong Island.

Cheung Chau, Guanyin Bay.

In a warehouse built near the pier, King Bai was admiring the terracotta warriors packed into wooden crates.

Qiu Sir changed his formal attire of suit + windbreaker into a sweater and trousers, and stood beside him with a very low-key look.

"Look, what a great work of art. It's a pity that there is a fly in the ointment, the Qinhuang sword is missing..." Bai King stroked the Persian cat fur in his right hand, and his tone was very serious, which made the surrounding ghosts lower their heads.

Qiu Sir opened a pack of red coins, knocked out one, stuffed it into his mouth, and lit it: "The sword was snatched from your hands, and it has nothing to do with me. When will you settle the 1000 million dollars you promised me?"

"Huh?" Bai King turned around with a frown, looked at Qiu Sir and said angrily: "From the beginning to the end of this matter, you just made a few phone calls, and then you want to take 1000 million from me?"

"Just made a few phone calls?" Qiu Sir smiled coldly, and looked at Bai King without fear: "Do you know how much risk I took to make these few calls?

When you asked me to cooperate in advance, this price was also agreed by you.

Afterwards, I will help you obtain the Emperor Qin's Sword and Terracotta Warriors smoothly!But you are useless yourself, you were cut off halfway, and now you want to find an excuse to renege on your debt.

Hehe, do you think that with this bunch of stinky sweet potatoes and rotten eggs, you can eat me? "

While speaking, King Bai brought the white hands from Italy to Hong Kong Island, as well as the bad guys from Hong Kong Island that he spent money to buy during this time, they all copied the guys and surrounded them.

Seeing that Qiu Sir didn't pay attention to his own people at all, Bai King, who knew the opponent's skills through the Continental Hotel, suddenly smiled, raised his hand and waved back a group of people: "Mr. Qiu, don't get angry, it's just a joke."

"I came to see you today to collect money, not to come and joke."

"OK, OK! Mary, bring me the suitcase from my office." King Bai raised his chin to the female secretary, who stepped on her high heels and went upstairs in response, and quickly brought a black lockbox.

King Bai stepped forward to open it, revealing the neatly arranged US dollars inside: "There are 200 million US dollars here, and I didn't bring the remaining 800 million US dollars with me. When we return to Italy together, I will make up for you..."

"That's enough! Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? Go back to Yidali with you, I guess I'll lose my money and my life too." With a shake of his shoulders, Qiu Sir rushed forward to capture King Bai, and put a weapon similar to a bulldog on the opponent's neck: "Where's my money!
Hand it over immediately, if you don't receive 1000 million dollars today, I'll cut off your head and install it on a terracotta warrior! "

There was a bloodstain on his neck, Bai King smiled instead of anger: "Haha, Mr. Qiu, you are so eager to ask me for money, is it because you can't stay on Hong Kong Island and you are in a hurry to run away?"

"Shut up! The moment you get the Qin Ling cultural relics, the cooperation between us is over!" Hearing this sentence, Qiu Sir was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He asked angrily, "I want to ask you again, where is my money?"

"Idiot, I came to Hong Kong Island to commit a crime, and it's outrageous to carry millions of dollars with me. If I say 1000 million dollars, you will believe it?" Sensing that the blade was tightening slightly, Bai King stopped his joking tone and said in a deep voice: "I really didn't lie to you, as long as you help me find that Qinhuang sword.

When we go back to Italy, let alone 1000 million US dollars, even 2000 million US dollars, I can take it out at any time! "

"I've been lied to once by you, now, why do you make me believe you?" Qiu Sir held his weapon tightly, looking vigilantly at the white-handed members who pointed their guns at him.

Just as King Bai was about to speak, the satellite phone in the inner pocket of his suit suddenly rang.

Looking at the satellite phone, King Bai said slowly, "Godfather Anthony is looking for me.

Since you don't believe my promise, then I ask him to give you a promise himself, you can always believe it, right? "

Mafia godfather Anthony?

Qiu Sir hesitated for a moment, and pushed King Bai away: "You answer the phone, don't play tricks!
You know very well that with my strength, killing you before the gun fires is easier than killing a Kun. "

Bai King wiped the blood on his neck, licked his fingers with his tongue, sneered, took out the phone and pressed the answer button.

When he heard that the great godfather Anthony had added a new task for himself to deliver bullets to Ding Yunfeng, he couldn't help feeling grateful in his heart that he had just stabilized Qiu Sir.

"Godfather! Before I came to Hong Kong Island, I remember that the task you arranged for me was to try to get this batch of cultural relics from the Qin Mausoleum and let the people in the East know how powerful our Italians are..."

"my child……

This Chinese man named Ding Yunfeng, he laughed at me!

Moreover, he still came over to laugh at me through Howard..." Anthony's angry voice came from the phone, and there were a few hehehe laughter during the period.

Bai King understood that this matter, it seems, cannot be postponed.

"OK, no problem, Godfather, I will settle this matter." He readily agreed, and King Bai took the opportunity to introduce Qiu Sir to Anthony verbally over the phone.

Anthony understood the deep meaning of Bai King's words in seconds. He wanted to use his name to recruit this thug named Qiu.

"Son, give our friend the phone and let me talk to him." Anthony glanced at Howard, got up with the phone and walked to the huge French window.

Wolf shook his head with a smile, picked up his teacup and took a sip: "Earl Gray tea? That's it."

On the other side of the phone, Qiu Sir, who received a lot of benefits from Anthony's promise, finally failed to overcome his inner greed, and agreed not to run away for the time being, but to stay with King Bai and help him with things.

"Godfather means that in addition to the cultural relics of the Qin Mausoleum, he will also send a bullet to the Ding Yunfeng you mentioned earlier..." King Bai hadn't finished speaking.

Qiu Sir, who was standing opposite him, turned his head decisively and left: "What international joke!
Just a few of us, want to send bullets to Ding Yunfeng?
Can't do it, can't do it, I can't do this! "

"Hi! You promised Godfather to help us on the phone just now, and now you regret it. Aren't you afraid of being included in the must-kill list by the Italian mafia?" King Bai yelled at Qiu Sir.

Qiu Sir stopped in response, and walked back with a dark face: "It's not that I want to break my promise, but your godfather doesn't know the situation on Hong Kong Island at all. With Ding Yunfeng's strength, our group of people looking for trouble with him is no different from courting death."

"It's just bullets, Godfather didn't make it clear that he wants us to shoot bullets into Ding Yunfeng's body.

We can make a quick call, find an envelope to pack the pellets, and deliver them to his door. "Bai King stepped forward and put Qiu Sir's shoulders, and persuaded him to come back.

Qiu Sir boarded the pirate ship, and he could neither advance nor retreat.

He comforted himself that if he followed Bai King's approach, it's not impossible to do this.

The only trouble is that Matthew became suspicious of him after he took office.

Last night, the Police Department suddenly issued an order to dismiss him from his position as a security adviser to the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and asked him to go to the Internal Investigation Section to cooperate with the investigation tomorrow.

The wind is so tight, if it drags on for a few more days, I'm afraid the arrest warrant for him may be issued.


After Anthony finished calling, Wolf picked up the receiver, and contacted his hairy-legged son-in-law in front of the other party.

"Hello, Ding, I'm sorry, Anthony's fat pig won't give me face!

He also asked me to tell you, be careful when you go out recently, they are not easy to mess with. Worf feared that the world would not be chaotic, so he poured dirty water on Anthony with his mouth.

Anthony snorted, and didn't bother to refute, because he had already informed King Bai to do something, and what Duke Howard said - he was really right.

Ding Yunfeng had already made two-handed preparations, and he was not surprised when he heard the news. After chatting with his father-in-law for a few words, he simply hung up the phone.

"Zhan Mi, tell the Li family siblings to let them and the Fuxing Detective Agency do their best to search for the whereabouts of the terracotta warriors."

"Okay Brother Feng." Zhan Mi nodded in response, and then added another question: "After you find it?

Through the police force, or in our own way, to snatch these things back? "

Ding Yunfeng clicked his tongue: "Since President Zhou promised MacLehose not to report this matter, it means that the case of the theft of the terracotta warriors and horses belongs to the authorities in his hometown and will not admit it.

In this situation, how can the Hong Kong Island Police Force do things?
When you get the wind, you will arrange people to cooperate with Li Yuanba to get the things back for me.

Let Dasha send them to his hometown to shoot targets, and fill them with cement and throw them into the sea. Do you understand? "



In the early morning of the next day, there was no good news from the Li family and the Fuxing Detective Agency.

Wang Jianjun, on the other hand, had a dark face, holding a 7.62mm bullet between two fingers, and shouted at dozens of security personnel headed by Wang Jianguo: "Shame!

They sent the bullets to the door of Ding's house, and you actually told me that you don't know how the other party delivered the letter? "

"Brother, last night was the night I personally led the guard.

Everyone strictly follows the patrol route you set, and no one dares to slack off in spirit and thought.

As for this envelope, why did it appear at the gate of the villa before dawn.

We really don't know..." Wang Jianguo mustered up his courage to explain a few words.

Without saying a word, Wang Jianjun raised his leg and kicked him three or two meters: "Do you know what you are talking about?

Even those who come out to hang around know that they have to admit their mistakes and stand at attention when they are beaten.

Not only have you not reflected on it now, but in terms of the current security model of the villa, where may there be loopholes, and you actually quibble and shirk responsibility? "

"Ah Jun, stop!" Zhan Mi came out in time and called to stop Wang Jianjun who was in a panic: "Brother Feng told you to go in."

"I'll take care of you when I come back..." Wang Jianjun glared at his younger brother, and followed Zhan Mi back to the villa.

Seeing him approaching, Ding Yunfeng put down the newspaper and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down, don't get excited, there are so many people outside who want me to die, Ah Guo and the others are actually doing their duty.

After so many years, this incident happened today, which is already very rare. "

"This group of boys must be deserting, otherwise, there is no reason why they couldn't even find the other party's shadow." Wang Jianjun picked up the teacup and drank it, still very aggrieved.

Ding Yunfeng knew that in terms of security capabilities, Xu Zhengyang was at T0, and the Wang brothers combined could at most rank at T1. In terms of a single person, they were not even as good as Li Jie alone.

Therefore, for Wang Jianjun, who always wanted to prove that he was no worse than Xu Zhengyang, having the bullets delivered to the door without a sound last night was nothing short of embarrassment being trampled on the ground.

"Where are the things, show me." Ding Yunfeng brewed tea with one hand, and reached out to Wang Jianjun with the other.

Wang Jianjun put down the bullet, and took out a torn white leather envelope from his body.

Ding Yunfeng shook his palms and found that this was a very common 47mm bullet used in the AK7.62.

Throwing it into the trash can, Ding Yunfeng turned his attention to the envelope: "It smells like perfume, um, it's a high-end perfume, if I'm not mistaken, it should be Chanel's brand.

Zhan Mi, you Call the dog Wang Lun and bring your family over to take a sniff. Before the smell dissipates, you may be pleasantly surprised. "

"Okay, I'll call the dog Wang Lun immediately." Zhan Mi stubbed out his cigarette, took out his big brother and pressed it.

Wang Jianjun took out his pistol and loaded it with a click: "Ma De, is Tai Sui breaking ground?

This time I won't kill him to make a show of my prestige. In the future, any cat or dog will dare to come to Repulse Bay to pee and shit. "

When he heard that bullets had been thrown at Brother Feng's house, the dog Wang Lun didn't even go to the police station, but slammed the steering wheel halfway to turn around.

The door of the car opened, and Alan got off with him, and there was a German black back called Darling.

"Ah Lun, this is left by the other party." Wang Jianjun handed over the envelope.

Dog Wang Lun took the envelope and placed it under Darling's nose,
The professionally trained police dog barked twice, turned around and rushed out of the villa.

Wang Jianjun chased after him quickly, and jumped into the car window that Wang Jianguo rolled down in advance: "Quick, keep up, keep up!"


The scene cuts to the pier. Qiu Sir is looking at the captain's cabin, looking down at his watch from time to time. Last night he squatted near the Ding's villa all night. Finally, at dawn, taking advantage of the two or three seconds of a security guard dozing off, he rushed to the door of the Ding's house with superb skills, leaving behind the envelope containing the bullets.

Afterwards, although he managed to escape, the tight security of Ding's family, which was comparable to that of the governor's mansion, still made him feel scared for a while.

"Made, if I hadn't been caught by King Bai, I would have been foolish enough to provoke Ding Yunfeng..." There were still 3 minutes before the ferry would weigh anchor, Qiu Sir pulled up his windbreaker and covered his cheeks with his collar.

Wang Wang Wang...

A bark came from the shore.

There are people coming and going at the ferry terminal, and people often bring pet cats and dogs. Qiu Sir didn't take it seriously at first.

But when he saw by accident, the brothers of the Wang family followed a big wolf dog into the ferry aggressively, his complexion changed instantly.

It can be found from such a distance, so why is this Xiaotian dog descending to earth? ? ?
Quickly got up, pushed the passengers away and walked towards the stern, Qiu Sir was very anxious.

He was able to beat the Wang family brothers, but once he did it, his whereabouts would be exposed when he had to go to the internal investigation department of the police force to cooperate with the investigation.

Once the Hong Kong Island's black and white hunt is triggered, he has no confidence to escape.

The brothers of the Wang family were scouts, their eyes were very sharp, and when they saw the direction Darling was heading, suddenly a suspicious figure stood up, and the two rushed up immediately.

Sensing someone approaching from behind, Qiu Sir didn't hesitate anymore, he smashed the glass window of the cabin with his palm, and jumped into the sea.

"Don't run!" Wang Jianjun chased him out, but he was slapped on the neck just as he jumped into the sea.


Countless air bubbles spewed out of his breathless mouth and nose, just when Wang Jianjun was about to suffer a murderous hand, the amulet hanging around his neck was automatically activated by the guardian, and turned into a light shield, shaking the weapon that Qiu Sir swung.

Clutching his shattered wrist, Qiu Sir walked away in panic.


Half a day later, Wang Jianjun woke up from a coma and found himself lying in the ward of Ding's Hospital, and his roommate was Qi Jingsheng, whom he had sent earlier.

"Brother Jun, you're awake, I'll call the doctor."

Qi Jingsheng got out of bed and walked out of the room. Doctors and nurses came over quickly, and then Zhan Mi and Wang Jianguo came in.

Knowing that Wang Jianjun was in good health, Zhan Mi sent the doctors and nurses away, closed the door and said to Wang Jianjun, "Fortunately, you are wearing the amulet given by the four-eyed priest. An hour ago, the four-eyed priest suddenly came up to tell you that you were in trouble, and everyone was terrified. By the way, did you see who that person was? He left by water, the smell disappeared, and Darling was nowhere to be found."

"It's Qiu Jinshen, I won't admit to his strange weapon of the pull back." Wang Jianjun took off the amulet bag hanging around his neck, and the amulet inside had been turned into ashes.

Wang Jianguo's eyes were both worried and envious. This is the benefit of being covered.

The few Maoshan Patriarchs below casually leaked points between their fingers, and they might be able to save lives at a critical moment.

"Sir Qiu?

Then you won't be wronged. Brother Feng told me that he, like the black panther gang, has a level of force that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

You have a good rest, I will go to Tsuen Wan first, and invite Senior Robin and the others to live in Repulse Bay for a while. Zhan Mi straightened his face, and ordered Wang Jianguo and others to take good care of Wang Jianjun, and walked out of the hospital while talking on the phone.

After Zhan Mi left, Wang Jianguo, who knew his brother's character well, was worried that he would be worried about this loss: "Brother, Qiu Jinshen and his gang are so high-ranking, I'm afraid even the instructors can't beat them, don't mind..."

"Fuck, I need you to enlighten me?

This time it was in the water, and he plotted against me!

Next time I'll ask the patriarch first, it's not sure who hits who. "

5K, return the 1K that was lost last night

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