Shibi Prison, eight o'clock in the morning.

Liangkun, who had been in prison for several years, came out from the big iron door that creaked open.

Looking up at the different sky outside the prison, Ah Kun shook his musty orange striped suit, showing a disgusted expression.

He tore open the sticky plastic bag where his personal belongings were stored, and took out a piece of big gold labor that hadn't moved for a long time, and put it on his wrist with a strange movement.

Then, he took out the leather bag again, stuffed it in the back pocket of his butt, and finally threw the expired cigarettes and degasser in the bag into the trash can next to him.

Across the road, Zhan Mi, Coolie Qiang, Chen Yaoqing, Prince Edward and others watched silently.

After Liang Kun finished all this, everyone smiled and walked towards him together.

"Hey, hello, come to Hanako." Liang Kun raised his right hand to Zhan Mi, and made a V-shaped gesture with his index finger and middle finger.

Zhan Mi directly patted him a new pack: "Don't open it, wait until you go back and step over the brazier, wash the grapefruit water, and then order."

"Damn it, I haven't seen you in a few years, Brother Zhanmi, why have you become such a slut?" Liang Kun looked at Zhanmi in shock.

The coolie tugged at the jacket that didn't fit well: "Hey, don't believe it!
When Chen Chao and Wang Bao were released from prison on the same day, the former put on a show at the gate of the prison, laid out the red carpet, lit cigars, and bombed the streets with luxury cars.
And the latter came out wearing black clothes, took a minibus, and became today's leader of the Greedy Wolf Gang!
Later, the big shots in the rivers and lakes, whoever had an idea to go in, one or two on the day they came out, they all did things in a low-key manner.

Didn't you realize that we all came here by bus to pick you up today? "

Stopping Liang Kun who bowed to him with fists in his hands and thanked him.

The coolie patted the clothes on his body: "Look! In order to cooperate with you to get rid of bad luck and win a good fortune.

I purposely found Sir Jane and borrowed the beige jacket he got out of prison with Wang Bao back then! "

When Liang Kun heard this, he finally realized that something was wrong, no wonder there was no Hong Xing pony present.

It turned out that the four people in front of him came to greet him alone.

Moreover, their outfits are exactly the same as when the five lucky stars came out of Stanley.

Seeing Chen Yaoqing taking out a set of black tights, Liang Kun shook her head again and again: "This one won't work, this one definitely won't work!

After wearing this set of things, how can I come out to mess around in the future? "

Chen Yaoqing held a piece of Huazi in his mouth, and he raised his tights and wanted to put it on Liang Kun's head: "Brother Kun, this set of ancient cultural relics is the treasure of the Tanlang gang!
If Brother Feng hadn't called in person, Partridge wouldn't have borrowed it!

Come, come, now, while no one is passing by, change quickly, get some good luck, great auspicious event, come out of the arena again. "

Liangkun would not wear this thing, he struggled desperately, and his attitude was very firm, he must live up to the good intentions of his brothers to win the lottery for him.

"Boss, I have been in prison for several years, and now I look at a sow that is more beautiful than Diao Chan.

You guys really think of me as a brother, hurry up and take me to a dragon, it's better than doing these kind of ghost prizes. "Struggling up and down, Liang Kun showed a look that you understand to several people.


Wash the big head, cut the hair, shave the beard, eat hot pot, take a sauna, and wash the small head.

Three hours passed, and Liang Kun walked out of the room refreshed.

He gave the fat snake Ji a thumbs up: "Brother Ji, it's no wonder your business is so good, and the young girls under him are of good quality."

"Hey. Brother Kun, you are just thirsty for a long time.

Waiting for two more days, please come here for nothing, you are too lazy to come here. Fat Sheji touched his chin with his fingers, and showed a very greasy smile to Liang Kun.

Liang Kun patted Brother Ji on the shoulder, smiled and cursed at him, and opened the office door behind him while removing Hua Zi.

When several people in the room saw the two coming in, they all put down the newspapers or magazines in their hands.

Zhan Mi used a tea clip to hold a cup of Gongfu tea in front of Liang Kun: "Come on, have a cup of tea first, and then, let's talk about business."

Liang Kun picked up the teacup and took a sip, then looked at the prince with a smile: "Don't be so nervous...

I want to snatch your seat. I was inside before, so I asked someone to speak to Brother Feng.

Here, Jimmy is here, if you don't believe me, ask him, have I ever thought of this? "

"Akun didn't lie. From the time he went in to the time he came out, he didn't express his intention to continue to be the leader of Hong Xing." Zhan Mi answered in time,
But before the prince could heave a sigh of relief, he continued: "However...Brother Feng is very dissatisfied with what you have done in the past few years.

So, even if Ah Kun doesn't come out to fight, you, the leader of Hong Xing, can be regarded as the end.

The next time the Hongxing Club has a meeting, find an excuse and step back. "

As soon as this remark came out, not only the prince's face was ugly, but Fat Snake Ji and Sha Qiang who had just arrived were also shocked.

"I...I, in the past few years, failed to suppress the development of Dongxing, and disappointed Brother Feng." The prince clenched his fists, looked at Zhan Mi and asked: "Next time the club is due, I will announce my abdication. But who will be the leader?"

"It's me." A sonorous voice came in from the door.

Everyone looked around, and found that the person who came was Han Bin, a Binny tiger who had been away from Hong Xing for many years and had been managing blood teeth in Nanyang!
"Haha, Han Bin, long time no see." Liang Kun stepped forward to give Han Bin a bear hug, patted the other's strong back hard, and asked in a low voice: "Take you back to Hong Kong Island to be the leader of Hong Xing, Is it a little overkill?"

"Brother Feng arranged, I'll just follow orders." Han Bin patted Liangkun on the back as well: "I wanted to pick you up at Shibi, but before I left, Xueya had something to do, so I couldn't catch the plane."

"Hey, it's not something glorious, it's okay to meet here at Brother Ji." Liang Kun smiled indifferently, turned and sat back in the chair: "I think it's okay for Han Bin to be the leader.

By the way, Zhan Mi, did Brother Feng tell you how to arrange for me? "

"Hong Kong Island's film industry is currently in a state of great heat.

If you want, Brother Feng wants you to integrate Dahua Movie Line, Tseung Kwan O Studio, and those film companies..." While talking, Zhan Mi took out a stack of materials from the file bag and handed it to Liang Kun.

Liang Kun reached out to take it, and quickly turned it over a few times.

Looking at the numbers on the report that exude the fragrance of banknote ink, Liang Kun nodded again and again: "I have always followed Brother Feng's pace. I have no objection to his arrangement, that's all."

The front faucet is arranged, and the rear faucet is connected.

The crown prince, the outgoing leader, suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

Seeing that Zhan Mi was focused on talking to Han Bin and Liang Kun, the prince opened his mouth several times, but at the end of the meeting, he still didn't speak out the question that was on his lips.

At the same time, Dongxing Tuodi.

Situ Haonan looked at Wu Zhiwei and the others and said, "In the morning, Liang Kun was picked up by Zhan Mi and the others in Shibi Prison.

It is said that the prince was also present at that time.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the old and new leaders of Hong Xing have not clashed yet.

Awei, find a time in these two days to visit Liangkun on behalf of Dongxing, check his tone, and observe whether he has any ideas to regain the throne of the leader. "

"Okay, I'll ask Liangkun out for dinner tomorrow." Wu Zhiwei nodded in response, but in his heart, he didn't take Situ Haonan's idea very seriously.

Within the Ding Department, no matter if he is black or white, whether a person is qualified to be in the top position depends on Ding Yunfeng's opinion of him!
Whether Liangkun wants to fight or not depends on whether Mr. Ding supports him to go up, not whether the former has the ambition to push the prince down.

After arranging orders for the smiling tiger, Situ Haonan turned his attention to the crow: "What happened to the last two shipments?

Why was he stopped by comrades from his hometown when he passed by Genhai? "

"Brother Nan, I don't know!
Shipping, escorting, and picking up the ship are not mine.

Now something happened, you come to ask me, how would I know? "Crow put away his foolish expression, looked at Situ Haonan and replied.

Situ Haonan observed the faces and eyes of several people present, and found that it was impossible to judge who was the insider.

"Since you say that you don't know, then let me believe your statement.

Don't blame me for not reminding...

As far as our Dongxing fans are concerned, our hometown will not consider accepting us.

If you want to live a life of luxury and wealth, you should not be half-hearted, but be honest and help the association to support this business..."

Before Situ Haonan finished speaking, the crow couldn't help but slapped the table: "Brother Nan, I'm very unhappy to hear what you said.

He is qualified to know the shipping line, as well as Lei Yaoyang and Sand Grasshopper!
Maybe, the ghosts are the two of them. If you want to get mad, why do you keep attacking me? "

"I'm just talking about the facts, I'm not targeting anyone, Crow, don't just slap the table.

The goods were intercepted by the hometown twice in a row, and now it has caused the society to lose hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

As the leader, I must find out a result, otherwise, how can I explain to the people below? "Situ Haonan spoke slowly, in stark contrast to the crow who slapped the table at every turn.

Wu Zhiwei knew that the crows were quarreling, and it was impossible to win Situ Haonan, so he stepped forward decisively to smooth things over.

Crow cursed and was pushed out of the conference hall by Wu Zhiwei.

Situ Haonan's complexion was not very good either. He forced the camels to go to the Netherlands. In the past few years, he has been working hard on running the club.

But in the crow's thorny heart, he always wanted to replace him.

As for Sand Grasshopper and Lei Yaoyang, these two have long since changed careers to do projects behind Wang's family and Huihuang.

People have long ignored the white powder thing, so how could they run to inform the other party to intercept Dongxing's goods?Doesn't this approach force him to clean up the door?

Crow didn't know that his disdain to defend himself aroused Situ Haonan's suspicion.

He walked out of Dongxing Tuo angrily, drove a convertible BMW car, and drove away with his gang of young horses.

A month later.

Hong Xing held a club meeting, and the prince made a simple speech, announcing that he would step down as the leader from now on in order to run the boxing gym.

Uncle Xing and the others had received the news a long time ago, and everyone kept a few words in their mouths, and then each voted for Han Bin, who hadn't attended the meeting for a long time.

With an overwhelming majority of votes, Han Bin became Hong Xing's leader.

Changing the faucet, according to the practice on the road, it must be a big feast.

Smiling Tiger Wu Zhiwei asked Liang Kun to come out to meet him during this period, but A Kun kept rejecting him. When he received the news that Binny Tiger was in charge, he came uninvited and went directly to have the backbone to inquire about the news.

Someone from Dongxing came, and someone soon reported to Han Bin, the leader.

Picking up a glass of wine with a stern face, Han Bin led the South China Tiger and Brother Ji, and walked directly in front of Wu Zhiwei.

"Your Dongxing's business has grown bigger and bigger in the past two years. The surrounding areas have already had opinions on you." Looking at Wu Zhiwei with a sneer, Han Bin said slowly: "Today is a guest, Brother Zhiwei, I advise you All of you, don't take the powder to the other side again!

Otherwise, it's not arresting the ship and sealing the cargo. "

Wu Zhiwei was sweating profusely, picked up his wine glass, and forced a smile: "Bingo, what do you care, why is it wider than the Hong Kong Island Police Force?
As the saying goes, blocking people's money is like killing their parents.

There are tens of thousands of mouths in Dongxing, at least half of them make a living by walking fans.

If you don't give life to the people below, those who are small don't know what is serious!
In case, they do something to hurt the feelings of both you and me.

At that time, it will be very difficult for you and me who are big brothers. "

"Embarrassing? That's fine, just treat me as embarrassing you Dongxing.

You tell Situ Haonan that what I said is what I said, he is not convinced, he can fight as much as he wants! "It's not too much for Han Bin to say that killing people like hemp in Nanyang, how can he get used to the feeling of smiling like a tiger.

Facing Han Bin, who was far more imposing than the prince, Wu Zhiwei swallowed the drink in his glass with difficulty, and then made an excuse to leave the celebration banquet for Han Bin's ascension halfway.

Not long after, Situ Haonan heard from Wu Zhiwei that Han Bin was threatening the entire Dongxing.

Immediately smashing the ornaments in front of him, Qin Longhu ordered decisively, from now on, Dongxing doesn't have to hold back against Hong Xing's people.

When this order came out, the entire Hong Kong Island Jianghu was shocked.

How did you do it?

Dongxing is going to declare war on Hongxing! ! !
At this time, Han Bin, who hastily finished the banquet, had arrived at Repulse Bay where Ding Yunfeng was.

He gave Ding Yunfeng a brief report on how he released the news through Wu Zhiwei, how he ordered the dinosaur to secretly bring people back, and how to take measures to deal with emergencies.

After listening to what Han Bin said, Ding Yunfeng nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, before you came, I just received a call from my hometown.

Those Dongxing boys who were caught with the boat have already confessed that in the past two years, at least [-]% of the fans in the coastal provinces came from Dongxing. "

"Brother Feng, I'm ready. As long as Dongxing dares to show up, I will shoot them to death." Han Bin was expressionless, and he didn't pay attention to Dongxing Wuhu at all while speaking.

It turns out!

Situ Hao didn't dare to take revenge on Hong Xing even after he said that.

The only move was Crow leading people to destroy Hong Xing's territory in Temple Street.

On the contrary, since Han Bin came to power, no matter whether Dongxing was in his own territory or in the territory around Hongxing, once he lost his followers and was caught by Hongxing's people, it would be a fat beating.

For two consecutive months, plus the sea road was stuck in my hometown.

The goods in Dongxing's hands are getting less and less as they are sold, and will soon face a situation of no goods to sell.

"That's unreasonable! Is Han Bin forcing me to kill you?" Situ Haonan looked at the horrific account book, and was so angry that he wanted to lift the table like a crow.

Wu Zhiwei, who was sitting next to him, winked at the crow that was about to move, and persuaded in a low voice: "Brother Nan, why don't we learn from Lian Sheng or Hong Xing to transform..."

"Transformation? How and where?

In addition to walking fans, will you do other industries?
There are tens of thousands of mouths in the club, and they suddenly change. Believe it or not, you announce on the front foot, and the back foot is let go by the horse boy! ! ! "

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