Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 847 The story of 2442 changes

Brother Feng personally called to warn the police, Chen Congming did not dare to neglect, he resolutely rejected the two days, 1, 2, 3... 7, 8, 9 appointments with beauties, hurried home, and informed his old bean of the situation ——Singapore gambling king Chen Jincheng.

"Mr. Ding personally made this call, regardless of whether the Tsukamoto family has done anything to our place, you have to accept their favor.

These days, don't go out, just stay on the Dragonfly and sit in charge.

If the Tsukamoto family really sent someone over, someone from the Chen family would have to come out to deal with it. "Chen Jincheng took a puff of his cigar, and continued to instruct his son: "Didn't Mr. Ding say on the phone that he would send Huang Shihu, the thousand king of Haojiang, to help out?"
Remember, entertaining people well is a rare network.

In the gambling world, there are not only thousands of cheats, but also people's sophistication. "

Seeing that Laodou was talking, he kept preaching to himself.

Chen Congming lifted his suit jacket impatiently, and walked quickly to the stairs: "I know, I know!

In terms of making friends, who can be better than me in my family? "

"Stinky boy..." Chen Jincheng laughed and cursed, grabbed the phone on the table, and dialed several numbers in succession.


The big and small casinos attached to the Chen family in Singapore have received orders from the behind-the-scenes boss one after another.

or an excuse to decorate;
or make an excuse that the rumors are tight;
These venues that rely on Chen's family to open meals have all announced that they will temporarily suspend business in the last three or four days, and they will come back to patronize after everyone has passed.

The Chen family must have suffered heavy losses by closing down the gambling stalls on land.

However, masters from various fields can also be drawn out, and a few gambling boats can be brought in to overwhelm the formation. Although the gamblers are old, they are not small in courage, and they can make choices in an instant.


While the Chen family was actively preparing for the war, on Hong Kong Island, in the industrial building, 24th floor, room 42, a graceful middle-aged woman pulled a pair of delicate-looking twin daughters who were about fifteen or sixteen years old, and the bell rang. The doorbell on the wall.

beep beep...

The electric bell rang a few times, and the door was opened from the inside.

A few days ago, Teacher Gao, who had just resigned from the New Western training institution, saw the three of them and invited them in very enthusiastically.

Mrs. He looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and found that although the place the other party rented was dilapidated, the furnishings in the house were neatly arranged. It was obvious that the owner of the house was not sloppy, and even had a little cleanliness.

Before, when she learned that Teacher Gao lived here, she was still worried about whether the environment would be too harsh.

Now it seems that the situation is okay, at least within her acceptable range.

"Hey, Teacher Gao, where's your wife?

I heard from Boss Yu that your wife gave birth a few days ago..." Without hearing the baby crying, Mrs. He looked towards the bedroom.

Upon hearing this, Teacher Gao withdrew her gaze from staring at the two female students, and explained in a low voice: "The child was just born, and the doctor said that he may have a genetic disease.

At present, their mother and child are both receiving treatment in the hospital, and I am the only one at home. "

"Ah! It's so serious? Then, you still have remedial classes???"

"Oh, I can't help it. I don't have a side job. The salary I get from working in school is not enough for their mother and child's hospitalization expenses for a week." Teacher Gao smiled wryly, and then patted his forehead: "Sorry, come here After so long, I didn't even pour you a glass of water..."

"Don't bother me, I came here today mainly to take the child to the road.

That's enough, the tutoring fee is just as we talked over the phone, but I suggest that the class start half an hour earlier.

In this way, you can spend more time in the hospital to take care of your wife and children. After Mrs. He finished speaking, she pulled her two daughters up and said, "Remember, when you come to tutor in the future, you must study hard and don't add other troubles to your teacher Gao, do you understand?" "

"Understood, Mommy, goodbye, Teacher Gao."

"Good boy. Come over on the weekend, remember to bring the test paper I sent out a few days ago."

After personally sending the three girls into the elevator, Teacher Gao just turned around, and the red veins around the pupils were like spider webs coming out of the eye sockets. A refined face instantly became extremely terrifying.

And at this time, Zhong Fabai, who was wearing a Yuebai Tang suit, walked to the entrance of the food stall under the industrial building while holding a yellowed business card.

"Shanxi Rice Shop?" Looking at the plaque in front of him, Zhong Fabai sneered, "It should be Xiangxi Rice Shop..."

The owner of the food stall and store owner, the Shanxi guy, heard someone talking outside, rubbed his eyes and walked out: "Hey, who are you? My nickname is Shanxi guy, and the rice shop I run is of course Shanxi. Rice shop!"

"Oh, what about the rice?" Zhong Fabai's mouth slightly curved, pointing to the head of the store full of daily groceries and the stove and vegetable rack next to the rolling gate, and continued to ask: "Since you have a signboard of the rice shop, what do you want?" Where is the rice?

Now I want to buy rice, [-] catties of glutinous rice, [-]-day rice that will be dried under the sun for [-] days without root water from the fifth day of May..."

"I choose! Which law stipulates that if I hang a rice shop sign, I must sell rice?
A [-]-day meter that can't be rained on?
Who is so boring to put the glutinous rice in the sun for a hundred days, and have to guard it from the rain?

I see, you are obviously here to cause trouble! "

The Shanxi guy rolled up his sleeves and stood in front of Zhong Fabai with his big belly: "I warn you, don't think that I'm honest and easy to bully!

Going out to inquire about it, my Shanxi guy has also fallen in the past few years.

If you push forward a few decades, a grassroots like you will not be buried if you are killed!

Don't think I'm bragging, counting from my grandfather's generation, my family has produced warlords, commanders, and security captains..."

The mouth is like a machine gun, and the Shanxi guy yelled for a long time, but he didn't dare to make a move. Those with a strong mouth are really hammered.

From hinting to declaring, the guy in front of him didn't know what he was talking about, Zhong Fabai was completely speechless.

Pushing him away, Lao Zhong pulled a folding chair and sat down, said with a straight face: "Stop making trouble, I'm here to find Chen Ayou today, where does he live, tell him to come out quickly."

"Hey, if you're looking for someone, just find someone, just say no?
What are you talking about, you are obviously playing tricks on me! "The Shanxi guy slapped the oil bottle and vinegar jar on the dining table to jump up. He pointed at the clock and groaned, "Master, I'm in a bad mood. I forgot where Chen Ayou lives. I just remember that he worked for me. !

Also, I'm not doing your business today. If I want to find someone, go outside and don't stay in my shop. "

This guy is stubborn and mean, he's just a mallet!
Zhong Fabai shook his head, got up and walked out of the food stall.

Just as Lao Zhong was about to find someone, he inquired about Chen Ayou, and accidentally saw a woman walking towards the elevator with a pair of twin girls.

"Madam, I'm sorry, I want to inquire about someone..." Zhong Fabai went up to meet him, and his brows furrowed in the middle of speaking—the other person carried a filthy taint that made him very uncomfortable.

Mrs. He was suddenly stopped by someone, and the other person looked a little fierce.

She vigilantly protected her two daughters behind her back, and replied in a cold voice: "Sir, I'm sorry, I don't live here.

I brought my daughter here today to visit friends. If you want to find someone, ask the owner of the store over there.We still have something to do, excuse me. "

After a few words in a hurry, Mrs. He took her two daughters and prepared to go around Zhong Fabai.

Zhong Fabai raised his arms, blocking the way of the three of them: "Madam, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, have you been to any unclean places today?"

Not clean?

Teacher Gao's house is very clean.

On the contrary, you call yourself poor, but no matter how you look at it, you look like those bullies and villains in Cantonese feature films.

Mrs. He judged people by appearance, and made an instant judgment that the man in front of her was a traitor.

"Sorry, we never go to unclean places. Sir, I don't know what you are talking about. If you don't give way, I will call the police." Mrs. He lowered her face and took out a mobile phone from her handbag.

Zhong Fabai looked depressedly at the woman in front of him who suddenly turned his back, and took out two hardcover notebooks from his trouser pocket: "Hey, lady, can you explain something.

I am not a bad person, you see, I have a Taoist certificate.

And I'm also the Taoist consultant of the Hong Kong Island Police Force and the Ghost Catch Force.

Even if you call Sir, they will still stand at attention and salute me later! "

"I see, in addition to calling the police, I also need to call Qingshan Mental Hospital."


Seeing that the other party really wanted to call Qingshan, Zhong Fabai lost his mind.

He raised his hand and took two steps back: "All right, all right, count me as nosy, please."

"Hmph! I really don't know what to say, eldest daughter, second daughter, hurry up, don't pay attention to this stupid line." Mrs. He gave Zhong Fabai a warning look, pulled the two daughters and strode away.

Lao Zhong was well-intentioned, but he was almost sent to a mental hospital as a researcher. He really felt dumbfounded.

Looking at the back of the three leaving, he secretly opened his yin and yang eyes, and found that the twins were covered with countless black and red auras that represented unknown.

Someone cast a curse!
And it's a furnace-type spell that is strictly forbidden by the righteous way! ! !

The idea of ​​saving lives overwhelmed the aggrievedness of being misunderstood, Zhong Fabai took out the corpse coin that was originally used with Zhong Kui's sword, bit his index finger and smeared it on, and took out two yellow talismans to exorcise evil spirits from his body, and printed them quickly .

Lifting his body skills and catching up with the three of them, Zhong Fabai held up two yellow talismans and precisely patted the twins on the back of their necks.

The yellow talisman was activated by Zhong Fabai's spiritual power, and it was pasted on the necks of the two girls and instantly ignited. When Mrs. He turned around vigilantly, there were red marks with the pattern of copper coins on the necks of the two girls.

"What are you going to do? What did you do to my daughter?" Mrs. He hit the clock with her bag and turned white.

Zhong Fabai had no way to explain it, so he could only avoid it with his body.

When the ominous aura sticking to the twins was gradually forced out of the body by the talisman, Lao Zhong turned around resolutely, and walked towards the stairs of the building while pinching his fingers.

Mrs. He stepped on high heels and chased for more than ten meters, but found that she couldn't catch up, and was worried about her daughter's problems, so she came back cursing.

There was such a commotion that the tenants of the building gathered around.

The Shanxi guy witnessed the whole process, plus he and Zhong Fabai had a misunderstanding, and immediately added fuel to the crowd, calling Lao Zhong a heinous pervert who molested girls.

The downstairs was noisy, and the upstairs was equally restless. Ajiu, who was terminally ill and was supposed to report below, finally found Mrs. He's pair of twins who were used to practice evil methods to renew her life, and it took a lot of energy and material resources. Set up a game step by step to pull Teacher Gao and them into their own game.

But he just didn't think that in a dilapidated place like an industrial building, there is still a comrade showing up today.

Moreover, the other party was meddling in other people's business, and actually made a move to ruin his arrangement.

Holding the altar with both hands, Ah Jiu spewed out several mouthfuls of blood continuously, and the spell backfired, causing him great harm.

Not caring about wiping off the blood around his mouth, Ah Jiuqiang pulled himself together and quickly made ash smoke for himself to take a sip.

Temporarily suppressing the injury, Ah Jiu knew that the crisis was not over yet. Judging from the fact that the other party easily broke the hands she had put on the twins, the person who came here was only above him, not below him.

In Taoist fights, once a move is made, there is no winner or loser, only life and death.

Gritting her teeth and uncovering the red cloth covering the statue, Ah-Jiu made a strange seal with her fingers, opened and closed her lips quickly, and chanted strange scriptures. The drawn runes writhed like tadpoles, exuding a disgusting, dizzy aura...

On the other side, Zhong Fa Bai Yi was so bold that he used corpse money and exorcism talisman downstairs to break Xie Xiu's ambush left on the twins. Immediately, through calculation and yin and yang eyes, he rushed upstairs alone to arrest them .

"A friend, it must not be you, it must not be you..." Lao Zhong gritted his teeth and pushed his yin and yang eyes to the limit.

There are not many Taoist masters on Hong Kong Island. As far as he knows, there are only Chen Ayou who lives here. The downstairs used to have the closest connection with the Taoist priests. If it wasn't for the fact that the signboard is very retro, and it looks like it's from the previous specifications, he wouldn't have mistaken the Shanxi guy for an insider from the very beginning.

Putting an ignorant idiot in Mipu, and last time Ah You said that someone cast a curse in Le Xiaowen's mourning hall, all signs seem to imply that Ah You has fallen, and may be playing a trick of shouting "stop thief".

Walking fast, Zhong Fabai found room 2442 by looking for signs.

And his undisguised use of Taoism also attracted the attention of Chen Ayou who was meditating in the room.

"What are you doing? You opened your eyes, and you also opened the way of tracing. Can Ah Jiu's tattered body hold up?" Uncle You was stunned, with worried eyes, and strode out the door, following the same path. Running towards room 2442 following the route that Zhong Fabai passed by.

"Open the door! Open the door quickly!" Zhong Fabai knocked on the door a few times, but found that no one inside would open.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Lao Zhong kicked the door open in anger.

And what greeted him on the opposite side was a fierce knife light.

"Hmph!" Raising his hand to grab Teacher Gao's arm, Zhong Fabai looked at the man in front of him with red lines in his eyes and blood flowing from his mouth and nose, and cursed: "I'm obsessed with sex, lie down!"

Kicking Teacher Gao away with one kick, Zhong Fabai did not wait for him to get up, he had already circled behind him, slashed his neck with a hand knife, and knocked him out.

At this time, Chen Ayou happened to catch up, and the two faced each other, shouting in unison: "It's you!" (End of this chapter)

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