Hearing that Ding Yunfeng had personally brought someone over, Chen Congming and Huang Shihu rushed back immediately.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, Ding Yunfeng learned about it from the mouths of the two.

In the past few days, not only the gambling masters from Fusang, but also the Qianshu experts from around Nanyang came to smash the game. Fortunately, he sent Huang Shihu to help in advance, otherwise, Chen Jincheng would have been forced to end now.

"Eiji Tsukamoto sent someone to Repulse Bay to deliver the letter of war before I came over.
Said, if I want to take back the two ships of Lejia, I have to send people to participate in the Asian Gambling King Competition.

Mr. Chen, you should have received news about this competition, right? "Ding Yunfeng picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then turned his eyes to Chen Jincheng.

Chen Jincheng pushed his glasses: "That's right, three days ago, the International Gambling Association suddenly informed me that the first Asian Gambling King Competition will be held in Malaysia half a month later. , our Chen family can send people to participate.

Afterwards, I went to find someone to inquire, and it turned out that this competition was sponsored by the old man Tsukamoto Ankang. "

"Ankang Tsukamoto is not a player in the gambling world, why did he suddenly launch such a competition?" Chen Congming asked suspiciously.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at him and explained: "It should be related to Eiji Tsukamoto.

I heard that Tsukamoto Ankang valued this grandson the most, and even Junichiro Tsukamoto, the current patriarch, got his position because his son was appreciated by the ancestors.

If Tsukamoto Eiji intends to dominate the boat gambling industry in the surrounding areas, then with Tsukamoto Ankang's character, it is reasonable to spend money to push him. "

"Damn, why don't you pay for it? The International Gambling Association, are you willing to sell the face of an outsider?" Chen Congming opened his mouth slightly, obviously shocked.
Huang Shihu laughed, and patted him on the shoulder: "Why not?

What do you think the purpose of the Gambling Association is?
Is it to maintain fairness and justice on the gaming table?
Let me tell you, any industry association, whether black, white or gray, in the final analysis, is to integrate the resources of all parties, digest internal contradictions, and distribute power and interests.

The devil is willing to provide bonuses, so let's hold it.

During this competition, the Gambling Association will be able to make a lot of money just from the periphery.

Moreover, the forces of all parties, some grievances and grievances that are not convenient to resolve on weekdays, can also be resolved with the help of the platform of this competition.

For example, the two gambling boats of the Le family that were stolen by the Tsukamoto family, didn't they just use them as bargaining chips to lure Brother Feng into the game? "

"Ma De, the Fusang devil is so insidious. He forced my Chen family to enter the game through the International Gambling Association, and secretly sent experts to come over and find out our details." Chen Congming suddenly realized, and he secretly pulled Huang Shihu's sleeve: " Hey, hey, these days, I've missed almost [-]% of the bottom, how much do you have left?"

"Ahahaha..." Huang Shihu raised his head and let out a series of exaggerated laughter, then in Chen Congming's hopeful eyes, he suddenly put on a straight face: "I won't tell you."

"Hey, isn't it, you have to hide it from your own people..." Chen Congming looked depressed, just when he was entangled with Huang Shihu.

With a straight face, Chen Jincheng said in a deep voice, "That's enough, now is the time to talk about serious things, not the time to be funny."

Straightening his son's nonsensical nerves, Chen Jincheng looked at Ding Yunfeng and said, "Mr. Ding, our Chen family is the leader in Singapore's gambling scene.

Even if I know very well that the Fuso people are here for my gambling boats, the Chen family must participate in this Asian Gambling King Competition, otherwise, the hearts of the people below will be scattered.

So, I decided, father and son sign up together..."

"Ah? Dad, my two brushes are going to end too?"

"The rules of this contest are that one participant can only get one audience ticket.

Everyone doesn't expect you to be shortlisted, just want you to bring Huang Shihu into the arena so that he can help us collect intelligence on the opponent. "Chen Jincheng didn't save face for his son, and publicly pointed out that he was used as cannon fodder.

Chen Congming raised his arm: "Wait a minute! Where is Brother Feng?
The Tsukamoto family has already given him a challenge. The name of Mr. Ding in Hong Kong Island is not inferior to that of our Chen family in Singapore. Ahu doesn’t have to represent him in the battle? "

"It's really not necessary, because Brother Feng has a master who is stronger than me." Huang Shihu said meaningfully with his eyes flashing.

Chen Congming counted with his fingers: "Better than you? Could it be Uncle Fang Zhen?

It's impossible. He has announced his semi-retirement and will no longer participate in gambling with others...

The remaining Qian Wendi and Gold Finger, now they combined are not as good as me..."

"Don't guess, that person has never appeared in the gambling world. You will know when the time comes." Huang Shihu winked at Chen Congming.

When Chen Congming raised his head, he met Chen Jincheng's warning eyes, which scared him so much that he quickly shut his mouth.

Afterwards, Ding Yunfeng and his party ate a sumptuous reception feast full of Nanyang flavor at Chen's house.

Since Chen Congming and Huang Shihu had to sit on the gambling boat, after dinner, they both drank two cups of Gongfu tea and got up together to leave.

"Wait a minute, Smart, you take Senior Liu and Feng Laosi back with you.

Once Mr. Chen signs up for the competition, the Tsukamoto family will most likely send someone to trick you. "Ding Yunfeng called Chen Congming to stop.

Yi Xian Tian and Feng Si stood up in response, seeing both of them with cold expressions. Chen Chongming, who had an out-of-touch personality, nodded to them, walked to Ding Yunfeng's ear and said, "Brother Feng, no need.

Singapore is the territory of our Chen family. Around me, there are dozens of people protecting me, bright and dark, 24 hours a day. "

"Mr. Ding, don't listen to this brat's nonsense." Chen Jincheng picked up his cane and gave Chen Congming a hard blow.

While his son was touching his calf and complaining of pain, he walked up to Yi Yitian and Feng Si: "Two, during this period of time, the safety of the dog is up to you.

Afterwards, the Chen family offered generous gifts. "

"No, I'm just repaying that guy's favor. If there's nothing else, we'll leave first." With a face colder than Feng Si's, Xian Tian walked up to Chen Chongming, picked up the collar of his suit, and walked towards him steadily. door.

Feng Si followed with a black travel bag, but he was better than Lao Liu, and he nodded to the others before leaving.

Seeing that Yixiantian actually used the three words "that boy" to address Ding Yunfeng, and the latter did not refute.

Chen Jincheng knew that there was no need to worry about his son's safety and that he could go all out to prepare for the next Gambling King Competition.

the other side.

Knowing that Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jiabing were in the same place, Fusang Tokyo, a young man with a cold temperament and nervous eyes, he swung the golf club in his hand vigorously: "I just said, Chen Jincheng, that old fox, how dare he dare to do it with me?" right?

It turns out that he found this Mr. Ding as foreign aid..."

"Master Tsukamoto, I have successfully persuaded the god of gambling Gao Jin to be used by me.

This time, whether it is Chen Jincheng or Ding Yunfeng, they will lose nothing at the gambling table! "Koji Uemura, the president of the Black Tiger Association, said to Eiji Tsukamoto with confidence.

Hideo Tsukamoto set up a pergola second-hand, looking at the direction of the golf ball flying: "For your use?
But according to my information, half a month ago, Gao Jin refused the residence you offered and insisted on going back to Hong Kong Island. Moreover, he has been missing for almost half a month. "

"Hi!" Uemura Hiroshi stood at attention and bowed, with a layer of oily sweat oozing out from his forehead: "Master Tsukamoto, please rest assured, I have sent a master to chase Gao Jin on Hong Kong Island, and also used the Yamaguchi Group to be there. I believe that there will be news in the past two days..."

"Then you'd better find Gao Jin in time. I promise in front of grandpa that through this Asian Gambling King Competition, we will win all the gambling boats in the hands of the gambling hegemons in the surrounding areas.

If there is a mistake, then before I cut seppuku, I will definitely send you guys on the road, understand? "



Hong Kong Island, Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Wearing a light-colored sweater, washed jeans, and a pipe in his mouth, Brother Long stepped out of the Ford pickup truck.

"Hi, Ah Jun, Ah Guo."

"Brother Long, come in quickly."

After greeting Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, Brother Long walked into Ding's villa with a smile on his face. A tall man in a suit and leather shoes stood up to greet him in the living room. The two hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

"Little Ma, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Brother Hao, yes, long time no see."

The two hugged for a while, holding back their smiles, stepped back together, and then pointed at each other and shouted: "Di Long?" "Shi Yijian?"

After booing at each other, the two laughed and sat down.

Wang Xia deftly made three cups of Gongfu tea, and greeted the two with a smile: "Brother Hao, Brother Xiao Ma, please drink tea."

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome. We'll do it ourselves." Song Zihao brought a cup to Mike Li, and then picked up a cup himself: "Huang Dazhuang, sit far away and help yourself."

Huang Dawen smiled and took out Huazi and walked around. After everyone drank a few cups of tea, he opened his briefcase, took out some materials and handed them to Mike Lee: "This is the information of the Asian Gambling King Competition, Mr. Shi, please pass it on." eye."

"Hmm..." Mike Lee, who changed his name to Shi Yijian, took the information and read it quickly. After a while, he returned the information to Huang Dawen with a solemn expression: "I am currently a technical consultant in Las Vegas, and I am temporarily working at Caesars. under the name of the hall.

If I want to participate in this competition, I must find a job in a well-known casino in Asia, and then I am eligible to sign up. "

Some time ago, the Tsukamoto family came to Repulse Bay to challenge Ding Yunfeng, and asked him to settle the ownership of the two gambling boats of the Le family at the gaming table.

In this matter, Dillon is the biggest intelligence dealer on the road.

He received the wind immediately, so he made a special call to call Shi Yijian/Xiao Ma, who had won the title of "Magic Hand" in Las Vegas, back to help.

Now that he learned that there were restrictions on participation, Dilong put down his pipe and complained: "Is it so troublesome? Then go find Robinson. Moon City will definitely be qualified to send contestants to the competition..."

"Brother Long, I'm sorry, but your method won't work because Moon City was sold to Hong Guang." Huang Dawen lowered his voice and said to the two of them.

"Sold?" Dilong and Shi Yijian were both surprised.

Wang Xia nodded and explained: "That's right, it's sold.

Robinson took the initiative to mention it to Brother Feng, saying that he didn't want to continue to gamble, and then Brother Feng and Brother Luo reached an agreement to transfer Moon City to Hong Guang for a price of 3 million US dollars a week ago. "

"So that's it, that's such an unfortunate coincidence." Di Long sighed and said to Shi Yijian: "It's my fault for calling you back in a hurry without consulting Brother Feng. It seems that this time, I want you to come back." What a waste of time."

"No." Shi Yijian gave Brother Long a consoling look, and asked Wang Xia: "Sister Xiaoxia, if I remember correctly, Dasha's place in the New Territories has already become a big one." , just let him push me to compete.”

"This..." Wang Xia glanced at Huang Dawen, and explained with some embarrassment: "Brother Ma, the quota for that venue has already been used up."

"Ah? Did you use it? Who did you use it on?"

"It's me!" A young man who was elegant and fair, wearing a white suit and a white scarf, with a hairy back that could make flies slip off, walked out of the guest room on the second floor with a smile.

Shi Yijian frowned and stood up, flipping his right hand, and a stack of poker cards bounced between his hands: "You? Who are you? I know all the internationally renowned gamblers, but I have never met you. "

"Hey, you haven't seen it before, didn't you see it today?"

"I haven't asked for advice." Shi Yijian played cards faster and faster, with a very serious look on his face.

Ah Xing walked in front of him with a smile, laughed and said: "Don't dare, my name is Zuo Songxing, and my nickname is: Gambling~~~~~Holy!"

Dilong has a restrained temperament, and he can't see the flamboyant style of Ah Xing. Thinking that the other party is Ding Yunfeng, he can't help reminding: "Little boy, you know, this nickname is not something ordinary people can afford. !

The last person who was nicknamed the Saint of Gamblers was Nie Aotian who had fought against He Xin for decades and even founded the Boat Gambling Kingdom. "

"Oh, really?
I don't know, Dasha and Uncle Da said, this time I want to help Brother Feng in the battle, I must have a cool look and a resounding nickname.

Dasha, Liangkun, Coolie Qiang helped me get this suit, and Uncle Da gave me the nickname.

As for other things, I really don’t know.

But, having said that, who is this Nie Aotian? Can anyone help me learn more about it? "A Xing's shape was moved from upstairs to downstairs, and Di Long was able to figure it out in just one sentence.

Seeing Ah Xing who had never seen the world, Shi Yijian looked dumbfounded, ready to go, and wanted to make a move to try the opponent, Shi Yijian couldn't hold back on the spot.

Putting away the playing cards in his hand, Shi Yijian said to Wang Xia and Huang Dawen: "You two, I think it is necessary to contact Brother Feng immediately.

If it is inconvenient for you to mention it, I will have a phone call with him myself.

This Asian Gambling King Contest involves a large amount of money, and this classmate A Xing can put on a show to scare the novices in the gambling world, but if there is a big situation, he can't cover it up. "(end of this chapter)

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