"Broken bad, the chocolate is gone.

Dao Zai, tell me, could he have been kidnapped? "Zhen, who had been searching for a long time but still couldn't find anyone, asked Chen Xiaodao anxiously.

Chen Xiaodao looked at the busy street and replied angrily: "If it doesn't work, just call the police."

"Ah? Call the police!
No way, chocolate has no ID card, and also lost memory.

If the police are called, even if Sir finds him, he will be sent back to the other side, or he will be forcibly placed in a welfare home. "The crow waved his hands repeatedly.

"Oh, it's a big deal, let's just talk to Sir, can't we just adopt him?"

Crow was really speechless for Dao Zai, a big boss who thought out everything.

He spread his hands and analyzed: "Boss, stop joking.

Chocolate is an adult, he is not a street boy.

Once Sir asked, some of us explained that we wanted to take him in, and what was the relationship with him.

How do you answer?
Just say, we set up a trap to harm the Indians, but ended up trapping Chocolate, and even trapping his brain, causing him to lose his memory? "

After hearing these words from his younger brother, Chen Xiaodao became more and more at a loss of ideas.

Qian Qian, who was standing next to him, stared at him and Crow with a look of resentment.

At the beginning, he had accidentally stepped on the trap set by these two scammers in Caoba, so he rolled down and lost contact with Gao Laowei and Shaji.

It was precisely because of this episode that the fate of the three people who made an appointment to climb the mountain together and stow away was completely different.

Gao Laowei and Shaji joined Hongxing and became actors in the entertainment company under Liangkun's name. However, he followed Chen Xiaodao and lived a hard life, and even used him as a prop to deceive others when something happened. .

Although he later learned about Gao Laowei and Shaji, he took the initiative to search for it.

But Gao Laowei, who had already made his mark, refused to take him to get rich together.

Fortunately, Shaji showed his loyalty and introduced him to clean up Dasha's place in the countryside. He was finally able to get rid of Chen Xiaodao's control, and his three meals were more or less settled.

Sensing Qianqian's gaze, Chen Xiaodao immediately vented his anger on his head: "Look, what are you looking at?

It also grows tall and big, and it also rolls down from the top of the grass dam.

People know how to change chocolate into three, and win a lot of money in the blink of an eye!

Look at your poor appearance, you eat every day, and you make a big rice bucket. "

Being insulted by Chen Xiaodao pointing his nose in the street, Qian Qianfa slapped his finger away: "Hey, that's enough!

You think, I don’t know what you think about chocolate.

You used this trick on me years ago.

That time, if I hadn't happened to meet Silly Chicken going to Dakoujiu's casino to play cards, and he would have recognized me.

With that bad idea of ​​yours, even if you can swindle the casino money, am I, the unlucky bastard you left behind, going to be beheaded to death? "

When his little idea was exposed by Qianjin, Chen Xiaodao became angry and argued loudly: "Pick! Go out and ask around, am I, Daozi, such an unloyal person?
That time, if you had followed my plan and pretended to be an idiot from beginning to end, you would have criticized his face-saving character.

It's only 10,000+, he just took it back by sailing a ship in Saigon. How could he be embarrassed and argue with you, an idiot? "

“Oh, it’s just 10,000+…

Brother Dao Zai, you are really shy, you carry tens of thousands of dollars in valuable profits, you open your mouth and shut up, but you don't care about 10,000+ at all..." Qian Qianfa looked at Chen Xiaodao with disdain.

Hanging out in Dasha's place all day, as the saying goes, those who are close to black are black. Today's Qianfa is no longer the mainland boy who was deceived by the other party and used as a scapegoat.

In front of his girlfriend and younger brother, he was ridiculed by Qianjinfa, whom he had previously looked down upon.

Chen Xiaodao couldn't hold it back anymore, he raised his fist and beat it before moving forward;

Qian Qian started from the experience of Chocolate and recalled his experience of being taken advantage of by Chen Xiaodao when he first came to Hong Kong Island. He burst out with anger and took advantage of his height advantage to kick him.

Seeing that Qian Qian, whom she had called to help find someone, was actually fighting with Dao Zai, Azhen hurriedly stopped the two of them.

The commotion was so loud that people on the street quickly called the police to pull them away.

On the other side, a car drove quickly to the Ding family mansion in Repulse Bay.

The people patrolling and fortifying outside the villa recognized it from the license plate and recognized it as Saigon's car. Wang Jianguo came to say hello and asked people to go inside to report.

"Silly brother, this is..."

Wang Jianguo frowned when he saw Dasha park the car and pull a tall man out from the passenger seat.

Dasha pulled the amnesiac Gao Jin and strode up: "A Guo, this guy's name is Chocolate.

Don't look at him looking stupid, this kid is very good at gambling, he can actually change the cards without anyone noticing.

I heard that a few days ago, the Fuso Tsukamoto family sent people to Repulse Bay to declare a war, and asked Feng brother to deal with the two ships of the Le family at the gambling table.

So I took someone to tie him up, maybe this guy can play a little role in the Asian Gambling King Competition! "

Hearing what Dasha said, Wang Jianguo suddenly realized and turned around to lead the way: "So that's it, then you're just in time!"

Today besides you, Brother Long also brought Mr. Shi from Las Vegas to help. "

"Brother Long? Mr. Shi? Who is it? Do I know him?"

"It's Song Zihao and Mike Li." Wang Jianguo whispered as he walked.

"Hey, just tell Brother Hao and Brother Xiao Ma, don't do it..." Dasha pulled Gao Jin tightly and followed Wang Jianguo.

The three of them walked into Ding's villa together. They had just finished talking on the phone with Ding Yunfeng, and saw Shi Yijian, who was playing cards with his own eyes. Before he recovered from the shock, he saw a man walking towards the door He looked six points like himself, a man in a suit that didn't fit well.

"Hey, silly brother, didn't you have to arrange the ship in Saigon at this time in the past? How come you have time to come here?" Wang Xia placed an extra tea cup and turned her eyes to Gao Jin, who was being held by Dasha: "This The bit is..."

Dasha first exchanged greetings with the others and then handed Gao Jin to Ah Shui. Dasha sat next to Huang Dawen.

After drinking a cup of tea, Dasha told everyone that yesterday, there was a gangster Chen Xiaodao around Sheung Shui, and he took a few people to his underground casino in the New Territories to play tricks.

The silly cats watching the scene discovered that a man named Chocolate, who was carrying Chen Xiaodao with him and seemed to have some mental problems, actually had the unique skill of changing cards.

After receiving the news, he ordered Daimao to pay and stabilize Chen Xiaodao first. This morning, he led someone to kidnap Chocolate from Chen Xiaodao and the others...

"Oh, what day is it today?

How come there are so many masters with card-changing skills emerging at the same time? "Shi Yijian shook his head and smiled, took out a stack of playing cards from his body and threw them on the table.


The playing cards fall to the table, each one evenly spaced and arranged in a vertical row.

Shi Yijian said with a joking smile: "Here, I took away all four threes.

Dasha, didn’t you say he knows how to change cards?Then let’s change the three of diamonds to open your eyes. "

Dasha snapped his fingers at Gao Jin: "Hey, did you hear that? Come here and change into Zhang San for everyone to see!
I warn you, if you can't change it, I will take you to Saigon to take a boat to reclaim the sea immediately.hurry up! "

"Dasha, don't scare him." Dilong sipped his pipe, walked up to Gao Jin and patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, even if you can't change, we won't do anything to you.

Ah Shui, make this call for me and ask them to send a car to my bar. Just say that I have a patient on hand who needs them to take care of him. "

Ah Shui took the business card from Brother Long - Qingshan Mental Hospital, Director Zhang, phone number: XX—XXXXX
When he saw the middle-aged man who used to look after him, he shook his head at himself and went to the side to make a phone call, talking to the other end of the phone about what he was talking about, chocolate, crazy line, hurry up and send a car, etc.

Chocolate's mouth was slightly opened, and his original innocent eyes quickly became serious.

Walking to sit opposite Shi Yijian, Chocolate stared at him with a half-smile, and randomly picked out a card from the deck: "You want the three of diamonds, right? I'll give it to you."

Shi Yijian, who made the cards himself, and Zuo Songxing, who secretly used the see-through eyes with special functions, saw the 48 playing cards on the table in advance.

When they saw Gao Jin draw the card, both of them looked disappointed.

But when the other party dropped the playing card in his hand on the table, the two of them sat up straight.

Box three!
A three of diamonds that Shi Yijian asked to draw, which was also a three of diamonds that he had already drawn before making a card, was placed in front of him impressively.

Seeing the Duchess taking out the chocolate from his body and eating it with an expression like a child, Shi Yijian turned his eyes to Ah Xing.

Ah Xing spread his hands and said, "It's not a special power. If it were, at such a close distance, I would be able to feel anyone's power."

"This way of changing cards, even I can't prevent it.

In the international gambling world, there is only one person with this ability - God of Gambling Gao Jin! "Shi Yijian reached into his hand and threw out four playing cards. Three of them were spades 3, hearts 3 and clubs 3. The fourth card, which was originally a diamond 3, now turned into a Club 9.

"Gao Jin? Who is Gao Jin!" After eating a piece of chocolate, Gao Jin raised his head and asked.

Wang Xia looked at Shi Yijian suspiciously: "Brother Ma, you said he is Gao Jin? Brother Feng has been looking for him for several years. The latest news is that Gao Jin appeared in Fusang Nagoya half a month ago."

"Sister Xiaoxia, your news is out of date.

It was rumored in the gambling world that after Gao Jin appeared in Nagoya, he went to Tokyo and gambled three times with Hiroshi Uemura, the president of the Black Tiger Club.

Then, Gao Jin left Fusang and returned to Hong Kong Island, but he didn't know what happened.

About half a month ago, the God of Gamblers suddenly disappeared, and his wife and subordinates have been secretly investigating his whereabouts. "As a sign of Las Vegas, Shi Yijian is very familiar with the situation on Hong Kong Island. As soon as he opened his mouth, there was explosive information about the disappearance of the God of Gamblers.


Singapore, Chen Family Villa.

In just half a day, Ding Yunfeng received two calls from home.

The first one is that Brother Hao invites Brother Xiao Ma back from the United States to help him;
The second one, Gao Jin, the god of gambling, was actually caught by Dasha and taken to Repulse Bay.

"No need to doubt, that person is Gao Jin. Let's do this. You first arrange for the best brain doctor to treat him, and then send someone to call Chen Xiaodao for a few questions. You should gain something." Ding Yunfeng grabbed the phone and said, Relying on his understanding of the plot of "God of Gamblers 1", he arranged for his subordinates on Hong Kong Island to do things.

Considering that Gao Yi, that scumbag, might not have taken action against the wife of the God of Gamblers, Ding Yunfeng added one more sentence: "Gao Jin's cousin Gao Yi is rebellious, I will be a good person to the end this time.

Zhan Mizai, ask Tian Yangsheng and the others to go over and tie Gao Yi up for interrogation.

Well, you tell them, this time, I'm allowing them to take advantage. "

"Wow, it's hard for this Gao Yi to want to die." Zhan Mi couldn't help letting out a long sigh, and then he chatted with Ding Yunfeng for a few words, and then hung up the phone.

Brother Feng personally explained that the Ding family's private hospital immediately put in great effort.

Gao Jin was quickly consulted by several well-known brain experts in Hong Kong. The treatment plan was a bit strange, which was to try to give his head a few more blows to see if there was a way to stimulate the body's stress defense, thereby indirectly stimulating The brain heals itself...

"Nonsense! Put down the hammer quickly! If you hit this thing on it, will you still be alive?" Dasha stopped one of the experts who was about to move.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure flashed outside the window, and Dasha and the others hurriedly chased him out.

At the same time, Long Wu rolled in from the balcony of the ward.

Looking at Gao Jin lying on the hospital bed with an intravenous drip, he looked in disbelief: "Gao Jin, it's me, Long Wu, do you still recognize me?"

"You..." Gao Jin looked at Long Wu in confusion, covered the back of his head and said, "Oh, my head hurts. I have an impression. I seem to have heard of your name somewhere."

Long Wu glanced outside the ward: "These people are all from Ding Yunfeng, and he is the person Mr. Shangcun plans to deal with, so you can't stay here.

Go, you must leave immediately. The longer you delay, the deeper the involvement between you and Ding Yunfeng will be..."

"No! If you want to leave, you can leave. I will stay and try to cure my head." Gao Jin shook his head repeatedly and resisted following the other person away.

Hearing the footsteps approaching outside the room, Long Wu couldn't stay any longer. He took out a card and stuffed it into Gao Jin: "This is my personal phone number. If you need to call me, don't lose it again."

After saying this, Long Wu turned over and rushed to the balcony, jumping downstairs.

When Dasha and the others opened the door and came in, Gao Jin had already put away the card, carrying the infusion stand, and curiously walked out to the balcony.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"No, it's nothing. This hospital has a lot of space for patients to move around. There are people singing and dancing on the lawn!"

"Don't even think about it. This is the private hospital of the Ding family. It has never been open to the outside world except to entertain its own people." Dasha glanced at Gao Jin speechlessly and urged him to come back and lie down to get wet.

At the same time, Gao Jin was in his mansion at the foot of Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island.

Gao Yi showed his kindness to his sister-in-law for the nth time, but was driven away by her fierce look. He walked out of the house with an angry look on his face: "Made, what are you so arrogant about? What Gao Jin can do, I, Gao Yi, can do too! I'm forced to I am very angry, so I will go directly to the Ding system."

"Sorry, our Ding clan doesn't accept scumbags who covet my sister-in-law, unless they take your life."

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