"I come out to hang out and do things with principles.

When it comes to receiving money to do things, then you must help the donor to get things done.

5 Hongxing outsoles, each with 500 million Hong Kong dollars, a total of 2500 million, I will take the money, and I will kill the person.

Dasha, please tell Liangkun that the order from back then was closed today. "Jia Qianwu raised his right hand and opened five fingers towards Dasha.

Dasha was completely convinced and nodded to him: "Okay, okay, I will tell Liangkun for you.

Ma De, the Taoists call me stupid, I don't think you are much better.

Hurry up and get on the boat. If you hang up two hall leader-level figures at once, even if Hongxing doesn't send someone to scold you, the policeman won't let go of this opportunity to show off. "

Jiang Wuxiong stopped talking, he turned around and jumped onto the smuggling boat with a suitcase in one hand and a bag of supplementary books in the other.

Dasha beckoned to Dumao: "Go to Yangcheng to unload this time, and then you send this guy to Nanyang to hand over to the blood tooth.

Brother Zai has arranged for a batch of coffee and spices to be prepared at the terminal cargo yard in Malaysia.

When you arrive at fashion, get on the boat, return to Frog Island, and hand it over to the Songzhu Gang. "

"Understood, silly brother, if there is nothing else, let's go."

"Well, have a good trip, be careful when you go to Frog Island."


It looks dilapidated on the outside, but in fact, there are three smuggling boats that have been specially processed by Long's Shipyard, and they will soon set off from Saigon Wharf.

Dasha stood on the beach and watched the ship go away.

When the three large ships turned into three black dots on the horizon, he lit a cigarette and walked back to his office at the dock.

Seeing him coming in, Ah Xiang quickly put down the rag, ran to the water dispenser and poured a glass of water.

"Hey, stop, I have something to tell you." Dasha yelled at his son who was not like himself and was a bit useless.

Ah Xiang stood still with his head buried, and looked at him with some fear: "Old Dou, what's the matter?"

"Made, can you stand upright with your head upright? You are not being asked to kill people now, what are you afraid of?" Dasha shook his head speechlessly, opened the drawer, took out an envelope, and threw it at his son. before.

Ah Xiang picked it up curiously. He opened it and found that it contained his passport and a ticket to New York.

"You are not too old, you have been with me for seven or eight years.

Look at your useless virtue, if you continue to follow me, it will definitely be abolished. Dasha looked at his son helplessly, explained while lighting a cigarette: "Speaking of which, I am also responsible.

When you were young, I went to jail for Dongxing.

As a result, you were born with a mother, and you were not taught by your father. When I come out, your cowardly character has already been finalized.

Some time ago, when I went to open oysters at Brother Feng’s house, I heard from Huang Dazhang that Brother Hao’s son, Xiao Bin, had fought fiercely with the local gangsters in New York’s Chinatown some time ago.

I thought to myself, unless you put a lot of fire on your kid, you won't be able to save him.

Therefore, I personally visited Brother Hao in Stanley and decided to arrange for you to go to New York to practice with Xiao Bin. "

Hearing this, Ah Xiang was completely dumbfounded. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Old Dou, I can't do it. I've grown so big, I've never cut anyone..."

“Men can’t say no!

Cutting people is similar to chopping vegetables, chopping and chopping is proficient! Dasha was furious when he heard the words, and smashed the glass of the desk with his palm.

Shaking off the blood beads cut out by the glass stubble, Dasha stepped forward and grabbed Ah Xiang by the collar, stared at him fiercely and shouted: "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking?
Let me tell you, if Xiaoxia follows Brother Feng, she will be Sister Xiaoxia. She and you are from two different worlds. Even if you think about it in your heart, it won’t work!
I asked someone to pack up the luggage, and the bad dog was waiting outside.

Either you go to the airport with him now and don't come back until you look like a good person in New York;
Either you shoot me now, or I will be randomly shot to death by my brothers outside!
If you can't bear it before the age of 40, you will die sooner or later.

Rather than being played to death by people on the road in the future, it is better for you and my father and son to die together today, so that you can have a good pregnancy as soon as possible! "

After saying this, Dasha took out a handful of Black Stars and stuffed them into Ah Xiang's hand. Then he turned and walked to the window, looking at the vast sea, wrapping his cigarette in a big mouth.

Ah Xiang held the black star in both hands, his face was full of struggles, of course he knew that it was impossible for him and Wang Xia to cross paths in this lifetime.

But as a licking dog, he is already very satisfied when Wang Xia calls him "Brother Xiang" on his tail teeth every year...

After struggling for a long time, Axiang made up his mind.

He put Black Star on the table, wiped away his tears and said, "Dad, I...I am willing to go to New York."

Dasha breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He resisted the urge to turn around and cursed angrily at the sea: "Then why are you still standing?
People from the rivers and lakes, come in the wind, go in the rain, leave as soon as you say, don’t wait for me to tell you to be careful on the road? "

"No...you take care of yourself."

"I can't die, go away, I'm annoying when I see it."


Ten seconds later, the sound of the engine of the car gradually going away was heard.

Dasha turned around and rushed out of the room, looking in the direction of Kai Tak Airport: "Azi, don't blame me for being cruel.

Ding Chou years ago, the Saigon Wharf must be handed over.

I will definitely leave with Brother Feng. Instead of letting you still have delusions when the time comes, it is better to drive you to North America now. If you are told by Lao Huang, maybe you can still look like a human being. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Dawen opened the door from the next room and came out: "Hey, Dasha, today I helped your son point out a clear path. It's okay if you don't thank me, but you're still scolding me behind your back?"

"Hey! Huang Dazhuang, how dare I?" Dasha wiped his eyes after hearing this, stepped forward and took out the flower, and quickly ordered it for the other party.

Huang Dawen held the cigarette in one hand and put his other hand on Dasha's shoulder: "It's just a joke. I don't think you are brothers. This idea of ​​pushing your nephews to go abroad to live a life of licking blood, do you think it can be discussed casually between individuals?"

"I know, I know, helping me come up with this idea, you have a thankless relationship." Dasha nodded slowly, and followed Huang Dawen back into the room.

Huang Dawen sat down on the sofa: "Don't worry too much, the Chinatown in New York has actually begun to finish.

Ah Xiang is now in the past, the timing is just right, he can get the opportunity to practice shooting without taking too much risk.

What's more, I asked Zhan Mi to call the toll road, and asked him to take care of Ah Xiang, and everything would be fine. "

"Even if something happens, it can only be because my son is not tough enough." Dasha slapped his chest vigorously and his mouth was quite tough.

In fact, the worry on Dasha's face had already betrayed his inner thoughts.

Huang Dawen sees through but doesn't tell the truth, Ah Xiang has a crush on Wang Xia, this matter is not a secret among the senior officials of the Ding Department.

After all, before Wang Xia met Ding Yunfeng, she and A Xiang had been taking care of each other, but she had always regarded A Xiang as her elder brother.

This is also when Dasha followed Ding Yunfeng, he called Wang Xia Miss Xiaoxia, and Axiang, as his son, called Wang Xia Xiaoxia instead.

Even when Wang Xia met Ah Xiang in public, she called Fang Xiang brother.

The former relationship is that of master and servant, while the latter relationship is that of brother and sister.

Ding Yunfeng and his wife didn't take these things seriously, but Huang Dawen and Zhan Mi, the brains behind them, couldn't ignore them.

Because with the passage of time, Ah Xiang is almost 40 years old, and he has been playing single.

Not only are the Dasha father and son easy to be gossiped by others, but it is also very detrimental to internal unity and stability.

The easiest way to convince an old father to do something is to start with his children, even if he is a bastard like Dasha.

No, taking advantage of Ding Yunfeng's absence on Hong Kong Island, after discussing with Zhan Mi, Huang Dawen and Zhan Mi decided to implement the matter.


At the same time, on Java Island,

Chen Bei (Dragon Four) eliminated Chen Jiqian;

Gao Jin met Qiu Xiaochi and defeated him;
Nie Wanlong VS Prodigal Son Gundam, the latter was defeated;
Shi Yijian defeated Shang Gong Feihua;
Zuo Songxing, Da Jun, and Zheng Youxi beat Luo Sen, Chen Jincheng, and Ren Tianchou respectively through card shuffling;

In addition to a bye, Chen Congming, who entered the quarterfinals early by luck.

The top eight of this Asian Gambling King Contest have already been born.

"Haha, Frog Island Gambling King Chen Song was eliminated in the first round, Qiu Xiaochi and Sha Sanshao, one with the background of the Bamboo Union Gang, and the other was promoted by the Xu family and the Chen family of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, both stopped in the quarterfinals.

It seems that this time Frog Island has two sides, and anyone who makes a bet will definitely lose everything. "Ding Yunfeng looked at the list of top eight and said to Lei Luo.

Lei Luo raised his chin towards the audience seat opposite: "I just saw Black Wolf Li Youxian following the woman next to Eiji Tsukamoto. It seems that the gambling boat in the hands of the Bamboo Alliance has been won by the other party."

"Well, Qiu Xiaochi met Gao Jin. Gao Jin was invited by Black Tiger Kaimura Hiroji. For this rare opportunity, the Fuso people must have forced the Bamboo Union Gang to raise their bets." Ding Yunfeng glanced at many reporters from afar. Surrounded by Gao Jin, the latter seemed to feel something and glanced over from a distance.

"Tomorrow is the semi-finals, and we are about to have a fight with the Fuso people." Lei Luo stood up with a cigarette in his mouth, and led Amei and Ayou towards the exit of the hall.

Ding Yunfeng walked towards Ah Xing with a smile, followed by Feng Si.

"Brother Feng, I have qualified. I should have no problem guessing the dice tomorrow, but mahjong is difficult. I'm not very good at it." Ah Xing said in a low voice while wiping off his sweat.

"It doesn't matter, call Xiao Ma over to give you a special training at night, just remember the matching of those big cards. Anyway, if you can play cards, you still have a great advantage." Ding Yunfeng comforted Ah Xing, and asked about the same field The other two opponents with special abilities.

"The big army is not a big problem. Today when we were playing cards, he and I performed kung fu at the same time and interfered with each other. The kung fu of both parties should be between equals." A Xing and Ding Yunfeng walked side by side, covering their mouths and said: " The trouble is Yan Zhen, the other party really lives up to his reputation.

Passing skills through the air to help that gambler Zheng Youxi rub his cards, he was actually no worse than me and Dajun entering the arena in person.

Brother Feng, we have to find a way to deal with him.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be variables. "

"I know, I asked Robin to help Senior Liu, and I believe there will be results soon."


In the hotel restaurant, an old man with a beard and a Mediterranean hairstyle suddenly put down his knife and fork, and said slowly: "You two, since you are here, why hide?

I, Yan Zhen, please come out and see me. "

"Refreshing! Seeing that you are also a generation of grandmasters, you should kill yourself.

After all, I use a gun and he uses a knife. If you use your hands, you will die ugly. "Detective Robin walked in with a joking look on his face, swinging a revolver with an exaggerated caliber.

Xianxiantian's eyes were cold and he followed him silently as he walked.

Yan Zhen wiped his mouth with a napkin, then turned to look at the two of them with a straight face: "Liu Yunqiao, the Baji Grandmaster, the former ace of the Blue Clothes Club;

Detective Robin, also known as Gunslinger Robin, is the detective of Hong Kong Island in the Japanese occupation time zone.

I said who has such a big breath, it turns out that you two are old and immortal. "

"Hey, these days, apart from Ah Feng, it's rare to be able to recognize us at a glance!" Robin's eyes moved, he stopped, and pointed at Yan Zhen while holding the revolver.

With his right hand behind his back, Yi Yitian suddenly flashed a razor: "He is the director of the Institute of Special Functions in Jilin Province, at least he has the treatment of a general, and it is not surprising that he knows who you and I are.

Since he chooses to help the little devil, it's useless to talk, so let's do it directly. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly moved. He took a step forward and used his elbow to smash a dining table that suddenly flew towards him.

Robin's gun flickered, the fire flickered, and a bullet was shot into Yan Zhen's chest. The latter's eyes widened, and the air in front of him suddenly stagnated, turning into a wall of air visible to the naked eye.

The bullet approached the body, not only changed from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, but even others could see a white line appearing in front of Yan Zhen, and the end of the line was a special bullet fired from the legendary revolver.


Taking the car arranged by the Chen family, Ding Yunfeng took Ah Xing back to the hotel. On the way, Ah Xing suddenly frowned and looked at a certain floor of the hotel.

"Brother Feng, Yan Zhen's supernatural powers really shouldn't be underestimated, why don't you let me help..."

"Axing, your mission is to defeat the kid at the poker table with your special powers. Let others handle the rest." Ding Yunfeng calmly looked at the information about the top eight that had just been sent out by the Gambling Association.

Ah Xing let out a groan, and looked back with a worried look on his face.

He didn't know that Ding Yunfeng had watched "Modern Tathagata God's Palm", in which the martial arts master Tian Canjiao had a short-term rivalry with Yan Zhen, who had not yet practiced supernatural powers but was only a qigong master, on the subway.

Based on this, it can be speculated that martial arts cultivation to the master level will definitely not be inferior to a qigong master, and qigong should be the prerequisite for cultivating supernatural powers.

Adding another detective Robin, and Yixiantian's personal template for restraining Fusang devils, there must be no problem in taking down Yan Zhen, the traitor.

Because, according to the settings in "Gambling Bully", if you want to pass on skills to help people with special functions, you must at least let the other party get close to you, let your own magnetic field affect the other party, and transmit part of the skill to the other party.

It can be seen that Yan Zhen at this time cannot possess the peak combat power.


After half an hour.

Ding Yunfeng was comforting Chen Jincheng who was eliminated. Feng Si suddenly came over and told him that Yixiantian and Robin were back. Not only did they win, but they also had an unexpected surprise. They captured Yan Zhen alive. (End of chapter)

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