Gao Jin's analysis won a lot of applause.

Not only did the audience burst into applause, but Shi Yijian, who was sitting opposite him, also smiled and looked at him and applauded gently: "The God of Gamblers is the God of Gamblers. He can even analyze facial expressions. I can't lose this round." deficit."

"Have a laugh, then... it's my turn?" Gao Jin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stood up and took off his suit jacket, rolled up his shirt sleeves with a smile, then pulled out a chair and sat down, picking up the dice cup in one hand.

Knocking on the wall of the cup with his fingers, Gao Jin said to the referee: "My hands are not as strong as Mr. Shi's. It is very difficult to break six dice with this plastic dice cup. Can you replace me with a stainless steel one?"

Why is there such a requirement?

The referee looked at Gao Jin with a confused look on his face. The iron-faced judge sitting in the C position of the host table hurriedly walked down when he heard the noise.

At this time, the various forces sitting in the audience watching the battle were also talking about Gao Jin's sudden request.

Ding Yunfeng smiled at Lei Luo: "Brother Luo, look, this Gao Jin has started to mess with his mentality again. Shi Yijian seems calm, but in fact his complexion is already a little out of order."

"Well, I saw it. Ah Feng, if Gao Jin does this, the people from the International Gambling Association will definitely not agree.

Otherwise, what's the fairness if everyone wants to change the gambling equipment? "Lei Luo took a sip of Huazi and replied to Ding Yunfeng with his face sideways.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and said nothing. It was one thing to agree or disagree, but it was another thing to mention it or not.

Gao Jin is known as the God of Gamblers, not to mention relying on this title, he has the capital to make some unreasonable demands, even with the face of many luxurious casinos in Las Vegas behind him, the International Gambling Association will not stand in the way He speaks.

The fact was just as Lei Luo expected. After the iron-faced judge understood what happened, he warned Gao Jin on the spot that the request to change the dice cup was unreasonable and could not be passed.

Either he continues to play with the dice cup provided by the competition, or he voluntarily abstains and is sentenced to lose!
"Then how can I do it? It's hard for me to gain an advantage, okay, okay, just use this plastic thing." Gao Jin shrugged his shoulders, waved his right hand, and put the six dice on the table into the dice cup with a click. up.

Shi Yijian squinted his eyes, his ears twitched slightly, and concentrated on listening to the judgment points.

Gao Jin first shook it with his left hand, then with his right hand, and then held the dice cup with both hands and shook it together for three to five minutes at a stretch. Everyone thought he had shaken it well.Who knows...

This guy actually stood up, put his right foot on the chair, and shook it with all his strength...

Seeing this guy who is known as the God of Gamblers roll the dice with a hideous expression on his face,
Many people at the scene were sweating violently, especially Hiroji Uemura, who invited Gao Jin out to gamble. He was even more ashamed to face Eiji Tsukamoto's questioning gaze, and stood awkwardly, not daring to raise his head.

"Ha!" Pushing the dice cup to the table, Gao Jin gasped, "Okay, let's guess!


Anyway, I originally wanted to shake it to 0 points, but now I don't know how many points are in it.

I'll open the cup later. If the points drawn are unlucky, don't blame me. "

Highly motivated thief!

You are a god of gambling, can you have the demeanor of a strong man?

Right now, I'm just like a gangster trying to trick people. Let alone whether I can beat you or not, it's better if I don't get mad at you.

Shi Yijian took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced at Ding Yunfeng who was sitting in the front row of the auditorium.

The silence speaks.

It doesn't matter if others understand it or not, anyway, Brother Feng understands it - Brother Xiao Ma has no idea, he was confused by Gao Jin's true and false methods, so he didn't know how to guess.

After killing Huazi, Ding Yunfeng knocked out a big front door and stuffed it into his mouth, and then slowly tapped it.

Through the smoke, Ding Yunfeng looked at Eiji Tsukamoto sitting across from him.

Today, the other party was alone. The Nishi Xiezi did not come, but Hiroshi Uemura, the president of the Black Tiger Association, stood aside with his hands buried in his hands. He stared at the ground, like a primary school student who made a mistake and was punished by the teacher.

Looking at the situation, Eiji Tsukamoto seems to be dissatisfied with Hiroji Uemura...

Could it be that these guys didn't see that Gao Jin was using psychological warfare?

With his eyes brightened, Ding Yunfeng raised his right index finger towards Shi Yijian, wiped the beard on his lips, then covered his mouth and coughed lightly.

Shi Yijian raised his eyebrows, and according to the secret code everyone agreed in advance - Brother Feng wanted to use a gambling boat to defraud the little devil.

Turning around, he saw that he weighed almost 200 catties, but he just stuffed chocolate into his mouth, Gao Jin looked like a sunny and cheerful boy.

Shi Yijian smiled and said: "Mr. Gao is too worried, so I call him Magic Hand. To me, a magician, numbers are props and tools. There is no such thing as auspicious or unlucky."

"Well, if the numbers come out at 4, 14, or 24, you won't think I'm deliberately cursing you.

Come, come, guess quickly, there are still 6 people who are not playing! Gao Jin threw away the wrapping paper and looked at Shi Yijian playfully.

Shi Yijian looked at the referee with a smile: "In this round, I want to raise the bet, 3000 million US dollars, to bet on the ownership of the Oriental Prince!"

After speaking, he took out the checkbook and pen from his body, wrote a check and threw it on the table.

Gao Jin slowly sat up and put away the cynical smile on his face: "So confident?

Mr. Shi, I'm not deceiving you, I really don't know how many points I have shaken.

If it were me who had to guess, I wouldn't be able to guess right. "

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's my turn to guess in this game, so you don't need to embarrass me.

In this way, 3000 million US dollars, betting on the ownership of the Oriental Prince, can you make the decision, if you can't, quickly ask the people behind it.

There are still 6 people waiting to play, don't waste everyone's time. "Feng Shui took turns, Shi Yijian threw out this check, and even threw back his lines.

Gao Jin laughed loudly and slowly clapped his palms twice, just as he was about to clapped his hands a third time.

Hiroji Uemura strode down from the auditorium and shouted to him: "Mr. Gao, the captain means not to follow this round."

Gao Jin suddenly turned his head, his eyes were like sharp knives piercing Hiroji Uemura, who shuddered when he saw this, but fortunately Gao Jin's eyes only stopped on him for a second, and then moved to Tsukamoto Eiji.

"Mr. Gao, it's not the finals right now, let them have a round." Eiji Tsukamoto looked up and said loudly to Gao Jin.

Gao Jin smiled, turned to Shi Yijian and said, "Mr. Shi, I made you laugh.

This time my sponsor doesn’t believe in my strength.

He said, if you don't spend 3000 million dollars with you, it seems that we can only bet on the right to qualify. "

Shi Yijian snorted, took back the check and tore it up: "That's a shame. In this case, I'll guess 0 o'clock."

"Are you sure? You won't change it?"

"Yeah, just 0 o'clock."

Seeing Shi Yijian's indifferent expression, Gao Jin slowly opened the dice cup, and the 6 dice were intact, all with 6 points up, which is also 36 points.

Seeing this ending, the whole audience was in an uproar. Tsukamoto Eiji looked at Uemura Hiroji who was standing aside angrily: "Baga! Didn't you say that Gao Jin will shatter the dice? And according to the strength of the dice, no one can Is there any way to control how many points are left?

Now, what do you mean?Not a single one was broken! !
That is to say, Gao Jin knew it well from the beginning, did he pretend to be stupid on purpose, and treat everyone present like monkeys? "

"I'm sorry, Master Tsukamoto. With my hearing, I did hear the sound of the dice breaking...

Moreover, with the arrogance of the God of Gamblers, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to choose to roll out the same points as the opponent..." Uemura Koji bowed again and again, his forehead and temples were covered with beads of sweat.

Eiji Tsukamoto was very angry that he failed to win the 3000 million US dollars.

It didn't matter to him, but the problem was that he made a wrong judgment this time because he didn't trust Gao Jin, and instead, his opponent showed off in public before he was defeated, which was equivalent to giving him a public silence slap in the face!

"Fuck off!
You claim to have practiced thousands of skills since childhood, and you don't even know whether the dice is broken or not. Then don't stay here and embarrass yourself! "Take a deep breath, Tsukamoto Eiji turned his back to Uemura Hiroji and spoke coldly.

Hiroshi Uemura didn't dare to say anything, he cheered, turned around and left.

At the same time, Gao Jin guessed the points that Shi Yijian shook in the last round, and kept his advantage in this round, preventing his opponent from guessing correctly, and successfully entered the semi-finals.

Although Shi Yijian was defeated by Gao Jin, before he was eliminated, he wrote a check in public to scare off the financial backers behind his opponent. Even though he was defeated, he was honored and won applause from the audience.

Gao Jin VS Shi Yijian: Gao Jin (wins)!
As the iron-faced judge held up the microphone to announce the ending, Shi Yijian and Gao Jin shook hands peacefully and turned around to return to the audience.

Compared to Shi Yijian, who was greeted with smiles by Lei Luo, Chen Jincheng and others.

Gao Jin walked up to Eiji Tsukamoto and sat down. He put away his smile and looked at him coldly: "Mr. Tsukamoto, I think I need an explanation!"

"Mr. Gao, all this is Uemura's fault!
His misjudgment of your ability has affected my correct judgment!

Please be assured that from now on, the Tsukamoto family will fully support and believe in you. "Eiji Tsukamoto poured a glass of Romanee-Conti for Gao Jin and handed it to him.

"Things are over, and that fellow Uemura was also scolded by me, so don't take these unhappy things to heart.

According to our agreement, for this competition, your gambling capital will be provided by the Tsukamoto family, and the money you win will be 3 for you and 7 for me.

You still won the $3000 million just now.

Here is a check with a face value of 900 million US dollars. Please keep it. Don't let this little accident affect our friendship. "Eiji Tsukamoto took out a check and placed it in Gao Jin's hand.

Gao Jin glanced at it: "Although my assets are not as good as your Tsukamoto's family, I am not short of the 900 million dollars.

I just hope that in the next game, you can trust my ability, and stop making an own goal and making your opponent laugh. "

"Please don't worry! I promise that this will not happen again. I have driven that idiot of Uemura back to Fusang."

"Well, that's good." Gao Jin took a sip of red wine, ignored the other party's movement of stuffing the check into his pocket, and naturally put down the red wine glass after Eiji Tsukamoto retracted his hand: "By the way, Xi Xiezi and Zheng Where is Miss? Why do I only see Dajun, where did they go?"

"Yoshi, Mr. Gao, look, isn't Miss Zheng here?" Eiji Tsukamoto pointed at Zheng Youxi who walked out of the entrance of the hall, showing a meaningful smile: "As for Nishi Xiezi, her service last night It made me very dissatisfied, so I gave her a sum of money and arranged for her to go back early."

"Oh, so it's like this..." Gao Jin suddenly nodded.

Just at this moment, Zheng Youxi seemed to notice his gaze, and suddenly raised his head to look over.

Their eyes met and they both frowned.

She is not Zheng Youxi!

Gao Jin was suspicious in his heart, but his face remained calm as he picked up the wine glass and sipped slowly.

Yi Rong became Zheng Youxi's Xixiezi, and she immediately sensed that her reaction was a bit extreme.

She buried her head to avoid Gao Jin's gaze, walked to the stage and sat down, looked up again, her eyes had hidden the sinister look, and replaced it with the cunning and cuteness of Zheng Youxi, a small citizen of Hong Kong Island.

Blinking his eyes and looking at Chen Chongming, he said, "Zheng Youxi" with a grin on his face. He said, "Oh, hello, hello, my name is Zheng Youxi, and my nickname is Ba~~Ba. Please be merciful later."

Chen Congming knew that Yan Zhen had been captured, and when he saw Zheng Youxi, he immediately thought of teasing him: "Hello, I am Chen Congming, Singapore poker prince, I can't roll dice!
In this competition, I originally came here to play soy sauce, but now I have a bye all the way to the quarterfinals, and I will tell you secretly that I am panicked..."

Xi Xiezi sneered secretly, but put on Zheng Youxi's characteristic self-satisfied expression: "You come first, or me?"

"Big sister, we are both parallel importers anyway, so we don't need to separate the front and back, we can guess together by shaking together." Chen Congming grabbed the dice cup with his right hand, grabbed six dice with his left hand and threw them in, shaking them clumsily.

Seeing that Chen Congming was clumsy, Xixiezi rolled the dice three times in less than 10 seconds.

She simply stopped pretending, and with a loud bang, she tore open her dress in front of everyone, revealing half of her arms embroidered with gorgeous tattoos.

The tattoos are gorgeous, the skin is fair, and countless lsps are whistling.

Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly, leaned back, and said to Feng Si and Chen Ayou: "This Zheng Youxi is a fake. If I guess correctly, she is Xi Xiezi in disguise."

"I know Brother Feng, Brother Dao and I will take care of her." Feng Si replied while taking out the mirror-shaped magic weapon from the Yin Yang family.

Chen Ayou was more straightforward. As soon as Ding Yunfeng finished speaking, he took out two purple talismans from his pocket and threw them under his feet, and then pointed and typed a formula.

The purple talisman turned into flames, sank into the ground, and rushed towards the two people who were shaking the cups.

Feng Si stood up and walked towards the exit of the hall. Before leaving, he patted Chen Ayou on the shoulder: "This is a method Ajiu got from the ghost master. You must use it carefully and don't go crazy."

"Oh, don't worry, my Chen family's ancestral casual cultivator is not strong in other things, but it is compatible."

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