Taking out the mahjong tile in his hand, Long Si placed it in front of the pile. It was a flower tile - plum.

With a smile on his face, Long Si touched the last card in the deck: "Ha, it's another flower card, Lan."

After drawing two flower tiles in a row, everyone present already knew what the Hua Country God of Gamblers wanted to do—according to the rules of mahjong in Guangdong Province, seven flower tiles should be drawn three times.




After making up three flower cards in a row, Long Si reached out to touch the fifth card.

Tsukamoto Eiji quickly rushed down from the audience stand until he was stopped two meters away from the poker table by two members of the International Gambling Association.

“Don’t let him touch any more cards!

Gao Jin!Army!Stop him!

Are you going to change cards?Why don't you quickly change his cards? "Tsukamoto Eiji kept shouting at Gao Jin and Dajun at the top of his voice. Tsukamoto Eiji's eyes were red with anxiety, and the veins on his forehead were visible to the naked eye.

Opening a piece of Duchess chocolate and stuffing it into his mouth, Gao Jin replied apologetically: "Mr. Tsukamoto, don't you know that I, Gao Jin, have never changed my opponent's cards?

Well, things have developed to this point, so you can't blame me.

In this game, I played all the cards clearly according to Mr. Tsukamoto's request.

At this moment, dozens of video guns were shining above his head.

Even if I want to change a few flower cards for myself and falsely accuse others of cheating, there is no way. "

As soon as Gao Jin's voice fell, Da Jun also put away his supernatural powers and said: "Don't stare at me, my skills are exhausted, while there is still time, come back to rescue Yan Zhen."

After saying this sentence, Da Jun pulled away his chair, got up and walked away.

Those who eat chocolate eat chocolate, and those who leave the stalls leave the stalls. Eiji Tsukamoto was dumbfounded.

During the conversation between him and Gao Jin, Long Si didn't stop drawing cards.




After collecting seven flower cards, Long Si said with a smile: "I see, there is no need to draw out the last card Dong.

Seven flowers, touch yourself three times! "

The four large screens facing the auditorium responded with close-up shots.

Plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos, and chrysanthemums in spring, summer, and autumn, plus [-] barrels and [-] ropes in the southeast, northwest, and middle, there are a total of twenty mahjong tiles in front of the Huaguo Gambler Dragon Four, which are very clear and catch everyone's eyes.

"This round! Dragon Four wins!" Iron-masked judge He Wei, holding a microphone, got up and announced the result.

Eiji Tsukamoto looked over angrily: "It doesn't count! It doesn't count! This round doesn't count! Because they made a move, and the four of them joined forces to make a move..."

"Mr. Tsukamoto, you suspect that all four contestants are outstanding, please show the evidence!

At the scene, there were more than 100 pairs of eyes watching, and dozens of cameras above their heads were recording.

Even among the four players, three of them showed their cards.

Mr. Zuo Songxing, the only one who didn't push the cards, put his hands on both sides of his temples for about 10 minutes, neither touching the table nor the cards.

If you say they are cheating, you have to give a convincing reason.

Otherwise, the International Gambling Association will suspend you and not allow you to participate in any international gambling competitions. "

The stern-faced judge was indeed stern-faced, and the gold master didn't give any face, so he grabbed the microphone and yelled back.

Eiji Tsukamoto's complexion changed drastically. He looked at Gao Jin with a playful expression, and at Long Si with an indifferent expression...

His eyes passed over A Xing who was making faces at him, and finally fell on the iron-faced judge He Wei. Tsukamoto Eiji finally understood.

This is a game, a conspiracy against the Tsukamoto family. From beginning to end, no matter whether it is Gao Jin or Da Jun, in fact, these two people belong to each other.

Thinking of this, Eiji Tsukamoto turned around abruptly, staring at someone who has had a ridiculously low sense of existence since the start of the Asian Gambling King Competition...

"Mr. Ding, good method!

Two old and new Gods of Gamblers, several supernatural power masters, plus the Chen family from Singapore, and Shi Yijian from Las Vegas and others.

Apart from you, I am afraid that there is no other person who can have such a terrifying connection. Trying to squeeze out a smile, Eiji Tsukamoto pointed at Ding Yunfeng and shouted.

Ding Yunfeng led everyone up, and he boasted about the gambling contract he had just signed: "Otherwise, how could I deceive you guys?

Who stipulated that for things like stud, you have to wait until the finals to bet on stud before you can stud? "

"Tsukamoto, you have learned a lesson..." Eiji Tsukamoto clenched his fists with both hands. He stared closely at Gao Jin who followed Long Si and A Xing to Ding Yunfeng's side: "Mr. Gao, the Tsukamoto family is not kind to you. .

Whether it is the support of gambling money or the reward after the event is completed.

The price we offered is the ceiling in the international gambling world. "

Gao Jin smiled and raised two fingers: "Two reasons.

First, Mr. Ding helped me understand the true identity of my cousin Gao Yi. It can be said that he indirectly saved my wife;

Second, although I am American, I am also Chinese.

Dealing with you Fusang people seems to be a matter of course. "

Hearing this, Eiji Tsukamoto's eyes suddenly went dark.

Fortunately, there was a palm behind him in time to support him. He turned around and found that the person who came was actually his grandfather——Takamoto Ankang.

"Eiji, don't be rude in front of others.

Mr. Long Si has a saying that is right, a win is a win, and a loss is a loss.

If you lose today, you can win next time.

It's also my fault that I have been focusing on the Xinghua Company in the hands of Inspector Lei, and didn't pay attention to Mr. Ding's gambling boats.

You did not lose this time, Mr. Ding, in order to plot against us, you actually persuaded the high-level officials of various departments in Huaguo to cooperate in the show, and even people of Yan Zhen's level went off in person..." Tsukamoto Ankang sighed, but that The pair of triangular eyes were full of murderous intent, staring closely at Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng groaned and interrupted the other party directly: "Old man, you made a mistake again.

Yan Zhenzhen defected, but Dajun did not.

After receiving Yan Zhen's call, he reported it immediately, and then was ordered to follow the other party, waiting for the opportunity to rebound. "

"That's right, from the beginning until now, Dajun and I are just acting. In fact, the four of us are all in the same team in this semi-final match. Hahahaha, are you surprised or surprised?" Ah Xing clapped his hands Akimbo, let out a very magical laugh.

Now, let alone Tsukamoto Eiji couldn't bear it, even Tsukamoto Ankang couldn't bear it anymore.

His face was dark, Tsukamoto Ankang didn't say a word, he turned and walked towards the exit of the hall.

Tsukamoto Eiji stomped his feet hard, and led a large group of men to catch up quickly.

Ah Xing, Chen Congming and others cheered, while Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo came together with solemn expressions.

"Based on my understanding of the Tsukamoto family, they will not let it go after they suffered such a huge loss.

Mr. Ding, Fourth Master and I have to stay for the finals.

Be careful on your way back. "Gao Jin spoke first, and after speaking, he walked towards a tall man with a cold face: "I have something to say to my friend, let's go first. "

Ding Yunfeng recognized the person as Long Wu, who was sent by Uemura Hongji to protect Gao Jin. He immediately said to Yi Yitian, "Senior Liu, please take care of me. I'm worried that something will happen to Gao Jin."

"En." Yi Yitian put his hands in his pockets, followed Gao Jin and the two, and walked out of the hall slowly.

Lei Luo patted Ding Yunfeng's arm: "Gao Jin's worries are not unreasonable.

You kid, have you arranged any backup plans?

But I need to call the capital and ask them to arrange personnel to come over to meet them. If it doesn't work, we'll go back overland from the border. "

"Oh, no need to go to such trouble.

Since I dare to come, I definitely won't just bring these few people with me.

Don't worry, but you are in Nanyang, you have to beware of the little devil who can't afford to lose, and secretly sends someone to take your old life. "Ding Yunfeng replied with a smile.

Lei Luo raised his eyebrows, put his arms around Amei's shoulders and said, "With my sister-in-law by my side, how can the little devil have the ability to plot against me?"

A little insight, to rest in Luoge's heart, Ding Yunfeng just discussed with Chen's father and son about the allocation of the winning gambling boats, when Detective Robin walked over quickly: "Hey, it's almost time."

"That's fine! Everyone, let's meet again when we have time. I'll go first."

Ding Yunfeng took a deep breath, and amidst the voices of everyone taking care, he brought along Ah Xing, Da Jun, and Inspector Robin who had abstained from voting, as well as twelve medical patent technologies from Tsukamoto Biotechnology, as well as Fugui Pill, Dongfang The files of the three gambling ships, the Prince and the Pearl, quietly left the venue of the competition, took Chen Jincheng's Rolls-Royce, and hurried to the pier.

At the Java Island pier, a ship disguised as a merchant ship beeped three times.

The white man Pete took a big gulp out of the wine jug, put down the binoculars, and kicked up the members of the Bloodfang Mercenary Corps who were lying on the deck sunbathing: "Quick, quick! You lazy bastards, stand up quickly and put on your guns!" , we are ready to sail back!"

"Oh, Shet! It's just a matter of dealing with a few Fuso people, no need to make such a fuss, right?"

"That's right, it's enough to select half of the people to stand guard by punching. If you put on too much battle, the other party will not dare to stand up."


One by one, the members of the Blood Fang Mercenary Group began to complain, and Peter was so angry that he kicked and kicked him: "Damn it! Did I wake you up to guard against the Fuso people? It was to meet the big boss!
A bunch of idiots, hurry up and stand up, Boss Han has only been away for a few days, one or two, and they are so lazy? "

"Boss is coming?"

"Damn it, didn't you say that coming out this time is a routine latent mission, how did it involve the big boss?"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is my AK-47?"

Hearing the word Boss, the group of thorns who didn't care much about Pete's orders all stood up like a chicken blood, some were looking for pineapples, some were looking for AK, the scene was chaotic, but in less than 5 seconds, they all stood up. Armed in place one by one, with their heads up and their chests upright, they stood in a row along the side of the boat full of energy.

When Ding Yunfeng brought people aboard, Pete even changed into a camouflage uniform with a bloodfang tag on it.

After clicking a Chinese-style military salute, Pete shouted loudly: "Deputy Captain Bloodfang, lead the first and third combat teams, salute Boss~!!!"

Fifty Bloodfang elites stood at attention together.

Looking at this group of elite mercenaries with different skin colors, scars on their faces, one-eyed, snub-nosed, and terrifying murderous aura even when standing still, Ding Yunfeng looked flat and raised his hand in return: "I am Ding Yunfeng, It’s a pleasure meeting everyone, and I’ll count on you on the way back.”

"It's our honor!" Pete grinned, and then waved a gesture of dismissal to the others: "Everyone take their places, weigh anchor, and set off!"

The ship left the port slowly, and the fort, which was originally nailed up with wooden boards, was quickly unpacked. Ding Yunfeng refused Pete's proposal to invite him to rest in the cabin, and stayed in the captain's cabin with A Xing and the army.

"Brother Feng, Tsukamoto Eiji, you probably don't have the guts to come here and beg for death?" Ah Xing changed out of his white suit and wore a red tracksuit that is easy to handle.

Da Jun, still wearing a black suit, stood nearby and retorted: "Fuso people have always retained their maritime power.

Tsukamoto Yasuyasu was another war criminal who participated in that battle.

With his connections in the Fuso Army and the financial resources of the Tsukamoto family, it would not be difficult to come up with a ship to intercept and kill us at sea. "

Ah Xing was about to speak when the radar in front of them showed that two ships were approaching rapidly in this direction a few nautical miles ahead.

"Damn it! One-eyed dragon, what the hell are you talking about?
Good spirits do not work, bad spirits, not only do they really come, but they are two ships when they come. "Ah Xing took a few deep breaths, and jumped on the spot with his left and right feet: "Fortunately, this morning, I went to my sister to borrow half of my skills, otherwise, this time it would be really dangerous. "

Ding Yunfeng looked at the radar, and told Pete: "Ask the other party first. According to the intelligence analysis, it is impossible for Tsukamoto Ankang to invite two ships."

"OK!" Pete grabbed the microphone and quickly shouted to the boat.

Two ships, one of which responded, it turned out that Meizi, Gundam and Interpol cooperated to settle Fukimaru, and received an order from Tsukamoto Junichiro, and wanted to cooperate with the Fuso ship invited by Tsukamoto Ankang to intercept and kill together Ding Yunfeng's McDonald's group.

"So it was two against one, not one against two." Ah Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the people around him with a smile.

Detective Robin rolled his eyes at him: "Young boy, thank you for mastering the extraordinary ability of special functions. You dare not fight against the wind at any time. How can you become a strong person like this?"

"Senior Robin, I am a researcher, and my daily job is to wait for the experts from the institute to study me.

Seriously, if my superiors hadn't suddenly sent me out to help Brother Feng this time, I wouldn't even know that supernatural powers can be used to change cards, let alone confront ship cannons? "A Xing smiled bitterly.

Da Jun was very disdainful at the side: "You skip every culture class, of course you don't know that supernatural powers have many applications, I am really ashamed to be with people like you!"

After finishing speaking, Dajun walked out of the captain's room with a look of disgust, and fired at a cannon with his hands open. The cannon's current flowed violently, and a black mercenary looked at him with a horrified expression.

The army shouted at him: "What are you looking at, you are enchanting you! Why don't you load the shells and kill the little devil on the other side?"

A shell blasted out along the barrel of the flashing blue current, and hit the side of the ship behind, causing huge waves. At the same time, countless fish schools under the water rolled their eyes as if they were hit by the current Float up behind the ship. (end of this chapter)

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