Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 872 Stealing Cai Yuanqi's Home

This just took away an old one, drove away a stunned one, why is there another stupid one?

Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi looked at each other, both of them were speechless.

Stepping forward and snatching the rocket launcher from Dasha's shoulder, Chen Yaoqing advised in a low voice: " Dasha, don't be impulsive. You take a step slower and didn't listen to Huang Dazhuang's analysis. Brother Feng is at the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce at the moment, and nothing will happen to him. "

"I'll be fine? Ah Qing, you came out to hang out on the first day!

If things on this path can be settled by analysis, why not just let the white paper fan do it all if the four major associations are concerned with people! Dasha snatched back the bazooka, and pushed Chen Yaoqing hard by the way.

He does not mean that.

Dasha's words not only changed the expressions of many people present, but Chen Yaoqing, who was pushed by him, also looked a little confused.

When Gan Lianghong saw this, he hurriedly walked up. The two of them had a physical conflict because Ding Yunfeng went to Kowloon Walled City alone to meet Laihao.

Pulling Chen Yaoqing behind him with one hand and pointing at Dasha's nose with the other, Gan Lianghong immediately got angry: " Dasha! What do you mean by these words?
Which of the brothers present was not worried about Brother Feng’s safety and came to help?

Don't think that you are the only one who is loyal inside and out!
Put your things down, find a place to sit by yourself, don't force me to have someone kick you out! "

"Young Master Gan, I... I don't mean it..." Dasha didn't dare to blow his hair when facing Gan Lianghong.

Gan Lianghong’s tone became even colder: “What does that mean???
Master Su was present. He was sitting with Lian Sheng. Wasn't he born in Bai Zhi Fan?
There is also Huang Dazhuang, without him running around to help you apply for a commutation of sentence, you are still staying in Stanley to bask in the sun today!
Brother Feng is not here, but Brother Dasha is quite impressive.

You bring a cannon into the door, spray on everyone you see, and then, don’t you even pay attention to me? "

"No, no, no, no, you are the second in charge designated by Brother Feng. Whatever you say will be whatever you say.

Master Su and Huang Dazhuang, I'm so stupid that I can't speak outright, so don't bother with me, a vulgar person. Dasha hastily put down the bazooka, shook his head, went to sit next to coolie Qiang.

Coolie glanced at him and reminded him in a low voice: "You have been the boss for so many years, how come you don't have any eyesight?

If Brother Feng had an accident, who would not work hard here?

That is to say, Gan Shao has a lot of face and will help you speak up in time.

If this happened to other forces, as you said just now, and you offended the internal chief executive, the society's Queen's Counsel, and the most powerful person in Hong Kong Island at the same time, would you have a good life in the future? "

After Coolie Qiang gave him some advice, Dasha realized that he had almost offended the three internal giants unintentionally.

Looking at Gan Lianghong gratefully, Dasha didn't dare to say more, but he was a little puzzled in his heart.

Aren't Coolie Qiang and myself the same kind of people?

(⊙o⊙) When did it become so eye-catching?

Gan Lianghong stepped forward to calm Dasha, and the mobile phone in front of Zhan Mi rang. He grabbed it and pressed the answer button, and said to the people around him, "It's Akun calling."

On the other side of the phone, Liang Kun was sitting in a semi-old BMW sedan, holding the phone in one hand and a walkie-talkie in the other: "Zhan Mi, I'm just outside the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce.

Long Wei took a group of dragon and tiger martial artists and pretended to be filming to make trouble in order to attract the attention of the other party's security personnel, while the three Long Kunbao had already climbed over the wall and entered. "

"Three? Besides Long Kunbao, who are the other two?"

"One is Wen Nuoyan, and the other is a dwarf. He said that he is the trump card of the Sha family, nicknamed Yizhimei. I saw that his skills are not inferior to Long Kunbao, so I agreed to let him go in to help." Liangkun said this, The walkie-talkie in the other hand suddenly made a rustling sound.

"It's me, can you find Brother Feng?"

"Brother Kun, this is Wen Nuoyan. Brother Feng and others are fine. They will be out soon."

"Well, you three, keep an eye out. If the other party dares to play tricks, take action immediately and protect Brother Feng." Liangkun hurriedly ordered, pushed open the car door, grabbed the mobile phone and ran towards the car with a group of dragon and tiger martial arts masters. Long Wei, who was making trouble: "Oh! I made a mistake, I made a mistake. The place I applied for filming is Hualiu Street, not Shanghai Street..."

Seven or eight security guards who formed a human wall and blocked the entrance of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Liang Kun running over.

If an ordinary crew came to make trouble, they would have taken action long ago.

But right now, the person who is shouting that he has already paid to rent the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce to shoot "Plan A" is the big star Long Wei.

With this person's status in the film and television industry of Hong Kong Island, who knows if this is true or not!

If someone really agrees to lend the property to others for filming, and he is too conscientious to take action, he will definitely be pushed out by the superiors to take the blame.

"Damn it! Did you make a mistake? There is such a big difference between Shanghai Street and Hualiu Street..." Long Wei received the wink from Liangkun and cut his expression in seconds. A few people on the opposite side: "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we made an oolong here. Look at this, in order to express my apology, when the movie is released, I invite you to watch the movie."

"No need, just clear up the misunderstanding.

Brother Longwei, if it is convenient, please step back. "The leading security chief tried to squeeze out a smile.

Long Wei knew that his mission had been completed. He turned around and waved his hand, leading a group of dragon and tiger warriors to climb into two vans, roaring and exiting quickly.

At this time, the closed door of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce was slowly pushed open from the inside.

Ding Yunfeng and Chen Yinhua walked while talking, followed by three people, it was Long Kunbao, Jiu Wenlong and Yizhimei who sneaked in.

Chen Yinhua glanced at Liang Kun who was standing at the gate, smiled at Ding Yunfeng and said, "You loyal subordinates make me and Brother Xu very envious.

Fortunately, Brother Xu just left you here for a few words. If we left you for a meal, our Shanghai Chamber of Commerce might be demolished today. "

"Hey, Boss Chen is making fun of me again!
The Shanghai Green Gang is famous!
When Hades and those Megatrons shook the world, my little brothers like me were basically wearing crotch pants! "Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth and poked Chen Yinhua's lung tube, which pot he didn't open and which pot he lifted.

The corners of Chen Yinhua's mouth twitched, and he cupped his hands at Ding Yunfeng with a smirk: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old ones. Hades and the others are all old calendars. In the days to come, it will depend on what kind of people under Mr. Ding's command." Help little brother.

Look, isn't it? The person who picks you up is here, isn't it? "

Following Chen Yinhua's gaze, Ding Yunfeng saw a continuous stream of convoys coming from the direction of the street, with seven or eight Rolls-Royces at the head, followed by either Ferraris or Porsches, or the relatively low-key Hutou Ben. super luxury car.Zhan Mi, Gan Lianghong and others pushed open the car door and got out. They all called out Brother Feng, and then stood silently behind Ding Yunfeng.

Chen Yinhua claimed that he had seen the world since he was a child in Shanghai.

However, facing a group of high-ranking officials from the Ding family who played an important role in both black and white in Hong Kong Island, he also felt that his legs were a little weak, so he secretly raised his right hand to support the retro lamppost beside him.

"Oh, are they all here?" Ding Yunfeng's eyes were smiling, scanning everyone's faces one by one, and finally stopped on the cylindrical item packed in a camouflage bag behind Dasha.

The corners of his eyes twitched, and Brother Feng was a little lucky that he didn't agree to Xu Longwu's invitation to stay for dinner.

If it had been delayed for a few minutes, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce might have been demolished by his men.

"Okay, what's the point of blocking someone's door?
It's time to go and do whatever you need to do. After a while, Matthew has to call me again. "Waving to everyone, Ding Yunfeng named Zhan Mi, Gan Lianghong, Huang Dawen, Coolie Qiang, Liang Kun, Han Bin, Master Su and Dasha.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's order, this group of Jianghu people who are well-known in the Tao had no objection and disbanded on the spot.

In the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, Chen Yinhua, who has been in charge of dealing with the forces in the Jianghu, was greatly shocked in his heart.

Back then, he and Xu Longwu just let out the rumors and wanted to bring everyone from the chamber of commerce to New York for development.

The King of Hell of the Qing Gang immediately developed the idea of ​​independence.

At the end of the quarrel, the Hong Kong Youth League became a thing of the past. On the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, he and Xu Longwu were both implicated and lost the last chance to get closer to their hometown.

"Little Chi, you really have a way." Watching Ding Yunfeng get into the iconic Bentley car, Chen Yinhua clenched his fist and hammered the light pole.

"Hey, Lao Chen, are you convinced now?" Xu Longwu leaned on his cane, and at some point, he came to the entrance.

Chen Yinhua buried his head in thought for a while, and showed a wry smile: "So what if Allah refuses to accept? You have handed over everything to him, so do we have a second way to go?
Forget it, let's go back and pack our things.

Before Frog Island’s main family found out, go early and have a good morning. "

"Don't worry, Ding Yunfeng has promised that at 10 o'clock tonight, Kai Tak Airport will arrange a special plane for us to fly to Seattle.

No matter how you say it, this person's reputation is higher than yours and mine combined, and he won't back down. "Xu Longwu patted Chen Yinhua on the shoulder comfortingly. The other party was seven or eight years younger than him. Chen Yinhua was still a little unwilling to leave Hong Kong Island.


Here, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce began to prepare to evacuate. As soon as Ding Yunfeng got in the car, he immediately called Wang Xia's father, the charterer, and asked him to take two apprentices and cooperate with Meng Bohui, the consultant of Overlord Flower Spear Technique, to help Cai Yuanqi build a safe. The other party's back door steals what the other party hides inside.

Huang Dawen sat on the right side of Ding Yunfeng, saw that he hung up the phone after saying these few words in a vague manner, and couldn't help reminding: "Brother Feng, don't you need to explain to them clearly what you want?

Cai Yuanqi is not an ordinary person. It won't take long for him to realize that he has lost something, and it is basically impossible to do it in the same way. "

"Lao Huang, don't worry, my father-in-law knows what I'm looking for.

If Cai Yuanqi has something I want, he can find it as soon as he opens the safe. "Ding Yunfeng had full confidence in the charterer, because he immediately asked him to help study the few 'blank papers' he got from Jiang Zhen. Later, the charterer even helped to make one specifically for saving those pieces of paper. What about the Luban safe made of paper?

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was so confident, Huang Dawen stopped talking. Everyone returned to the Ding family mansion in Repulse Bay in silence.

Ding Yunfeng went to comfort the women first, while Huang Dawen and the others went to the study on the second floor first, and each found a place to sit down.

Zhan Mi skillfully served Gongfu tea, and Gan Lianghong seized the time to read some international newspapers sent by newspapers.

Ding Yunfeng and Wang Jianjun pushed the door in. The latter closed the door, pulled out a stool and stood guard by the door.

"This time at the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, I discussed two things with Xu Longwu and the others." Ding Yunfeng sat down and talked straight to the point.

"First, Xu Longwu and Chen Yinhua don't want to continue fighting with us, and are planning to take the backbone of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and transfer to New York for development;
Second, they were worried about us and would interfere with them when they left Hong Kong Island, so they used this thing in exchange for me to arrange a plane to take them away. "

Putting the white paper he got from Xu Longwu on the table, Ding Yunfeng looked at the people with different expressions and explained: "Some methods used to transmit information on Wadao, and how to decipher them are basically written here. above, "

"Wow, Brother Feng, this thing is not light..." Zhan Mi sat upright after hearing this: "It's no wonder, the families of Xu Longwu and Chen Yinhua both hold high positions on Frog Island, so it's not surprising to have this thing. . I just didn’t expect that these two people would take out this thing in order to leave Hong Kong Island safely.”

Ding Yunfeng picked up a cup of tea, smiled and took a sip: "What's not understandable, these two people have stayed on Hong Kong Island for decades, and their relationship with their family on Frog Island has faded over time.

According to Xu Longwu, he didn't want to force his men to go to Frog Island to be used as cattle and horses.

In fact, I think that like Jiang Zhen, they have selfish motives as time goes by.

Perhaps, if they return to Frog Island now, the two of them will have to wear silver bracelets when they get off the plane! "

"It's very possible!"

"Xu Longwu and Chen Yinhua are notoriously insidious and cunning. It makes sense to be loyal to Wadao for the sake of profit. For the sake of faith and ideals, I don't think it is possible!"


After hearing Ding Yunfeng's words, everyone started talking.

Dasha was puzzled, frowning and scratching at his hair; coolie nodded, pretending to understand, and echoed from time to time—I thought so too.

While chatting, an hour later, the charterer knocked on the door and came in with two apprentices, Flip Flop and Baidu.

"Yue Zhang, how is it? Did you gain something?"

"Ah Feng, yes, yes, with the help of Meng Bohui, we successfully sneaked into Cai's house. There are three safes in total, two of which are in stock, and the things are here." The charterer wiped off his sweat, unzipped the windbreaker, and opened the safe. Take out two sheets of paper, one black and one white, from the inner pocket.

Ding Yunfeng asked Wang Xia to come up and took the three of them to the guest room to rest.

Then, according to the method recorded on Xu Longwu's paper, he used several chemical solvents to prepare two developing potions,
Gently brush it with a brush, and the black and white paper will soon show dense handwriting in front of everyone's eyes. (End of chapter)

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