Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 884 The struggle never stops

The light in Li Shutang's eyes quickly faded as Matthew said these words.

With a dark face, he patted the other party's desk hard: "What does it mean now?

You know clearly that Dasha specializes in smuggling things to the other side, but you pretend to be deaf and dumb to help him immigrate to the United States?

Then if I was asked to lead people to deal with Lu Minghua and Ding Yunfeng, wouldn't it be a farce from beginning to end? "

Seeing someone outside the door attracted by Li Shutang's voice, Matthew's expression changed drastically and he quickly stood up and closed the door: "Shut up! Sir Li, do you know what you are talking about?"

Li Shutang smashed the jar, took out the last Camel cigarette on his body, put it into his mouth and lit it: "What?

Did I make a mistake?
It is you who ask me to do things;

You are the ones who let your opponents go.

Yes, you have settled the issue of Hong Kong Island with the other party.

Sirs from London, they definitely want to maintain a gentlemanly manner and do not want to have direct conflicts with others on the stage...

However, have you ever considered how we, the people who help you charge into battle, will live after Ding Chou's new year? "

Faced with Li Shutang's questioning, Matthew also became angry.

"How's it going?
Didn't I give you a way out?
I have talked to you a long time ago. Not only you, but also your family can immigrate to Great Britain at any time.

Even Scotland Yard has arranged a place for you to retire.

Even in the past, you couldn't hold the same real power as you do here on Hong Kong Island.

But the salary you get from sitting in the office and blowing the air conditioner is definitely enough for your family to live a middle-class life in London.

It's you!

It was you who rejected our kindness.

You knew you couldn't stop Lu Minghua, but you still insisted on using Cai Yuanqi's case to make a fuss, which made the governor's office very dissatisfied with you.

Even so, I still decided to arrange for you to become the dean of teaching in Wong Chuk Hang in view of our past friendship and despite the pressure.


Are you angry at me?
Excuse me, what qualifications do you have to be angry with me?
Didn't you create this situation yourself? "

Pointing at Li Shutang's nose and swearing, Matthew angrily took out a brandy from the cupboard and poured himself a glass.

Li Shutang pulled out his chair and snatched the other party's wine glass.

Looking straight into the ghost man's frightened and angry eyes, he said coldly: "Leave? To put it lightly, the Li family has worked hard in the Hong Kong Island Police Force for three generations. The people who usually rely on my flag are black and white, even me. I don’t even know how many people there are.

If I dare to take my whole family to hide in London, do you believe that when I get on the plane, someone will reveal the dirty things I have done for you?
Well, Lu Minghua has just taken over, and he needs a target to establish his authority. When that time comes, it would be strange if he doesn’t bite me!

If he could leave, Guan Chun would rush to the street earlier than me, why didn't he leave? "

"Sir Guan?" Matthew took out a cup again and poured it for himself. Matthew walked to the desk, opened the drawer, and threw out a stack of documents: "Sir Guan, he has bowed to the Chinese system for a long time.

Well, take a look, this is the material they handed over through Lu Minghua - they are all reporting on your faction!

In the morning, Jane applied for early retirement, and Lu Minghua suggested that Guan Chun be transferred to the Flying Tigers to be the leader.

We estimate that these things might have passed through Ding Yunfeng’s side..."

Li Shutang picked up his dirty information, looked at it, and asked, "Lu Minghua suggested that the police department transfer Guan Chun to be the head of the Flying Tigers?"

"Yes, I have already approved it. At this moment, like you, he should be packing his things and going to take office in the afternoon." Matthew responded with a positive expression.

Looking at the power transactions related to him written on the paper, Li Shutang pretended to be calm: "No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Ha, the mouse is still the bridesmaid of the cat?
From the time when Les was the director, Ding Yunfeng was working as a tactical consultant for the Flying Tigers.

The power of the Flying Tigers has always been firmly in their hands. Will they let it go for the sake of these pieces of dirty information about me? "

Knowing that Lao Li was just being stubborn, Matthew raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass: "Why is it impossible?

As long as Guan Chun promised Lu Minghua, he would be transferred to the Flying Tigers this time and he would be a humanoid seal. Why couldn't the other party agree? "

"How could Guan Chun agree to such outrageous conditions?"

"His son Guan Zu got into trouble outside and fell into the hands of a group of French mercenaries.

In order to rescue Guan Zu, Guan Chun's wife Li Youhui went to New York to find someone to rescue her son without telling him.


The so-called master that the unlucky girl was looking for turned out to be Ding Yunfeng's subordinate, a well-known killer named Leon. "Matthew opened another drawer and threw a file bag in front of Li Shutang: "The information is here, you can see for yourself. It's really Fa Ke who opened the door for Fa Ke. Fa Ke is home! "

When he came to the director's office today, Li Shutang was numbed by the bad news one after another.

Resisting the urge to curse, Li Shutang opened the bag and poured out the contents.

Having said that, no matter what, you must know where you and Guan Chun failed.

What catches the eye are two photos of handsome boys. The one with the front face has Wang Renjie written on the back; the one with the pointed face has Guan Zu written on the back.

Li Shutang followed his past habit of handling cases and placed photos of the two of them on the left and right corners of Matthew's desk.

After quickly looking through their information, Li Shutang learned that Guan Zu and Wang Renjie from Frog Island met in Paris.

Wang Renjie killed someone and was hunted down by the underworld wanted by Wa Dao Baidao. In order to survive, he joined a French mercenary group;

At this time, Guan Zu was caught by his family and taken to study at Columbia University in New York. During this period, he met several rich second generations from Hong Kong and got together with one of them, a girl named Zhou Su.

Based on his experience in handling cases, Li Shutang knew that there must be another force pushing Guan Zu to be on the opposite side of the French mercenary group where Wang Renjie worked.

Grabbing the document with a red seal of confidentiality on the cover, Li Shutang opened it and saw that the first page was Cai Yuanqi's information.

Ten minutes later, Li Shutang put down the documents and cursed in a low voice: "Cai really succeeds more than fails, and it's not a pity to die!"

Matthew put down the wine glass and put away the documents: “Okay, everyone is dead, there’s no point talking about it now.

Cai Yuanqi received 3000 million from the Li family and promised to settle this boy named Wang Renjie.

As a result, the thing was not done, but the hired person was lax in his words and revealed the matter under the torture of the mercenary group...

You know that in the mercenary circle, reserve members and full members are treated completely in two different ways. The former are cannon fodder, while the latter are comrades-in-arms.

That Wang Renjie later gained recognition from the team through hard work.

Just when Guan Zu was tired of life, he took the rich second generation to the Alps to play some extreme sports. By chance, he met Wang Renjie and his group who were training there.

According to what was written in the information, Wang Renjie just wanted an explanation from Guan Zu, asking this friend why he paid to kill him.But the second-generation rich people around Guan Zu were looking for death. They disagreed and shot first.

Fortunately, Wang Renjie was sensible and stabilized his comrades.

Otherwise, let alone Li Youhui, who was sick and rushed to the hospital and hired Ding Yunfeng's men to save people, those murderous French mercenaries would have buried those boys on the spot. "

"Haha, no wonder a few days ago, Li He brought a group of Chinese tycoons to support me.

It turns out that giving up on Guan Chun was a lie, but adding more black stuff to me was the real thing.

This old fox wants to help his son-in-law transfer to the Flying Tigers to preserve his strength..." Li Shutang was completely convinced of the defeat.

After whispering "Sorry" to Matthew, Li Shutang pulled out his chair and turned towards the door.

Looking at the opponent's slightly arched back, Matthew suddenly said: "Sir Li, it's because you have been helping Daying for more than [-] years.

We promise you that we will take good care of Mr. Li. "

Li Shutang stopped, frowned and replied: "I have arranged for Wen Bin to go to Scotland Yard. After he undergoes this training, he will stay in the London Police Station and continue to serve the Queen."

"Sorry, Sir Li didn't leave London Airport. He bought a plane ticket and flew back to Hong Kong without telling you.

Moreover, he went to Taipingshan to see the Governor, saying that he wanted to start from scratch from ICAC or the Internal Investigation Division..."

"Damn guy, I'm warning you, don't mess with me!" Li Shutang turned around and rushed over, grabbing Matthew's collar with all his strength.

Matthew looked into Li Shutang's eyes with a smile: "Sir Li, please don't be impulsive.

Think about it for yourself, was it your father who led a group of police officers to pledge allegiance to the Queen?

No one has ever forced you, the Li family, right?

The son just refused to admit defeat and made a choice similar to his grandfather.

And we are happy to give him, and you, the Li family, a chance to make a comeback in the days to come.

When Sir Xiao Li entered ICAC, he started as the deputy leader of the action team.

He will be given one month to familiarize himself with the job, and he will be promoted to a full-time job next month. The Superintendent personally promises that within two years, he will help Mr. Li sit in the position that Yan Guoliang once held..."

"No! Matthew, this is my son, this is my son, for the sake of the fact that we have known each other for more than 20 years..."

"Sir Li, if it weren't for the favor that the Li family has accumulated in the past, there would be a struggle like this.

Will the loser get a second chance to invest?
Think about it, you came to me today, I should let you know, I should not let you know, I can show you, I can't show you, there are some things that I don't need to explain to you.

But I, this old friend, am completely satisfied with you. I can even bear it when you scold me in person.You have no regrets, right? "


Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Huang Dawen's face was solemn as he trotted in from outside. Ah Shui didn't even have time to respond to Ah Shui's greeting.

Ding Yunfeng and Zhan Mi were packing their things in the study room on the second floor, where the countless confidential files collected by the Ding Clan Intelligence Network over the years were stored.

Except for a few, Qingqing took them to Nanyang in advance as a trump card for self-protection;
Most of the rest needs to be sorted out and handed over to Yang Jianhua's department.

Huang Dawen avoided the piles of documents on the floor and squeezed to Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, Li Shutang jumped off the building 10 minutes ago."

"Yes, I understand. Tell Kite to keep an eye on Li Wenbin." Ding Yunfeng replied lightly, walked to the balcony with a few files in his hand, took out a lighter and lit it.

Huang Dawen put down his briefcase, found an empty flowerpot, and promptly placed it at Brother Feng's feet.

Ding Yunfeng slowly squatted down and put several documents in his hand into the flower pot one by one.

Huang Dawen stretched out his hands to help block the wind. The fire burned his eyes, and he vaguely saw that in the three files burned by Brother Feng this time, in addition to Liu Jianming, who was codenamed Kite, there were two other people of his own.

Seven days later, Ding Yunfeng, who had finished handling the matter at the Hong Kong Island, took a boat with his whole family from Sai Kung Pier to the high seas. He changed altitude on the ship that had just arrived, and rushed to Singapore to meet Lei Luo, Lard Boy, and Lan Jiang. people meet.

At the same time, due to Li Wenbin's persistence, Li Shutang, who had been lying dormant at the Hong Kong Island Funeral Home for seven days, was finally buried.

"Sir Li, my condolences and my kindness.

I am Liu Jianming, deputy director of the Special Branch, and this is my colleague Liu Jiehui. Both of us were students of Sir Li when he was an instructor at the police academy. "Liu Jianming's face was full of sorrow. After helping Li Wenbin introduce Liu Jiehui, his eyes became red and he couldn't help turning his back and wiping away tears.

Compared to Liu Jianming who exerts too much force in his acting, Liu Jiehui is much more natural.

He pursed his lips, shook hands with Li Wenbin with his right hand, and patted the other person's arm with his left hand: "We work in special departments. Before, we never dared to visit the instructors.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I will be transferred to the police station next month, but I am still a step late. In this life, I will never be able to salute the instructor or shout "Attention..."

"You two are very interested. If my father, Izumi, knew that the students he taught were so promising in the future, I believe he would be very happy." Li Wenbin mustered up his energy to deal with the two of them.

The three continued to chat for a few words, left each other's contact information, and said goodbye at the cemetery.

As soon as Liu Jianming got in the car, he immediately put away his Qi Rong: "How is it? About the new head of the Li family?"

"He's a rival. I bet you that he will investigate us when he gets back." Liu Jiehui pulled on his seat belt, took out a pack of Marlboros, knocked out one and handed it to Liu Jianming.

Liu Jianming took it and stuffed it into his mouth and lit it: "Let him check it. It has been prepared over at Wong Chuk Hang."

"Hehe, then I can rest assured."


Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories.

Ali and Peng Yixing were sitting on a huge rock, looking at a convoy heading towards the Luohu Police Post in the distance.

"Who?" Peng Yixing suddenly turned around and showed a pistol in his hand.

"It's me, Ah Xiong." Zhang Yaoxiong's voice came over.

Peng Yixing put away his weapon and complained angrily: "Brother Xiong, let me know in advance next time. If the gun goes off, you have already accompanied Li Shutang to report."

"I'll go! It's great luck. Why did your mouth become so poisonous when you followed Ali, a dull gourd?" Zhang Yaoxiong held a cigarette in his mouth and walked out of the mountain road at the back casually. Following him, there was another person. A curly-haired young man who looks somewhat similar to him.

"Here, let me introduce you. Luo Ji, code name is Brother Ji. Let's get to know each other."

"Code name? Brother Xiong, are you sure you got it right? It's a code name, not a nickname?"

"No, it's just a code name."

"Yeah, I understand. Hello, Brother Ji, my name is Wang Li, codename is Yanzu." (End of Chapter)

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