**Contract of Guarding Sweetheart

Chapter 15 Going to the disabled house, dating?

"I'm so full!" Meng stretched contentedly.

"What a big eater..." Can Wang complained, looking at the empty plate in front of him

"Is there a problem?" Dream

"No problem, let's go back!"

"Oh." Dream

"Go to my house." A cold voice came out

"Huh?" Dream

"Don't understand?"

"Understood, but I-don't-agree!" Meng deliberately stretched these words long

"I told you to go, do you dare?" Can pressed his face to Meng's, the difference between their lips was only 0 mm

"I... I won't go!!" Meng lacked confidence

"Hehe, are you shy?" Can Gou made a mocking smile

"Who is shy!!!" Meng blushed

"But you're blushing! Could it be that you're in love with me?" Can smiled slightly

"Go!" Dream

"Just kidding! It's fine if you don't go." Can turned to leave

"Wait! I'll go." Meng

"What did you say?" Can turned around

"I said I'll go." Meng

"It seems that my aggressive method has also succeeded!"


"I'm using my own way to deal with this person's body."

"Okay! Even if I'm smart and confused for a while! Let's go." Meng

"Ok" Can handsomely waved his hand

Meng didn't notice that there was a blond boy watching her silently at this time...

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