The five of them walked into the school together, and when they were not far from the classroom, a person who none of them wanted to see appeared.But with her appearance, there is no reason to deliberately avoid her.

Lin Anxue smiled wickedly, and gracefully walked in the direction of the five of them.Today Lin Anxue is wearing a very sexy dress. The top is a dress surrounded by a bow, and the bottom is a short skirt, which is so short that everyone can see her thighs.

"Sister, yesterday's engagement banquet turned out like that, you must be very sad?" Lin Anxue said sarcastically after glancing at them.With her haughty look, I really want someone to go up and slap her on the face.

"Senior sister really cares too much about our affairs, right?" Bingbing didn't answer anything, only Meng Meng took the topic and said.With a visibly playful smile on their faces, they soon knew that Meng was about to start teasing her again.

"It's only natural for a senior to care about a junior, isn't it okay?" Lin Anxue replied cleverly, but with her appearance, she couldn't escape the dream game at all.

"Senior sister, you really deserve to be beaten like this." Xuan couldn't stand Lin Anxue's appearance anymore, so she couldn't help shouting. "If you dare to behave like this again, don't blame us for being rude." Xuan continued.

"Oh?! Really? Then I want to see how you guys are rude to me. I'll wait and see." Lin Anxue said with a slight smile.He left without saying anything to them.

Xin and Xuan sneered.It seems that their game has officially started, and each scene will be more exciting and more horrible than the last.No one can afford to play their game, because it is a revenge game for their demons.For this revenge, they suffered a lot, not the kind of suffering of ordinary people, but suffering like devils.

"Bingbing, Xiaoya, you two go back to the classroom first, the three of us still have things to deal with." Xin looked at her watch, then raised her head to look at the two people standing in front of her.

Bingbing and Xiaoya didn't say much, just nodded and walked towards the classroom.The remaining three girls stood in the corridor and watched their figures enter the classroom before they agreed to leave.

They put on their masks and sat in the car, ready to go to the head office of 'Dingyu'.

After arriving at 'Dingyu', they put the car in the parking lot, got out of the car, and walked into the elevator.They didn't come out of the elevator until they were on the twentieth floor.The [-]th floor is the exclusive building of the three of them. Without their permission, no one can step into the [-]th floor, otherwise the consequences will be at their own risk.

When I came to the twentieth floor, I walked straight towards the corridor, not long after I walked.The three of them walked into an office.The office is very large, but there is no one in sight.

Xin picked up the phone, gave an order, and then closed the phone.The three of them sat on the sofa, and not long after, a person came in.This person is the highest leader of 'Ding Yu', but he is not as tall as the three of them.But the relationship with the three of them is particularly good, and that person has seen the true faces of the three of them.

"Lucy, Pearl, Sally, why are the three of you so free to come today?" The high collar smiled, not knowing that the three of them were coming, because the three of them seldom appeared in the 'Ding Yu', otherwise Except for very important things, the other time will not come.

"Che, now I want you to use your identity as 'Ding Yu' to buy Lin's Group immediately." Xin didn't say much, and went directly to the topic, and her tone was still the same cold.

"Yes." Che didn't say anything, but followed Xin's order.After speaking, Che left.

The three of them didn't stay for long, and left after explaining.After walking out of the 'Ding Yu', they came to the parking lot and jumped into the car at once.When they drove not far from 'Ding Yu', they took off their masks.

After taking off the masks, they stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the school.The school is also some distance away from the 'Ding Yu', so they will arrive at the school later.

Soon, the three of them came to the school. As soon as they entered the school, there were many people talking about something. The three of them soon knew what happened, so they didn't ask any more questions.

"The Lin Group was acquired by the world's most famous 'Dingyu'."

"Yes, yes, I don't know how the Lin Group could offend such a powerful person."

"Now that the Lin Group has been acquired, we will no longer be bullied by Lin Anxue."

. . . . . . . . . .

All kinds of different opinions came out of different people's mouths, the three girls just sneered, this is what happened to Lin Anxue.The mistakes she made herself, the three of them wanted to implicate her relatives, because this was their retribution.

The three MMs didn't care about their discussion, and walked straight towards the classroom.As soon as I came to the door of the classroom, I was hugged tightly by a young girl who came to meet me.

"Xin, the Lin Group was acquired by 'Ding Yu'." Xiaoya said with a smile, the acquisition of the Lin Group was a pretty good thing for them, because the chairman of the Lin Group used some operated by improper means.

"I know." Xin also smiled, she knew about this matter earlier than anyone else, because she was the only person behind the scenes.

Just as they were about to enter the classroom, a familiar cry came from not far away, and the cry was very sweet.As soon as everyone heard it, they knew it was Lin Anxue's voice.Everyone looked towards the crying sound together, while Lin Anxue followed the Fourth Young Master Sheng Ying, not knowing what to say.Seeing Lin Anxue's appearance, they soon realized that Lin Anxue was looking for help from some of the world's top groups for the Lin family's business.Even if they are willing to help, they will never be able to beat the 'Ding Yu'.

"Brother Yi, Brother Chen, Brother Ze, Brother Xiang, you must help our family this time. Our family has never offended 'Ding Yu', and I don't understand why 'Ding Yu' bought my family's business .You just help my family, if you don't help, the business that my dad started alone will be gone. And we have been playing games since we were young, so you can't help me, right?" Lin Anxue pleaded bitterly from the side She said that she would never allow the Lin Group to just hand over to others like this. If she did, then she would have no status in this school.

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