The Evil Concubine

【140】: Gray-like shocking


Xia Er quickly moved away with Qin Lingyue in his arms.

The Sky Demon Beast, who was still petite just now, has turned into an unusually large giant monster. It turned out that this guy got angry just now, and raised his big feet to trample Qin Lingyue and Shire to death.

Looking at the bottomless pit on the ground, Qin Lingyue regretted: "It's a pity, it's a pity that I wasn't trampled to death."

The monster was really angry that day. No one had dared to treat it like this before. It arched its body, ran, and attacked three of them.

Three out of the way.

The sky monster opened its bloody mouth, and a pile of meat from the hill had disappeared.

Qin Lingyue swallowed her saliva: "This stuff is not edible, even if I take it, I might not be able to support it."

Shire was ashamed: "At present, it has not been tamed yet."

Qin Lingyue frowned, and said something that made Charles vomit blood: "I'm not a beast trainer."

"Ahem, then you still want to adopt it?"

"Can't you?"

Charles shook his head: "It's generally possible, but the sky monster is a beast, and the beast has its own consciousness. If its master can't conquer it and force a contract, it will trigger its forced resistance."

"Master, what should we do now?" The three were ashamed, the pile of hills just disappeared, this foodie.

"Outsmart." Qin Lingyue said.

"How to outwit it?" Charles' mouth twitched, are you going to communicate with it?

In fact, Xia Er can help tame the demonic beast with Qin Lingyue, but the magical beast is a little perverted.

That is, it's okay if one person singles it out, but if it's doubled up, it will be even more annoyed.

In order to reduce the damage, Charles can only act as a military adviser at present, and cannot make a move unless it is absolutely necessary.

Qin Lingyue rubbed her chin while thinking, her footsteps unconsciously walked like a cat that was eating.

How to deal with this foodie?

This is a difficult problem, at least in Qin Lingyue's current view,

But the next moment everyone was shocked, someone's shit luck is not so good.

"You want me to follow you?"

Qin Lingyue trembled, the voice was very old, and the person behind her turned around looked at her blankly, it seemed that neither Shire nor Sanzhi said this, then...

Raising her head, Qin Lingyue said in her heart, "Well, I want to subdue you." Why did this guy speak suddenly?And it's a secret language.

Sky Warcraft sneered: "Your strength is not strong enough, I don't pay attention to the people behind you."

The meaning is obvious, even the Dark Demon Gods look down on you, let alone you.

The corner of Qin Lingyue's mouth twitched. Is this discriminating against her?

Looking at the sky monster and smiling: "I can help you avenge."

Whoever said it: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

They have a common enemy - the Temple of Light.

The Heavenly Demonic Beast shook slightly, and sooner or later that shit's Temple of Light will go back and be destroyed.

"It's up to you? How powerful is your small body? Don't make people laugh."

Qin Lingyue smiled instead of anger: "It's not like you haven't tried my experience."

The Heavenly Demonic Beast nodded undeniably, every move it made to attack the person in front of it seemed to be ineffective, if it were someone else, it would have been lying on the ground long ago.

"Hey... The Temple of Light is also my enemy. Don't you think that an enemy's enemy is a friend? It's better for everyone to take revenge than one person. Are you right?" Qin Lingyue smiled and blinked.

The Sky Demon Beast thinks it makes sense. Although it is powerful, those so-called righteous people are villains. It was imprisoned for thousands of years because of plotting against it.

There was coldness in the eyes, and the body of the Sky Demon Beast shrank suddenly: "I will give you a one-month trial period. If I am satisfied, I will continue to follow you. If you can't meet my requirements, then I will leave."

Qin Lingyue smiled, her eyes twinkling brightly, one month?enough……

Xia Er smiled, watching the Sky Demonic Beast and Qin Lingyue come together, as if he had expected it.

The three gasped, and the corner of Xiao Evil's mouth twitched wildly: "Master, is this the way to go?"

Qin Lingyue nodded.

Boom, Xiaotian fell down directly, and it was settled without seeing how the two of them fought.

"Let's go, the villagers should be here soon." Charles said, faintly hearing footsteps.

Qin Lingyue nodded, and the big team left here quickly.

Qin Lingyue and the others left just a moment ago, and the destroyed forest miraculously recovered.

Everything that happened before the release of the Buddha was false.

The most depressing thing along the way was Xiao Nai, the reason: except that he came in again and was a beast.

And this beast is not unusually edible, every time it sees food, it is wiped out by the sky monster in the blink of an eye.

At that speed, everyone who watched was stunned.

It was already five days later when we returned to the city of St. Lia.

Before Qin Lingyue had time to go home, she heard news from a Terai man.

It is said: A few days ago, the emperor suddenly decreed that Qin Lingyue betrothed to his third son.

What is this for?Are those guys already back?

After casually asking the people around her, Qin Lingyue found out the truth, and those guys had already returned.

Xia Er looked at Qin Lingyue with a teasing smile: "Won't Concubine Ai explain?"

Qin Lingyue spread her hands together: "Excuse me? I don't even know when I was sold."


Someone is angry.

"I'm the victim, what are you humming?"

"Hmph." Continue to snort coldly.

The three of them had slipped away without knowing where they were with the sky monsters.

Before Qin Lingyue approached the Qin Mansion, she felt that something was wrong nearby.

His brows were furrowed, there was a problem with the magnetic field around here, and someone was nearby.

The body shuttled like a ghost, and soon Qin Lingyue disappeared from the sight of the watchers.

Back in her own yard, Dong'er was cleaning up the flowers and plants she had planted in the yard.

Qin Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, hoo... Fortunately, there are still people watching here.


Bang Dang, the kettle in her hand fell to the ground, and Dong'er turned around in a daze. The beautiful woman behind her was dressed in purple and had an alluring face, but she couldn't breathe from the sound.

Covering her mouth, with tears in her eyes, Dong'er choked up and said, "Miss?"

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