The Evil Concubine

【144】: Xuanyuan Sword Evil Land

[This chapter is more than 4000 words, ladies and gentlemen, the wonderful show is about to start, everyone is ready to reward with red envelopes, baahaha╭(╯3╰)╮】


beg him?sneer……

In the dark, Charles slowly raised his hand, a black magic ball was condensed in his hand, emitting a fluttering light.

Xiaotian trembled, that kid really didn't know what to do.

Xiao Nai narrowed her eyes, looked at Bai Ye and said bitterly: "He is really a bastard as he said every day, I will not let him go."

The sky monster raised its paw, but the meaning was clear, as long as Charles coughed, it would attack.

Qin Lingyue smiled, pointed at Bo Ye with her fingers.

It made Baiye feel a chill.

Bai Ye trembled, shook his head coolly, and walked over in a ruffian manner.

There was no wind, Baiye felt a pain in his eyes.

Chen Rumeng opened his mouth wide and his shoulders trembled.

Gong Jince coughed and looked away, but it was obvious that his shoulders were shaking too.

Qin Lingyue blew on her fist and raised her eyebrows: "Do you still ask for it now?"

Bai Ye covered his eyes and glared at Qin Lingyue viciously: "You witch..."

"Huh? Continue..." Qin Lingyue signaled him to continue.

Bai Ye clicked his mouth, he knew that he couldn't beat this witch, so he could only knock down his teeth and swallow it, he endured it!

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge! !

After Qin Lingyue left, the three of them also invited to leave.

The battle to seize the treasure is imminent, and the warriors, swordsmen, and fighters of the entire Saint Leah Empire are desperately leveling up to prepare for the battle to seize the treasure.

And Qin Lingyue did not neglect, and advanced again under the guidance of Xia Er.

But something happened to the Heavenly Warcraft.

The sky monster suddenly went berserk and became extremely irritable.

After checking it, Charles came to the conclusion that the Sky Warcraft was suppressed by light magic in the Temple of Light before, and was injured in the body.

So Shire took it to the Dark Temple to heal it.

Qin Lingyue was worried and asked Xiao Nai to leave with them.

After seeing off Xia Er and Xiao Naitian Warcraft, Qin Lingyue also started to arrange her own affairs.

There was no longer any need for the Qin family to monitor, so Xiao E and Xiao Tian obediently followed Qin Lingyue.

Ten days before the battle to seize the treasure, Qin Lingyue noticed some Caucasians suddenly appeared in the city.

White people: White people have white or light brown skin, high cheekbones, high and narrow nose bridge,

There are several different colors of eyeballs and hair color.

Sitting on the high tower, Qin Lingyue sighed as she ate the food, no matter where this person walked, he hadn't changed.

Looking at these blue-eyed handsome men and beautiful women, Qin Lingyue sighed that mixed races are still popular.

"Master, these people are so strange, look at that, the clothes on his body symbolize the great magister, it seems that this battle to seize the treasure must be very exciting.

Qin Lingyue glanced at it, and sure enough, the people of the Ailan Empire practiced magic, and the clothes they wore were all symbols of status.

Suddenly Qin Lingyue put down the food: "Aren't people from these two countries married? That way we can see people of mixed race."

Little Evil with his hips on his hips: "Master, you don't know something. Although the two countries seem to have no war, they look at each other with disgust in their eyes. They feel that the other party's people are not worthy of themselves."

Qin Lingyue nodded. These people thought they had a little cultivation and were extremely arrogant.

After clapping her hands, Qin Lingyue stood up: "Let's go and see what's interesting."

"Okay." Xiao Tian and Xiao E slapped each other and rubbed each other's hands, which made Qin Lingyue mourn for some people.

Walking on the street, Qin Lingyue took the two to eat, drink and play.

Suddenly, Xiao Evil blew a loud whistle at the super Bo-Ba coming towards him.

After abducting Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Evil had an evil face on his face: "I'm tired of looking at it every day, as expected, foreign goods are different."

Hearing this, Qin Lingyue also looked over.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you see it, Bo-ba, grass...

Looking down at her own body, Qin Lingyue straightened up, and her own development was not bad.

Xiao Evil covered his mouth and snickered: "Master, you are not on the same level."


Qin Lingyue slapped it down: "How did you talk?"

Xiao Evil covered his head, hiding behind Tian Tian and muttered: "What I said is the truth."

"Huh?" Qin Lingyue glared at her angrily. At this moment, Qin Lingyue was wearing another mask, a very ordinary girl next door.

Xiao Evil pointed his fingers, and looked at Qin Lingyue with tears in his eyes.

Master Yin, do you really have the heart to hit me?

When Na Bo-ba walked past her, Qin Lingyue could clearly feel the look of contempt from that woman.

Come on, Mimi is so hairy... Shit, don't let me see you next time, or I will hit you once I see you!

"Zhu Yin, the look in your eyes just now..." Xiao Ei winked at Qin Lingyue.

"Take care of your own eyes, let's go!" Qin Lingyue took the lead and left, her current appearance could not be found in the crowd, let alone attract others' attention.


"Fanchen, is this the place of the human race?" The woman, dressed in light blue and wearing a veil, asked while grabbing the handsome man in white clothes beside him.

This handsome guy in white clothes is flamboyant, with a non-human appearance, the handsome man and beautiful woman immediately attracted the attention of the walking crowd.

"Well, here is the human race."

This pair of handsome men and beautiful women is Feng Jiuxue and Fan Chen, and they also came here for the battle for the treasure! !

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Feng Jiuxue clapped her hands. It took her a long time to get out with Fanchen. It was the first time she left the elves, which made Feng Jiuxue extremely excited.

Fan Chen smiled and said nothing, and brought Feng Jiuxue into the city.

Along the way, Feng Jiuxue chirped endlessly.

"Hey, Fanchen, where are we going to find Ling Yue?"

Fan Chen and Feng Jiuxue had already turned into adults, and they were eating at the inn, Feng Jiuxue asked.

Hearing this, Fan Chen was stunned, and then said: "We can meet each other if we are destined."

Feng Jiuxue pursed her mouth, suddenly the words of the person next to her caught her attention.

"We [Flame Group] must take it in this treasure hunt."

"By the way, boss, what is the treasure this time?"

"According to reliable sources...the treasure this time...unknown!"

"Ah, no, the boss doesn't even know what kind of treasure it is, isn't this what makes the brothers die in peace?"

"Go away, maybe I don't know?"

"Speak quickly, boss."

"Listen well, it is said that the treasure this time is... Xuanyuan Sword!"

"What, it turned out to be Xuanyuan Sword, damn it, boss, let's get rich."

"What about the location? Where is the location?"

"Let me figure it out."

As the boss spoke, he acted like a magic stick, whetting the appetite of the onlookers.

Under everyone's attention, the boss clicked his lips: "I don't know, but the only thing that is certain is that we are in the Saint Leah Empire. Otherwise, how could people from the Emily Empire appear here?"

"Yes..." Everyone nodded in unison.

Unable to hear the answer she wanted, Feng Jiuxue sighed and retracted her ears, how boring! !

"Master Yin, Master Yin, the little one is hungry." Before he even approached the inn, Xiao Evil was nagging about his hunger.

Feng Jiuxue stood up abruptly, the voice just now was so familiar, like the voice of the little devil beside Qin Lingyue.

Fanchen smiled, and met naturally because of the fate, it seems that the fate between them... is very deep.

"Sleep after eating, eat when you sleep, are you a pig?" Qin Lingyue said with a smile.

Suddenly Qin Lingyue stopped in her tracks, and two strong gazes stayed on her body.

She raised her head to meet her... When she saw the two people staring at her... Qin Lingyue was in a mess in the wind.

Who will tell her why Mao will see these two?

"Ah..." Feng Jiuxue immediately screamed when she saw Xiao Tian Xiao E.

The next moment her mouth was covered by someone.

In fact, Qin Lingyue really wanted to ignore it, after all, this place is not suitable for reminiscing about the past, but...

After all, they were friends, so Qin Lingyue had no choice but to bring Feng Jiuxue and Fan Chen to her room.

"Tell me, what are you two doing here?" Qin Lingyue knocked on the table and asked.

Feng Jiuxue ravaged little evil, and when she heard Qin Lingyue's words, she smiled and pointed at Fan Chen: "Ask him, I'm just a follower."

Qin Lingyue's eyes signaled to Master Fanchen that you can speak now.

Fan Chen took a sip of tea and said leisurely, "Watching a play."

Xiao Evil's cute face was distorted and deformed under Feng Jiuxue's hands.

Looking at Xiaotian for help, help me every day! !

Qin Lingyue leaned over and took a closer look at Fanchen: "Beauty, you are still so handsome, and you are still so...less talking."

"Girl Lingyue, don't molested our Highness." Feng Jiuxue came over and slapped Qin Lingyue's paw.

Qin Lingyue blew on her hand: "Is it okay to flirt with me?"

Feng Jiuxue stared, and said in a doggy manner at the next moment: "Okay, but don't let me see it, okay? You won't forget that I liked our Highness before?"

Qin Lingyue muttered, and she wouldn't flirt if she wasn't flirting: "However, Feng Jiuxue, you've changed a lot, right? Have you figured it out?"

Feng Jiuxue shook her head flirtatiously: "Cut, sister, I'm not one-sided."

She has been relying on Fan Chen before, and she is also loved by the entire elves.

So subconsciously, she also regarded herself as Fan Chen's wife.


After being taught a lesson by Qin Lingyue, Feng Jiuxue finally understood that worship is not love, and she is unilaterally worshiping the world.


Her Majesty Fanchen has no interest in her at all. She Feng Jiuxue is not a shameless person. She wants capital to have capital, face to have face, body to have figure, hum... why can't I find a beautiful man?

"Tsk tsk... I'm enlightened." Qin Lingyue looked at the two with ambiguous eyes.

Fan Chen put down his teacup: "It feels like there is one less person."

One person missing?Feng Jiuxue scanned the room, but didn't find any magic horse?

"He went to work." Of course Qin Lingyue knew who Fan Chen was talking about.

However, even the elves have come out, it seems that this battle for the treasure will be so fierce.

Seemingly understanding what Qin Lingyue was worried about, Fan Chen said, "Don't overthink it, we're here to watch the battle."

"Watching the battle?" Qin Lingyue greeted countless times on his forehead.

Feng Jiuxue came over: "Yes, we are here to play."

Play?The corners of Qin Lingyue's mouth twitched: "Eldest sister, come at this time when you don't want to play, what are you doing to make the world mess up?"

Feng Jiuxue smiled apologetically: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, pure misunderstanding."



"It's not so much a game, it's better to say that we are here to be referees." Fan Chen said.

"Referee?" Qin Lingyue's eyes lit up, her family was the referee hehe...

"Hey... Lingyue, you're laughing so hard." Feng Jiuxue shook her body.

Fan Chen shook his head, he knew what Qin Lingyue was thinking just now without guessing.

"Hehe, you see we are all old acquaintances, isn't it... huh?" Qin Lingyue approached.

Feng Jiuxue despises it.

"We will only take action if the Xuanyuan Sword falls into the hands of evil people." Fan Chen's meaning was already very clear.

Qin Lingyue stroked her chin and thought, "What if it's in my hands? Are you going to grab it?"

Feng Jiuxue stood up suddenly: "Lingyue, are you going to grab it too?"

Qin Lingyue nodded, but what was Feng Jiuxue doing with that expression?Why do you look scared?

Feng Jiuxue began to do ideological work for Qin Lingyue: "You better not go, you don't even know where Xuanyuan Sword is, let alone steal it, not to mention that Xuanyuan Sword is guarded by monsters, not only that, where it is located It is also a place of all evil..."

Qin Lingyue blinked: "You guys know a lot, what else? Tell me all about it."

Anyway, she was going to decide on the Xuanyuan Sword. Suddenly, Qin Lingyue's mind flashed the sword on the painting, the sword in her hand in the previous life.


As if sensing something, Qin Lingyue rubbed her forehead with a headache.

In the land of all evils, the Xuanyuan Sword, which had been sleeping for thousands of years, suddenly let out a humming sound... It seemed like an illusion to disappear for a moment.

The stone beast in charge of guarding Xuanyuan Sword suddenly woke up and roared a few times, and then all the nearby birds and beasts disappeared...

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