The best waste god

Chapter 009 Desperate Pursuit


Great Northwest!

The scorching sun hangs in the sky, scorching like fire, and the clear blue sky can't see a trace of cloud, not even a trace of a bird can be found. The yellow sand covered the sky and the sun, and the visibility was extremely low. You couldn't see your fingers when you stretched out your hands. Now you can't even go out the door.

On a desolate official road.

Travelers from Shangshang rested here. Birds and animals in the wilderness are almost extinct. Now is the hottest season in the Northwest region. The temperature is so high that it is difficult for ordinary people to survive.

Just when the air was extremely hot and everyone was huddling up under the trees to enjoy the cool air, a caravan pulled by four good horses suddenly appeared on the wilderness official road from Yulin River to Wubaotou, shouting. In the middle, the carriage galloped all the way.

Where the carriage ran over, the sound of the carriage rumbled non-stop, just like the tens of thousands of beasts running together, which made people feel trembling. Looking at the carriage again, it was speeding like flying, and within a few moments, I heard the handlebars of the carriage. From the crisp crackling sound of the bright whip hitting the horse's back and the rapid yelling, it can be seen that the owner of the carriage is on his way, otherwise no one would want to drive under the sun in such a strong weather.

The carriage drive was getting closer and closer, everyone's attention was attracted to it, and when they looked closely, it was very confusing. In this scorching hot weather, under the scorching sun, that The hood on the galloping carriage was covered so airtight, everyone's curiosity was aroused, and they secretly guessed whether the carriage was filled with people or objects.

I saw an old man in white robes waving a long whip and beating the horse's back sitting on the front shaft of the carriage, and a big man in purple clothes and thick eyebrows who was about thirty years old.

Everyone noticed that the white-robed old man's expression was a little flustered, his eyes looked around from time to time, and the flashes of shock were very rapid, and his face was scorched by the scorching sun as if it was about to burst into flames, sweating like rain, But even so, he kept waving his whip and yelling at the horses, not wanting the horses to slow down at all.

Turning his gaze to the burly man in purple clothes, he saw a five-foot long sword on his back, tiger brows and leopard eyes, and a full beard and beard, making him look like a half-orc, vaguely scary.

But at this time, while helping the white-robed old man beside him to yell and drive the horse, he would look back angrily and anxiously at the back of the car from time to time, and only when he saw that no one was chasing him would he let out a sigh of relief.

"Drive, drive, drive!"

There was a burst of shouting and shouting, at this time, the people suddenly discovered that there were six or seven fast horses tens of meters behind the carriage, beating the horses' backs continuously, and rushing towards the carriage in front of them at full speed. .

I saw six big men with thick eyebrows sitting in a row on the six or seven fast horses that were chasing after them. They all wore masks and covered their mouths with black silk scarves. Looking at the people around him, everyone felt shuddering, and turned their heads unconsciously, subconsciously unwilling to meet the six tall men in gray suits.

After everyone reacted, they looked at the six gray-clothed, tall and tall men, but only saw the backs of Liu Dao, and they had already galloped past.

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