The best waste god

Chapter 011 The Crisis of Nangong Shuangjie

In the billowing yellow dust, the figure in the blue shirt who got out of the carriage and landed on the side of the road was actually a fair-skinned, handsome-looking man in his forties, holding a dragon-scale back-arm knife in his hand middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man in the blue shirt, with the dragon scales in his hands and the saber in his arms, his face was full of murderous aura that couldn't be dispelled, he raised his head to look at the six masked men, and glared at the six masked men, and asked sharply: "You guys Xiao Xiaoxiao of the Heavenly Demon Sect, shameless lunatics, I, Nangong Shuangjie, have no grievances with you in the past, and have no vengeance in the near future, why do you pursue and kill each other so hard..."

Before he could finish speaking, one of the six masked men raised his eyebrows, but interrupted the middle-aged man in the blue shirt with an abrupt voice, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, stop talking endlessly with him. ,kill!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the six of them waved their knives and sticks, and all attacked the Nangong Shuangjie frantically.

Nangong Shuangjie knew that these people came here determined to take his own life, and would never give up going back without the head on his neck. Suddenly, he burst into anger and laughed, and fully displayed his hard-working skills for many years. The dragon-defending sword technique, with the strength of one person, can defeat six super masters.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Drink and drink!"

I saw the shadow of the sword and the stick flickering, making people dazzled. Amidst the shouts, a scream burst out suddenly. A gray-clothed masked man did not pay attention, and was cut into two by Nangong Shuangjie. Broken, blood stained with yellow and white matter, scattered in the sky.

When the other five people saw this scene, their moves suddenly seemed a little flustered. Seeing this, one of them shouted loudly, and with a shake of his hand, he knocked out a silver round iron egg the size of a walnut kernel.

When the other four people saw the silver round iron egg making a move, they yelled sharply, stretched their bodies one after another, and rushed towards the upwind.

At the same time as the other four people were at the upwind position, the person who shot out the silver round iron egg raised his left hand hastily again, and used the method of throwing money with his bangs, dozens of silver bullets, and then rushed towards Nangong Shuangjie. Call urgently.

Nangong Shuangjie, who had just shaken his head to avoid the silver round iron egg, did not expect the opponent's technique to be so fast, and a dozen silver bullets had arrived in front of him in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he had no choice but to dance a dragon-scale back-arm knife into an iron curtain, trying to shoot down the silver round iron eggs that were flying towards him one by one.

However, wherever the knife light went, "Bang bang bang!", a few soft sounds, a burst of red smoke swirled immediately, and at the same time, bursts of strange smell rushed into the nostrils.

Nangong Shuangjie was taken aback as soon as the peculiar smell entered his nostrils, he said anxiously in his heart: "No!" In a hurry, he quickly closed his nose, not daring to breathe air.

However, it is too late to do this now.

Nangong Shuangjie only felt a strong sense of dizziness in his head, and even his vision began to blur, and there was a feeling of fatigue between the trembling limbs.

Seeing the gray-clothed masked man who shot out the silver poisonous bullet, he didn't dare to neglect at all. He didn't say a word, his body suddenly rose up, and he slammed forward. Cut off quickly.

Although Nangong Shuangjie's eyes had become blurred, his hearing was still extremely sensitive. At this moment, when he heard the sound of the wind brought by the knife passing through the air, his mind moved, and he mustered the last breath of true energy in his body, taking advantage of his body Staggering and unstable, with a tendency to lean forward, he yelled loudly, with the dragon scale knife in his hand, and threw it forward with all his strength.

Hearing a shrill scream, he slashed at the gray-masked man of Nangong Shuangjie with a knife. As he touched his chest, blood spewed out from between his fingers like a fountain. Nangong Shuangjie's Dragon Scale Back Arm Saber sank completely into the man's chest, and even spat out a little bit of the knife tip from his back. come out.

The other stick-wielding masked man froze for a moment, then yelled loudly, his body suddenly rose up, and he slammed forward. In his hand, the purple-gold lang-he iron rod, in a style that could not press down on the top of Mount Tai, carried ten thousand hectares of strength, and slammed towards him. Nangong Shuangjie, who had already become shaky, was thrown away.

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