The best waste god

Chapter 014 The Beautiful Woman Li Yunji【Request】

Being stopped by the old man driving the car all the time, he picked up an iron rod to help his mother resist the enemy, but Nangong Haotian, who was startled by Shangguan Mie Gaojue's movement, also dropped the iron rod he was holding tightly in his hand and flew away come over.

Crying "Daddy", he also threw himself on the corpse and burst into tears.

When Shangguan Mie saw Nangong Haotian, his eyes flashed coldly, and a trace of resentment immediately flashed across his fair-skinned and delicate face, but it was only a flash in the pan, and he returned to normal in an instant.

At this time, the old man driving the car also ran over with tears in his eyes.

The old man driving the car knelt in front of Nangong Shuangjie's corpse, crying and persuading him: "Madam, you can't come back to life after death, and I hope your condolences will change. Next, let's think of a way to deal with the funeral earlier, master."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Mie also comforted him with a sad face beside him: "Sister Yunji, the old housekeeper is right, it's not the time to cry yet, and the most important thing is to deal with Brother Shuangjie's funeral first. For peace, in Brother Yu's opinion, it is better to choose a dragon's lair with good geomantic omen and put brother Shuangjie into the ground for peace."

But before Shangguan Mie finished speaking, Nangong Haotian suddenly stopped crying, and shouted at Shangguan Mie in grief: "No, I don't want to bury Daddy in this place!"

Then he looked at the corpses of Nangong Shuangjie below him, and cried, "I want to take Daddy back to his hometown in Yulinhe, I won't let Daddy bury his bones in another land."

The old man driving the car immediately looked at the blue-shirted boy, with tears in his eyes, and tried to persuade him: "Master, we will face many difficulties in the future, and I am afraid that there will be many disasters. We don't know what will happen next. You must not make Madam sad. Of course we can't bury the master's spirit body here..."

At this point, Shangguan Mie had already looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman, and said anxiously: "Sister Yunji, it's hot weather now, and the caravan is small and narrow, and the spirit body with Brother Shuangjie might be there. For the many inconveniences, it is better to ask Brother Yu to find someone to carry the well-fitted coffin, and then go on the road after brother Shuangjie is buried."

When the middle-aged beautiful woman heard this, she got up and bowed, wiped away the hot tears from the corners of her eyes, and sighed: "Thanks to the hero Shangguan who spared no effort to rescue us, our mother, son, master and servant were able to escape from death, such a great kindness, I, Li Yunji, have no teeth to forget, and I have nothing to repay, so I can only thank you in advance..."

As soon as Li Yunji's voice fell, Shangguan Mie hurriedly turned serious, and hurriedly said: "What did Yunji Xianmei say, you and I have known each other for many years, we are both close friends..."

While talking, Shangguan Mie found the beautiful middle-aged woman Li Yunji, lowered her eyes, and didn't even look at him, so she sighed sadly, then gave a wry smile, and continued helplessly: "Okay, since Sister Yunji thinks that we will have There are so many inconveniences, Brother Yu has no choice but to take a step first, and there will be a period later."

After finishing the words, he turned around with a "huo", but turned the wisp of light powder in his hand into an imperceptible thin thread using true energy, and all of them sank into Nangong Haotian's nose.

But Nangong Haotian and the middle-aged beautiful woman Li Yunji didn't even know that after all this was done, a sneer sneered at the corner of Shangguan Mie's mouth, and then his shoulders swayed lightly, his figure was as fast as a falcon hunting, and he sent a clear sneer at him just now. Speeding away before the howling woods.

In the blink of an eye, he galloped into the forest and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The middle-aged beautiful woman Li Yunji is also a generation of chivalrous women who have lived in the world for a long time, but now after seeing Shangguan Mie's peerless skills, she can't help but secretly praise her.

She stared blankly at Shangguan Mie's back disappearing into the depths of the forest, her pupils were a little loose, but she was trapped in the memories of the past.

Thinking back to Shangguan Mie seventeen or eighteen years ago, he thought he was personable and courteous to her all day long, and he was very romantic. However, Li Yunji, a young girl's heart, was almost taken away by him. Later, Li Yunji discovered him by accident. The treachery and hypocrisy of her, it was only then that she became ruthless and resolutely rejected his pursuit, and finally let him leave with hatred.

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