The best waste god

Chapter 019 This Is All A Dream

Nangong Shuangliang's speed was very fast, walking vigorously, with wind blowing under his feet, he arrived in front of Nangong Haotian and the others after a short while. At first glance, there was not much difference between the visitor and the dead Nangong Shuangjie. However, if you observe carefully, you will find that this person is not Nangong Shuangjie.

There is a small hemorrhoid between the corners of Nangong Shuangjie's eyebrows. Nangong Haotian loved to touch this hemorrhoid when he was a child, and his memory is particularly deep, but Nangong Shuangliang doesn't have it.

"Haotian, this is your uncle, quickly call him uncle." Li Yunji pulled Nangong Haotian behind her and introduced her.

"Hi uncle, I'm Haotian!" Nangong Haotian shouted with a smile.

When Nangong Shuangliang saw Li Yunji and Nangong Haotian, he said excitedly, "Hahaha, sister-in-law, you are finally back. This is Haotian. He has grown so big in a blink of an eye. He was only this tall when he saw him before!" Nangong Shuangliang compared, "Yeah, look, what a handsome boy, he will definitely be a generation of outstanding people in the future!"

Nangong Shuangliang laughed loudly, then looked around, and immediately asked: "Hey, sister-in-law, why didn't you see big brother? Why, didn't big brother come back?"

When Nangong Shuangliang mentioned it, Nangong Haotian immediately turned to Mengqian Li Yunji. Seeing her, she seemed to be reminded of the tragic death of his father Nangong Shuangjie.

Seeing this, Nangong Shuangliang turned to Nangong Haotian and asked anxiously, "Little nephew, tell me, where did your father go?"

"Uncle, my father... my father, he is dead..." Nangong Haotian's eyes were also full of sadness. The tragic death, Nangong Haotian sympathized with it, and couldn't stop feeling sad.

"What..." Hearing these words, Nangong Haotian found that Nangong Shuangliang seemed to have aged ten years suddenly, and his figure did not stand still, and he took two steps back, his eyes were astonished.

"A few days ago, Shuangjie received a black post about the Demon Slaying Dragon Fort. You know what this black post represents. In order to avoid the evil, Shuangjie wanted to move to your place temporarily, stay for a while, and wait for the news. Make plans after passing. But I never thought that I would be chased by thieves on the road, Shuangjie, he..." Li Yunji told Nangong Shuangliang all the things on the road.

After hearing this, Nangong Shuangliang slapped the wheel angrily, and shouted loudly: "Who is it? It caused my elder brother to die tragically. I, Nangong Shuangliang, will avenge my elder brother and smash the thief's body to pieces!"

Nangong Shuangliang was infused with [-]% of his true energy by this angry shout, the sound was like thunder, and the "rumble rumble" spread dozens of miles away, making Nangong Haotian dizzy for a while, and the shock in his heart could not be added.

However, no one saw it. In a small forest three miles outside Nangong Mansion, a hazy man in a moon-white Confucian shirt had a sneer on the corner of his mouth when he heard this.


The picture freezes and then suddenly turns. The picture of Nangong Shuangliang being chopped to death by Shangguan Mie appeared, his mother Li Yunji was insulted by Shangguan Mie, and old Xu Fu was beheaded with a knife...

"Ah..." Nangong Haotian sat up suddenly. Just now, he had a nightmare. Like a bystander, he watched the experience a few days ago like watching a movie, and even some things he didn't know Seeing everything, he was so scared that he was sweating profusely.

Who is the purple-gold figure?Why did he kill himself?Who is the old man withered pine?Why did I come to this world inexplicably?What Nangong Haotian didn't know before, all happened in his dream.

Nangong Shuangjie was killed by thieves, Nangong Shuangliang's red eyes, old Xu Fu's head was thrown flying, Li Yunji's carcass was caressed by Shangguan Mie...all intertwined in Nangong Haotian's eyes, he sighed deeply He took a deep breath, fell to the ground again, and closed his eyes weakly, a drop of liquid slipped from the corner of his eyes, hot as blood.

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