The best waste god

Chapter 022 The 25th Century 【Request】

As for the efficacy of the pill given to him by such a super master, it must be very powerful.

"I just don't know how effective this elixir is, is it also useful for my waste body of martial arts?" Nangong Haotian whispered to himself, thinking of the waste body of martial arts, his eyes were filled with bitterness. He couldn't bear it.

Nangong Haotian was thinking while walking, feeling the breeze blowing slowly around, thinking about the next plan in his heart, "Based on the memory of the previous life and the experience of the dead Nangong Haotian, it is very difficult for me to live now, Nima , It’s really a bit of a cheat.”

"In this world, only strength is the strongest insurance. Mother Li Yunji has been taken away, uncle Nangong Shuangliang and father Nangong Shuangjie have not yet avenged, everything is strength in the final analysis, and I urgently need strength !"

"But this Nangong Haotian is also a waste material. With the help of Nangong Shuangjie, he barely learned a little bit of leather surface kung fu. Although he has practiced a good saber technique, he has no internal strength, no matter how powerful the saber is. The law can't do anything, it's the same as having no power to restrain a chicken!"

"Maybe it's because of this body!"

With the vision of the previous life, Nangong Haotian quickly analyzed some clues, "In the last life, I was a martial arts waste who was diagnosed as cheating, and it was impossible to cultivate those powerful martial arts. Maybe this Nangong Haotian is also a martial arts waste. Body, if not, is not far behind."

On the earth, the Chinese Empire in the 25th century advocated martial arts and vigorously advocated martial arts for all people. Under such circumstances, there have been many strong men, some of whom can even break mountains and crack rocks, pull mountains and rocks, go to the sky and enter the earth, although they are not omnipotent , can also be regarded as a generation of supermen, and the life span of human beings has also been greatly extended by practicing martial arts.

Every year, the Chinese Empire will invent some new things, and after a series of experiments, they will be released to the world. Among them, the talent tester is an extremely important invention.

The talent tester can help humans detect the strength of a person's talent for learning martial arts. It is expressed in numerical values. The lowest is zero and the highest is one hundred. Everyone will be selected for the test when they reach a certain age. That year, Nangong Haotian did not Went by accident.

In the end result, Nangong Haotian, who was talented in learning martial arts, lost one!

At that time, everyone thought that there was a problem with the machine, but after many tests, the result was still - minus one. Since then, Nangong Haotian has been called a waste of martial arts!

The unique martial arts waste body in the world!

It didn't take long for Nangong Haotian's name to spread throughout the world, and prime-time advertisements were continuously broadcast.

There was no second one on the entire earth, which made Nangong Haotian a little proud, but it was more of a face of boundless cynicism.

Even his best playmate since he was a child knew about this, he no longer stayed with Nangong Haotian, and even ridiculed Nangong Haotian from time to time, because his talent is - eighty!That's the standard of a super genius.

Nangong Haotian felt a pain in his heart when he thought of how his childhood playmate treated him like this, thanks to the fact that he still regarded him as his best friend and never left him.

Eighty is indeed a symbol of genius. Nangong Haotian, not to mention riding a horse, even riding a Pegasus, riding a rocket, or flying a plane can't keep up.

Also from then on, Nangong Haotian no longer expected himself to be able to practice martial arts. In his eyes: the strength to pull the mountain and the arrogance to surpass the world are far away from him!Flying over the roof and walking on the wall has abandoned himself!

I have completely lost my destiny to go to heaven and earth!I can only wash the dishes, scrub the dishes, wash the underwear, watch movies, and spend the rest of my life...

Thinking of this, Nangong Haotian couldn't help but feel disappointed. Martial arts are useless, he can't practice martial arts, he can't practice true qi, and he can use high technology to make up for it on earth, but now, he is in a world of martial arts. Armed force, and no high-tech items, how can we survive? !

While sighing, Nangong Haotian suddenly remembered that when he fainted, he seemed to see a black ring in his body, "The black ring, it seems that there was a ring before I died. I picked it up, could it be Have you crossed over by your side?"

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