The best waste god

Chapter 052 A Beauty Fucks Me【Please Tweet】

According to the will of the Demon Slayer Dragon King, the golden silk brocade robe can not only resist the slashing of ordinary swords, but also can prevent fire from water, prevent all poisons from invading, and protect the body. The light of purpose makes the opponent dare not look directly at him. It can be said to be a must-have for killing people, setting fires, and robbing houses.

Nangong Haotian hastily put on the dark gold brocade robe, put on the gold silk soft helmet mask, and put the small triangular dragon-slaying flag back into the Juelongshengxian ring, but kept the Nether Dragon-slaying sword, maybe it will be useful .

Everything was ready, Nangong Haotian smiled slightly, and immediately his body exploded, as fast as a puff of green smoke, he jumped out of the fruit forest in an instant, then started his peerless lightness kung fu, and sped towards the back street again.

Feeling the feeling of running with all his strength, he couldn't help but feel extremely happy. His movement was strange and secretive. Wherever he flew, golden brilliance appeared faintly, like a shooting star across the night sky.

This was the first time that Nangong Haotian wore the golden brocade robe of the demon dragon slayer king, and officially appeared in the rivers and lakes. He didn't even know that there was a long afterglow trailing behind him.

No matter how thoughtful Nangong Haotian was, he was blinded by this feeling of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground at this moment, he only felt that he was as light as a swallow and walked as fast as flying. Isn't this the realm he dreamed of in his previous life!

In a careless way, Nangong Haotian didn't notice the strangeness behind him either.

This gold-thread brocade robe was originally worn by the Demon Slayer King when he wanted Nangong Haotian to punish and kill the four chief rudders, or when he ordered them to assassinate Master Fajue and others.

However, Nangong Haotian was deeply afraid that if he entered Liu's mansion and was discovered by the people of Liu's family and saw his true face, it would be very inconvenient to go to Liu's house after dawn.

Due to his lack of experience in the world, he conveniently put on the big brocade robe of the Demon Slaying Dragon King. It has to be said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, and traveling thousands of miles is not as good as reading countless beauties!

As Nangong Haotian flew forward, he carefully inspected the backyard of the Liu Mansion. He wanted people to go in without anyone noticing, and then come out without anyone noticing. By the way, he brought a small mask, no, it was a bra. clothes out.

Nangong Haotian felt that he should take this big step, produce small masks, and then sell them in this world, so that he could see bikinis again, which made Nangong Haotian very yearning.

Nangong Haotian could see clearly that in the distance of the tall courtyard wall, on a two tall buildings connected by a long pavilion, only the tall building on the left was lit, and the other one was surrounded by darkness.

Nangong Haotian remembered that when he passed the front door of Liu's mansion, the tall building with lights was right behind the hall of Liu's house.While he was thinking about it, he had already arrived at the courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

After arriving here, Nangong Haotian gave a sudden pause, then looked around cautiously, immediately soared into the air, flew up to the top of the wall, and landed lightly in the Liu Mansion, hiding under the shade of a tree.

After doing all this, Nangong Haotian looked inside, and there was actually a big garden inside.

Nangong Haotian saw that the garden was quiet and there was no one lurking in the shadow of the tall buildings and long pavilions, so he couldn't help smiling, and without hesitation, he sped towards the mansion along the tall courtyard walls.

Just as he was speeding up and galloping away, a vigorous and hoarse roar suddenly came from the east.

Nangong Haotian was startled when he heard the long howling, and began to secretly become anxious. He was really worried that people from the Liu Mansion would fly to the room to check, and he would definitely be exposed.

In desperation, Nangong Haotian turned his head, took a closer look, and saw three fast gray shadows galloping towards here under the shadow of a grove two or three miles away due east.

At the same time, a rapid and long howling suddenly sounded from the southwest direction, which lasted for a long time.

And this long howl, the sound was sharp and piercing, with abundant internal energy, one could tell that the person who came was a master whose internal energy had already reached a certain level.

Nangong Haotian couldn't help but wryly smiled, and then without further hesitation, he was startled and turned his head to look southwest, only to see that long-lasting roar came from the flickering lights he saw when he left the street just now. place.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Haotian couldn't help sinking his heart, took a closer look, only to find that there were also three dark gray figures appearing at the place where the howling sound was coming out, and they were speeding towards this side. .

Moreover, it can be heard that the whistles of the two parties are rapid and restrained, as if they are echoing each other, and in the rhyme of the whistles, there is a sense of urgency, as if something big has happened.

While Nangong Haotian was thinking wildly, he had already galloped to the backyard of the long pavilion in the inner house. In order to avoid being discovered by the people of the Liu Mansion, he waved his large robe sleeves, and his figure suddenly rose into the air and flew to the Under the shadow of the tall building, he hid.

At the same time Nangong Haotian had just disappeared into the shadows, he only heard two "swish" sounds from the inner courtyard, and two figures flew up, and at the same time one of them yelled violently: "Who? Since Your Excellency dares to come, so why hide and hide, and behave like a villain!"

Nangong Haotian has no experience in the world. Even though he saw many such situations in his previous life, what he saw was always what he saw. When he experienced it himself, it was another scene.

In a panic, he mistakenly thought that he had been discovered by the other party, so he couldn't help laughing wryly, and jumped out.

When he flew out of the shadows, he realized that the two opponents had just landed on the sliding ridge of the long pavilion. Knowing that he had been tricked out, he cursed secretly, feeling annoyed in his heart.

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has no choice but to stand proudly on the front of the house.

I saw two people flying up from your courtyard, one was an old man in a tea-colored robe, and the other was a middle-aged man in a green shirt.

The old man in a tea-colored robe is about seventy years old, with white hair and a white beard, but a pair of tiger eyes are piercing. He holds a crutch in his hand, which looks very heavy.

The other middle-aged man in a green shirt was holding a silver flute in his hand, with sword-like eyebrows and eyes, Wu Jiu's black beard was resting on his face, but at this moment his face was full of anger.

The old man in the smoke robe and the middle-aged man in the blue shirt immediately spotted Nangong Haotian, and rushed over quickly. After taking a closer look, they saw Nangong Haotian wearing a golden silk brocade robe, a soft helmet covering his face, except for a pair of twinkling Apart from Ruhan Xing's eyes, there was no place exposed outside, and the two couldn't help being stunned when they saw this exaggerated shape.

When the two of them looked at each other, they clearly saw Nangong Haotian, and there was a treasured sword hidden in the wide gold silk brocade robe.

I couldn't help but be surprised, wearing such a shining golden brocade robe to move at night, unless the kind of lightness kung fu has reached the realm of superhuman sages, ordinary strong people would never dare to travel like this, it's not obvious : I am here, come and catch me!

Secondly, people who practice martial arts move at night, and most of the masters usually wear black strong clothes, so that they can be clean and neat, so as not to affect their movements.

Generally, only super masters would choose not to change their clothes and act directly in their usual clothes, but this person wearing a big brocade robe and a gold silk soft helmet must have reached the peak of his skills.

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