The best waste god

Chapter 054 The Lustful Demon Slaying the Dragon

Shan Yubao was already frightened, his face turned pale and his head was sweating profusely, but no one could see him through a black scarf.

At this time, upon hearing Nangong Haotian's order, he did not dare to be negligent at all, kowtowed and said loudly: "Anyone who dares to look directly at the command flag in his hand will have his eyes gouged out, and anyone who does not kneel down when he sees the command flag will have his eyes chopped off." Foot, braving the person holding the command flag, kill without pardon!"

In the end, Shan Yubao was extremely panicked, his voice began to tremble, his words were slurred, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Nangong Haotian was very intent on killing Shan Yubao. It was this person who almost sent his soul back to the west again. If he died again this time, he might not be able to be reborn. He said: "Shan Yubao, You fucking bastard..."

Shan Yubao, who had been kneeling on the roof of the room, heard the Dragon Slayer King keep calling his name. He was so frightened that his heart was broken and his soul was scattered. Replied: "The humble job is here."

Nangong Haotian gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice: "Fucking bastard, have you ever offended the command flag of the Dragon Slayer King?"

Hearing this, Shan Yubao trembled all over his body, his soul flew into the sky, and he said, "I don't dare to offend you even if you are humble..."

Nangong Haotian gritted his teeth and said "very good", and put the small golden dragon head pennant in his arms, but took this opportunity to put it in the Juelongshengxian ring.

Nangong Haotian raised his head, but his heart was full of smiles. It is also a good thing to scare Shan Yubao, but when he saw the six people, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he asked in a deep voice: "Do you hide?" What are you doing around here?"

Shan Yubao, Xie Baide and the others heard the Dragon Slayer's tone slowed down, knowing that the catastrophe was likely to be avoided, and at the same time wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads without any trace, and said in a loud voice: "I have been ordered to come here Waiting here for the Dragon Slayer King."

Nangong Haotian's heart trembled when he heard that, but at the same time, he secretly heightened his vigilance. After what happened tonight, he already understood some things about the intrigues in the world.

Coupled with some phenomena seen in the previous life, although he didn't know how Shangguan Mie knew that he was coming to Fenglingdu tonight, he secretly guessed in his heart that maybe today was a game, a game that lured him into the urn.

In order to avoid making Shangguan Mie suspicious by revealing his flaws, and increase the difficulty and resistance of his revenge, Nangong Haotian said vaguely: "Very well, then you all stand aside and wait for my orders."

When Shan Yubao, Xie Baide and the others heard this, they immediately let out a sigh of relief, as if they had received an amnesty, and at the same time respectfully responded "Yes".

Afterwards, they all stood up and waited quietly at the side, seeing Nangong Haotian amused for a while, and the killing intent in their hearts also decreased a little.

Suddenly, on the front of the hall in front of Nangong Haotian, a girl in mourning wearing white clothes and holding a sword in her hand flew up.

When Nangong Haotian saw that person, his expression froze. Li Yunji's filial attire a year ago came to his mind.

The girl in white stood still, her beautiful eyes glared with anger, and she asked, "Who came to my house to make a fuss?" She flew towards this side.

Nangong Haotian stared at the girl in white clothes, and saw that she was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with black eyebrows and phoenix eyes, a cherry mouth and a beautiful nose, and she looked like a beauty.

The long and delicate black hair is draped over the shoulders, which is slightly soft and beautiful. Sometimes the long hair is loosely counted, showing a different kind of demeanor.

From maturity to cuteness, it makes people feel pity for newborns. The white skin is like a freshly peeled egg, and the big eyes twinkle as if they can talk.

The small red lips and the white skin are more distinct. A pair of small dimples are evenly distributed on both sides of the cheeks. Whenever the lips move, the dimples loom on the cheeks, which is as cute as a fairy.

But at this time, the beautiful girl's eyes were slightly red and swollen, her face was full of emaciation, and between her brows, Nangong Haotian saw a full of evil spirit.

"It's so beautiful, compared to Xiao Cui... Damn, what is Xiao Cui, that ugly monster, I|fuck, compared to Xiao Cui, this one is simply a crow, a phoenix, little Phoenix, ah, no, girl, come here, Come to my brother's arms to calm down!"

Just when Nangong Haotian was looking at the girl in white, the old man in the smoke robe with the crutch in his hand rang in his ears, eagerly greeted the girl in white: "Niece Qian Wenxian, come quickly."

Nangong Haotian suddenly realized that the girl in white clothes who flew forward and dressed in sackcloth must be the dead daughter of Yunli Wuying.

"Qianwen, that's a good name, but I think Qianri is better. Back then, there was someone called Jingjing, six days, really powerful!" Nangong Haotian thought badly.

Nangong Haotian is a person who has personally experienced the pain of losing his father and relatives. He didn't even have parents in his previous life. He deeply understands Liu Qianwen's grief and indignation at this time.

At this time, seeing Liu Qianwen's menacing manner and her face full of evil spirits, she didn't know how to explain it to her.

Before the thoughts in her heart settled down, Liu Qianwen, who was wearing sackcloth and filial piety, was already in front of her body.

I saw the old man holding the crutch raised his hand, pointed at the guide palace Haotian, looked at Liu Qianwen with a voice of boundless grief and indignation, and said in a deep voice: "Niece Xian, he is the devil dragon slayer king."

Hearing this, Nangong Haotian's heart skipped a beat, secretly calling out that something was wrong.

Sure enough, when Liu Qianwen, who hadn't stopped yet, heard this, her face was suddenly full of murderous intent, and she scolded tenderly full of grief and indignation, "Old thief, pay back my father's life."

Shouting, Liu Qianwen flew forward suddenly, and at the same time, the long sword in her hand made a silver snake move out of the hole, bringing up a boundless swaying sword shadow, and stabbing at Nangong Haotian's chest when she saw it.

Shan Yubao and Xie Baide naturally felt that they had the responsibility to escort, how could they wait until Liu Qianwen got close to the body of the Dragon Slayer King.

In an instant, the two yelled loudly at the same time: "Bitch, you are courting death."

Accompanied by this shout, Shan Yubao and Xie Baide both went towards Liu Qianwen.

The old man in the smoke robe and the middle-aged man in the green shirt also shouted at the same time: "I will fight you tonight."

While speaking, the old man in smoke robe and the middle-aged man in green shirt waved their iron crutches and Chang Xiao to face Shan Yubao and Xie Baide respectively.

At this moment, Nangong Haotian's heart sank suddenly, and he murmured: "This Liu Qianwen is much more beautiful than the Xiaocui I pursued in my previous life, how can I be hurt!"

So Nangong Haotian yelled loudly: "Nie Ma's cheating bastard, who wants you to be troublesome?"

Amid the loud shouts, Nangong Haotian waved his two wide robe sleeves, and two incomparably fierce chaotic forces slammed towards Shan Yubao and Xie Baide respectively.

I saw that Shan Yubao and Xie Baide didn't expect that the Dragon Slayer King would attack him, and they were caught off guard by this dark force, and the two of them involuntarily let out a muffled groan, and their figures staggered unsteadily , "Deng Deng Deng", countless broken tiles were broken under their feet, and the two of them retreated directly towards the diagonal.

The other four men in black scarves and gray clothes, as well as the old man in smoke robes and the middle-aged man in green clothes, were all stunned when they saw the situation. Why would the Dragon Slayer King beat his own people?

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of both sides.

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