The best waste god

Chapter 061 Liu Qianwen Was Injured

While speaking, Liu Qianwen frowned slightly, her almond eyes opened wide, and she walked towards the gray-clothed middle-aged man with her sword in hand.

Hearing this sentence, Nangong Haotian's face couldn't help but change, he felt chills in his lower body, and involuntarily clamped his legs, as if Liu Qianwen was really talking to him.

The middle-aged man in gray clothes saw Liu Qianwen's face full of murderous intent, and when he heard the words full of murderous intent, his complexion changed drastically, and he wailed, "It's not that I don't say anything, it's that I don't know about this. After everything is in charge of Miss Shangguan, no one is allowed to enter the central area of ​​the main rudder casually, and those who violate it will be beheaded for public display. How can I, a small person, know these confidential things, so you can spare your life... "

Liu Qianwen walked up to his body, kicked him over and said coquettishly, "We asked you about the whereabouts of Miss Li, but who asked about your Shangguan girl."

The middle-aged man in gray clothes had already had his acupuncture points tapped by Nangong Haotian. Apart from his mouth being able to speak, everything below his waist was numb and stiff. Although he was kicked by Liu Qianwen and turned over at this time, he didn't feel any pain.

However, what he was worried about was the sharp sword in Liu Qianwen's hand. He knew it was not ordinary at a glance. If Liu Qianwen was upset, he would die with a swiping.

Even if he didn't kill himself, when he thought of Liu Qianwen's words, "Let him never harm women in the world again", the gray-clothed middle-aged man's expression turned ashen. This was more terrifying than killing him.

The middle-aged man in gray yelled in horror: "Miss Liu, I really don't know, just take your lord Liu Daxia as an example. After we left the main altar, we heard rumors in the Jianghu that Liu Daxia entered the Saibei mountainous area where he was headed to fish My dear, I lost my precious life, what is going on, even we don't know."

When the middle-aged man in gray clothes mentioned it, Liu Qianwen thought of his father's tragic death, and tears rolled out of his beautiful eyes like broken pearls, making Nangong Haotian feel distressed for a while.

Even so, she angrily said in disbelief: "Who can believe what you said? Who knows if you are lying to us?"

The middle-aged man in gray shook his head sadly, and said: "Young lady doesn't believe me, so I have nothing to say. If you want to kill me or shave it off, I'll do whatever you want. If you really make me unable to be a man, I might as well kill you." Me." As he spoke, the middle-aged man in gray turned his head and stopped talking.

Nangong Haotian saw that the gray-clothed middle-aged man had finally become strong, he secretly cried out, and then his expression changed, and he said: "Sister Liu Shi, I heard this rumor just now, and I also feel that there are many suspicious things in it. , if everything he said is true, then there will be more doubts in the middle."

At this moment, Shentie Zhang Guai and Zhang Yongzheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interjected and asked, "What Xiaoxia Nangong is thinking about is the head of Hero Liu?"

When Nangong Haotian heard the words of Shentie Zhangguai and Zhang Yongzheng, he couldn't help but raised his head and turned aside Liu Qianwen. Seeing that her reaction was not very strong, he was slightly relieved, and said without hesitation: "Not bad!"

Liu Qianwen asked in amazement: "You mean that those eight corpses don't belong to my father?"

Nangong Haotian heard that Liu Qianwen reacted so quickly, and nodded secretly. He had seen too many such things in his previous life. It is very likely that these eight corpses were not invisible in the clouds, but from other bodies. others.

For Nangong Haotian, these can only be regarded as small tricks.

However, Liu Qianwen was able to think of this question at the first time, which can be regarded as quick thinking, which made him uncontrollably happy. This kind of smart girl is Nangong Haotian's favorite.

Thinking about it, Nangong Haotian said seriously: "It depends on what Senior Liu told Sister Liu Shi when he left."

Liu Qianwen stared at Nangong Haotian with beautiful eyes, and said solemnly: "My father told me..."

"Ahem——" Shentie Zhangguai Zhang Yongzheng coughed, turned his head and glanced at the gray-clothed middle-aged man lying on the ground, the meaning was obvious, there were outsiders here.

Nangong Haotian turned his head, took a closer look, and found that the middle-aged man in gray was looking at them intently, a cold look flashed in his heart, and he said: "Senior, sister Liu Shi, you go first, I will deal with this guy Come!"

"Well, let's wait for Nangong Xiaoxia outside the woods in front!" Shentie Zhangguai Zhang Yongzheng thought that Nangong Haotian still had something to say to the gray-clothed middle-aged man, so he greeted Liu Qianwen and Yinxiao Xiaoyaoke Liu Zhengzhao to fly away go.

After the three of them walked away, Nangong Haotian turned to the middle-aged man in gray on the ground, and said with a light smile, "You seem to have heard too much today!"

"Ah, I didn't hear anything, and I asked the hero to spare my life, I really didn't hear anything!" Upon hearing Nangong Haotian's words, the gray-clothed middle-aged man thought that Nangong Haotian was going to kill someone to silence him, Immediately begged for mercy.

"Hey, don't worry, I won't kill you, I'll just take what you shouldn't leave behind!"

Nangong Haotian used the Nether Sky Demon Eye, and immediately, two blue rays of light shot out from his eyes, which fell into the eyes of the middle-aged man in gray. The middle-aged man in gray stopped struggling silently.

After a long time, Nangong Haotian shook his body slightly while his face turned pale.

There was a wry smile on his face, "Although this Nether Sky Demon Eye is powerful, it really consumes energy to use it. If I hadn't had the power of chaos as a support, I'm afraid I wouldn't have dared to use it. Fortunately, I finally erased some of this person's memories. Don't worry about snitching!"

Nangong Haotian walked over in a hurry, kicked the middle-aged man's acupuncture points away, and said in a deep voice: "If you don't run for your life, don't tell me you want me to take care of the bag and deliver it."

The middle-aged man in gray was kicked and turned over. He managed to get up, and looked around in a daze. He had already been erased by the Nether Sky Demon Eye for a short period of time. Now he doesn't know anything. How can he not confused.

Nangong Haotian stared at him, and said sharply: "What are you looking at, do you still want me to send you back?"

The gray-clothed middle-aged man immediately channeled the true qi in his body, and found that he was fine. With a joy on his face, he clasped his fists and said, "Xiabu Zhongyong, thank you Nangong Xiaoxia for not killing me. If it is useful in the future, I will use it , I must be obliged to go through fire and water, go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, and I have to repay..."

Nangong Haotian raised his hand impatiently, and said angrily: "Fuck, stop talking nonsense, get out! Otherwise, I will send you back to Hong Kong with Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

Bu Zhongyong's face suddenly changed. The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is a peerless martial art that has been lost for a long time in the Jianghu. .

Thinking of this, Buyongzhong nodded, crawled over and carried Shanyu Leopard's body on his shoulders, then started his light work and galloped towards the north.

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