The best waste god

Chapter 063 Sneak Attack

Sure enough, when Nangong Haotian mentioned Wuying in the Cloud, Liu Qianwen's beautiful face just had a hint of a smile, but it suddenly dimmed.

Nangong Haotian felt distressed for a while, and even Amitabha chanted endlessly, but it was all in his heart.

Shentie Zhang Guai Zhang Yongzheng asked with concern: "Then what suspicious things does Nangong Xiaoxia think about the cause of Liu Daxia's death?"

After Nangong Haotian took a look at Liu Qianwen, who was gloomy and sad, he replied solemnly: "This junior just thinks that the Northwest rudder of Devil Slaughter Dragon Fort, why did Senior Liu's spirit body be divided into eight sections, and only Senior Liu's is divided into eight sections?" The human head was left behind, what is the reason for this, and I imagined that Senior Liu's spiritual body must be extremely swollen, and even some features can't be seen clearly, I don't know if what this junior said is right?"

Shentie Zhang Guai and Zhang Yong's eyes lit up, "We thought at the time that the killing methods of the Demon Slayer Dragon Fort of the Heavenly Demon Cult can be described as ruthless, and it is not impossible for them to intentionally not return the head of Hero Liu after dismembering him. .” Shentie Zhangguai and Zhang Yongzheng did not directly answer this question, but raised some possibilities.

Nangong Haotian frowned, and after pondering for a while, he asked: "When Liu Daxia's spirit body was transported back to the mansion, did Miss Liu Shi check the characteristics of the corpse? Is it exactly the same as Senior Liu's?"

Nangong Haotian already had a rough idea, and now he just guided everyone's thoughts in this direction and verified his guess through the information they had.

At this time, Liu Qianwen had already covered her face, sobbed softly, but still shook her head.

Shentie Zhang Guai and Zhang Yongzheng answered on his behalf, "We had inspected it at the time, and the clothes and figure were somewhat similar, but we just now found that Liu Daxia's corpse was really bloody and swollen, and we couldn't inspect the knife marks and body. Hei Mole, but in order for Liu Daxia to rest in peace early, he had to be enshrined in a coffin..."

In order to confirm his thoughts and judgment, Nangong Haotian asked, "Have the two seniors noticed that the masters of the Sky Demon Sect come out with their heads covered to commit crimes?"

Shentie Zhang Guai, Zhang Yongzheng and Yin Xiao Xiaoyaoke Liu Zhengzhao were startled, and Liu Qianwen also suddenly put down a pair of beautiful jade hands, opened her phoenix eyes, and looked at Nangong Haotian in amazement.

Liu Zhengzhao, the silver flute casual guest, hastened to regain his composure, and asked in amazement: "When Nangong Xiaoxia went to the Saibei Mountains, did he ever discover that there were chivalrous people among the northwest main helm of Tulongbao?"

Nangong Haotian froze for a moment, pretending to be in deep thought. After a while, he said without hesitation: "Although this junior didn't see it, it's not impossible..."

Liu Qianwen stared at her beautifully, and said angrily: "No, my father will never be with those gangsters, nor will he agree to their request for cooperation. He will rather die than be a song."

Nangong Haotian couldn't help laughing wryly in his heart, his expression remained unchanged, "Of course Senior Liu is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want his loved ones to die or get hurt."

After hearing this, Liu Qianwen's face changed suddenly, "You mean..."

Shentie Zhangguai Zhang Yongzheng's eyes lit up, "This is indeed possible. If the Heavenly Demon Cult wants to force Hero Liu to submit, they will probably threaten the life of Qian Wenxian's niece."

Liu Qianwen also seemed to believe three points, "No, I would rather die than my father lose his reputation because of me."

Nangong Haotian shook his head and sighed bitterly, "But now the fait accompli is death, and the same cannot solve the problem. Now, if you want to save Senior Liu from the clutches of the Heavenly Demon Sect, it depends on why Senior Liu went to the Saibei Mountains in the first place. It's a treasure hunt."

Liu Qianwen looked a little hesitant, and after looking at Tie Zhangguai and Zhang Yongzheng, he said hesitantly: "Late one night more than a year ago, I suddenly heard my father shouting angrily in my sleep, so I hurriedly got up and pushed him away." Looking at the building window, I happened to see my father running out after one person closely..."

Nangong Haotian sneered in his heart, he had concluded that the person being chased must be Shangguan Mie, "Is that person wearing a moon white gown?" He wanted to confirm the identity of that person!

Liu Qianwen looked at Nangong Haotian in confusion, not knowing why she asked, "No, that person seemed to be wearing a black shirt, because there were many black clouds in the sky at that time, and that person just flew out of the garden. So I couldn't see very clearly."

"Oh!" Nangong Haotian was a little disappointed, "Then what did Senior Liu say when he came back?"

Liu Qianwen sorted out her emotions, "I followed them out and saw them enter the fruit forest where we met just now, but after I entered the fruit forest, not only did I not see them, I didn't even hear them. A voice."

Nangong Haotian only frowned and didn't say anything, but he had another thought in his heart and asked, "Then what did Senior Liu tell Sister Liu Shi when he left?"

Liu Qianwen showed a look of embarrassment, and hesitated for a while before speaking, "My father just said that he would go to find a treasure for that expert. As for what kind of treasure to find, my father didn't say anything at the time."

Nangong Haotian's heart moved, "Did Senior Liu ever talk about where to find treasure?"

Liu Qianwen shook her head without hesitation, "I didn't say where I was going, but I remember my father said that the expert would take him there himself."

Nangong Haotian's eyes brightened, and he asked anxiously: "So Senior Liu must have seen that expert?"

Seeing the divine light in Nangong Haotian's eyes, Liu Qianwen couldn't help but lose her mind for a while. After being called twice, she blushed and nodded, "Of course I saw it. That expert claimed to be the demon dragon slayer king, who was born with one ear , one-eyed, one-legged, crooked mouth, dressed in black."

Nangong Haotian was shocked when he heard that, "Sister Liu Shi said more than a year ago, was it more than ten months ago?"

When Liu Qianwen heard Nangong Haotian's anxious question, she frowned and pondered, counting with her fingers.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Haotian couldn't help but feel a little speechless. The mathematics in this world is too bad, and he even has to count this with his fingers. Sister Liu Qianwen looked pretty good when she frowned, okay Beautiful, but the most urgent thing to do is to clarify this fact, otherwise I will always feel a little blocked in my heart, even if I do bad things, I will not be happy.

The thought in her heart just fell, that is, at the same time Liu Qianwen raised her jade hand and flexed her fingers to calculate, there was a "huh", a large black shadow, accompanied by an extremely sharp whistling sound, came from the ridge of the middle door opposite, as fast as a black lightning , and rushed directly towards Liu Qianwen's face.

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