The best waste god

Chapter 069 Why Did You Abandon Me 【Request】

But before Nangong Haotian could fully utter his words, Liu Qianwen asked in amazement: "Are you always sure that my father is not dead?"

Seeing Liu Qianwen's beautiful eyes filled with anticipation, Nangong Haotian couldn't discourage her hope, so he nodded, "Brother, I bet that Senior Liu is still alive in this world, and there is a great possibility that now I am living in depression and pain in the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Shentie Zhang Guai and Zhang Yongzheng asked in amazement: "You mean that Hero Liu is under house arrest?"

"If elder sister Liu Shi's life is used as a threat, even if Senior Liu is allowed to move freely in the mountainous area, I am afraid that Senior Liu will not dare to escape." Nangong Haotian said with a slight smile.

Liu Qianwen turned pale for a while, "No, I would rather die myself than my father be tortured in the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Seeing Liu Qianwen, who was already a little unconscious, Liu Zhengzhao, the silver flute casual guest, explained anxiously: "It's not a matter of your willingness to die. Even if you die, you may not be able to rescue your father, but rather harm him."

"Then let's enter Saibei area immediately and rescue my father." Liu Qianwen heard this, pondered for a moment, and said resolutely.

Shentie Zhang Guai and Zhang Yongzheng heard the words, and said solemnly: "There are so many masters in the Saibei Mountains. It is not easy to save your father from danger..."

But Liu Qianwen was reluctant, suddenly remembered something, and immediately turned to Nangong Haotian, expectantly said: "Then I will go with Haotian, he saves his mother, I save my father, we..."

But before Liu Qianwen finished speaking, Yinxiao Xiaoyaoke Liu Zhengzhao had already refused, "Niece Qianwen, Brother Zhang and I are not afraid of death and dare not go with you, but we have more experience than you, so we He would not be arrogant and do such a stupid thing like hitting a stone with an egg. Think about it, for more than a year, the places where the masters in the Devil Slaughter Dragon Fort visited have been burned, killed, looted, and bloody everywhere. Suffering from not knowing the exact location of the Demon Slaying Dragon Fort..."

"You already know that they are in the Saibei Mountains?" Liu Qianwen seemed to think of something, and said with some joy.

Shentie Zhangguai Zhang Yong was startled, and said: "Yes, since Nangong Xiaoxia has personally entered the Saibei area, and has already known exactly that they belong to the Northwest General Helm of the Demon Slaying Dragon Fort, then we can notify Shaolin separately now. , Wudang and other major sects..."

Liu Qianwen also became excited, "That's right, why didn't we think of notifying the sects?"

At this moment, Nangong Haotian, who had been watching coldly by the side, said indifferently: "My little brother thinks that the Devil Slaughter Dragon Fort has only killed chivalrous people and burned the houses of decent people for more than a year. To take action, it is likely that they pretended not to know, but now that two seniors, Zhang and Liu, have formally proposed to them, they may express it."

Nangong Haotian made up his mind, and bowed to Liu Qianwen and the other three, "Since the three of you have already decided to ask all sects to unite with the world's elite experts to save Senior Liu, then I will forgive you and let's go first."

Liu Qianwen's face changed, and she exclaimed, "Where are you going, Haotian?"

Nangong Haotian turned around, looked at the anxious Liu Qianwen, but smiled in his heart, thinking silently, "Maybe we can meet again!"

Immediately, he replied without hesitation: "Little brother is going to the Saibei area..."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Haotian looked to the north, his eyes were full of deepness and deepness, murderous intent and anticipation appeared at the same time, it looked really weird, it was a combination of spear and shield.

Liu Qianwen was a little distracted. On the one hand, she was anxious to know her father's safety and whereabouts and rescue him. On the other hand, she also felt that she was willing to be with Nangong Haotian. This not very burly man actually gave her an inexplicable sense of security. .

Liu Qianwen turned to Nangong Haotian, and said urgently without hesitation: "Haotian, please wait a moment, I will go with you."

After the words were finished, Liu Qianwen turned around, and before Nangong Haotian could reply, she galloped directly towards the back door of the hall, presumably to prepare clothes and other things.

Shentie Zhang Guai Zhang Yongzheng saw Liu Qianwen's impatience, turned his head to look at Nangong Haotian, and persuaded him: "Nangong Xiaoxia, you can't tolerate it for a while, and after we unite with all schools and factions in the world, we will rescue Master Lingtang ?"

Nangong Haotian looked at Shentie Zhangguai and Zhang Yongzheng, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and replied: "The younger generation never expected that the major sects could go to save my mother. Besides, uniting the major sects not only consumes a lot of time and energy. And whether this will be successful, Senior Zhang may not be [-]% sure."

Shentie Zhangguai and Zhang Yongzheng were speechless when they heard Nangong Haotian's sarcasm. This is also a fact, an irrefutable fact.

Yinxiao Xiaoyaoke Liu Zhengzhao asked a little angrily: "Niece Qianwen is on the road with you, do you have the confidence to protect her when she returns safely?"

Although Nangong Haotian has a great affection for Liu Qianwen, but now it is about Li Yunji's life and death and his own future. He can't bet, and he dare not bet. If Liu Qianwen is brought along, it will definitely be a huge burden. inconvenient.

Nangong Haotian smiled coldly, "I didn't invite her to go with me."

He went to the word exit, bowed to the two, said "goodbye", then shook his body, shot out quickly, and went straight to the front of the room outside the hall, the figure flashed in the air and disappeared.

At the same time that Nangong Haotian's figure disappeared, Liu Qianwen, carrying a small silver bag in her hand and a sword stuck in her back, hurried to the side hall.

Liu Qianwen just stopped and took a closer look, but she didn't see Nangong Haotian, and Shentie Zhangguai Zhang Yongzheng and Yinxiao Xiaoyaoke Liu Zhengzhao were also staring at the room outside the hall in a daze.

Liu Qianwen felt something was wrong, and asked anxiously, "Where is Haotian? Where did Haotian go?"

Liu Zhengzhao, the silver flute casual guest, turned around, "He said it would be inconvenient to take you there, so he left alone..."

Liu Qianwen raised her eyebrows and interrupted, "I don't believe it, I'll go find him!" Then she raised her true energy, flew out, boarded the house, and chased towards the north.

As soon as Liu Qianwen stepped out of the high wall of the back garden, she looked at the field in the north and shouted: "Haotian, Haotian!"

She didn't know why Nangong Haotian left by himself, but she didn't believe what Yinxiao Xiaoyaoke Liu Zhengzhao said, so she wanted to catch up with Nangong Haotian and ask, if that was the case, she would go alone to rescue her father .

The image of Nangong Haotian blocking the sneak attack flashed again in Liu Qianwen's mind, and her eyes were filled with tears. She started flying forward with lightness kung fu, looked at Siye and shouted: "Haotian, Haotian, wait for me, Haotian!"

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