The best waste god

076 Chapter Flower Monk 【Request】

Seeing the silence around Nangong Haotian, he suddenly understood in his heart, knowing that Monk Hua in the Lotus Festival Temple has already prepared, if he enters rashly, the enemy is dark and we are clear, and he is bound to suffer a big loss.

But Nangong Haotian turned around and thought about it carefully, since the monks Hua found him coming and did not come out of the temple to intercept him, either they did not receive an alarm suddenly, and it is not clear how many people came, or they just waited for work. Trick, waiting for himself to enter the temple to die.

Thinking of this, Nangong Haotian couldn't help but move in his heart, and made up his mind to use a strategy to lure the tiger out of its lair, to lure those flower monks out of the temple, and deal with them one by one in this square, and then go in by himself to rescue those trapped For the beautiful women who live here, help them check if they have suffered any injuries. The best thing is to study the structure of the human body.

With an idea in his mind, Nangong Haotian couldn't help laughing, as if he was saying: "Although your temple is densely packed with organs, I just won't go in. What can you do to me? I just won't go in, don't go in, you cheating fathers What can I do, young master? Hand over the beautiful woman, and I will spare you!"

Thinking of this, Nangong Haotian was furious at his dantian, looked into the temple, and shouted loudly: "Fuck, buddhist scum monks in the temple, listen up, the young master has arrived, come out quickly to welcome the young master into the temple. A beautiful woman who hides, otherwise, if I offend the young master, I will not be happy, be careful that the young master peels your skin, constricts your tendons, explodes your ass, digs your dog's eyes and kicks them as a ball... ..."

At this time, it was the time when the mountains were quiet at night, and the mountains and fields were all dead silent. Nangong Haotian's loud shout filled with the power of chaos immediately echoed back and forth among many mountain peaks, no matter how far or near he was. cheers.

However, what made Nangong Haotian extremely angry was that he had waited in place for a long time, but there was no reaction in the temple. The entire mountain area quickly returned to calm, and he was left alone there concentrating like a fool. He looked around, as if he was afraid that someone would sneak up on him.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Haotian suddenly became angry. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the murderous intent became stronger. He snorted coldly, bent down to pick up a fist-sized stone, and at the same time, said to himself in a hateful voice: Damn it, if I don't get all of you out tonight and blow each other's chrysanthemums a hundred times, I will never give up, young master."

As soon as the word Xiu was spoken, Nangong Haotian raised his right arm, and suddenly threw a fist-sized stone towards the gate of the Lotus Festival Temple with a "huh".

What kind of power does Nangong Haotian possess now? I saw that fist-sized bluestone flying directly towards the temple with a boundless whistling sound faster than lightning.

Then there was only a loud "crash", sparks shot out in the temple, broken tiles flew everywhere, and with a "gurgling" sound, the bluestone fell into the temple courtyard with a "boom".

Just when the bluestone fell to the ground, a voice of rage suddenly erupted in the pitch-black Lotus Festival Temple, shouting: "Light the torch, burst|explode the chrysanthemum!"

When the rough and stern shout sounded, an angry and frightened woman's scream suddenly came from a farther place behind the majestic hall.

Nangong Haotian was happy when he saw that he had attracted these flower monks out, but when he heard the woman's coquettish call, he was immediately taken aback and flew into a rage.

What surprised me was that the woman's call made Nangong Haotian sound a little familiar, and what made me angry was that there were indeed women hidden in the Lotus Festival Temple, and those Hua monks were still doing some bad things, which made Nangong Haotian, who was still a virgin, feel a little familiar. How embarrassing.

Immediately, Nangong Haotian was furious, his eyes spewed fire, wishing that he was the Monk Hua who was doing bad things.

"I scolded the neighbor next door, but you are still molesting my beautiful woman at this moment. You Hua Monks really make me angry. You fucking bastards, come out and die!" Nangong Haotian yelled.

At the moment when Nangong Haotian was frightened and angry, he had already forgotten the power of these Monks Hua and the organs in the Lotus Festival Temple. When he was standing, he tapped his toes lightly, and his figure suddenly rose into the air, flying directly to the roof of the building.

But just as Nangong Haotian rose into the air, there was only a sudden "thumping" sound between the temple gate and the left and right protruding walls.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the cold light flashing, the blue star flying around, countless flying knives, poisonous arrows and iron spikes, like locusts passing through the border, with the force of a violent storm, they shot towards the door within a radius of ten meters. There was a violent sound of piercing through the air, which was really frightening.

However, Nangong Haotian, who was extremely fast, had already soared up to the ridge of the three-story gatehouse as early as the sound of springs.

But what made him both shocked and angry was that just when the toes had just stepped on the ridge of the gatehouse, the big dragon head on the left and right ridges of the gatehouse suddenly turned around with a "click", and opened its mouth to spray out hundreds of poisonous spikes. , and shot straight towards the center at a rapid speed. Due to the high speed, there were bursts of whistling sounds, which was very frightening.

But Nangong Haotian is no longer the inexperienced rookie before. When he heard the slight sound, he immediately reacted, took a sharp drink in his mouth, and resorted to a golden carp floating and sinking, taking advantage of the opportunity to walk along the sloping building. Face, flew away as fast as lightning, and rolled into the temple.

Just as Nangong Haotian was rolling towards the temple, he suddenly saw a wave of flames flickering, and the inside of the temple was immediately illuminated by these fires. Nangong Haotian took a slight look, and there were more than 30 torches, which were lit up one after another.

At the same time, accompanied by a burst of exclamation and shouts, Nangong Haotian found that the surroundings of him were flickering with cold light, and the strong wind was whizzing. When he took a closer look, he saw twenty or thirty sharp flying knives shooting towards him one after another.

Seeing this, Nangong Haotian couldn't help laughing wryly. He had already concluded that there must be a mechanism on the ground in the temple, so he used the golden carp's floating body technique so that he could fall to the ground again the moment he fell to the ground. Piaofei rose to prevent himself from accidentally touching the underground switch of the organ.

But after all the calculations, Nangong Haotian still didn't expect that when he rolled down to the cornice of the second floor of the gate building, the flower monks on the ground had already thrown twenty or thirty throwing knives at him.

Seeing this, Nangong Haotian couldn't help being furious. These flying flying menacingly, I'm afraid even he who has cultivated to the second level of the Trash Transformation God Technique can't stop him, and he is bound to be hurt.

There was no time for Nangong Haotian to think too much, only to see that he suddenly raised the power of chaos, stretched out his arms, raised his figure, and quickly used the unique martial arts technique-Fuzijue.

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