Before finishing speaking, Shangguan Xiaowan suddenly looked at Mie Mie Mie with a sense of comprehension, and said, "Mrs., please take good care of my aunt.

Her old man has transferred most of her skills to the younger generation..."

Before finishing speaking, Teacher Wuyin stopped him and said, "Xiaowan!"

Having said this, Miejue Shitai was shocked and said: "Really!"

However, Nangong Haotian, Shangguan Xiaowan and Zhao Linger couldn't wait to turn around and run towards the direction of the mountain road.

Just as the three of them started to speed, Miejue Shitai suddenly seemed to have realized something in a low voice: "Ling'er, tonight three more times

come here. "

Zhao Ling'er didn't think about it carefully, she just waved her hand sideways and said yes, and continued to gallop forward without stopping.

The three of them were running fast, only then did they realize that the woman's anxious howling had stopped at some point.

Nangong Haotian rushed to the side of the mountain road first, without even looking at the two sides, he flew over and went straight into the dense forest.

As soon as I entered the dense forest, I realized that a girl in a yellow satin jacket with a sword stuck in her back was panicking on the ground for six people to be pointed at.

Old people, old Taoists, and strong young men who have opened the acupuncture points try to unlock the acupuncture points.

Just as Shangguan Xiaowan and Zhao Linger followed closely, the girl in yellow squatting on the ground massaging a strong man, suddenly

Hearing the sound of the clothes ripping through the wind, he hurriedly stood up, before seeing clearly the clothes and faces of Nangong Haotian and the other three, he shouted anxiously:

"Come and take a look, the six of them have their acupuncture points tapped."

After finishing speaking, she realized that Nangong Haotian and the others were not Wen Xiao's own people who came to support her.

The girl in yellow looked startled, and asked in amazement and bewilderment: "You... who are you?"

Nangong Haotian saw the girl in yellow with willow eyebrows, fair and tender skin, a straight nose and a small mouth like a cherry. She seemed to have a good temperament.

I don't know which sect's disciple or daughter it is.

Seeing the question at this moment, he calmly said: "Next is Nangong Haotian."

When the girl in yellow heard that it was Nangong Haotian, she was shocked and exclaimed, "Are you really Haotian?"

Amidst the tender shouts, he couldn't help but galloped towards Nangong Haotian in a hurry.

When Shangguan Xiaowan and Zhao Linger saw it, they coughed hastily.

The girl in yellow was startled, and hurriedly stopped, thinking that she had forgotten that there were two beautiful girls standing by the forest, she felt ashamed.

Hastily lowered his head.

At this moment, the wind rang through the clothes, and the figures flashed, and then Liu Qianwen's anxious and delicate voice sounded: "Maybe brother, sister Xiaowan, is it?"

what happened? "

Nangong Haotian was afraid of what Liu Qianwen and others might say, so he waved a gesture of relief.

Aunt Shan first glanced in amazement at the six lay people, young and old, who were sleeping on the ground, then she glanced at the girl in yellow and asked:

"How is this going?"

Seeing Aunt Shan asking, Nangong Haotian had no choice but to say: "Sister Xiaowan and I also came to check after hearing the girl's panic screaming.

of. ”

Only then did Liu Qianwen and the ancient head single aunt realize that the three of them had also come here by mistakenly hearing the howling sound of the girl in yellow.

Nangong Haotian knew that fortunately he, Shangguan Xiaowan and Zhao Linger came back quickly, otherwise, Liu Qianwen and the others would have rushed to Shaolin.

Lin Temple.

Aunt Shan looked at the girl in yellow and asked with concern: "This girl is..."

But as soon as the words were spoken, the girl in yellow, who was still hanging her head down, raised her head and said in a humble voice: "The little girl lives in Dahuang Village in the southeast.

My father Huang Zhennan..."

When Nangong Haotian heard about Dahuang Village, he said: "I have met my father, Huang, the old owner of the village."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and suddenly stopped talking, because although he met Mr. Huang Laodi last night,

But the old owner thought he was a Tiannan scholar, but he didn't know that he was Nangong Haotian.

However, the girl in yellow asked excitedly, "Really!"

Nangong Haotian forced himself a smile, he didn't know how to answer, when suddenly there was a rapid sound of clothes ripping through the wind outside the forest.

Shangguan Xiaowan and Zhao Linger were standing at the edge of the woods. They looked out and saw a group of people, no less than 30 people,

Come here in a hurry.

Seeing the situation, Zhao Ling'er said anxiously first: "There are many people coming from the direction of Shaolin Temple."

Since the place where the two stood was the only way for this visitor, while thinking about it, the two had already walked behind Nangong Haotian while talking.

The girl in yellow hurriedly explained: "I greeted them by howling."

Zhao Linger whispered anxiously: "Let's get out of here!"

Nangong Haotian said in a deep voice: "We also heard Miss Huang's whistling and came to check, what are we afraid of!"

As the words fell, there was already a howling wind at the edge of the forest, and the figures flickered. Nearly [-] lay people rushed to the nearby area like a gust of wind.


The girl in yellow greeted hurriedly: "I'm here, I'm Huang Liying." After giving her name, she secretly took a look.

Eye Nangong Haotian.

It's a pity that Nangong Haotian was looking at the people coming in from outside the forest.

The one who ran at the front was a fat, bald old man in a purple robe, with a mustache and a big belly.

When Nangong Haotian saw it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he recognized that this bald old man with an arrogant expression and nearly [-] years old was exactly the one who had lived in Southeast Asia.

The old village head of Tiemenzhai who I met once at Xiangyun Temple in Jiyunguan.

The rest of the people, there are Taoist priests in dark gray Taoist robes, and some Taoist priests in light gray Taoist robes.

Inserting a long sword, I don't know what sect they belong to, and I have never met them.

The only thing that reassures Nangong Haotian is that Huang Zhennan, the old owner of Dahuangzhuang, is not among these people.

Just as a group of people poured into the forest, a young man in dark blue with a sword stuck in his back saw the girl in yellow,

Exclaimed: "Sister, are you okay?"

Amid the exclamation, he flew to the side of the girl in yellow, Huang Liying.

However, the old village owner of Tiemenzhai asked in a deep voice as soon as he entered Lin Yuan: "What's going on, what's going on?"

While speaking, his eyes were piercing and he looked around. When he found Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Xiaowan, his whole body trembled and his expression changed drastically.

He took half a step back and exclaimed, "You? Nangong Haotian?"

This is really the so-called name of a person, the shadow of a tree.The lay people who followed behind him heard the old village master of Tiemenzhai calling

When the word Nangong Haotian came out, there was a burst of exclamation, and everyone stared at Nangong Haotian and the others in amazement.

Nangong Haotian smiled and said: "The old village master still recognizes me, it's really rare."

The old village owner of Tiemenzhai was afraid that he would lose his composure and be ridiculed, so he quickly collected himself, proudly shook his bald head, snorted, and said in a deep voice:

"You turned our southeast martial arts world upside down, the chickens and dogs are restless, how can this old man not remember you..."

Aunt Shan was furious immediately, and said angrily: "My surname is Wu, don't be arrogant here, and be careful not to annoy my Aunt Shan."

Mother-in-law, I will teach you a lesson now. "

The old village head of Tiemen Village was also furious immediately, raised his hand and pointed at Aunt Shan and Gu Tou, and said angrily: "Aunt Shan, Gu Gu

Old man, today we are enemies, and we meet again. You two must give Southeast Wulin justice. "

Nangong Haotian waved his hand to stop Gutou and Aunt Shan from talking, then looked at the old village owner of Tiemenzhai, and asked in a deep voice: "Old village

Lord, do you want to settle the matter in the southeast now, or wait until tomorrow's meeting to bring it up. "

The old village head of Tiemenzhai had already seen the six people lying on the ground, besides, the purpose of his coming to the conference this time was to

It is necessary to incite all sects, muster public indignation, and unite to deal with Nangong Haotian.

If we do it now, the people who follow him will be second- and third-rate people, not to mention dealing with Nangong Haotian and his fiancée.

Even the old man and the single aunt couldn't handle it.

His thoughts turned, his eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "It will be proposed at tomorrow's meeting."

Nangong Haotian said indifferently: "Then please don't mention the past."

The old village owner of Tiemenzhai snorted, could only look at Huang Liying, and asked in a deep voice, "Miss Huang, what's going on?"

As he spoke, he waved his finger and pointed to the six sleeping people on the ground.

When Huang Liying asked, she could only frown and said distressedly: "The junior passed by here, and suddenly found that six people here have had their acupuncture points tapped.

That's why I whistled and asked you to come and check. "

The old village head of Tiemenzhai was probably dissatisfied with Huang Liying's answer, and said in a deep voice: "It should be said that heroes from all schools and sects in the world are invited

Heroes or elders of various factions come to investigate and solve. "

Huang Liying said aggrievedly: "That's right, aren't you all the leaders and representatives of various factions and families?"

Having said this, the old village owner of Tiemenzhai was stunned for a moment, so he could only say in a deep voice with deep meaning: "You see that the two of them

Why is there a dispute? "

Huang Liying shook her head and said, "No one was here when I came. As soon as I came, I saw the six of them sleeping under the big tree."

The old village owner of Tiemenzhai was stunned for a moment, angrily looked at Guigong Haotian and others, and asked angrily: "There is no

Others, where did they come from? "

Huang Liying said without hesitation: "They also came to check after hearing my whistle."

The old owner of Tiemenzhai was so angry that his mouth was speechless, his whole body was trembling, and he didn't know what to say.

Only then did Nangong Haotian sneer and said: "Miss Huang is a chivalrous woman from a famous family, she is bright-hearted, upright and honest, there is no

Even if she uses words to hint at the deceitful and cunning vices of the general world, she will not distinguish between right and wrong, and turn black and white. "

Having said that, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of Huang Liying's lips.

The old village owner of Tiemenzhai, whose old face turned blue and red with anger, pointed at Huang Liying, looked at Nangong Haotian, and said angrily: "Just

I'm afraid that she..." Just as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly stopped talking.

Aunt Shan knew that the old boy was going to say that she was afraid that she would be fascinated by you, and she thought it was related to her seniority and status, so she quickly swallowed her words

go back.

She hoped that Old Man Wu would scold him, and asked in a manly voice, "I'm afraid what happened to her?"

The old village owner of Tiemen Village knew that Aunt Shan had seen his intentions, so he shouted angrily: "I'm afraid that when she comes you just

go. "

Nangong Haotian raised his eyebrows majestically and said in a deep voice: "Old village master, if you dare to say it again, I will immediately kill your heart and soul."

The stomach was dug out for everyone present to see. "

The old village owner of Tiemenzhai trembled when he heard this, his face changed drastically, he forced himself to bite the bullet, and said angrily: "You dare to kill me?"

Nangong Haotian laughed proudly and said, "Don't say that your little Tiemenzhai is the Kongtong faction that dominates Shanshan.

Hekou annoyed me, and killed more than 200 of them, including their leader. "

Saying this, all the people who followed trembled, their expressions changed drastically, and they exclaimed.

The gray-haired Taoist in a gray Taoist robe yelled angrily: "You are talking nonsense, the head of this sect passed away only last month."

Nangong Haotian smiled coldly and said, "I don't object to what you say."

At this time, the people who followed had begun to whisper, apparently talking about the real reason for the death of the head of the Kongtong faction.

Another gray-haired old Taoist in a light gray Taoist robe looked at the old village owner of Tiemenzhai and said, "What's the matter with this?

Unlock the acupoints of the six of them and ask, don't you know who it is? "

Huang Liying said: "I've solved it, and they won't wake up no matter how much I shoot them."

The old head of Tiemenzhai said in amazement: "There is such a thing, let the old man try it."

After saying that, he strode towards the gray-haired old man on the ground first.

Because the gray-haired old man is the second manager of their iron gate village.

I saw the old village head of Tiemenzhai walked up to the gray-haired old man and squatted down, slapped him down with his palm.

After taking a look, the gray-haired old man not only didn't let out a breath, he didn't even move his eyelids.

The old village head of Tiemenzhai was stunned for a moment, then patted his palms, the gray-haired old man still didn't intend to wake up.

At this time, all the people who followed were stunned, knowing that these six people had obviously been tapped on the acupoints with a special technique.

The old head of Tiemenzhai stared blankly for a while, then stood up and looked at the gray-haired Taoist in a light gray Taoist robe, and said, "Daoxuan

Fairy, please try. "

The gray-haired Taoist known as Daoxuan Immortal had no choice but to walk to the side of the sleeping gray-haired Taoist on the ground, and patted, held, and

Massage, obviously hoping to revive the grey-haired priest in various ways.

However, after a while of patting and grabbing, the gray-haired Taoist on the ground didn't even move his eyelids.

The old village owner of Tiemenzhai was dumbfounded, and everyone who followed was also dumbfounded.

Nangong Haotian had already warned Gutou and Aunt Shan with his gaze, that among the six of them, anyone who spoke up would not get rid of their suspicions.

Doubtful, while thinking, they all looked at the other party and waited for them to work there in turn.

After a while of silence, squatting next to the gray-haired Taoist priest, he suddenly stood up and looked at the dark gray Taoist robed Taoist, with

In a pleading tone, he said in a harmonious voice: "Master Quanxin, please try using your school's unique acupoint-relieving technique."

The whole-hearted Daoist leader of the Kongtong faction frowned, hesitantly, obviously not sure.

At this moment, a flame suddenly appeared in the distance outside the forest.

Everyone looked shocked, and people who were close to Lin Yuan turned their heads to check.

A few people who were watching exclaimed in surprise: "Ah, there are so many people here, and they are still holding torches high."

The old village master of Tiemenzhai and the two old Taoists of the Kongtong Qionglai sect all changed their expressions, appearing very anxious.

The son didn't want this matter to be publicized.

Nangong Haotian and others arrived here, and it was even more inconvenient to leave.

Since more than 30 people stood around the edge of the forest, Nangong Haotian and others could only see the flames of the torches, but they couldn't see who came.

As the flames approached in a hurry, someone exclaimed: "It's the masters of Shaolin Temple."

Nangong Haotian was startled when he heard that, knowing that what happened tonight was a big mess, and the consequences might not be dealt with.

The old village head of Tiemen Village, Kongtong and Qionglai were even more anxious and annoyed secretly stamping their feet there.

Dozens of flaming torches arrived in front of him, and the people standing around the edge of the forest stepped aside one after another.

As soon as the crowd moved away, the eyes of Nangong Haotian and the others lit up.

I saw dozens of Shaolin monks holding torches high, and nearly 200 masters from various sects and families rushed in.

The few people who ran in the front were Master Fajue, the head of the Shaolin Temple, and two old Taoists with childlike faces and white hair, one wearing moon white and the other wearing pale

Zi, and the other is an old beggar with a gray face, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Nangong Haotian took a look and knew that one of the two old Taoists was the leader of the Wudang School, Taoist Master Wuchen, and the other was the leader of the General Assembly.

The witness is Wuqing Immortal Head of the Kunlun Sect, and the other is the iron-faced beggar, the leader of the beggar gang.

Master Fa Jue of Shaolin Temple, except for a yellow robe and a large golden cassock over his shoulders, his attire is exactly the same as last night, but he has more

A golden Buddhist staff with nine rings.

The Taoist in lavender Taoist robes holding jade ruyis in his hands is Wudang Taoist Priest Wuchen, and the Taoist priest wearing moon-white Taoist robes with a whisk is from the Kunlun School

The elders of the previous two generations Wu Qing.

The rest of them are of different ages and clothes, except Master Yinchen and Huikong from Shaolin Temple, as well as those who once lived in the East China Sea.

Fa Mingwai, who had a one-sided knowledge, Nangong Haotian's mood suddenly fell because there was no Master Tianwai among the first few people.

Apart from Faming and Master Yinchen who guided him in the afternoon, no one from Shaolin Temple's Fajue Master and others have seen Nangong Haotian

The true face of Mount Lu.

Master Fajue didn't know why, but he also seemed a little nervous. As soon as he entered the dense forest, he saw the old village owner of Tiemenzhai and others, and he was anxious.

He asked with concern: "What happened just now?"

While speaking, he shifted his gaze from Wulao Zhaizhu and others to Nangong Haotian.

When Nangong Haotian saw it, he could only cup his hands and slightly bowed his upper body, and said calmly but modestly: "The younger generation Nangong Haotian, see the master, Taoist priest and

helper. "

As soon as Nangong Haotian uttered the three words, there was a roar and commotion among the nearly two hundred heroes who followed, and they all tried to squeeze in front of him.

Come and see this young man who caused a sensation in the world, shocked the martial arts world, and ruled the world.

Since the people behind couldn't see it, many people circled to the left and right, immediately surrounding the people in the middle.

However, as soon as Master Fajue heard that it was Nangong Haotian, he looked at Master Yinchen with a complaining look, obviously blaming him

Did not explain clearly.

Master Yinchen lowered his head uneasily, but also glanced at Nangong Haotian angrily.

Nangong Haotian had no choice but to calmly say: "Young students and others are discussing matters in the tent, when they suddenly heard a woman screaming in panic, obviously

An extremely frightening thing happened, and since it was not far from the young people's camp, I hurried over to check it out, and Ms. Huang had already reported the details.

Give it to Wulao Zhaizhu. "

Master Fajue looked at Wulao Village Master of Tiemen Village, and asked modestly: "Old Village Master, the situation is not what Haotian said.

so? "

The head of Wulao Village could only say: "At that time, the old man was not there. The old man heard Xiao and Daoxuan's immortal head, and he wholeheartedly said that the Taoist head and Daoxuan

When the young master of Huangzhuang arrived, Nangong Haotian and the others were already at this place. "

Master Fajue gave a knowing oh, turned his head to look at Huang Liying again, and asked peacefully: "Miss Huang, is that so?"

Huang Liying nodded and said: "Yes, the younger generation finished whistling, and after a while, Haotian and the others rushed over in a panic.

Haotian had just asked the younger generation, and Wulao village master and the others also arrived. "

Master Fajue nodded slightly, and turned his head to look at the head of Wudang, Daoist Wuchen, and the witnesses of fairness, Immortal Wuqing and Tie Mian Beggar,

Meaning, both sides are almost there.

However, fair witness Wu Qingxian looked at Huang Liying long and asked with concern: "Miss Huang, what did Haotian ask when he came?"

talk? "

Since Immortal Elder Wuqing is a fair witness, he should have asked this question, and Nangong Haotian and others didn't say anything when he thought about it.

Huang Liying said with some hesitation: "It seems to be asking repeatedly, what's going on, what's going on..."

The old head of Tiemenzhai said in a deep voice, "This is what Master Fajue asked just now."

Master Fajue looked at him and said peacefully: "We invite the notary to ask questions, and everyone should not intervene to participate in opinions.

To show fairness. "

The old head of Tiemenzhai sighed helplessly.

Immortal Wuqing continued to ask: "Miss Huang, could you please tell everyone present how you discovered them in detail?

listen. "

Huang Liying, on the other hand, said without saying anything: "I just passed by here and saw all six of them collapsed under the roots of the tree."

Seeing that Huang Liying stopped talking, Wu Qing could only ask, "Does Miss Huang know them?"

Asked like this, the young man standing beside Huang Liying wearing a blue satin jacket and addressing her as Huang Liying's sister, was so startled that she hurriedly twitched

Take down Huang Liying's sleeves.

When the iron-faced beggar saw it, he asked in a deep voice, "Who is that little brother?"

The old owner of Tiemenzhai suddenly said: "Oh, he is the young owner of Dahuangzhuang, Miss Huang's younger brother!"

Daoist Wuqing looked at Huang Liying, and continued to ask, "Miss Huang, you haven't answered the poor Taoist's question yet."

The old village head of Tiemenzhai said first: "She may have seen the six people..."

Tie Mian Beggar, the leader of the Beggar Clan, said in a deep voice: "My old beggar, as a fair witness, please don't open the door for the time being.

mouth. "

The head of Wuzhai simply shouted out of embarrassment, "There is the second manager of our village inside, why can't the old man speak."

After saying this, everyone was shocked, and many people made ah noises, obviously they were all surprised.

Master Fajue of Shaolin Temple saw the people watching whispering to each other, discussing one after another, raised the nine-ring Buddhist staff in his hand and jingled

It shook loudly.

People from various sects and sects watching around stopped talking.

At this moment, the iron-faced beggar looked at the Wuzhai Lord, and asked in a deep voice: "Second Chief Manager of Guizhai, why did you come to this place?"

Village Master Wulao said in a deep voice: "I know what he is doing here? When he came out, he only said to visit a few good friends, who knows..."

Immortal Wuqing pointed to the other five people on the ground, and asked, "So, these five are all friends of the Second Chief of Guizhai?"

Village Master Wulao said in a deep voice: "This is his business, how do I know that."

But the iron-faced beggar pointed to the gray-haired old Taoist on the ground, and asked, "Which sect is this Taoist priest from?"

Daoxuan Immortal Head of the Qionglai Sect hurriedly said: "I'm the junior brother of the poor Taoist." The iron-faced beggar asked perplexedly: "Can the Immortal Elder

Do you know why he came to this place? "

The old Taoist Daoxuan could only shake his head seriously and said: "The poor Taoist doesn't know why."

But Immortal Master Wuqing looked at Daoxuan old Taoist and Quanxin old Taoist of the Kongtong sect, and asked with concern: "Did the two fellow Taoists reconcile together?

Did Wulao Zhaizhu come to inspect it? "

Daoxuan and Quanxin had no choice but to say: "The two of you, Poor Dao, happened to be chatting in Wulao Village Master's tent..."

Before he finished speaking, Immortal Wuqing asked calmly: "So, there are also disciples of the Kongtong Sect among the six people?"

The old Taoist Quanxin blushed when asked, so he nodded his head in yes, and said, "There is one!"

Immortal Wuqing asked, looking at Master Fajue and Taoist Wuchen, he analyzed: "Looking at the positions where the six of them fell to the ground, it seems

They are standing scattered, each using a tree as a cover, their faces should be facing the mountain road, and it seems that they are not facing the forest. "

Having said that, Master Fajue and Taoist Priest Wuchen all nodded slowly in agreement.

However, when Master Fajue nodded slowly, he glanced at Nangong Haotian naturally, as if to say, you have the biggest suspicion.


The six of Nangong Haotian still stood still, silent.

But the iron-faced beggar said solemnly: "Now the six people have passed Miss Huang, Wuzhai Lord and the two Taoist priests but failed to unlock the acupoints.

The person at the acupoint obviously pointed it out in a special way while thinking about it. "

The head of Wudang, Daoist Wu Chen, said in confusion: "There is no doubt that the other party has used special techniques, but it is only the other party, how can it be done?"

Dot six people? "

While speaking, he naturally glanced at Nangong Haotian and the other six.

Aunt Shan said indifferently: "Don't the Taoist think that my old lady also has this kind of skills and special skills?"

Taoist Priest Wuchen said modestly, "Shan Bodhisattva, please don't get me wrong, Pindao doesn't mean that."

Immortal Wuqing looked at Nangong Haotian, and asked: "Haotian, can you check on behalf of the poor Taoist, and see if the other party's master uses it?"

What method? "

Nangong Haotian knew that he couldn't fool these highly respected elders, he hesitated a little before he said: "I'm afraid that the younger generation will have little knowledge.

Thin, can't be seen. "

Immortal Wuqing said in a harmonious voice, "It's okay to try!"

Nangong Haotian had no choice but to walk to the side of a nearby sleepy strong man, and with a swipe of his finger, the thick leather belt that was as wide as his palm snapped off.

There was also a long slit in the commoner clothes on his back, exposing his muscles.

The expressions of all the people standing around changed, and the audience was silent, except for the burning torches and the wind blowing sand above their heads.

The sand branches and leaves rubbed against each other, but no sound could be heard.

Nangong Haotian looked down, straightened up, faced the four masters of Fajue, and said in harmony: "Return to Master Chen, the Taoist priest and the helper!"

Lord, according to the deep dimple in the muscle, that person may be using finger turning..."

Before he finished speaking, Immortal Wuqing had already said solemnly: "Since the young hero has seen the trick, then please ask the young hero to untie it for them."

Nangong Haotian still doesn't know Master Fajue's reaction and saying after hearing those two bold words, and intends to count on the road of martial arts.

Check it out last time.

While thinking about it, when Wuqing took the opportunity to provoke each other, he could only smile apologetically, shook his head slightly and said: "I'm very sorry, the other party's skill is too weak.

It is still above the younger generation, and it needs to absorb the formula with the palm of the hand. The younger generation thinks that the master of the formula is compassionate, so he should give it a try. "

Having said that, everyone's eyes turned to the old monk.

Master Fajue had already recognized Nangong Haotian's intentions, joined his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful.

Let's go! ”

After finishing the words, he walked to the side of a person on the ground, swung his sleeves violently, and stretched his palms to print on the door of that person's life, then the back of his palm slightly

With a slight upward bow, he turned to the second person and walked.

Such a series of six palms, everyone in the audience held their breath and watched quietly.

Just after the old monk finished shooting the sixth person, No.1 suddenly opened his eyes and sat up in shock.

When the heroes of various factions standing around saw it, they made a thunderous sound that shook the mountains and fields and went straight to the night sky.

When the other five people heard the colorful sound, they all opened their eyes with an ah, some sat up straight with their arms stretched, and some jumped up.

Seeing the group of heroes standing around, the applause became more enthusiastic.

The old monk, Master Fajue, apologized with his palms together: "I am ashamed, ashamed!"

Just when everyone was in high spirits, someone suddenly shouted: "Everyone, look, everyone, look, west, west!"

After shouting like this, the colorful sound stopped abruptly, and they all turned their heads to look to the west.

At a glance, everyone's complexion changed, and they all exclaimed.

On the ridge of Zhengxi Ridge, a fire suddenly appeared, and because everyone's cheers stopped, there were vague shouts and coquettish shouts.

Nangong Haotian looked at it and said anxiously: "No, let's go quickly."

Going to the word exit, the figure has already risen into the air.Pass over the heads of the people standing in the west, and fly directly towards the Zhengxi electric switch.

Shangguan Xiaowan and Liu Qianwen didn't dare to neglect at all, they also flew past the crowd and chased directly towards the ridge.

The people standing around were stunned, not knowing what was going on.

Master Yinchen said anxiously: "Someone attacked Haotian's camp, let's go quickly."

While speaking, the four masters of Fa Jue had already galloped forward.

All the people who followed followed behind in amazement and bewilderment.

As Master Fajue was advancing, he glanced at Master Yinchen with a resentful gaze.

It is inconvenient for Master Yinchen to explain, and he has already told Nangong Haotian and others not to leave the camp casually.See you now, brother

He gave him a dignified look, really suffering beyond words.

The more than 200 people who followed behind were even more arguing.

But the iron-faced beggar said angrily: "This time the person who came to set the fire was caught, no matter which sect he is from, he will be harassed."

Disrupting the order of the assembly and expelling them. "

Master Fa Jue also kept shaking his head and said: "It's too outrageous, it's too outrageous."

While speaking, everyone had already rushed up to the ridge, and at a glance, all of them were shocked and shouted: "Please stop, please!

stop! "

I saw the three big tung oil tents of Nangong Haotian and the others, the flames were raging, thick smoke was flying, and almost all of them were burned up.

However, the killing sounds and shouting just now turned into ear-piercing howls and screams.

But seeing Nangong Haotian's palms flying, the shadows of his palms passed by, his brains shot out, and the bones of his head and the head of the sky flew out.

The four daughters of Shangguan Liu also drew their swords, the ancient head was flying the dragon cloud knife, the aunt Shan was swinging the iron dove staff, and the four maids of spring and green were even more so.

The sword falls in the hand and the head flies.

Thirty or so strong men who fled to the east and west among these swords and sticks were still yelling and shooting rockets indiscriminately just a moment ago, but now they are

While fleeing for his life, he screamed, died on the spot, and immediately fell down in a pool of blood.

Just as Master Fajue and the other four hurriedly shouted to stop, Nangong Haotian and the others also stopped attacking and angrily yelling.

However, apart from the bloody torrential corpses of more than [-] corpses, the longbows scattered all over the ground and the feathered arrows stained with oil, what else is there?

There are all kinds of weapons and torches that are still burning.

Master Fajue and the four of them looked at it. Those who chanted the Buddha's name, those who were in a daze were in a daze, and all the more than 200 people who followed him were also stunned.

The leader of the beggar gang, Tie Mian Beggar, first of all made sure of his mind, hurriedly walked a few feet away from the scene, and said eagerly: "Look at the other

If there are any survivors in the middle school, it is better to ask what sect they are from and who instigated them to come here? "

The old man said in a calm voice: "Don't ask, if you ask, it will make things difficult for you and Immortal Wuqing.

I am afraid that the conference will not be able to be held in the sky. "

Master Fajue, Daoist Wuchen, and Immortal Wuqing, who followed the iron-faced beggar, turned their eyes and looked around at the nearly thirty-foot-circle

At the scene, blood and flesh were mutilated, severed limbs and heads, and more than thirty corpses.

Belly, all of them are horrible.

Master Fajue and Taoist Master Wuchen watched it, and both lowered their eyes and proclaimed the Buddha's name.

Just as the Buddha's name was still lingering in the night sky and the flames flying, among the more than 200 people who were still standing there, someone suddenly became angry.

Angrily said: "Killing more than 30 people in one go, it's too cruel."

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