The best waste god

Chapter 092 There is a female Shangguan Xiaowan 【Request】

When Situ Meng heard the old beggar's shout, he stopped turning around and looked at the old beggar with a questioning look, "Master, do you have anything else to say?"

Although she asked, Situ Meng couldn't hide the anxiety in Situ Meng's eyes. Now, she wished she could go to Junior Sister Xiaowan immediately.

"You have to specially warn Xiaowan, including yourself, never to have the idea of ​​defeating Nangong Haotian with martial arts. As a teacher, he has already weighed his weight. The two of you are definitely not his opponents. Remember it. The old beggar stroked his gray beard and solemnly exhorted.

Situ Meng was taken aback for a moment, and said anxiously: "But, Nangong Haotian still doesn't know the insidiousness and treachery of the old dragon-slaying thief!"

"Hehe, I think he should know." The old beggar smiled slightly, nodded, and said

After hearing this, Situ Meng said stubbornly: "No, Meng'er must tell him that he must never let him follow in my father's footsteps."

The old beggar waved a gesture of relief, and said: "Meng'er, don't worry, he should know by now that the old thief who slays the dragon has not given all his knowledge, at least he has saved a few hands, and he will deal with him when he is useless." .”

"Master, how did you know?" Situ Meng asked in confusion.

The old beggar straightened his clothes, and said: "Of course he suffered the loss of being a teacher. You think I am so useless, old man. This kid's kung fu is very powerful, especially his inner strength. I feel that it is extremely powerful, thick and deep. It's like Yuan Hai, but this kid's battle experience is still a little bit worse, otherwise I really can't hold back the old man."

Having said that, the old beggar paused, stroked his gray beard, and said solemnly: "My father, Hero Situ, is invincible, so he fell into the trap of the old dragon slaying thief. If he meets me as a weak target, with his level of intelligence, of course he will realize that his martial arts are not yet able to reach the level of being able to rule the world and look down on all heroes."

Upon hearing this, Situ Meng nodded in agreement.

The old beggar waved his hand violently, and urged: "Okay, go quickly, so as not to be late and cause trouble, that kid's lightness kung fu will not be weak, I'm afraid it's not far away now."

Situ Menggong answered yes, turned around and started, started lightness kung fu, and headed directly towards the direction Nangong Haotian was galloping away, and disappeared like wind and lightning.

After Situ Meng left, the old beggar bowed his head solemnly and said to himself: "It's really strange. I hit him with a move just now, but he didn't get hurt. Could it be that he has martial arts similar to the iron shirt?" ? But I have never heard that the Demon Slayer Dragon King can do this kind of kung fu..."


The night is filled with the full moon, and there is boundless silence everywhere. Countless mountains and abysses are like seas, and they are like wild beasts that are dormant and choose to eat people.Only at the bottom of a valley, a few lights flickered, not only did not make it look cute, but also made it more eerie.

At this time, a snow-white light flickered, and finally added a bit of anger to this place. I saw her movement like lightning, tens of meters in a flash, the little boots lightly tapped on the branches in the forest, and then advanced tens of feet again, gracefully. fairy.

This woman was Situ Meng who was chasing Nangong Haotian all the way. During the speeding journey, she paid special attention to the flickering lights in the valley and the tall buildings with lofty pavilions, like a fairy falling from the sky to inspect the mortal world.

However, she found that it was as quiet as usual, without any fighting, yelling or commotion. Seeing this, Situ Meng finally let out a sigh of relief. Although she was very confident in her lightness kung fu, she did not dare to underestimate Nangong. With Haotian's speed, I am afraid that Nangong Haotian will cause trouble.

But after thinking about it, the peace and quiet there does not mean that Nangong Haotian has not yet reached the Northwest Sub-Helm Main Altar where the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie is.

Moreover, with Nangong Haotian's superb martial arts, if he didn't want the male and female guards there to find out, it would be an easy task, even she can do this step.

Therefore, before she saw Shangguan Xiaowan, or knew for sure that Nangong Haotian had not yet arrived at the main altar of the northwest sub-rudder of Demon Tulongbao, nothing could calm down her anxiety. Shangguan Xiaowan's worry, and the convergence of the two became the driving force for him to speed up.

While thinking about it, she was like a silver-white phoenix flying down in the sky, riding against the wind, and galloped straight to the tall back door of the courtyard in the valley.

She didn't hide her figure, seeing that she was about to go down the valley, the female guards on the tall courtyard wall had already noticed her.

When Situ Meng saw it, she hurriedly took out a signal firecracker from her bag, and while she was galloping in the wind, she twirled her two fingers, shaking out several beautiful sparks.

At this moment, this unglamorous flame was extraordinarily dazzling, illuminating Situ Meng's pretty face, and at the same time, all the guards could see it.

As soon as the female guards on the tall courtyard wall and the gate tower looked at them, several people said softly: "Quickly open the door, Miss Situ from the back mountain is here."

Then there was a sound of the iron chain sliding and the door latch being lightly lifted, and then the solid backyard door slowly opened, more like the huge mouth of a ghostly monster, chilling people, swallowing Situ Meng's patience.

The moment the backyard door opened, Situ Meng also arrived in front of the giant gate. She kept moving and dodged into the door, only to find that the people who opened the door were two seventeen or eighteen-year-old men in dark green clothes with long swords on their backs. girl.

Two other female guards with long swords behind their backs stood respectfully inside the gatehouse with smiles on their faces. When the four female guards saw Situ Meng, they greeted Situ Meng in unison: "Hello, Miss Situ."

Situ Meng was worried about Shangguan Xiaowan and Nangong Haotian, so he nodded casually and agreed, and at the same time asked with concern: "Where's your girl?"

Seeing Situ Meng's expression, the four female guards knew that there must be something important, so they didn't dare to neglect, and replied in amazement: "It's her upstairs!"

Hearing this, Situ Meng opened her small mouth slightly, let out a light breath, and then asked with concern: "Have you ever noticed anything unusual around here?"

The four female guards looked shocked, knowing something was wrong, they shook their heads and said, "No!"

One of the older female guards asked, "Why, Miss Situ, did something happen?"

Situ Meng said "Oh", and said vaguely: "It's nothing, from now on, you all pay more attention to the front of the house and the outside of the courtyard."

The two female guards who opened the door were so frightened that they quickly closed the open backyard door.

Situ Meng smiled slightly, and continued: "Okay, you all have worked so hard tonight, I'll go and see your girls, if there is anything unusual, immediately play the cloud card."

When the sign was exported, Situ Meng turned around and walked forward without further delay.

Situ Meng is a frequent visitor here, so she is naturally very familiar with this place, and she has something on her mind, so she hurriedly bypassed the corridor, passed the central pavilion, and climbed up to a magnificent tall building in the center in the second courtyard.

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