The best waste god

Chapter 105: We Can't Tell Them

Because that copper gold medal was the power talisman issued by the demon dragon slayer king to the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie's chief rudder.

In other words, with the copper gold medal, not only can he command anyone at the helm of the Northwest Headquarters, but he also has the power of life and death, just like the emperor's jade seal.

Shangguan Xiaowan was secretly taken aback when she saw it, and she understood the cunning and insidiousness of Shangguan Mie, a ghost-faced scholar.

Before leaving, the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie clearly announced that during his absence at the helm, all affairs would be handled by her, Shangguan Xiaowan. However, he secretly handed over the copper and gold medals to Xie Baide, the master of the Hall of Dragons. She doesn't trust or what.

Now, Shangguan Xiaowan has fully understood that the ghost-faced scholar was born and died. On the surface, he entrusted her to do everything, but secretly let Xie Baide, who holds real power, monitor her. He was exposed by Xie Baide and even deprived of all his powers.

In other words, the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie didn't trust her at all, that is to say, when she acted independently and it didn't meet his wishes, Xie Baide took out a copper and gold medal to suppress her, denied her actions, and removed her Power, but under the command of Xie Baide.

Of course, Xie Baide will not display this until the most critical time.

When is the most critical moment?

It's now!

This is the time when she is going to step forward and save Nangong Haotian from danger.

However, everything was in vain now, because she no longer had any power, and it was impossible to mobilize those people in the northwest branch of Demon Slaying Dragon Fort, and Xie Baide would never listen to her command.

While thinking about it, Situ Meng on the side was already holding her forearm tightly, and whispered anxiously: "Junior Sister, you can't show up now."

Shangguan Xiaowan nodded in despair and resentment, and said, "Little sister knows."

While talking, I saw seven or eight strong men in the field who looked dazed, all looked at each other in amazement, obviously asking each other: What should I do?

The gray-haired and silver-bearded Xie Baide snorted coldly, stared at him with triangular eyes, and sternly shouted: "If you don't want to catch someone, what are you waiting for? Do you want to disobey the order?"

When the seven or eight strong men heard this, they couldn't help trembling, they could only shout loudly, each raised their weapons, and all of them rushed towards Nangong Haotian who was standing with his sword horizontally.

Seeing this situation, Liu Qianwen raised her eyebrows and scolded, "How dare you..."

As soon as Ganzi yelled and cursed, she flew in front of Nangong Haotian, and hit the three people who were running ahead with their swords. She had already forgotten her own comfort, and she was all thinking about Nangong Haotian has gone, but it is a pity that Nangong Haotian has completely lost his mind and will not know this at all.

Just as Liu Qianwen flew up and drew his sword, Xie Baide warned sharply: "Liu Qianwen, if you dare to protect this kid again, you will regret it."

Just when Xie Baide sternly warned, Nangong Haotian, who was standing still and lost his mind, also glared at Liu Qianwen angrily, and shouted: "Who wants you to be troublesome!"

Amidst the stern voice, he shook his wrist, and swung the single knife in his hand towards Liu Qianwen with a "huh".

Fortunately, Liu Qianwen, who had experience once, swung her sword to force back the three people running in front, and she also heard Xie Baide's warning in her ears, but she paid more attention to Nangong Haotian beside her.

Sure enough, with her beautiful eyes, she saw Nangong Haotian who was lost in mind, and once again swiped a knife to sweep towards her waist. She was swinging the sword to attack, and when she heard Nangong Haotian sternly shouted, she took advantage of the momentum of swinging the sword. , hurriedly slanted, flew to the right and jumped away, narrowly avoiding Nangong Haotian's fatal blow.

Situ Meng and Shangguan Xiaowan, who were peeping secretly, thought that Liu Qianwen must die this time, and they all broke into a cold sweat for her. If Nangong Haotian was killed, I am afraid that Nangong Haotian will live forever and blame himself spent.

However, what the two of them didn't expect was that Liu Qianwen flew obliquely and escaped Nangong Haotian's knife.

In this flash of lightning, Nangong Haotian, who had been swept away with his sword, gave another hasty shout, then leaned forward, and swung his knife to kill the three altar masters and incense masters who attacked on the left. .

I only heard a series of "ding dong" metal and iron symphony sounds, and there were also several exclamations at the same time, and then, blood burst out, and screams continued, and the three strong men in strong clothes who attacked on the left all died. With a severed head and arms, with a broken belly, Nangong Haotian cut him to the ground with one move, and he didn't even know how he died.

When the other three or four strong men saw this scene, they didn't dare to go forward any more, and they all retreated violently, all of them showing terrified expressions.

When Xie Baide saw it, he sternly shouted: "Come on, who dares to disobey the order and let Nangong Haotian go..."

But before he finished speaking, Nangong Haotian with a stern expression ran towards him with a knife in his hand at a very high speed.

When Xie Baide saw Nangong Haotian's devilish face with an evil smile on it, his complexion changed drastically, he could only look at Nangong Haotian, gritted his teeth and said sharply; "Nangong Haotian, there is a way to heaven, if you don't go, There is no way to hell, you come by yourself. If you don’t get caught, don’t blame me, Xie Baide, for being cruel..."

Nangong Haotian was as bright as a torch, with a stern look on his face, his starry eyes were fixed on Xie Baide, he ignored his words, and continued to walk in front of him.

When Xie Baide was ordered to intercept the carriage of Nangong Haotian's mother and son in Guzhong, he fought hard against Nangong Haotian but failed. Now, Nangong Haotian has been missing for two years, and he has to do it all over again.

Thinking of Nangong Haotian's profound knowledge and amazing sword skills, his skill has increased by more than ten times than before, and his sword skills are of course more refined than before. He saw Nangong Haotian's demeanor, and he was defeated by Nangong Haotian's momentum before fighting. Deterred.

While thinking, Xie Baide moved his triangular eyes and suddenly thought of Liu Qianwen.

So, he hurriedly looked at Liu Qianwen again, and said anxiously: "Liu Qianwen, if you want to save your father from danger, subdue Nangong Haotian immediately..."

Liu Qianwen's eyes lit up when she heard that, and before Xie Baide finished speaking, she asked anxiously: "You mean my father is still alive? Is he really alive?"

Xie Baide was about to say something when Nangong Haotian snarled, raised his knife and slashed at him, the murderous aura was overwhelming, the surrounding space was filled with this murderous aura, like a black cloud overwhelming the city, making him breathless.

Under such circumstances, Xie Baide had no time to speak, so he could only yell loudly, swiped the three-hooked sword, and directly swiped at Nangong Haotian's single sword.

Seeing this, Nangong Haotian let out a cold snort, and flashed his single sword several times, not only dodging his three-hooked sword, but the blade also reached his right wrist, and it was about to cut off his palm.

Xie Baide was taken aback, only then did he realize that Nangong Haotian's sword skills were even more astonishing than before, and he is no longer a one-handed general.

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