The best waste god

Chapter 116 Inside Story

"When did you see my mother?" Nangong Haotian hurriedly sat up with his arms up and asked eagerly.

When Shangguan Xiaowan heard the words, she said sadly: "When my little sister left, Aunt Nangong was seriously injured because of a car overturned the day before." After speaking, Shangguan Xiaowan looked at Nangong Haotian nervously.

"My mother was seriously injured?" Nangong Haotian's body shook when he heard it, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

Shangguan Xiaowan nodded sadly, and said: "When the car overturned, Lady Li vomited blood and kept calling your name."

When Nangong Haotian heard it, he couldn't help crying bitterly and said: "My mother died too badly. It was all caused by the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie, a bastard and Shangguan Xiaowan..."

Shangguan Xiaowan looked at Nangong Haotian, a little hesitant, but in an instant, the hesitation turned into resolute determination, and said: "No, as far as I know, this matter has nothing to do with Shangguan Xiaowan, and you should also be grateful to her Take care of Master Lingtang day and night."

"You don't have to defend her. I will never forgive her until I get definite evidence."

Shangguan Xiaowan took a deep breath, tried her best to pretend to be calm and said: "As far as I know, it seems that Aunt Nangong was dying and left a will and token."

Nangong Haotian's eyes lit up when he heard it, and with tears in his eyes, he couldn't help but asked anxiously: "The relic? Where is the relic, bring it quickly!" Nangong Haotian hurriedly reached out to ask for it.

Shangguan Xiaowan pretended to be taken aback, and said helplessly: "I'm not Shangguan Xiaowan? What can I give you!"

Nangong Haotian was stunned when he heard it, and stared blankly at Shangguan Xiaowan's beautiful face, his breath fluctuated, and he was speechless for a long time.

Nangong Haotianxiu has the Trash Transformation God Art, so naturally he will not lose his memory because of it, but now, what he is most worried about is that Shangguan Xiaowan has seen that he has fully recovered his mind.

It is also possible that Shangguan Xiaowan had already seen through it early, but she deliberately did not reveal it in order not to embarrass him.

According to the previous conversation between Situ Meng and Shangguan Xiaowan, he already knew that although Situ Meng was as beautiful as a fairy, her heart was far less than one tenth of Shangguan Xiaowan's. This made Nangong Haotian sigh for a while.

When Nangong Haotian heard that Situ Meng had brought Liu Qianwen into Jiuqu Valley and ignored him, he was going to get out of bed and rush to rescue him immediately.

However, because Nangong Haotian is not familiar with the situation in the mountainous area, and he doesn't even know the location of Jiuqu Valley, it would be futile to go there, and now his body is not suitable for such a long trek.

The power of chaos is almost exhausted. If Nangong Haotian doesn't cultivate well, there will be bad sequelae, which he doesn't want to see.

Therefore, he decided that it would be better to pretend to be insane for the time being and use his tricks to find out some truths.

Now, Nangong Haotian heard that his mother Li Yunji had left a will and token, although he was eager to see it, but thinking that he was still pretending to be lost, he naturally felt very regretful.

While thinking, he stared at Shangguan Xiaowan's beautiful face motionlessly, wondering if he should tell his truth to this beautiful girl who once saved his life.

"Alas..." Nangong Haotian sighed in his heart, "My God, such a beautiful girl, why did you arrange to be my enemy's daughter!"

Just when Nangong Haotian was having a hard time deciding which one to choose, Shangguan Xiaowan, who was staring at her with blushing cheeks, smiled shyly and asked, "Brother Haotian, why do you keep staring at my younger sister in a daze?"

Shangguan Xiaowan looked at Nangong Haotian, and couldn't help but think of that night, that white patch made Shangguan Xiaowan's cheeks even more rosy, like a big apple.

Nangong Haotian saw the delicate and charming Shangguan Xiaowan, his eyes were a little lost, so he could only falter and say: "Oh... I mean... I mean, I do recognize your face familiarly, but I can't remember that you once It's my neighbor Lin Xiaomei..."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Haotian let out a sigh of relief, and wiped off a trace of cold sweat on his forehead without any trace.

Shangguan Xiaowan heard the words and said with a smile: "I really don't know. Since I met you last night, I have always thought you are weird. I don't seem to remember anything about the past."

Nangong Haotian was anxious to see the will and tokens left by his mother Li Yunji, that's why he asked the above question. If Shangguan Xiaowan took the opportunity to reveal his identity, he could ask her for it.

However, Shangguan Xiaowan still claimed to be Lin Xiaomei, forcing him to change his words, and asked: "Sister Lin, I can tell you that I still vaguely remember the incident before I saw my mother's giant stele and new tomb last night. , and what happened next, I have no idea."

This has already been pointed out, which means that I have already remembered that you are Shangguan Xiaowan, not Lin Xiaomei.

However, what disappointed Nangong Haotian was that Shangguan Xiaowan still smiled and said: "What happened, I have to wait until I meet Shangguan Xiaowan tomorrow to find out..."

Of course, Nangong Haotian was confused. He couldn't figure out why Shangguan Xiaowan didn't want to admit her own identity, "Maybe it's because of her different thinking!" Nangong Haotian shook his head, "My thinking is 25 century, but Shangguan Xiaowan obviously can’t keep up, Khan.”

"What? Are you going to see Shangguan Xiaowan tomorrow?" At this point, Nangong Haotian could only ask with concern.

Shangguan Xiaowan smiled and replied: "When I met you on the way, I was going to see her."

"My sister from the Lin family met Shangguan Xiaowan, can you tell me that she handed over her late mother's will and will to you?" Nangong Haotian couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw Shangguan Xiaowan talking nonsense with his eyes open, so he had to ask.

Shangguan Xiaowan heard the words, but said seriously: "I will invite her to come with me."

When Nangong Haotian saw that Shangguan Xiaowan spoke as if she was really Lin Xiaomei, and the answer was natural, he felt that his words were poor and he didn't know what to say.

But what made Nangong Haotian even more speechless was that Shangguan Xiaowan stared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked curiously: "Listen to your tone, you seem to hate her to the bone, if I lure her here, You killed her with a sword, what should you do then?"

Nangong Haotian took a deep look at Shangguan Xiaowan, knowing the motive of her words, and asked without answering after thinking: "Sister of the Lin family, do you know how my mother was seriously injured when the car rolled over?"

"Because I am also a member of Nangong Village, Aunt Nangong is also very kind to me." Speaking of this, Shangguan Xiaowan paused, stroked her hair on her forehead, and said: "So, when the local old man was seriously injured, I She has been waiting on the sick bed all the time, and even when her old man was buried, I put her head in my hands..."

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