The best waste god

Chapter 143 Peeping 【Request】

Shangguan Xiaowan tried to argue with reason, and explained to them that Nangong Haotian did not have such superb martial arts and profound skills to kill Vigorous Shashen.

But members of the beggar gang said that this was the fact that Miss Situ Meng saw with her own eyes, and they couldn't believe Shangguan Xiaowan's one-sided words.

At this point, Shangguan Xiaowan had no choice but to say that Situ Meng had a rift with Nangong Haotian.

Finally, the beggar gang was dubious and determined to send people to investigate whether someone took advantage of the gap to attack secretly. However, there was another shocking news in Licheng: when Nangong Haotian passed through Licheng, he once snatched the fan empty-handed. Abolished the left arm of the senior Tiannan Xiushi.

What shocked Shangguan Xiaowan even more was that Nangong Haotian used an extremely domineering and fierce fingering technique to kill the leader of the Dragon Guai Gang who had recently risen in the world.

After this incident, the Beggar Gang also confirmed that Nangong Haotian did have astonishing martial arts and the ability to kill gods vigorously.

After Shangguan Xiaowan heard about it, she was on fire and cried all night. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't forget the master's blood feud because of her children's affair.

After thinking about it all night, Shangguan Xiaowan decided to change her original intention and made up her mind to help the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie and the plain-faced fairy Liu Qingqing to deal with the murderous Nangong Haotian together.

Arriving at Wuyi Mountain that day, although it was getting late, she still ventured into the southeast headquarters.

Shangguan Xiaowan knew that Aunt Shan had the best impression of her. The last time she came with the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie, Aunt Shan also expressed in her words that she would teach her some unique skills.

When she came today, she also specially entered the Dongkua courtyard, which was guarded by Aunt Shan.

Shangguan Xiaowan knew the attack method of the Southeastern Headquarters. If you stood on the top of the wall and looked inward, the hidden stake inside would never attack. The fear was that there were accomplices outside, who would run away in shock.

The southeast general rudder is different from the northwest general rudder. The northwest general rudder adopts a semi-open method, because they have a large number of people and can resist any attack.

However, the leader of the Southeast General Branch is lonely, and there are many sects and gangs in the Southeast, it is not easy to recruit recruits, so the Southeast General Branch adopts an absolutely secret method.

Because of this, anyone who sneaks into this mysterious mansion to spy on them will be captured alive if they can, and killed if they cannot be captured alive.

However, there is one exception here, that is, those who are captured alive are willing to bow their heads and surrender, and pledge the lives of the whole family, wives, young and old, and send a large amount of gold and silver as a life deposit.

It can be said that the life deposit has never been heard of, but it has been practiced in the southeast general branch for many years.

They don't use the life deposits of the people who are willing to surrender, but put them in the tall buildings in the back, one for each person, one box for each person, and every three or two months, they invite that person Come to personally check his share, there is nothing missing, nothing less, and strive to gain the trust of the other party.

Of course, the money also has a return date, that is, he participated in their actions and killed a decent and famous figure in the martial arts, so that he could not escape, and then returned to that person. This kind of strategy of dragging people into the water cannot be called no vicious.

Shangguan Xiaowan knew the secret. While thinking about it, she went up to the wall, put a pair of jade hands on the mouth of the cherry blossoms, and whispered softly: "Aunt Shan, Aunt Shan! I am Shangguan Xiaowan, and I come to see your old man coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was movement in the dark corner of the east courtyard.

After a while, there was a happy hehe voice, saying: "This ice-snow and smart lady is really good at making fun. She ran here in the middle of the night, and instead of going through the gate, she came to jump over the wall."

Following the burst of cheerful words, the old woman holding a dove-headed staff——Aunt Shan came out from the corner door of the courtyard.

Aunt Shan raised her head, took a closer look, and found that Shangguan Xiaowan was still standing on the top of the wall and did not dare to come down, so she couldn't help squinting her eyes, and said angrily, "A girl with a thousand gold climbed the top of the wall, if you don't come down quickly, you won't come down." Don't be afraid of being laughed at."

Shangguan Xiaowan didn't dare to go down because the ghost-faced scholar Shangguan Mie had already come to this place first, and she had to be vigilant before she could figure out what he said after arriving at this place.

Because, very likely, when Shangguan Xiaowan hit the ground, he shot her to death on the spot with a volley of arrows.

Now that Aunt Shan came out, and her words and demeanor were the same as before, Shangguan Xiaowan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then she stretched her body and flew towards Aunt Shan.

As soon as her feet landed on the ground, Shangguan Xiaowan said cheerfully: "Hi aunt, hello!"

While speaking, he quickly stretched out his hands and held Aunt Shan's arms, with a friendly expression and affectionate gestures.

Aunt Shan was very happy, and said with a kind smile, "What's the matter, why don't you wake up in the middle of the night, born to work hard, don't even think about being clean for the rest of your life."

"Now that I'm here, I'll take care of you, old man, and you can enjoy some happiness in the future." Shangguan Xiaowan said obediently.

Aunt Shan was even more happy when she heard this, but she smiled and said: "Oh, you are the daughter of the head of the Shangguan Headquarters and the sole agent of the Northwest Headquarters. My old lady dare not let you do these rough jobs. .”

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