The best waste god

Chapter 163 Seeing Light


Time passed by in a hurry, and when both of them were getting desperate, someone outside the curtain suddenly whispered in a panic: "Grandma Shan, they are here!"

Shangguan Xiaowan and Aunt Shan were startled when they heard this, they hurriedly put down their cups and chopsticks, got up and walked towards the curtain of the door.

Shangguan Xiaowan and Aunt Shan quietly opened the door curtain and took a look, their eyes suddenly brightened: standing outside the restaurant door were the beautiful Liu Qianwen and the heroic Nangong Haotian.

Both of them smiled modestly, and shopkeeper Liu greeted them with a smile on his face.

Shangguan Xiaowan whispered anxiously: "Why did it take you so long to come?"

Aunt Shan also said in a low voice: "That's because you are waiting impatiently for others. You always feel that time is slow and you are impatient. You need to know that the mountain road to Xiangyun Temple is on the main street outside the pass. They have to find it on the street after entering the pass. for a while……"

Before he could finish speaking, the shopkeeper Liu had already turned to Nangong Haotian and Liu Qianwen and asked humbly with a smile, "Excuse me, both of you..."

Liu Qianwen smiled and said, "We came to stay at the inn at the behest of Aunt Shan and Senior Shan."

When shopkeeper Liu heard this, he smiled very cordially and said, "Oh, okay, girl is..."

Liu Qianwen hurriedly introduced herself: "Oh, my surname is Liu, and my name is Liu Qianwen!" Then she raised her hand to guide Gong Haotian, and said, "This is Senior Aunt Shan's godson..."

Shopkeeper Liu smiled more intimately when he heard this, and the hospitality became more enthusiastic. He kept bowing and said, "So it's Grandma Shan's godson, please, please, both of you!"

Hearing Liu Qianwen's words, the smile on Nangong Haotian's face subsided, and his two sword eyebrows frowned.

Shangguan Xiaowan looked at Liu Qianwen who was holding Nangong Haotian's big hand, but said unhappily, "Why is Miss Liu such an introduction?"

Aunt Shan said in a deep voice: "Why, are you unhappy that Nangong Haotian is my godson? Maybe the fake will come true and you will really become my godson-in-law!"

Seeing that Nangong Haotian's expression was not right, Liu Qianwen quickly showed a smile and said: "Since Senior Shan has something to do in Yangyun Temple, he can't separate himself, so he asked the two of us to come first, and her old man will arrive later."

Shopkeeper Liu was guiding at the front, while bowing humbly and laughingly: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as you mention her old man's number, girl, you can tell me anything."

While speaking, he had already arrived at the corner gate, looked at a guy standing at the corner gate, and ordered: "Zhao Lao Er, guide this Miss Liu and the young master to the northeast courtyard."

When Liu Qianwen heard this, she panicked and hurriedly said, "No, no, we just need a clean upper room."

When Aunt Shan heard this, she couldn't help laughing and scolding: "That kid Liu Jingsan really guessed it."

However, Shangguan Xiaowan's face changed, and she murmured: "As long as there is one upper room, Haotian and Liu Qianwen have...already, huh—" Shangguan Xiaowan couldn't bear it any longer, covered her face and began to cry.

"Oh, my aunt, why are you crying? They might mean that each person should have one room. Don't think too much about it. And even if they only want one room, I have my own way to prevent them from living together!"

Shangguan Xiaowan wiped away the tears from her face, a drop of tear stained her eyebrows, immediately made her more beautiful, Yan Ran looked like a weeping fairy, she nodded gently, Shangguan Xiaowan and Aunt Shan looked again to the outside.

I only heard the fat shopkeeper Liu with a mustache, drawing a ladle on a gourd, and said: "Miss, you are welcome, it is a private courtyard for the old lady Shan, and you have to live there alone, please. !"

As he spoke, he made a gesture of abhorrence.

Liu Qianwen glanced helplessly at Nangong Haotian behind him, and had no choice but to follow his buddy named Zhao Laoer out.

As soon as Nangong Haotian and Liu Qianwen came out of the corner door, the storekeeper Liu turned his head and looked at this side.

When Aunt Shan saw it, she hurriedly pulled Shangguan Xiaowan's hand and said, "Let's go too!"

So, without further ado, he swiped his stick to pull the curtain, pulled Shangguan Xiaowan out of the tent, walked along the corner of the wall, and hurried into a nearby small door.

Shangguan Xiaowan followed Aunt Shan out of the small gate, only to hear the clanging of pots and spoons and the tangy aroma of vegetables.

At this time, Shangguan Xiaowan saw that the kitchen of the restaurant was not far from the right of the door.

Aunt Shan walked very fast ahead, turning left and right, and all she walked was behind the side rooms of other people's courtyards.

Based on Aunt Shan's familiar environment, Shangguan Xiaowan guessed that this Yuelaixuan restaurant and inn might be the source station of Sumian Fairy Liu Qingqing's southeast headquarters.

At the moment of thinking, Aunt Shan had already stopped outside the wall of a courtyard, and the place where she stood was the corner of another courtyard, with a rockery made of bluestone in front, and at the entrance of the wall, there were plants There are many dense and falling broad-leaved flower trees, and when two people enter it, people outside can't see it at all.

Shangguan Xiaowan saw the situation, and asked in a low voice with concern: "Aunt Shan, are you here?"

Aunt Shan hastily put her index finger on her lips and hissed, then nodded mysteriously.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and pressed the tile on the top of the wall, and there was a soft rustling sound, and a gap of more than one foot was made in the brick wall, which was extremely high.

Aunt Shan waited until the sound stopped, then walked in sideways.

Shangguan Xiaowan didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly followed behind Aunt Shan.Once inside the wall, there is a small hall and the junction of the mountain in the East Chamber.

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