The best waste god

Chapter 224 Middle-aged Fisherman

When the bartender heard this, he said nervously, "Master, if there is braised pork in this small shop, if you meet a rich customer like you, wouldn't it be served sooner?"

Nangong Haotian took a sip from the wine glass, and it was hot to his chest. He quickly picked up the chopsticks and grabbed two fennel beans, chewing on the fennel beans, and felt his throat feel better. Then he looked at the frowning bartender and nodded. Praise said: "Good, good wine, good wine!"

The bartender hurriedly smiled and bowed and said, "Master, please take care of me, take care of me."

Nangong Haotian nodded, hummed and took a sip before casually asking: "I heard that this grandpa here is very powerful..."

The bartender trembled when he heard it, and hurriedly said in a panic: "No, it's not bad, it's good, it's good."

Nangong Haotian shook his head and smiled, and continued to drink from his glass. He knew that no matter what he asked, the bartender would not tell the truth anymore. This kind of bartender, who is a child or something, has an excellent ability to perceive words and expressions.

Now, Nangong Haotian has confirmed that there are indeed people imprisoned on Sanjian Island in the Langsha sea area, and Yu Yuanwai in this small town does have a dog-chested hunchback monkey mouth.

If the commoner old man in the small village in front of him followed the narrative made up by the nine-fingered jackal, it would probably be a plan to kill two birds with one stone. Let himself and this member kill each other, and the nine-fingered jackal will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Of course, if this member Yu is not the fake family of the Nine Finger Jackal, he must be the one that the Nine Finger Jackal must get rid of before he can kill someone with a knife.

But after thinking about it, Nangong Haotian felt something was wrong again. Judging from the shocked and terrified expression of the bartender just now, even if this Yu Yuanwai was not a bully in this place, he was still a bad gentry.

However, with the martial arts strength of the Nine Finger Jackal and his mission, could he allow a bully to exist within his sphere of influence?

Nangong Haotian was taken aback in his heart, thinking: Could it be that this member Yu is extremely powerful, and the Nine-Fingered Jackal is not his opponent, so he deliberately borrowed a knife to kill people, so that he can't eradicate dissidents?

Nangong Haotian didn't figure it out for a while, this is not a problem that can be solved by intelligence, but he thought of the nine-fingered jackal, and immediately came to mind the story that the commoner man said that the other party had nine fingers.

While thinking about it, Nangong Haotian hurriedly turned his head, looked at the bartender who had been standing sideways, and asked with a smile: "The shopkeeper..."

When the bartender heard this, he quickly bowed and said respectfully: "Don't dare, the little one is here!"

Nangong Haotian asked with a smile: "Drinking with Yu Yuanwai last night, I found that he only has four fingers on one hand. How did you lose that one finger?"

When the bartender asked, he was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said with a smile, "You guys don't know about Grandpa Yuan."

Nangong Haotian asked with a full face: "Why, you don't even know that Yu Yuanwai has nine fingers."

Seeing that Nangong Haotian had been inquiring about Yu Yuanwai's affairs, the bartender was so nervous that he was already sweating profusely.When asked at this time, he couldn't help but said with a frowning face: "Master, think about it, don't say that Grandpa Yuan hasn't come out for many years, even if he comes out for a trip, the younger ones dare not lift their heads, and who dare to roll up their sleeves to look at Grandpa Yuan?" How many fingers are there!"

Nangong Haotian said with a smile: "Well, this is the truth."

After speaking, Nangong Haotian stood up, picked up the Nether Dragon Slaying Sword on the table, and threw a piece of silver on the table, saying: "This is the wine money, I will reward you if there is more."

When the bartender saw it, he hurriedly clasped his hands together in a panic, and said repeatedly: "How much money do the old men in Grandpa's house want for a drink? Sir, I don't dare to take it, please take it back."

Just as the words fell, a figure flashed at the door, and a cold voice sounded, "Since he is willing to give it, you can accept it. What are you afraid of?"

The bartender was shocked when he heard the sound, and hurriedly turned his head to look outside the door. After seeing it, his complexion changed drastically, and he almost knelt down, begging with a bitter face, "Master, the younger one didn't dare to accept it, the younger one didn't dare to accept it." Come on, even if the old man beats the young one to death, the young one won't dare to accept the old men's wine money!"

Nangong Haotian smiled indifferently. Looking closely at this visitor, he was actually a middle-aged man dressed as a fisherman. He was about 41 or [-] years old. He had a red face, a wide mouth, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a beard around his cheeks. His body looked very strong.

Moreover, the eyes of Nangong Haotian were flickering with cold light from time to time, obviously he already had a solid foundation in internal strength cultivation, but it was not in Nangong Haotian's eyes.

As soon as Nangong Haotian saw the middle-aged fisherman standing at the door of the wine shop, he remembered what the old man in civilian clothes had said - the nine-fingered jackal was dressed in a fisherman's attire, even if he walked in front of him, he might not recognize him.

At the moment of thinking, Nangong Haotian heard the middle-aged fisherman ask in a deep voice: "Friend, what are you doing in this town?"

Nangong Haotian cupped his hands slightly, smiled lightly and said, "Look for someone."

The middle-aged fisherman frowned and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Looking for you!" Nangong Haotian said coldly, pointing the handle of the sword at the fisherman.

When the middle-aged fisherman heard this, he suddenly looked up and laughed.

"I think you already know what I'm here for, what's so funny about it." Nangong Haotian touched the tip of his nose, held the sword in front of his chest with both hands, and rubbed the Juelong Shengxian ring on his ring finger with his thumb.

The middle-aged fisherman suddenly stopped laughing, turned and walked out.

When Nangong Haotian saw it, he shouted loudly: "Stop, where are you going?"

The middle-aged fisherman pointed to the open space in front of him and said calmly, "I'm not going anywhere. I want you to die here today."

When Nangong Haotian heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" The middle-aged fisherman yelled angrily. When he yelled angrily, his eyes widened and his brows raised when he yelled, especially the word "you" at the beginning, which was especially stern.

"Laughing, you just said exactly what I wanted to say in my heart." Nangong Haotian was still laughing, and looked at the person in front of him lightly, presumably this is the legendary Nine Finger Jackal!

"Okay, let's see the two of us today, who will live and who will die, and who will splatter this place with blood." The middle-aged fisherman nodded angrily, said the words, turned around suddenly, and a stride had already landed on the place in front of the small wine shop. on the clearing.

Nangong Haotian sneered proudly, walked out of the small wine shop in a leisurely manner, and walked towards the middle-aged fisherman.

The shopkeeper and bartender of the small wine shop looked at it at this moment, and was completely stunned, not sure what was going on, didn't it mean that this master was a guest of Yuanwai's house?

The village women doing laundry by the pool were also frightened and hurriedly picked up their wet clothes, dragged the children who were playing, and hurried home in a panic.

Nangong Haotian touched the tip of his nose, and the coldness in his eyes was even worse. According to the vigilance of those village women, it seemed that this was not the first time that fighting happened in this small town. The lonely children I saw in Jundu felt a little pain in my heart.

The middle-aged fisherman's eyes were piercing, with a look of resentment on his face, when Nangong Haotian came to a distance of five feet in front of him, he suddenly waved his hand and shouted angrily: "Okay, let's report your name first. "

Nangong Haotian smiled, stopped and said, "For you——it's not necessary."

"Then tell me why you came here." The middle-aged fisherman asked angrily.

Nangong Haotian raised his eyebrows slightly, and said indifferently: "It's still the same sentence, it doesn't need to be used by you."

After hearing this, the middle-aged fisherman gritted his teeth and said tremblingly, "What an arrogant kid, you actually found me on my head. Well, today I will capture you alive and take you to Sanjian Island myself."

Nangong Haotian said with a cold smile: "That's very good, I also want to go to Sanjian Island to see what's going on, heh heh." With a cold hum, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped a little, the bartender I couldn't help shivering, and looked at Nangong Haotian and the middle-aged fisherman in horror.

"Okay, my uncle will fulfill you today," you said, and the middle-aged fisherman flew forward, swung his palms in the air, and turned into a palm shadow, covering Nangong Haotian.

Nangong Haotian was startled when he saw it, and his handsome face immediately changed, because the middle-aged fisherman's move of "floating clouds in the air" was exactly a move in the secret palm technique of the demon dragon slaying king.

So fast! ! !

At the moment when he was startled and distracted, the middle-aged fisherman had already pounced on him, and the wind of his palm hit the front door forcefully. Nangong Haotian quickly reached the third level of physical training, and felt his cheeks hurt. Such a powerful internal force.

Nangong Haotian was startled, without further hesitation, he yelled loudly, turned around and stepped forward, swung his left arm violently, and slapped the middle-aged fisherman's shoulder with his palm.

Unexpectedly, the left palm has not been used yet, but the middle-aged fisherman shouted violently, turned around with lightning in a very clever posture, and the right palm slashed towards Nangong Haotian's back like lightning.

Nangong Haotian's heart was shocked when he saw it, because this move was another palm move in the Demon Slayer King's secret book, and it was an extremely powerful move, which would hurt anyone who hit it.

At such a close, fleeting moment, Nangong Haotian didn't have time to think about it, and he no longer dared to underestimate his opponent. The power of chaos circulated, and the energy in the divine source crystal flowed continuously in the veins of his body.

A burst of powerful aura emanated from Nangong Haotian's body, and the power of chaos accumulated in his right palm, and then his figure suddenly turned and flew up, his right palm suddenly flipped over, and greeted the middle-aged fisherman's right palm.

This move is one of the secrets of the Demon Slayer Dragon King's Palm Technique, called Cloud Turning Palm, which is extremely powerful. With the support of the power of chaos, the power exerted may have surpassed the power of ordinary people.

There was a bang as the two palms met, the middle-aged fisherman let out a scream, his body flew several feet away like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Nangong Haotian hurriedly withdrew his momentum and fell to the ground, he was stunned for a moment, he thought that he would be injured, but only after he met his palms did he realize that the opponent was not his best general at all.

Just when Nangong Haotian lost his mind, the middle-aged fisherman who was hit by the hand of the cloud vomited blood wildly, his body was still like a big meat ball that was hit, and rolled away several feet away.

Nangong Haotian saw the situation and knew that he had overestimated the skill of the middle-aged fisherman, but he was still convinced that the middle-aged fisherman was the confidant of the Demon Dragon Slayer King.

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