The best waste god

Chapter 228 Defeated

The more the Nine Finger Jackals fought, the more frightened they became. Nangong Haotian was too strong. He had already used the secret method that had improved his strength in the cave, but he still couldn't beat him, and even he was beaten. What?Will it be so powerful?

"Don't be distracted during the battle!" Just when the Nine Finger Jackal was secretly surprised and thinking wildly, Nangong Haotian's indifferent voice sounded in his ears. He was startled and turned around, only to find that Nangong Haotian's eyes were It turned golden, and before he had time to react, he punched his chest.

"Bang——" Nine Finger Jackal opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, his whole body was like a kite with a broken string, and he suddenly fell towards the dilapidated house.

Nine-fingered jackals did not expect Nangong Haotian to be so fast, and he was unable to guard against it for a while. With a shrill and frightening scream, his figure flew towards the high steps of the hall behind him.

Due to the sudden incident and the fact that the two fought too quickly, all the strong men present were stunned.It was precisely because they were all petrified that they flew towards the high-ranking Nine-Fingered Jackal, but no one flew to rescue him.

Just as the Nine-Fingered Jackal spat out a mouthful of blood with a whoosh, a fine head happened to hit the edge of the hall steps.

There was a crisp sound of bang, brains shot out, and the bones of the head and the cap of the sky flew out. The nine-fingered jackal who was sitting proudly on the golden lacquered chair just now was dead in this split second, with his head all shattered. Broken all over the place.

The trembling body of the Nine Finger Jackal rolled down the steps twice, carrying the splashing blood, and stopped trembling immediately. The blood flowed along the steps to the feet of Nangong Haotian who had just fallen down.

Nangong Haotian was also stunned for a moment, but he immediately returned to his natural state. The old demon and the Dragon Slayer King also secretly came to Langsha with him.

In particular, the nine-fingered jackal actually called him a dead old dog. I don't know how the old devil felt when he heard it. Now that he took action to eliminate the harm for him, he couldn't be blamed on him.

Nangong Haotian touched the tip of his nose. He had only seen the nine-fingered jackal perform a set of palm techniques before. It seems that the Demon Slayer Dragon King didn't teach him much.

As for the cloud-turning hand and the frightening finger, the old devil didn't teach it until he couldn't beat Vigorously Killing God, so he probably wouldn't easily pass it on to the nine-fingered jackal.

However, when the nine-fingered jackals fought, why they hid their left palms behind and did not strike lightly, until now he still couldn't figure out the reason.

Just as Nangong Haotian's thoughts were spinning, dozens of burly men hurriedly calmed down, knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully in unison: "My subordinates will kowtow to Nangong Shaoxia, the successor of the Dragon Slayer King, and ask for your mercy. Rao subordinates will not die."

Nangong Haotian's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, in order to land on the island smoothly, and to kill his father's revenge, he had no choice but to say in a solemn voice: "It is said that those who do not know are not guilty, you all get up."

Dozens of strong men kowtowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, young hero, for your kindness."

As soon as Nangong Haotian waited until all the men stood up, he asked in a deep voice, "Which of you is the person in charge?"

The burly man who pointed at Nangong Haotian and scolded him just now changed his face drastically, he lowered his head in fear and took two steps forward, and said respectfully, "Jiang Zhongzhao, my subordinate, is in charge."

"What is your job?" Nangong Haotian nodded without saying anything.

Jiang Zhongzhao, a burly and strong man, bowed and said, "This subordinate is the chief martial artist."

Nangong Haotian nodded knowingly and said: "Please send someone to bury the Nine-Fingered Jackal. There is still one person in front of the wine shop, and the four of them will deal with it as soon as possible."

Chief Martial Master Jiang Zhongzhao quickly gave a respectful yes, then pointed to the hall with a sullen hand, and said respectfully: "Young man, let's go to another hall, this place has been completely destroyed, I'm afraid it can't be used, please come here Walk."

Nangong Haotian nodded slightly, and followed him out.


A large golden lacquered chair appeared in the hall, and it was moved into the hall by diligent servants at some time. Nangong Haotian climbed up the hall steps to have a look. Humans know how to be extravagant and ostentatious, and they are greedy for enjoyment.

Entering the hall, two strong men had already set up a brocade seat for him.

Nangong Haotian sat down on the big chair, and the chief martial artist led dozens of strong men to stand in order in the hall, and said in a respectful voice: "I am waiting to see Nangong Shaoxia."

Nangong Haotian raised his hand modestly and said: "Everyone please rise up, I still have something to answer for you."

When Jiang Zhongzhaoren heard this, he respectfully thanked Nangong Shaoxia, and immediately got up, separating the two sides in sequence.

At this moment, a person rushed in from outside the hall, but stood there hesitantly, as if he had something to report, but he didn't dare to speak.

Nangong Haotian frowned, looked at Jiang Zhongzhao, and ordered, "Mr. Jiang..."

Jiang Zhongzhao hastily clasped his fists and bowed, saying respectfully, "This subordinate is here."

"He has something to report."

Jiang Zhongzhao hastily responded respectfully, turned around and looked at the strong man standing at the entrance of the hall, and ordered: "If you have something to say, go back up."

Hearing this, the strong man standing at the entrance of the hall hurried to the center of the hall, knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said in a respectful voice: "Little Jing Ermei kowtowed to Nangong Shaoxia..."

Nangong Haotian couldn't see this kind of kneeling and kneeling, hurriedly waved his hands and said in harmony: "Master Jing, please stand up and speak."

Jing Ermei responded with a respectful voice, and immediately stood up.

Nangong Haotian took the opportunity to ask Chief Martial Artist Jiang Zhongzhao, "Do you always need to kneel down when you talk to your members?"

Jiang Zhongzhao hurriedly clasped his fists and said in a respectful voice: "The first time you enter the hall to report something, you must kowtow to see it, and you can stand up and report something after giving it away."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Haotian ordered: "From now on, except for the respected elders of the martial arts, the elders of the master's family and respected relatives, all will be exempted from paying big gifts."

Jiang Zhongzhao listened, facing dozens of strong men on the left and right, and said in a deep voice, "Did you hear the young man's order?"

Dozens of strong men heard this, and respectfully said: "Your subordinates have heard it."

It can be seen that those people admired Nangong Haotian's decision, and looked at him with gratitude. After all, no one wants to kneel around all day long, without any dignity at all.

Nangong Haotian looked at Jing Ermei who was standing in the center, raised his hand and said: "Master Jing, please tell me something."

Jing Ermei replied respectfully, and said: "The two girls and Aunt Shan who have been with the young hero for the past few days are checking the situation in the town."

Nangong Haotian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said, "Please come in quickly."

"I'm afraid the sophisticated aunt Shan won't believe it." Jiang Zhongzhao said.

Nangong Haotian felt that it was reasonable, and said: "Master Jing Wu said to Aunt Shan, I asked you three to bury the old man and communicate with you day and night with the torch as a sign. Since they have come, you can say so, Aunt Shan Just believe it."

When Jing Ermei heard this, she respectfully answered yes, cupped her fists and bowed, turned around and ran out of the hall.

Nangong Haotian was eager to land on Sanjian Island, and after thinking about it, he asked with concern: "Mr. Jiang, is Shangguan Mie, a bastard, still alive?"

Jiang Zhongzhao hastily said in a respectful voice: "Reporting to Nangong Shaoxia, the subordinate sent someone to deliver food the day before yesterday, so of course he won't die."

"Why?" Nangong Haotian was shocked when he heard it, and asked, "Bring him food?"

Jiang Zhongzhao replied in a respectful voice: "Hui Shaoxia, I have to send it every few days."

Nangong Haotian let out a cry of surprise, pondered for a while, and asked, "Why did you send him food?"

Jiang Zhongzhao smiled and said, "If Hui Shaoxia doesn't send food, won't he starve to death?"

Upon hearing this, Nangong Haotian asked even more puzzled: "Send him to Sanjian Island, isn't it just to trap him to death on the island?"

Jiang Zhongzhao said: "No, other people may be like this, but Shangguan Mie is different. He is the head of the Northwest Division, and he is the helper of the nine-fingered Jackal who is fighting for power against you, Shaoxia."

When Nangong Haotian heard this, he was completely confused, and asked in puzzlement: "What kind of power does the nine-fingered jackal want from me?"

Jiang Zhongzhao said: "Of course it is to compete for the leadership of the four general rudders."

When Nangong Haotian heard it, he suddenly realized it, and said in a decisive manner: "The Dragon Slayer King ordered the four general sub-rudders and the three direct sub-rudders, which are the last orders of the Dragon Slayer King, how can he let him fight for it. "

Jiang Zhongzhao flattered and said, "Yes, my subordinates have repeatedly dissuaded Grandpa Yuan, no, I have repeatedly dissuaded the nine-fingered jackal, but he is obsessed with it."

Nangong Haotian snorted coldly; "If you disobey the Dragon Slayer King's last order, you are committing a crime. Those who commit crimes will not be pardoned..."

When Jiang Zhongzhao heard it, he hurriedly bowed in panic to answer.

At this moment, a person walked in from the side door of the hall, and they were discussing quietly among the martial artists on the left.

Nangong Haotian was worried that they would move again, so he asked in a deep voice, "What's going on over there?"

After such a question, everyone bowed their heads, and all lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound.

I saw one of them, who seemed to be a martial artist with a relatively high position, clasped his fists and said respectfully: "Reporting to the young man, the food and wine have been prepared, I don't know where to put them."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Haotian raised his hand and pointed to the hall, and said, "Just put it in the hall, and let's have dinner together."

Nangong Haotian knew that these people were just a deterrent to him, and he was not convinced in his heart. If he didn't use some tricks, it would be difficult for these desperadoes to help him wholeheartedly.

Sure enough, when dozens of strong men heard this, they were all overjoyed, and their eyes were full of gratitude when they looked at Nangong Haotian. This is a kind of affirmation and respect from Nangong Haotian to them, but these people have obviously seen it before. In the big world, no one dares to laugh and cheer.

Nangong Haotian took a look, and knew that the Nine Finger Jackals were cruel by nature, and restrained these strong men like dragons and tigers so that they dared not take a step beyond.


Dozens of strong men helped to move tables and stools, and then the food and wine were delivered, and seven or eight tables of banquets were set up.

At this moment, Jing Ermei, who had just rushed out of the hall, had led Liu Qianwen, Wei Xiaoying, and Aunt Shan up the steps into the hall.

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