The best waste god

Chapter 247 Return

Nangong Haotian knew that the voice he heard on the peak just now was the voice of Aunt Shan calling Liu Qianwen and others.So, after listening intently, he found movement in the depths, and said excitedly, "They're about to come out."

Nangong Haotian thought for a while, looked at Aunt Shan again, and reminded: "Aunt Shan, Miss Liu and the others will come out later, don't say that I came down from the peak..."

Aunt Shan asked puzzledly, "Why is that?"

"It's just to avoid unnecessary words." Nangong Haotian laughed and replied: "If they find out, I'm afraid they will have to think of something inexplicable again!"

Aunt Shan knew something was different, and guessed that there must be secrets in it, but as a servant, she naturally had the obligation and responsibility to keep the master's secrets and share her worries, so she hurriedly said yes after thinking about it.

Nangong Haotian smiled and turned to the entrance of the cave. He suddenly heard footsteps. He thought it was Liu Qianwen and the others who were about to come out. Fortunately, although this revenge action was thrilling, there was no accident at all.

Aunt Shan did not have Nangong Haotian's keen hearing and deep internal strength, until the clear footsteps and twinkling eyes came from the cave door, then she realized that she rushed to meet her, and said excitedly: "Miss Liu, young master It's already out."

As soon as Aunt Shan finished speaking, there was only a gust of wind, and then figures flickered, Liu Qianwen, Wei Xiaoying, Si Yunyi, Lin Jinxiong, Jiang Zhongzhao, Sun Wushi and others all flew out one after another.

When the six people saw that Nangong Haotian had come out safely, they were overjoyed and couldn't help asking excitedly, "How long have you been out?"

Nangong Haotian looked at Liu Qianwen and Wei Xiaoying who looked worried, gave a reassuring look, then looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "I found the entrance of the cave when I heard Aunt Shan's call, and then you also came out. "

Nangong Haotian knew that they would definitely believe his excuse, there were many holes in the cave, and it was understandable that he came from other places, so he was not worried about being exposed.

Wei Xiaoying and the others saw that Nangong Haotian was also intact, with no missing arms or legs, so they felt relieved. After looking around, they didn't see Shangguan Mie, and they asked with concern: "That old thief Shangguan Mie?" Woolen cloth?"

Seeing the question, Nangong Haotian couldn't help shaking his head, and said with some annoyance: "It's cheap, that old thief..."

"What?" When Si Yunyi and the others heard this, their faces changed drastically, and they asked in surprise, "He ran away?"

Nangong Haotian clapped his palms suddenly, and when he saw the startled people, he immediately felt embarrassed, and said with a coy smile: "That's not true, it's just that the depths are pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. Once you fight, you'll kill him." ..."

Hearing that her face changed drastically, Liu Qianwen involuntarily took several steps back, supported a boulder in a daze, and asked anxiously: "Haotian, didn't capture him alive?"

"Ah?" Nangong Haotian slapped his head violently, shook his head annoyed and ashamed, and said, "Qianwen, I... I'm sorry, the two confronted each other in the depths at that time, and they relied on listening to the wind to identify the position to attack each other, and they couldn't see it at all. For the opponent's position, we can only look at the possible hiding place of the old thief, and strike at him with a palm..."

Before Nangong Haotian finished speaking, Si Yunyi and Lin Jinxiong nodded in praise and said: "Yes, yes, and it's all about not hitting, one hit is sure to hit, otherwise, after revealing your position, It is bound to be harmed by it.”

Liu Qianwen was even more distracted when she heard the words. Although she didn't blame her, she cried: "So, where is my father under house arrest now, and he hasn't been forced to tell?"

If it weren't for the fact that Liu Qianwen was in an extremely sad moment, she would definitely have discovered the flaws in Nangong Haotian's words. When he visited Wuyi Mountain Villa at night, Nangong Haotian had told Liu Qianwen that he had the ability of night vision. As for the matter of concealing the secret book, he said it without thinking too much.

Seeing Liu Qianwen's appearance, Aunt Shan couldn't help but feel a little sad, sighed, and said seriously, "Miss Liu, do you really believe Shangguan's words to destroy that old thief?"

"I don't believe it, so what can I do?" Liu Qianwen explained with tears: "At least he knows the real news of my father's life and death and whereabouts!"

"Alas!" Aunt Shan sighed, shook her head and said, "Everything that concerns you is chaos. From my old lady's point of view, the old thief is just trying to use this as a threat, in an attempt to escape. How could he really know about your father? .”

Liu Qianwen shook her head, and insisted: "But, my father was ordered by the Demon Slayer King to go to Zhesha Yutan, where he was headquartered in the northwest, to scoop up a knife for brother Nangong and kill him!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haotian felt even more ashamed, if it wasn't for his own reasons, alas, the past is over, it doesn't matter if he doesn't retreat, anyway, in the future, he will have to find Qianwen's father no matter what, otherwise he will not be in his heart for the rest of his life. Will forgive myself.

Aunt Shan said without hesitation: "Since I have been sent by the old devil, I should ask the old devil for someone. In other words, only the old devil really knows where Liu Daxia is trapped."

When Liu Qianwen heard this, her beautiful eyes could not help flashing a dazzling light, and she couldn't help asking anxiously, "You mean, there is hope for my father to survive?"

Aunt Shan lightly stroked the crutch in her hand, nodded and said: "That's right, after my old lady heard the whole story of the girl and the young master, I think it's very possible!"

"Really?" Liu Qianwen rushed over all of a sudden, grabbed Aunt Shan's hand, and said with concern: "Then tell me."

Aunt Shan nodded, and replied: "The matter is very simple. If the Demon Dragon Slayer King still intends to invite Hero Liu into the pond to retrieve the precious sword for the young master, he is of course still alive."

Liu Qianwen was shocked when she heard this, and asked anxiously: "What if my father is not needed in the future?"

"Then we will create a situation where the sword can only be retrieved by Hero Liu entering the pond..." Aunt Shan's face was also a little dignified, and she said seriously, this is not a simple matter, now Nangong Haotian's water skills have reached the level How could Liu Jingwei be needed in the realm of catching turtles in the five oceans?

Liu Qianwen didn't pay attention to Nangong Haotian's expression change, and said knowingly: "You mean..."

"It's still early, so there's no need to worry now. Anxiety now won't help the matter, but hinders the body and mind." Aunt Shan hurriedly waved her hand to stop Liu Qianwen from continuing.

"Why am I not anxious?" Liu Qianwen couldn't help but said angrily, "How long will this matter be delayed? I need to know that if it is delayed for one day, my father will suffer for one more day!"

Wei Xiaoying, who had been standing by the side, also lowered her head, her eyes flashed with worry, and she said with deep empathy: "Since Liu Shibo may still be imprisoned in the northwest mountain area, hasn't the Shangguan Xiaowan girl you mentioned already gone back?" ? When we leave this place, we will look for her and ask her to help us find it. We will definitely find Liu Shibo's whereabouts."

When Nangong Haotian heard Shangguan Xiaowan, a burst of inexplicable emotions came to his heart, and before he knew it, he also lowered his head sadly, with inexplicable emotions constantly flashing in his eyes.

Liu Qianwen was so concerned about her father that she never paid attention to it. While thinking about it, she said eagerly: "Sister Xiaowan has never been involved in this matter, and she doesn't know whether my father is alive or dead..."

Wei Xiaoying also hurriedly said from the side: "No matter what, she is in charge of the power of the Northwest General Branch. As long as she helps, order the hall masters and altar masters at all levels to find out the place where Liu Shibo is imprisoned. I think we can always find out." Eyebrow."

Aunt Shan, who pays special attention to the changing expression of the young master, is of course in favor of Nangong Haotian rushing to the northwest mountain area to reunite with Shangguan Xiaowan as soon as possible, and she herself can't wait to see her beautiful, generous and kind-hearted mistress as soon as possible.

At this moment, upon hearing Wei Xiaoying's suggestion, she nodded her head repeatedly and said in praise, "That's right, as long as the subordinates belonging to Miss Shangguan are called together, and they announce that Shangguan Mie is dead, and know the benefits, I think those who know the whereabouts of Hero Liu must definitely Someone will report it."

Liu Qianwen was refreshed, full of new hope, she couldn't help looking at Nangong Haotian excitedly, and urged: "Brother Nangong, let's go to the northwest now!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Qianwen noticed Nangong Haotian, frowned slightly, with a sad expression, it seemed that he was feeling sad there, and there was a pain in his heart, but good fortune tricks people.

Seeing Liu Qianwen's excited expression, Nangong Haotian looked at him with surprise and concern, Qiangzi smiled, nodded slightly and said: "Well, anyway, everything in this place is over, so let's go back to the northwest early in the morning go."

Liu Qianwen and Aunt Shan were naturally happy when they heard that they were finally going back to the northwest, but some people were not happy. Wei Xiaoying looked at Nangong Haotian and quietly asked, "But, where is my father..."

Seeing Wei Xiaoying's appearance, Jiang Zhongzhao looked at Nangong Haotian, who was hesitant to speak, and said hastily and courteously: "From now on, I will be responsible for the matter of Old Guzhu Wei, and I will definitely try my best to find out who the old Guzhu Wei is. whereabouts."

Nangong Haotian's father's revenge has been avenged. At this time, he is eager to comfort the spirit of his deceased mother, and find out where the coffins of his father and old Xu Fu were moved by the demon dragon slaying king?

While thinking about it, he heard Jiang Zhongzhao open his mouth to take care of everything, so he said in agreement: "Mr. Jiang, this three-pointed island has become an empty island. There is no need to send hidden piles to monitor day and night. The transfer station will stop all activities from now on. You alone are in charge of the activities, and as for finding the whereabouts of Old Valley Master Wei, I will leave it to you."

Jiang Zhongzhao was overjoyed to see that Nangong Haotian seemed to really want to hand over the transfer station here to him. The admiration for Nangong Haotian in his heart was like a torrent of river water, and he hurriedly bowed and said yes.

Seeing that Nangong Haotian was still concerned about her affairs, Wei Xiaoying was naturally relieved, and suddenly remembered that there was an important person who knew the future, so she hurriedly said: "When we return to the town later, that Martial Master Liao may also Came back from work abroad."

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