The best waste god

Chapter 261 The Hidden Residence

Liu Qianwen took a casual glance and saw that among the dozen or so women, five were dressed as girls and one was dressed as a maid.

When the ten women in the middle hall of the Sanli courtyard saw a person being carried in, all of them changed their faces and were startled.

However, when they saw Mr. Jiang kept smiling solemnly and bowed and bowed to serve him, they were all startled and bowed their eyes to Nangong Haotian, who was being carried, and bowed their hands to salute.

The small hall was very richly decorated and the furnishings were extremely luxurious, but Liu Qianwen and the others had no intention of paying attention to these.Under the guidance of Jiang Zhongzhao, Nangong Haotian was carried into a gorgeous small room filled with the fragrance of cosmetics.

On the gum bed of the gauze tent, the embroidery was scattered, apparently a certain woman outside slept on this bed last night.Liu Qianwen and Wei Xiaoying couldn't care less at this moment, and ordered a few martial artists to put Nangong Haotian on the bed.

After Nangong Haotian was put on the bed, Aunt Shan looked at Jiang Zhongzhao and said in harmony, "Mr. Jiang..."

Jiang Zhongzhao hurriedly bowed and asked in a low voice, "I'm here, what's your order?"

Aunt Shan pointed to the other martial artists next to her, and said gratefully: "Please take care of these few to rest, eat and drink, and especially guard against any intruders, if you see anything wrong, kill them without mercy, you know?"

Jiang Zhongzhao paused, and quickly bowed and replied: "Yes, the little one will go to deploy immediately."

Aunt Shan suddenly remembered something, her face changed again, and she said in a deep voice: "Warn them, especially to keep quiet and not to go beyond the rules, otherwise, don't blame my Aunt Shan for turning them all into a puddle of blood."

The faces of several martial artists changed greatly when they heard this, and Jiang Zhongzhao hurriedly bowed in response, and then led several martial artists to retreat.

At this time, Liu Qianwen had already covered the embroidered quilt for Nangong Haotian, looked at Wei Xiaoying and Aunt Shan, and said anxiously: "Brother Nangong's internal organs may be seriously injured, if you don't send him the true energy in time, Massage as soon as possible, I am afraid it will be difficult to wake up."

Aunt Shan has rich experience, seeing Nangong Haotian's complexion gradually returning to rosy, and her nose and wings are well-proportioned, she said in relief: "It's not a problem, young master, it's just that my strength is too much consumed, and I haven't had a good sleep for a few days. He will sleep for a while, and when he wakes up, he will be able to recover by taking a big tonic pill."

At this moment, Liu Qianwen had already put the Nether Dragon Slayer Sword that had been broken into two pieces by Nangong Haotian's pillow. After hearing what Aunt Shan said, Nangong Haotian's complexion really improved a lot.

The three of them discussed for a while, and felt that Jiang Zhongzhao and the others should not be trusted too much, and finally decided that Aunt Shan should pay attention to the courtyard, Wei Xiaoying should pay attention to the small hall, and Liu Qianwen should guard Nangong Haotian. The three of them switched places to rest in turn.

The moment before the dawn is the darkest, and this is the moment before the dawn.

Facing Nangong Haotian's bed, Liu Qianwen sat cross-legged on a large square stool, closed her eyes, adjusted her breath, meditated, and fell asleep unconsciously.

However, Nangong Haotian, who was lying face up on the bed under the embroidered quilt, slowly opened his eyes. He had already woken up, and felt that Liu Qianwen had already fallen asleep, and he didn't make much noise, fearing that he might wake up she.

Nangong Haotian adapted to the surrounding environment, and then he suddenly remembered his own body. He couldn't help but feel a burst of weakness coming from the magic of luck and waste. The divine source crystal was empty, and there was not much power of chaos in the limbs and bones.

This time I really played too hard. Shenyuanjing was exhausted once before, and now it is exhausted again. I am afraid it will be difficult to recover without a period of rest.

Fortunately, the effect of the power of chaos is miraculous. Apart from being weak, there are no major injuries in the body. It is only necessary to rest for a period of time, and naturally there is no need to worry when the strength is restored.

Nangong Haotian just wanted to stand up and recover, but suddenly, he couldn't help but frown, and suddenly sensed that someone seemed to be lurking nearby, and was approaching his gums with breathless steps.

Nangong Haotian's shock was no small matter, he quickly closed his eyes, and did not dare to use the Nether Sky Demon Eye. Firstly, the consumption was too large, and finally some power of chaos appeared. If he consumed himself, he would have no power to protect himself. It is also worried that it will be discovered by those who come.

After calming down, Nangong Haotian felt that his brain was spinning faster. He had the experience of being robbed by an old devil. At this time, he thought of the person who approached him holding his breath. It might be the devil Dragon Slayer King.

The last time I was defeated by Vigorously Killing God, this time I was injured by Silver Shirt Swordsman and Master Faming, the reason why I contacted twice, Nangong Haotian thought: "Could it be that he wants to rob me again to teach some unique knowledge?"

Thinking of Jue Xue, Nangong Haotian touched the Jue Long Sheng Immortal Ring on his finger without any trace. The secret book is inside, so it should not be discovered.

However, Nangong Haotian is still a little worried, because when the demon dragon slayer king washed his scriptures and marrow for himself, he must have known that he did not have this ring on his body. Now that it suddenly appeared, it would inevitably arouse his suspicion. I took it away when I was struggling, and I didn’t even know why I was crying.

Nangong Haotian thought for a while, and he didn't dare to take risks. Although the Juelongshengxian Ring had already recognized his master, but apart from being able to hold things and the time inside it was different from that of the outside world, it seemed that he hadn't found any other ways to use it. , but would the treasure that could be so scrambled by that strong man only have such a little function?

But it seems that the Demon Slayer Dragon King didn't take the ring from his hand last time!Nangong Haotian paused. When he was captured last time, he didn't touch the Juelong Shengxian ring, so he probably won't touch it this time either. After all, the ring looks dark and ugly.

Thinking of this, Nangong Haotian heaved a sigh of relief. If there is anything he can pay attention to now, the first is of course Liu Qianwen, Shangguan Xiaowan and Wei Xiaoying are also considered, the second is his parents' coffin, and the third is the absolute treasure. Long Shengxian ring, he always has a feeling, it seems that this ring has an extraordinary secret.

Recalling those scenes that I didn't know, but my soul captured them, I replayed them in my mind later, let me know many things I didn't know before, the golden figure and the strong man later , what are they all for?What does this ring hide?

Thinking about Nangong Haotian, he felt his head was in a mess, and suddenly realized that he was still under surveillance, so he quickly adjusted his breathing and pretended to be asleep.

But before he knew it, Nangong Haotian actually fell into a deep sleep. It was no wonder that being able to recover from such a serious injury in such a short period of time was considered extremely powerful.

You know, according to the strength standard divided by Nangong Haotian, I am afraid that Master Fa Ming is already considered a peerless warrior. Although he is not sure that he is a peerless warrior, he is at least a late peerless warrior.

Being hit in the back by such a powerful blow with all his strength, one can imagine how much damage Nangong Haotian has suffered. Coupled with the exhaustion of the power of chaos and repeated battles, his current state is exhausted. At this time, the consciousness will sleep unconsciously to protect the body.


I don't know how long it took, Nangong Haotian opened his eyes, and after a moment of distraction, he immediately regained his divine light.

Nangong Haotian opened his eyes and saw that there was darkness in front of him. Even with his skill, he couldn't see his fingers without using the Nether Sky Demon Eye, but he knew that he was still lying on the bed, but it was no longer the original bed.

With this discovery, recalling what he was alerted to just now, Nangong Haotian suddenly understood what was going on. It seemed that he was really captured by the Demon Slayer King.

Nangong Haotian sank into his dantian, looked at Shenyuanjing, which had only half the power of chaos, and couldn't help but smile wryly, the recovery is too slow, it seems that it will take some time for his strength to recover, but now if the demon dragon slaying king If he suddenly kills the killer, he can be regarded as having the strength to protect himself, and the big deal is that they all die together.

After thinking about it, Nangong Haotian pretended to be shocked, let out a light ah, and hurriedly sat up with his arms stretched, looked around anxiously, and said anxiously: "What place is this?"

At this moment, Nangong Haotian's most familiar hoarse voice came from the back of his head, and the voice said peacefully: "Nangong Haotian, you are with this old man now..."

"You are the Dragon Slayer King..." Nangong Haotian deliberately pretended to be shocked, and asked anxiously in surprise.While speaking, just as he was about to turn his head, the demon Dragon Slayer King behind him hastily stopped him: "Don't look back."

Nangong Haotian was taken aback, and with an ooh on his face, he turned around and asked eagerly: "King Dragon Slayer, isn't this junior injured? Why are you still here?"

The Demon Dragon Slayer King smiled, with a gloomy feeling in his laughter, and said: "That injury is nothing, it's just a momentary reversal of Qi and blood, once the Qi is cured, it will be recovered, it's nothing."

Nangong Haotian snorted, and said intentionally: "The junior remembers that when he shot that old beggar with his frightening fingers, he seemed to faint in the square, and then..."

The Demon Dragon Slayer King asked coldly: "You don't know what happened afterwards, do you?"

Nangong Haotian knew that with his current skill, if he said he didn't know anything at all, the old devil would definitely not believe it. While thinking about it, he pondered for a while, and continued: "No, this junior seems to have been lifted up and carried to a certain place."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then deliberately asked: "Senior Dragon Slayer, but did you ask them to bring this junior to this place?"

The Devil Slayer King didn't know what his expression was, and said flatly: "No, it was the girl from the Liu family and Aunt Shan who carried you to another place."

Nangong Haotian nodded, and asked in surprise: "Old senior, what about Liu Shijie and the others?"

"They remained where they were."

"The juniors mean that they..."

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