The best waste god

Chapter 277 A Little Misunderstanding

"Oh——" Aunt Shan was reminded, she reacted instantly, and shouted at the two people on the stage: "What are you doing? Let me go, I tell you the ruthless judge, I was sent by the apprentice of the Dragon Slayer King, if What happened to me, the Dragon Slayer King will definitely not let you go!"

"Aunt Shan, what's your intention in trespassing on the rudder of my southwest headquarters?" the stern-faced burly man asked in a deep voice.

"I trespassed? I came in through the gate. What is trespassing? Let me tell you, Situ Tiannan, if you dare to hurt us, the only apprentice of the Dragon Slayer King will immediately crush the rudder of your Southwest branch." Aunt Shan threatened.

"Hahaha—a joke!" Ruthless judge Situ Tiannan laughed a few times, "Who knows if he is the apprentice of our Dragon Slayer King, who knows if he is some cat or dog you found."

"Hmph, Situ Tiannan, don't be arrogant, as long as something happens to me, within half an hour, you just wait to accept the anger of the disciples of the Dragon Slayer King. Of course, if you dare to hurt my young master, hehe, the Devil Slaughter Dragon King won't let you down!" I will let you go!" Aunt Shan can't control that much anymore, as long as she can survive, it doesn't matter what happens.

"This—" Ruthless Judge Situ Tiannan was a little hesitant. He had already received the news that Nangong Haotian, the closed disciple of the Demon Slayer King, had arrived in the southwest. If what Aunt Shan said was true, the Demon Slayer King might not Will let himself hurt his closed disciple.

"Father, why are you talking nonsense with her? If you are really the closed disciple of the Devil Slayer King, why hide and dare not come out to meet him in person?" The woman in red spoke with a slightly hoarse voice, which sounded very uncomfortable .

Seeing that the ruthless judge Situ Tiannan hesitated, Aunt Shan added fuel to the fire: "I said Situ Tiannan, I believe you have heard about Liu Qingqing's fate. She was slapped by him because she wanted to hurt my young master." Shot to death, hehe, if you dare to hurt us, you will be the next Liu Qingqing, and everyone here will be the same as the people at the southeast headquarters!"

The ruthless judge Situ Tiannan frowned tightly. It is impossible to say that he is not afraid. He has heard about Liu Qingqing's matter for a long time. It was Nangong Haotian who did it, and now Aunt Shan is his subordinate. , was about to fight, the Demon Dragon Slayer King would definitely not be on his side...

Thinking of this, Situ Tiannan broke into a cold sweat, and planned to put Aunt Shan down first.

However, when the red-clothed masked woman saw it, her eyes shot cold flames, she looked at all the hall masters and altar masters and all the red-clothed warriors, she suddenly pointed at Aunt Shan at the bottom of the steps, and said sharply like an order: "Hurry up!" Hurry up and shoot Aunt Shan and Shen Zhongyi to death with random arrows and push them into the frying pan. Only by killing them both can save everyone's lives..."

Upon hearing this, the surrounding guards and hall masters all withdrew their weapons, and some had already set up arrows to attack, and they were ready to shoot Aunt Shan and Shen Zhongyi with an order.

"Aunt Shan, you should quickly think of a way, we are going to die!" Shen Zhongyi was also shocked, he thought that Situ Tiannan would be saved when he was yelled at by Aunt Shan, but how come all of a sudden? Another person appeared.

"Situ Tiannan, if I lose a single hair, we Dragon Slayer King won't let you go. The fate of Nine Finger Jackals, Shangguan Mie, and Liu Qingqing is your tomorrow. You came!" Shan Aunt shouted angrily.

"Kill... can't... kill..." the ruthless judge Situ Tiannan said intermittently in fright. He had received some news and didn't believe it at first, but now that Aunt Shan actually said it, he couldn't help but believe it.

Huang Yifu, the shriveled master of the Chasing Dragon Hall, turned around and looked at the steps below, and hurriedly ordered: "Put Shen Zhongyi down quickly, and ask Aunt Shan to go back to the hotel to rest first."

The leaders of the altar incense masters under the steps gave a loud noise, put away their weapons and stood in silence.

The red-clothed warrior guarding the frying pan pushed the frying pan away, and slowly put down Shen Zhongyi. Ji Hu, the altar master of the Heavenly Star Altar, also smiled all over his face, bowed to Aunt Shan, and said in a respectful voice, "Please!" Senior Shan returns to the hotel to rest."

Aunt Shan thought she was going to die, but she didn't expect that the ruthless judge would be so frightened that she changed her mind.At this time, when he saw Li Hu Suke, he didn't dare to draw his bow too full, so he snorted, turned around and strode away.

Aunt Shan really became a distinguished guest at this time, except for Ji Hu, the altar master of the Tianxing altar, the other altar masters and red warriors who were following behind all stood still.

Before returning to the intersection outside the hotel, there was still a few feet away from the guards. Ji Hu secretly waved his hand behind Aunt Shan, signaling the guards on both sides to salute.

Entering the small hall of the hotel, the maids who had been serving were surprised when they saw that Aunt Shan had returned safely.But when Aunt Shan was seated, she still dutifully brought the refreshments.

Ji Hu bowed and stood beside him respectfully, "Senior Shan, if you don't have any orders, this junior wants to leave first."

Aunt Shan took a sip of tea, waved her hand to signal Ji Hu to wait, nodded slightly and said, "Wait a minute, my old lady has something to ask you."

When Ji Hu heard that he still had something to ask himself, his face immediately changed, but he still forced himself to smile, and said respectfully: "Yes, please tell me something."

Aunt Shan put down the tea bowl, and asked with a hum: "Let me ask you, the red masked woman who ordered my wife to be executed just now is the daughter of the ruthless judge Situ Tiannan?"

Seeing the question, Ji Hu became even more troubled, his hands were mixed together, and after a long time he nodded uncomfortably and answered yes.

When Aunt Shan saw Ji Hu's appearance, she said in a deep voice, "You don't have to be afraid, the Dragon Slayer King already knew about this matter, but it's just not very clear. My old lady was ordered to come here this time, and it is also my responsibility to inquire about this matter. mission."

Having said this, there was a pause, and Su Rong asked: "Have you ever heard that your chief sub-ruler has a daughter who is studying abroad?"

Seeing the question, Ji Hu became even more frowning, faltering and faltering, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Aunt Shan slowed down her voice and said: "You should know how powerful the Dragon Slayer King and Young Master are. If you don't report the truth, you will be a traitor. No one can save you. At that time, it will be too late for you to regret. "

Ji Hu nodded again and again, he wiped his sweat anxiously, and said, "Young one, I haven't heard of it before."

Aunt Shan hummed reassuringly, and continued to ask, "Do you think they are really father and daughter, or..."

Saying that, Aunt Shan looked at Ji Hu, and Ji Hu's face turned pale, and she shook her head anxiously and said: "Senior Shan, the head of the general branch and the young lady are in the back village, and the younger ones are on the front mountain, and they rarely see each other. "

Aunt Shan didn't believe it, but it was inconvenient to force her, so she waved her hand to stop her, and said in a slow voice: "Okay, my old lady will trust you once, and now I will ask you another important question, as long as you tell the truth, I will let you leave."

"Senior, please tell me quickly."

Aunt Shan nodded, rubbing her head on the crutches, and asked, "Okay, how many people did you bring with you when the daughter of the captain came back?"

Ji Hu pondered for a while, and replied: "I don't know how many people are young. It is said that there are three or four of them, all of whom are wearing red clothes with swords on their backs and black scarves covering their faces."

"I heard they remanded an old lady?" Aunt Shan asked blankly.

"I've never heard of that." Ji Hu hurriedly shook his head and said seriously.

Aunt Shan's heart was shaken when she heard that, and she cried out inwardly, thinking: "Could it be that the daughter of the ruthless judge killed Mrs. Wei on the way?"

Thinking about it, Ji Hu said in a panic, "If senior Shan doesn't give you an order, I'm going to retire."

Aunt Shan knew that there was nothing more to ask from Ji Hu's mouth, so she waved her hand in thought and said, "Okay, you go!"

As if meeting an amnesty, Ji Hu hurriedly clasped his fists in answer, turned around and hurried out of the hall. When he reached the door, he was so fast that he almost hit the threshold and fell to the ground.

Aunt Shan frowned, and at this moment, figures flashed at the gate of the courtyard, and the three hall masters of the Southwest Headquarters came in hand in hand.

When Ji Hu saw it, he hurriedly stood outside the hall and waited, secretly rejoicing in his heart, if the third hall master encountered the scene just now, he would really be unable to bear it.

When Aunt Shan saw the head of the third hall coming, she knew that she was ordered by the ruthless judge to set her up, so she quickly pretended that nothing happened, and drank tea calmly.

Among the three of them, except for Lu Jing, who is thin and capable, the leader of Tulongtang, who has a yellow face and a deep face, the other two have a smile on their old faces, looking extremely kind.

The three are all hall masters whose positions are second only to the ruthless judge, and Aunt Shan couldn't help but wait for the three to come to the door. Aunt Shan pretended to be the one she saw just now, and stood up with a smile.

Lu Jing, the head of the Dragon Slaying Hall, first sent Ji Hu away with his eyes, and then he and the other two headed to Aunt Shan, clasped their fists and said with a smile: "According to the order of the head of the main branch, the three of us are specially ordered to Apologizing to Manager Shan."

Aunt Shan returned the salute, while smiling modestly: "The three hall masters have spoken seriously. They are all family members. Why do you apologize for a small misunderstanding. I hope everyone will not be hurt by this."

The words fell silent, the host and guest were seated, and Aunt Shan was still sitting on the chief chair.

Huang Yifu, the master of the Dragon Chasing Hall, clasped his fists and asked in a humble voice, "Director Shan came here this time, but he was ordered by the Dragon Slayer King?"

Aunt Shan shook her head and said, "No, I followed the young master's instructions."

Lu Jing, the master of the Dragon Tuning Hall, frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "But I don't know who the young master Shan is talking about?"

"If you ask a question knowingly, forgive my old lady for being too lazy to answer." Aunt Shan snorted. It was this person who drew the sword the fastest before, and Aunt Shan could see it clearly.

Hall Master Huang of Chasing Dragon Hall saw that the atmosphere was not right, so he hurriedly laughed and said, "What Master Lu means is, who are the people who call it that, and who asked us to call it that?"

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