The best waste god

Chapter 293 Escape

Before the word "Go" could be uttered, a rumbling thunder suddenly sounded on the left and right protruding cliffs facing the night sky.Immediately afterwards, countless huge black shadows, carrying flying dust, fell down like a landslide.

Nangong Haotian, Liu Qianwen, and Wei Xiaoying were stunned when they saw it.

Looking up at Ya Situ Meng in shock, he let out a shrill cry, like a devil roaring.There was a deafening sound of a landslide, and countless boulders immediately piled up Situ Meng.

The dust in the mouth of the narrow valley was still flying, and the valley peaks far and near were still echoing rumbling thunder, but Situ Meng didn't make a sound.

"Miss Situ." Nangong Haotian screamed, and at the same time, he was flying, holding the thick rope tightly, and swinging towards the opposite cliff. The distance between the two sides was tens of meters.

When Liu Qianwen and Wei Xiaoying saw each other, they exclaimed, "Don't—"

However, Nangong Haotian's hands were already loose, and his figure was flying towards the opposite cliff.

At this moment, on the cliff in the middle of the sky, Aunt Shan's anxious warning voice suddenly sounded, "Young master, don't get too close, there are still many big rocks on the top that have not rolled down."

Nangong Haotian, who was floating on the rocks beside the cliff, and Liu Qianwen and Wei Xiaoying, who were under the big tree, heard Aunt Shan's voice on the cliff, and asked in surprise, "Aunt Shan, how are you doing now? On the top of the cliff."

"Oh no, Miss Xiaowan is gone." Aunt Shan's exclamation suddenly sounded from the cliff.

"Aunt Shan stopped her." When Nangong Haotian heard that Miss Xiaowan had disappeared, he was startled, the power of chaos galloped at an extremely high speed, using it soaring into the sky, he jumped up and flew towards the top of the cliff.

Before reaching the top of the cliff, Nangong Haotian saw countless ropes hanging down and the poles supporting the boulder.

Nangong Haotian couldn't help thinking of the famous warning saying that harming others is like harming oneself. Situ Meng deliberately arranged so many boulders, but in the end it crushed herself to death. Compared with her, she just wanted to die with herself after passing by.

Nangong Haotian shook his head, a stone protruding from his toes, his figure rose again, and then a strong wind blew, and he had already climbed to the top of the cliff.

The cliff is empty, the night sky is high and far away, the sky full of stars is twinkling and blinking, the mountains in the distance are dim, and the nearby rocks and weeds, but looking around, neither Shangguan Xiaowan nor Aunt Shan can be seen.

Nangong Haotian shouted: "Aunt Shan, Aunt Shan!"

At the time of the first exhalation, Aunt Shan's response came from a distance in the north, saying: "Young Master, I am here."

Nangong Haotian launched his lightness kung fu and chased forward.After advancing several tens of feet, I saw a figure standing among the rocks and weeds in front of me, it was Aunt Shan.

Nangong Haotian looked at Aunt Shan who was looking around, and knew something was wrong, so he asked anxiously, "Aunt Shan, where is Xiao Wanmei?"

Aunt Shan, who turned her head to look this way, said anxiously, "I didn't find out which direction she went." While speaking, Nangong Haotian had already arrived in front of him.

At this time, Nangong Haotian couldn't care less about asking Aunt Shan not to go back to the inn, and the reason why he met Shangguan Xiaowan, so angry at Dantian, Yun Gong shouted: "Shangguan Xiaowan is back, you come back to me."

After calling and listening quietly, there was no response for a long time.

Seeing this, Aunt Shan sighed sadly, shook her head helplessly, her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked into the distance with her eyes. She knew that Shangguan Xiaowan was really angry this time.

Nangong Haotian was about to raise his breath and shouted, when Liu Qianwen's voice came from not far to the southeast, and asked anxiously, "Have you ever stopped sister Xiaowan?"

Nangong Haotian and Aunt Shan looked back and found that Liu Qianwen and Wei Xiaoying had already circled around the narrow part of the stream and rushed over.

"What? Little sister Xiaowan still left?" Liu Qianwen couldn't help sighing when she saw that Aunt Shan was depressed and Nangong Haotian stood still.

Aunt Shan only nodded with tears in her eyes.Nangong Haotian sighed sadly.

Wei Xiaoying looked at Aunt Shan and asked with concern: "Aunt Shan, why didn't you go back to the inn? But you met that sister Xiaowan on the way?"

Aunt Shan replied dejectedly: "I capsized in the gutter and fell into other people's tricks."

The three of Nangong Haotian were surprised when they heard that, Wei Xiaoying couldn't help asking: "But, did Situ Meng move his hands and feet?"

"Situ Meng?" Aunt Shan was puzzled for a moment.

"Hmm..." Nangong Haotian nodded, and sighed, "Situ Meng is the daughter of Ruthless Judge Situ Tiannan. We just found out about this!"

When Aunt Shan heard that Situ Meng was mentioned, she immediately looked at Leng Hui, with an angry expression on her face, and said bitterly: "It's her, she almost fried me with a frying pan."

Wei Xiaoying's delicate body trembled when she heard that, before she could speak, Wei Xiaoying urged in a deep voice: "Tell me what happened after you left the inn."

Aunt Shan will leave the inn in the morning, go into the woods to change clothes, meet the patrolling horse team, and enter the Southwest General Branch's rudder.

I went through it all, until I was caught after being drugged.

After hearing this, Liu Qianwen patted her chest and asked with concern: "How did you escape from danger? But sister Xiaowan went to save you?"

As soon as Shangguan Xiaowan was mentioned, Nangong Haotian looked around anxiously, and said helplessly: "Oh—why did sister Xiaowan never forgive me? Now that she has left in anger, it will be difficult to find her again."

Unexpectedly, Aunt Shan said very confidently: "I am sure to look for it."

Nangong Haotian, Liu Qianwen, and Wei Xiaoying's eyes lit up, and they couldn't help asking in unison in surprise: "Did she reveal the address?"

Aunt Shan nodded slightly and said: "That's right, Miss Xiaowan has already found out that one of her aunts is currently the presiding officer in a nunnery in Hengshan."

Liu Qianwen couldn't help but said anxiously: "Ah, it's a teacher, she must have seen through the world and shaved her hair to convert to Buddhism!"

Aunt Shan's complexion suddenly changed, and she was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't say anything, she scolded anxiously in her heart: "My God, how could I be so confused at that time, and didn't think of this?"

Nangong Haotian was also stunned when he saw Aunt Shan, and couldn't help becoming more anxious. If Shangguan Xiaowan became a nun for his own reasons, then he would be charged with a serious crime.

So he asked anxiously: "Aunt Shan, what did Sister Xiaowan tell you at that time?"

Aunt Shan quickly regained her composure and replied: "At that time she only went to Hengshan to visit her aunt, I never thought that she would become a nun."

Liu Qianwen said: "It's not too late to think about it now. Fortunately, sister Xiaowan left us only a moment ago. We still have time to catch up. It's just that we don't know which nunnery the teacher is in."

"Now let's go after her first, and ask every nunnery in Hengshan. I'm afraid we won't be able to ask anyone related to Xiaowan's sister." Nangong Haotian was helpless, he didn't expect Shangguan Xiaowan to be such a stubborn child.

Aunt Shan was really panicked, and urged: "Then let's chase after him!"

Nangong Haotian nodded, and the four of them were about to start flying, when an anxious shout came from the edge of the southeast cliff: "Young master, young master!"

Aunt Shan stopped her body and said anxiously: "It's Shen Zhongyi, maybe the ruthless judge sent them to find him.


"Judge Ruthless has been poisoned to death by her daughter." Liu Qianwen shrugged.

Aunt Shan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking in shock: "There is such a thing?"

"I'll tell you in detail when we're on the road later." Nangong Haotian waved his hand to stop the two of them from continuing.

While speaking, Nangong Haotian had already responded to the southeast cliff, and a lantern and three figures appeared on the other side.

Nangong Haotian took a look and said, "That's right, the person running in the front is the big man under Liu Qingqing, the head of the southeast branch."

"He is Shen Zhongyi." Aunt Shan added, and then called out twice, "Shen Zhongyi, Shen Zhongyi, we are here."

As for the two people following behind, one is Ma Jinbao, the master of the Dragon-Zhu hall, and the other is Huang Yifu, the master of the Dragon-chasing hall.It seems that as soon as Shen Zhong heard Aunt Shan's voice, he had already arrived in front of him after several ups and downs.

Shen Zhongyi and the others first bowed to Nangong Haotian and said: "Please refer to the young master for humble ranks."

Then, Shen Zhongyi walked up to Aunt Shan again, and said cheerfully, "Aunt Shan, you are here too, I heard that you were caught again by the lady of the chief steward, so anxious, and the two hall The Lord has come to report to the young master so that he can save you."

Aunt Shan chuckled kindly and said, "Thank you, Shen Zhongyi, the daughter of the chief rudder has been crushed under the mouth of the valley by a huge boulder. It's just what I did."

Ma Jinbao, the master of Zhulong Hall, said in a panic: "I just heard that the young lady of the head of the general branch has prepared a lot of wooden rolling stones here, and came to inform you."

Nangong Haotian frowned, and asked with some disbelief: "This job should be said to be very difficult, and it can't be completed in a day and a half. Could it be that you two haven't heard some rumors?"

Ma Jinbao and Huang Yifu's complexion changed drastically, they hurriedly clasped their fists and bowed, and said in a panicked voice: "This matter is the responsibility of the host of the Kuidou altar, and they all keep it secret, they only said that they would build a building for the young lady, and they didn't reveal anything at all. wind."

Aunt Shan asked: "The owner of the Kuidou altar you are talking about is less than seventy, 68 and nine years old?"

"That's right, a bit of a goose head, a gray beard..."

Aunt Shan hummed triumphantly and said, "It's him, and I was caught by him and a Deacon Jin."

Huang Yifu asked with concern: "What about the two of them?"

Aunt Shan raised her brows and snorted, "My old lady is not dead, the two of them are still alive?"

Shen Zhongyi said in surprise: "Aunt Shan, you are really capable. They caught you, and you can kill them."

Aunt Shan snorted and said, "How can my old lady be so capable, it was Miss Xiaowan who saved me."

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