The best waste god

Chapter 300 Chase

The girl in red curled her lips with disdain on her face, she leaned her delicate body sideways, controlled the saber with both hands, and snorted coldly, the saber in her left hand was as fast as lightning—blocking Aunt Shan's dove-headed staff, and the saber in her right hand was like a flying arrow Like stabbing Aunt Shan's heart.

Aunt Shan is not an ordinary person, and she has defeated many famous people with an iron dove stick.

At this moment, seeing the girl in red with strange saber skills, her moves are like wind, she couldn't help being startled, she hastily snorted, raised the iron staff high, turned around in lightning, the staff suddenly sank, and then swept the opponent's lower abdomen.

Looking at the girl in red again, the horse gait is light and graceful, and the two knives are received and delivered smoothly.

Liu Qianwen looked at the situation and knew that the girl in red was only trying to show off, and she didn't really want Aunt Shan to make a fool of herself on the spot.

In order not to embarrass Aunt Shan, Liu Qianwen had no choice but to say loudly: "You can't kill a chicken with a knife, Aunt Shan, come down and let me meet her!"

She said the words, and flew forward, taking advantage of the moment when Aunt Shan forced the red-clothed girl back with a stick, the long sword came out of its sheath, and the sword had already pointed at the red-clothed girl's throat in a flash of cold light.

The girl in red is extremely smart, and knows that Liu Qianwen's martial arts is superior to that of Aunt Shan, otherwise, Liu Qianwen would not start fighting again when Aunt Shan is gradually struggling.

While thinking about it, he waited until Liu Qianwen's long sword was handed over, and used his unique move, hoping to beat Liu Qianwen back steadily, so as to show Nangong Haotian who is the real martial arts master.

Nangong Haotian sat helplessly on a boulder and watched the three fighting. He could also see that the girl in red had no intention of hurting others, and her martial arts seemed not much different from Liu Qianwen, so she didn't want to make a move. mean.

Unexpectedly, when Liu Qianwen came up, she was indeed very imposing, with a fine steel sword like the Yangtze River, one move after another, rolling and rolling continuously.

Fortunately, the girl in red did not have the heart to underestimate the enemy, otherwise, if she was not careful, even if she would not be killed by the sword, she would still be injured and disabled.He must have known that Liu Qianwen was not easy to provoke.The girl in red hastily focused her mind on the enemy and used all her tricks, but the two were still in the same situation.

However, Nangong Haotian, who was watching coldly from the sidelines, saw that Liu Qianwen had already taken advantage of the opportunity to attack first. If the two sides re-established separate divisions to fight again, Liu Qianwen might have to attack less than defend, and the two would not distinguish between each other.

Nangong Haotian deeply felt that he was wronged, and there was no point in wasting time fighting with a girl here, so he loudly shouted: "Forget it, you all stop!"

This loud shout was like spring thunder on the ground, Liu Qianwen and the girl in red who were engrossed in the fierce fight were all trembling with fright, each made a move, and flew away.

Seeing that Nangong Haotian was sitting on the side with Erlang's legs crossed, the girl in red couldn't help asking angrily, "What are you yelling at? It's so scary!"

"Uh——" Nangong Haotian felt that he had met an elf girl, shrugged his shoulders, and said apologetically, "It's just a small misunderstanding between the two parties. There is neither deep hatred nor great hatred. There is no need to fight to the death..."

"No—" the girl in red said angrily, "You are the real culprit, you haven't fought me yet!"

"The girl galloped in a hurry, aiming to go back a moment earlier, and now she has lost a lot of time. Besides, if I fight against the girl, the outcome doesn't count. It's already suspected of a round of fighting. Isn't it being laughed at? Said you should go home quickly!" Nangong Haotian was helpless, why is this girl so stupid.

The red-clothed girl had already wasted a lot of time when she heard it, and she really had a look of anxiety on her face, and she snorted and said, "Well, today is a good deal for you, and next time I meet a girl, I must break up with you." high and low!"

After the words fell, the woman in red hurriedly walked to the scabbard, bent over to pick it up, and looked back, the green and pear-blossoming horse had already left without a trace.

The red-clothed girl was not surprised, and without saying a word, she unfurled her movements and galloped into the mountain pass.

Nangong Haotian, Liu Qianwen, and Aunt Shan saw that the girl in red lived in the mountain all year round, and her horse must have gone home automatically.

When the back of the girl in red disappeared into the mountain pass, Aunt Shan said angrily: "Damn the waiter, you rushed to report without even seeing clearly, which made us run for nothing, and even made us angry! "

Liu Qianwen gave Aunt Shan a white look, and said: "How can you blame the shop boy, he neither knows Miss Xiaowan nor what she looks like, they only know to report the girl in red when they see her! "

Aunt Shan also felt that her complaints were unreasonable, and she asked helplessly, "What should we do now? Should we go to the mountain and look for it, or go back?"

Nangong Haotian looked at the direction in which the girl in red disappeared, and said, "Since we're here, why go back, we might have found Sister Xiaowan in the nunnery in the middle of the mountain!"

Seeing that Nangong Haotian had no intention of going back, Liu Qianwen nodded and said, "Okay, I hope God will bless us, let us find sister Xiaowan soon after entering the mountain!"

As soon as Nangong Haotian heard that he found Xiaowan's younger sister after entering the mountain, he couldn't help but lift up his spirits, and started to fly towards the mountain pass first.Liu Qianwen and Aunt Shan flew behind Nangong Haotian.

Entering the South Mountain Pass, although the mountain road has been covered by snow, some traces can still be discerned vaguely, not to mention the deep hoof tracks of the red-clothed girl Qingcong Lihuama.

About one mile deep, there are snowy mountains and silver trees, snowflakes all over the sky, and thick clouds. It is impossible to see where there are eaves and dragon ridges.

Aunt Shan and Liu Qianwen were anxiously looking around when Nangong Haotian asked in amazement: "Aunt Shan, do you know the origin and details of that girl in red?"

Aunt Shan frowned, and before she could speak, Liu Qianwen pouted her small mouth and asked with some jealousy: "You haven't forgotten her yet?!"

"Uh——" Nangong Haotian was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped his body. The place where he stood happened to be on the top of a horizontal ridge, and below was a valley surrounded by peaks and ridges.

Seeing that Nangong Haotian stopped suddenly, Liu Qianwen was startled, and immediately looked uneasy, thinking that Nangong Haotian was angry.

However, Nangong Haotian, who hurriedly stopped, pointed at the snow under his feet, and said, "Look, there are only traces of horseshoes on this mountain road, but no footprints of the girl in red!"

Having said this, Liu Qianwen and Aunt Shan couldn't help being startled, and said in amazement: "Could it be that her lightness kung fu has reached the level of stepping on the snow without a trace?"

"Then I don't know!" Nangong Haotian said solemnly: "At least her martial arts are not bad!"

Aunt Shan couldn't help but blushed, knowing that Nangong Haotian's statement had saved her face.

Liu Qianwen herself knew it well, and there was no dissatisfaction on her expression. In addition, Nangong Haotian was not angry because of her words, and she felt a little sweet in her heart.

Youmu glanced at the nearby snow, and said hesitantly: "If she didn't copy Jieqing and go back, it means that her lightness kungfu has indeed achieved amazing accomplishments."

Aunt Shan curled her lips, and said angrily, "I fought with her for a long time just now, and I still don't know that she is Zhang San Li Si Wang Er Mazi!"

Liu Qianwen replied: "If she doesn't ask us, how can we ask her?!"

Aunt Shan spread her hands, and said: "We don't ask her, and she is too embarrassed to tell our young and handsome young master her name, so both parties are still blind, and no one knows the other!"

Liu Qianwen looked at Nangong Haotian, and asked puzzledly: "You mean..."

Nangong Haotian said: "I mean, according to the martial arts of the girl in red, the master must also be a master..."

Aunt Shan's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she seemed to have some understanding and said: "Young Master, you mean that since her master is an expert, he probably also knows Miss Xiaowan's aunt?"

Nangong Haotian nodded and said, "That's right, that's exactly what I mean!"

Aunt Shan and Liu Qianwen looked around anxiously, and said to themselves, "It will be very difficult to find her now!"

Just when the three of them were helpless, a horse neighed suddenly from the depths of the valley!

Nangong Haotian and the others followed the source of the sound, turned their heads to look, and their eyes lit up, because the green pear flower horse that the woman in red was riding was in the rocky grass at the bottom of the opposite valley.

Judging by its vigilant expression, it seemed to be on guard, but its rein was hanging on the pommel, and it was not tied.

Liu Qianwen said in surprise: "Huh? Isn't that the green horse of the girl in red?"

"Yes, why did it stop there?" Aunt Shan said, "Could it be that the house of the girl in red is under the corner of the peak over there?"

Liu Qianwen curled her lips disapprovingly, and said: "There is a piece of wild grass and rocks at the corner of the peak, and there is not even a shadow of a house. How can you live there?!"

Aunt Shan felt that she was reasonable, and said confusedly: "That's weird, could it be that she is hiding there, secretly spying on our actions?"

Liu Qianwen shook her head and said, "It's unlikely. If she really intends to peep secretly, she should at least hide the horses first. I think she won't be ignorant of such a simple truth..."

"I remembered!" Nangong Haotian who had been frowning suddenly said.

Liu Qianwen and Aunt Shan looked at Nangong Haotian in surprise.

Nangong Haotian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said seriously: "If she didn't take a shortcut and go home first, she would still be following us."

"What?!" Aunt Shan and Liu Qianwen stared behind them.

But seeing that the peaks and mountains were covered with snow, the clouds and fog were thick, it was impossible to see where the woman in red was hiding.

Nangong Haotian said: "Don't look at it. If she sincerely followed us, she would never let us find out easily. According to my judgment, at least she didn't go home from this mountain road."

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