The best waste god

Chapter 429 Two Ingots of Gold

"Okay!" Chu Meng replied: "It was like this at the time. After I saw that person approaching the Kesa warrior, I paid special attention to it. Then I found that the man was muttering something, and secretly gave Kesa two ingots of gold... ..."

Xue Binger complained: "You should have told brother Haotian to be more vigilant!"

"My silly sister, how do I know that that person bribed Kesa to assassinate Brother Nangong..." Chu Meng couldn't help laughing wryly, thinking to herself: If I knew it was the one who assassinated Brother Nangong, would I watch it coldly?

Xue Binger stuck out her tongue and said, "Then you can also tell Princess Hama what you saw?"

"As guests, how can we say such things that hurt the feelings of masters and servants?" Chu Meng said with a smile: "Besides, if the matter is not serious and it arouses the public anger of all the warriors, it may affect our rescue. people……"

Fairy Jiuyouhua, Shangguan Xiaowan and the others nodded their heads approvingly and answered yes.

Chu Meng continued: "Just take the issue of whether their warriors were secretly carrying daggers. I still secretly checked on the way back, and according to their regulations, I dared to ask the princess!"

Nangong Haotian touched the tip of his nose and asked, "Do you think that person is from the Central Plains or from outside the Great Wall?"

Chu Meng thought for a while and said, "Probably a local!"

"So..." Fairy Jiuyouhua frowned and said, "Maybe that person was sent by Shouliuxian?"

Shangguan Xiaowan said anxiously: "If it is a member of the Shouliu Sect, then the situation is extremely dangerous!"

Liu Qianwen said hesitantly: "Do you think Shouliuxian might know where senior lives in Tuotuo Mountain?"

Shangguan Xiaowan said worriedly: "If Zhou Yuantong, the son of Shentou Tuo, has a different ambition for a long time, and deliberately asks Fat Maitreya to rob his master to this place, he may also tell Fat Mitreya about the senior's seclusion in Mount Tuotuo. .”

"Didn't you say that the Demon Slayer Dragon King is extremely cunning?" Zhao Ling'er suddenly asked, "Do you think he will tell this secret to Zhou Yuantong, who doesn't trust God Toutuo?"

Nangong Haotian said sternly: "In order to obtain the cooperation of Shen Toutuozi Zhou Yuantong, the Devil Slayer King can't do it without telling Shen Toutuozi Zhou Yuantong!"

Having said this, he paused for a moment, then emphasized his tone, and explained: "For example, the devil dragon slayer king asked God Toutuo Zhou Yuantong to deliberately send Lord Jiang Xiang to release the ancient head secretly and asked Jiang Xiang to say that God Toutuo Zhou Yuantong didn't want The old head went to Mount Toto together..."

Saying this, Fairy Jiuyouhua's complexion suddenly changed, and she said anxiously: "No, now that I think about it, we must go to Honey Tower immediately to save people, and we won't be able to wait until tomorrow... "

Having said this, Shangguan Xiaowan and the others couldn't help asking nervously in unison: "Senior, what do you mean..."

Fairy Jiuyouhua said: "As Nangong Shaoxia said just now, under the circumstances at that time, it was impossible for the Demon Slayer King to not tell God Toutuozi Zhou Yuantong of his trick..."

Zhao Ling'er said disapprovingly: "But, this junior thinks that Zhou Yuantong, the son of Shentou Tuo, may not have told Fat Maitreya about the senior living in seclusion in Tuotuo Mountain at that time?"

Fairy Jiuyou Hua nodded and said: "That's right, I might not have thought of this at the time, but there are still two possibilities..."

Nangong Haotian always felt that the situation was not good, and the anxiety in his heart made him a little unsteady, and asked eagerly: "Please tell me, senior, this junior has decided to go ask Princess Hama right now..."

Fairy Jiuyouhua said: "The first is that Zhou Yuantong, son of Shentou Tuo, sent someone to Feijing Cliff to inform Fat Maitreya, he warned Fat Maitreya to tell his master Shouliuxian to pay attention, and Nangong Shaoxia will immediately chase him to Tuotuo Mountain , to draw their attention to..."

Xue Binger also began to say anxiously: "But he didn't mention you, senior!"

Fairy Jiuyou Hua said seriously: "Because of this, after receiving this news, Slender Liuxian judged that there must be other reasons for it. After investigating the truth, she might also feel that it is better to wait for Nangong Shaoxia to go. Ambushes in the mountains, waiting for the opportunity to attack everyone..."

Having said that, Nangong Haotian, Shangguan Xiaowan, Aunt Shan and the others could not help but anxiously say, "It's very possible!"

Fairy Jiuyou Hua continued to speculate: "If they had already lurked in Mount Toto before you arrived, our every move would fall into their eyes..."

Zhao Linger said annoyedly: "It can't be wrong, it must be like this!"

Fairy Jiuyouhua shook her head and said: "No, we have based on the fact that Shouliuxian didn't send people to attack until half an hour ago. The second possibility I thought of is more correct..."

Shangguan Xiaowan asked: "Senior, do you want to say that the news we sent Xiaoyun to spread has achieved results?"

"That's right, Miss Xiaowan guessed it right." Fairy Jiuyouhua nodded and said, "Based on the time we can judge, the Demon Slayer Dragon King is likely to have fallen out with God Toutuozi Zhou Yuantong at this time, or even before the Demon Slayer Dragon King Before hearing this news, Shentou Tuozi Zhou Yuantong had already fled to his master Shouliuxian to report it!"

Liu Qianwen couldn't help but said anxiously: "This is exactly what I'm worried about!"

Fairy Jiuyouhua continued: "After receiving this report, Immortal Shouliu must strike first. He will not only deal with Nangong Shaoxia, but also send people to attack the Demon Dragon Slayer King..."

Xue Binger asked puzzledly: "Then what is it for?"

Fairy Jiuyouhua said: "We need to get rid of a strong enemy first, otherwise, they will have to deal with Nangong Shaoxia and the Demon Dragon Slayer King."

Shangguan Xiaowan said anxiously: "According to the fact that Shouliuxian sent someone to bribe the Kesa warrior to attack me, he not only knows that we have changed our appearance, but also knows our real intention to pretend to be fighting."

"That's what I said!" Fairy Jiuyouhua said anxiously, "This is what I'm most worried about. If our plan is seen through, they will be on guard."

Liu Qianwen nodded, and asked anxiously: "Senior, do you think Shouliuxian will send someone to inform Princess Hama and reveal our identities?"

"It's possible!" Fairy Jiuyouhua said anxiously, "So, the situation is suddenly not good for us, we must try to leave this place as soon as possible..."

"Instead of leaving immediately, why don't I go to see Princess Hama right now, explain the urgency of the situation, and ask her to allow us to rescue people now!" Nangong Haotian stood up with a hush, and said anxiously.

Fairy Jiuyouhua said seriously: "Yes, at least try to leave this place as soon as possible, as soon as we leave this place, we won't be afraid that Shouliuxian will come to inform us!"

Nangong Haotian nodded again and again, and said anxiously: "This junior knows!"

While speaking, he walked towards the outside of the hall.In a blink of an eye, he had already reached the gate of the harem.

The female iron guard who had just explained to the general, first asked the two female iron guards who had led them here in a low voice, then turned to Nangong Haotian, and asked respectfully, "Does Hero Lin want to meet the princess?"

Nangong Haotian returned the salute and said in a harmonious voice: "Yes, because there is an important matter, the princess must be asked to judge it overnight, and we have to disturb each other late at night."

The female iron guard frowned slightly and glanced at the general before she said hesitantly: "The king sent a close minister here, saying that there is an urgent matter to report to the princess. ?”

Nangong Haotian was a little worried that Shouliuxian would send someone to inform the princess, but when he heard that the king's servants had urgent matters to report to the princess, he felt even more anxious.

In this peaceful world, it is rare for any major emergency to happen, and the princess must be secretly reported late at night, and there is a close relationship with the princess.

Only when my group pretended to fight and had other schemes, seriously affecting the happiness and reputation of the princess, would I send my servants to inform the princess so urgently.

Nangong Haotian thought for a while, and said anxiously: "The princess told me just now that if I change my mind, I can come to her at any time."

When the female iron guard heard that her mind had changed, she couldn't help but looked at Nangong Haotian and smiled mysteriously, and asked slowly, "So have you changed now?"

"It's changed." Nangong Haotian touched the tip of his nose helplessly. Could it be that he is really about to become a son-in-law?I don't know if it's joy or sorrow!

Seeing Nangong Haotian's appearance, the female iron guard nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, then please follow me!"

After the words, he turned around and walked towards the door first.

Nangong Haotian did not dare to neglect at all, and followed behind.

Nangong Haotian was a little anxious, wishing he could step into the princess' bedroom, explain his purpose first, and then lead Shangguan Xiaowan and others to leave this place quickly.

At this time, he was anxious and didn't care to look at the situation in the harem. He only saw the female iron guards in the middle hall, lights in the hall, and darkness in the side halls on both sides.

Bypassing the apse, there is another large screen door with three holes and six leaves, and the pavilions in the courtyard can already be seen through the wall holes, but there are not many lights in the courtyard.

Under the screen door stood four female iron guards, who seemed to be chatting about something under the bright gauze lamp.

At this time, seeing the female iron guard leading Nangong Haotian, everyone was very surprised.

Once in front of him, one of them glanced at Nangong Haotian first, and asked a few words in Mongolian to the female iron guard who led him.

The two chatted for a while, and the female iron guard guarding the door looked at Nangong Haotian and said in harmony: "The princess is taking a bath and changing clothes..."

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