Courtyard light

Chapter 364 Accident is not surprising

Chapter 364 Accident is not surprising (first update)
This news spread quickly in Lan (Star) Village. As for how this news came about.

Because of an unusual order, an order to assemble tin cans, this order from the Daxiong family was keenly discovered by intelligence personnel from other families.

Because this is very unusual, the tin cans are being mobilized eastward, and on an expedited basis.

You must know that Big Bear's biggest enemy is in the west, its strongest defense and strongest attack are also in the west.

Based on this unusual clue, other animal intelligence officers discovered another pension list for the Big Bear family.

Then based on other clues, it was determined that Daxiong's family lost at least hundreds of tin cans somewhere in the east. The most surprising thing is that 50% of these hundreds of tin cans were his family's most advanced tin cans. .

This kind of tin can is very advanced and powerful in the eyes of Da Xiong's Western neighbors.

Later, these intelligence officers found some injured people. After drinking a bottle of vodka, these injured people said anything.

When the news finally appeared to Da Xiong's neighbors, they couldn't believe it.

In the end, Big Brother America took the risk and sent out a reconnaissance plane. Based on the intelligence, he took a lot of photos and finally confirmed the authenticity of the intelligence.

This news caused an uproar around the world. When did tin cans become so fragile?

Even if it is hit from the front, it will instantly become a flying can.

Do you know that the front armor of iron cans is the strongest?

And judging from more intelligence, the enemies of the Big Bear family use an assault vehicle. This assault vehicle is fast and has a very fast firing rate.

And at night, these assault vehicles were more effective. The Daxiong family prepared to use tin cans for a night attack. As a result, a company's tin cans were all turned into explosive cans without even seeing the opponent's figure.

If there were no photos as evidence or other intelligence as evidence, the whole world would not believe it.

The photo clearly shows that there are quite a few iron cans with their lids opened.

What kind of thing is an assault vehicle in front of an iron can?

In the face of these legends, both sides remained silent, and more countries wanted to know what kind of weapon it was that could open an iron can as easily as a beer bottle.

Finally, someone discovered that there was news last year that many assault vehicles had appeared in the capital of Big Bear's enemy.

It's just that no one cared about this at the time, because assault vehicles were just dregs compared to tin cans.

This news shocked the whole world, and at the same time it also pondered whether there was any point in continuing to develop heavy-duty iron cans.

Da Xiong has actually been deceived here. He thought he was a torrent of steel, but he didn't expect it to be dregs.

I was not even confident enough to hit my own tin can with a cannonball, but found that the performance of my tin can was still so good.

Although Big Bear really wanted to bring the wreckage back for study, he didn't dare because the wreckage was basically on other people's territory.

Originally, removing technical personnel meant that the other party's industrialization would fail...

Once the industry fails, the equipment, technology, etc. invested in the early stage will be wasted, and a large number of people will be unemployed.

The failure of industry will drag down agriculture and lead to the collapse of agriculture.

But I didn't expect that my experts would evacuate and the technology supply would be cut off, but the other party would develop better and better.

He also hooked up with Mao Niu Niu, and Mao Niu Niu pushed him to the class committee meeting in advance.

The big bear doesn't mean that he really wants to occupy the territory, but he is threatening.

At least let the other side stop the heavy industry in the north and move the heavy industry away, because if you step on the accelerator, you will reach their heavy industry base.

It makes it impossible for them to produce stably, interferes with their production, makes their equipment idle, and makes workers nervous when they go to work.

Intimidation is intimidation, but in the end, I scared myself.

Originally, they were preparing for a surprise attack, advancing dozens of kilometers and then retreating.

As a result, not long after entering, all the cans exploded and their lids flew more than ten meters high.

The bear who was blinded tried harder again, and then was blinded again.

Finally, I prepared to masturbate at night, but ended up making myself dizzy.

The opponent's assault vehicle not only ran fast, but also fired faster than our own.

Today's iron cans basically have to stop before firing. Even in modern times, most of them have to stop before firing, because the hit rate of non-stop is too low. Some modern tanks have missiles on them, so there is no need to stop. Down.

At this time, the stability system will be tested. The more powerful the stability system is, the shorter the time between stopping and firing will be.

The most important thing is that he was beaten without even noticing the other party at night.

Now the two sides are no longer fighting, because Daxiong needs to urgently mobilize iron cans from the west, because the other party said they want to move to their side...

The angry bear only scolded the other party for being shameless!
Even the other friends were shocked, how could such an operation be done?

And if you think about it carefully, Daxiong has a vast border with its neighbor on the opposite side. Now there are such powerful assault vehicles that can bring people in at random places. Is Daxiong planning to set off cannons in his own home?

Of course Liu Hai didn't know what happened, because these things were extremely confidential. Since the invention of tungsten-core armor-piercing bullets and tandem armor-piercing bullets RPG, very little domestic tungsten ore was exported, causing international tungsten ore prices to rise year after year.

It's snowing heavily again, and Liu Hai doesn't want to get up. It's comfortable to sleep on the kang in the countryside. The key is that there is more than one person on the kang.

Although Wang Hongmei has worked in the production team these years, she has always done easy work, and she has no worries about food and drink, so she looks much younger than her peers.

Wang Hongmei also hugged her bangs. The man in front of her was more reliable than the men in the village. He could make money, he was a cadre, and he also knew how to care for people.

Of course, in the eyes of rural women in this era, any man who is willing to give himself food, clothing, and clothing is a good man.

Of course, this is also due to Wang Hongmei's lack of education. If she had more education, she might think that there is no such thing as love.

"You went back to work on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year?" Wang Hongmei opened her eyes and looked at Liu Hai and asked.

Liu Hai nodded: "There are many things going on in the factory."

"It's better to go back early. If you don't come back for ten days and a half, you will be like a donkey when you come back. You'd better find another one. If this continues, I won't be able to bear it." Wang Hongmei listened to the faint sound of the radio outside. He pinched his bangs angrily.

Because most of them will be laughed at in private by some old ladies. Can you blame yourself? No one will believe you if you tell me, and they will say that you are lazy.

"How about I come back every day?" Liu Hai chuckled.

"I wish you could go back to the city to work soon." Wang Hongmei got up and got dressed, then turned off the light because she didn't turn off the light last night.

Listening to the sound of Wang Hongmei closing the door, Liu Hai also got up and looked at the heavy snow falling outside.

After walking around for a while, he closed the door and entered the aircraft carrier space.

"This ginseng has lived for more than 100 years!" The longest-growing ginseng in the aircraft carrier is actually still in good condition.

"There are rumors that these ginseng can live for 400 years. I want to see if it is true or not." Liu Hai's ginseng was used for experiments.

The remaining large rubber barrels are also filled with dense ginseng.

But on the one hand, Liu Hai has no time to study how to use these, and on the other hand, there is no place to study them.

After coming out, Liu Hai copied the aircraft manufacturing process. This is to formulate process flow standards.

This can be taught in textbooks, including the production process of diesel engines.

Although our products are backward, the production process must keep up, from simple to complex, step by step.

At noon, the captain came and asked Liu Hai to come over for dinner. When Liu Hai went, he brought two bottles of Fenjiu.

We ate and chatted at the captain's house, accompanied by the village chief.

Life in Liu Hai's hometown village, and even in the entire township, was very good, just by selling the cabbage and radishes grown for the motorcycle factory every year for a lot of money.In fact, mushrooms can still be grown in rural areas, but it is said that growing mushrooms requires cow dung, straw and the like.

Straw is a treasure at this time. It can not only make fires, but also feed large livestock.

So Liu Hai didn't let the village grow mushrooms. As for cutting down trees to grow fungus.

Forget it, the surrounding mountains are all bare as far as you can see.

Liu Hai was sitting in the main seat on the Kang, and the wattage of the light bulbs in the room was relatively large. Every time Liu Hai came to eat, the captain would change the light bulbs to larger ones.

Although Liu Hai does not smoke, he always brings two bottles of good wine and two packs of good cigarettes every time he comes to eat.

At this time, the wine in glass bottles is good wine, but the wine in ceramic jars is not of high quality.

Because glass bottles can be recycled, even glass slag can be recycled.

However, people in the village only know Liu Hai as the section chief. Although Liu Hai has been the section chief for so many years, for country people, section chief is already very big.

Moreover, Liu Hai is still very young. A section chief under 30 years old is definitely considered a talent.

"Our society is really good. We have lived for decades and paid less taxes for several years."

"Yes, it was good that the old society didn't collect taxes from you in advance. I remember one year, the warlords in the city changed one after another, and we ordinary people suffered, and they collected taxes one after another."

"If anyone refuses to hand it over, they will just go into the house and rob it."

"I think one day all our farmers won't have to pay taxes."

"That's for sure. This society is getting more and more hopeful."

Liu Hai basically doesn't speak much on one side. There are tax cuts in rural areas. The tax cuts here are relatively small. The biggest cuts are in places with very difficult conditions.

However, there is no place that is completely tax-free. After all, people across the country still need to eat food.

Of course, with the export of industrial products, the country has money and infrastructure is constantly increasing.

The first thing is the road. Liu Hai's journey back to his hometown started off as an unmarked highway, only about six or seven meters wide.

Now it is basically a two-way four-lane road, and the roads are getting better and better.

There are more and more walking tractors with various village names written on them on the road.

The names of their villages are written on the walking tractors, and people wear fewer and fewer patches on their clothes.

Of course, maybe it's because Liu Hai's hometown is relatively close to Kyoto. The older girls and younger wives in the village already have clothes that are really cool.

In the summer, there are also older girls and younger wives who wear sandals. Sandals are made of plastic. In the first two years when Liu Hai arrived at the motorcycle factory, all plastics were imported. At that time, the first batch of production vans had no plastic parts and all used metal parts.

Girls also have more decorations on their heads, including various red, green, and yellow plastic hairpins.

"The people in Xiaohai City are still educated. In the past two years, our village received fertilizers that no one else wanted. That year was the year when our village harvested the largest amount of grain."

"Yes, since then, there have been quarrels when receiving fertilizer. In the past, no one wanted to give it away."

"I still don't understand."

Everyone spoke one after another, and looked at Liu Hai. It was two years ago, and Liu Hai's hometown distributed fertilizer to various villages.

Improper use resulted in the death of all the rice seedlings treated with chemical fertilizers, because the yield was relatively small, only several hundred kilograms per village.

The next year, the supply and marketing cooperative piled up a warehouse of fertilizer and asked the villages below to pick it up. People in the village said they didn't want it because it was poisonous.

Later, Liu Hai heard about this and asked the captain to collect them all. The harvest in the village that year made other villages green-eyed.

So when we were receiving fertilizer the next year, we had a fight because we were waiting in line.

"Don't mention the past." Liu Hai waved his hand and said, then he picked up the cigarettes for everyone and scattered the cigarettes.

"Uncle! I'm going back." After the cigarette was cleared, the remaining half pack was handed to the captain, and then Liu Hai was about to withdraw. If mosquitoes came in this room, they would be poisoned and die immediately.

Because the people in the village smoked dry cigarettes, there were several old guys smoking.

The captain and village chief sent Liu Hai out again, and then went back to smoke and drink.

Liu Hai walked out of the door and looked at the sky, took a deep breath, and then ran home quickly, feeling that the smell of cigarette smoke had dissipated from his body.

"Maybe this is the reason why I came here this time!" After returning home, Liu Hai muttered when he saw a yellow plastic hairpin that Wang Hongmei had forgotten and looked inferior.

Then he went out carrying an air rifle and a sniper rifle. He called out when he went out, and soon he was followed by four or five people, including adults and children.

The group of people arrived outside the warehouse and saw many turtle doves and wild pigeons parked outside.

Bangs is responsible for shooting, and others do the rest.

In order to pick up turtle doves and wild pigeons, several other people were still waiting in line.

After walking around for a while outside, Liu Hai finally kept two rabbits for himself, and divided the rest among others.

Although these people are of different ages, they are very different in terms of seniority. They are obviously very young and can be said to be Liu Hai's elders, but they are obviously very old, but they all call them Liu Hai.

When the two rabbits Liu Hai went back, they passed by Wang Hongmei's house and gave them to Wang Hongmei. Wang Hongmei was already waiting here because she heard the gunshot.

The next day, Liu Hai drove to work early in the morning. The tires had been tied with anti-skid chains yesterday afternoon.

"Director, I'm here to work." Liu Hai came to Sun Aiguo's side, saw someone saying hello at the door, and was about to leave.

"You go and do your work first. I'll come to the maintenance department to find you later." Sun Aiguo shouted.

Liu Hai first went to the maintenance department to change his clothes and pants, and then went to various workshops to inspect the work.

I walked around the supercar room and aircraft workshop, checking and listening to the workshop director's report.

"This is the production process of a passenger aircraft. You must follow the production process above." Liu Hai took out the production process of the passenger aircraft and handed it to the workshop director.

"Don't worry, I will make them all memorize it." The workshop director nodded immediately. Later, he only needs to carry out acceptance according to the production process. After the acceptance is completed, mass production can be formalized.

Similarly, on the cargo plane side, Liu Hai has also come up with production techniques.

After wandering around, it was already noon. After lunch, Sun Aiguo came.

"Xiao Liu, the tungsten core armor-piercing bullet you designed a few years ago has made great achievements." Sun Aiguo opened his mouth and told Liu Hai a piece of good news.

"The time they came over at night, they were actually our hidden infantry who used tandem armor-piercing RPGs to fight. It is said that they are still confused now and don't know if they think we have some mysterious equipment."

"Now that the matter has passed, everyone else on the class committee is unanimously opposed..." Sun Aiguo said again.

Liu Hai nodded. The tin can was less effective as it reached the back.

When Liu Hai traveled through time, drones were the protagonist of that era. Whether you were a tin can, an armored vehicle, or an infantryman, facing various types of aerial motorcycles, you had no idea of ​​your fate at the next moment.

Liu Hai even saw the way the infantrymen on the other side's vehicle opened their mouths when some air scooters hit the opponent. Maybe the infantrymen were telling jokes one second, but they were facing the air scooters the next second.

"The superiors are going to reward us heavily this time. What do you think?" Sun Aiguo said a lot before finally asking.

"You always have to do whatever you want!" The bangs are now in ruins. If you want to give me a reward, I will take it.

Because Liu Hai figured it out and understood that the factory director was talking about us. This kind of thing is not just his own credit, so don't offend others.

 The second update is around twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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