Courtyard light

Chapter 398 The measuring tape moves again

Chapter 398 The measuring tape moves again (first update)
"Are these old and American things so backward?" Liu Hai walked around the aircraft carrier and found a MK 41 thermal launch system.

This is a hybrid vertical launch system located on the left rear of the aircraft carrier. It can not only defend against air, anti-ship, but also anti-submarine.

Can launch Standard II missiles, Tomahawk missiles, and Aslo missiles.

In addition, this aircraft carrier also has short- and medium-range Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missiles, which are also thermally launched and look like the anti-aircraft missiles in the Red Alert game.

The anti-ship missile launches on both sides are also thermal launches.

The thermal emission vertical hair system is larger, with flues and cooling facilities underneath, as well as smoke exhaust measures.

"What's going on, just copy this backward thing?" The anti-ship missiles of the United States are still from 1977.

The main reason is that the old and American combat ideas are different. They rely on a fleet of ten aircraft carriers and a large number of carrier-based aircraft with missiles to attack the enemy.

Only during the Gulf War did three aircraft carrier formations gather. At other times, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier formation can blockade a country's waters.

Thermal launch also has the benefits of thermal launch. Many ballistic missiles use thermal launch.

Especially heavy missiles are basically thermal launchers, because they are too heavy and cannot be launched coldly.

However, anti-aircraft missiles generally use cold launch, that is, everyone sees the missile ejected from the missile tube, and then the gas rudder above instantly turns the missile, and then the missile engine ignites and shoots out.

Therefore, some missiles fly into the sky and make an arc. This is called thermal launch.

Another kind of missile flies up, turns 90 degrees instantly, and then ignites and shoots out. This is a cold launch.

This can save the fuel of the missile, and the gas rudder will not turn until the thermal launch is at a certain height.

"The only way is to copy it." Liu Hai felt that it was nothing. In fact, the United States has been very mature in the application of these technologies. After all, other people's aircraft carriers have been used for so many years, and their various experiences are definitely much better than those of novices like us. .

"Copy whatever you have, I'm not picky." Bangs can only copy according to hot emission. It's not that bangs doesn't want to do cold emission. How can I copy without a template?
Even if you design it separately, you may not be able to do it yourself, so you should just go in and copy it with a measuring tape.

Thermal launch is also divided into two modes. One is a disposable launch tube. This type is mainly used for heavy ballistic missiles and land-based vehicles. There is no need to reload after firing, because it is troublesome to reload. The entire launch tube can be replaced directly. .

The other one is reusable. This technical difficulty is more complicated. On the one hand, it has to do with the material itself and the cooling system. In addition, it also needs to ensure the cooling system and smoke exhaust system to ensure accidental ignition.

Generally, reusable launch systems are used on ships. After all, it is not practical to replace them on the ship.

Most of the launch tubes on the vehicle are disposable, and the logistics support department will replace the entire launch tube when replacing them.

Vehicle-mounted launchers are all solid engines, so the requirements for the transport vehicle are extremely high. Otherwise, once the gunpowder column in the missile breaks, there will be big trouble.

If this thing breaks and rubs against each other, it will become a big flying monkey.

The power system of the body, the suspension system, the stability system, and of course the launch tube also come with certain stabilization measures.

Prevent problems during transportation and hoisting.

"Xiao Liu, are you designing a heavy-duty transport vehicle?" In the maintenance department, Liu Hai was making deductions based on the model he measured with a tape measure.

This is only the most basic data. It is used on ships. If it is to be used on land, it must be expanded.

Of course, this is not a proportional expansion, but requires precise calculations, doing what you can during the day, and then returning to the quadrangle at night before entering the aircraft carrier space and using a supercomputer to calculate.

"Just groping." Liu Hai nodded and got up to pour water for Sun Aiguo.

"You are indispensable for the success of our large aircraft. Now it's time to discuss the merits. The importance of large aircraft to our country is self-evident." Sun Aiguo said.

Of course Liu Hai knew about propeller aircraft, even though many countries in later generations could not afford to equip them, and many countries could not produce them at all.

Don't look at it. In 2020, more than half of the countries in the world are still using propeller fighter jets, which are the rags from World War II.

Fighters do not mean that you can just buy them and use them. If you want to buy a certain model of fighter jet, you must first buy a trainer aircraft. After the trainer aircraft meets, you can then fly the fighter jet.

There is also supporting ground maintenance. How much does it cost to train for an hour? Leaders of many countries feel that it is safe to keep this money in their pockets.

Then you have to beware of those people selling fighter jets who leave backdoors in your aircraft, and then use the excuse of a software upgrade today and an error tomorrow.

The country where a bunch of people bought the F35 is feeling devastated. The company that sells the planes keeps grounding their own domestic ones. How dare you fly them?

Moreover, the country that bought the F35 does not have all the permissions. If you want to fly, you must first obtain the consent of the owner, otherwise you will not even be able to enter the plane.

So some countries have simply failed. Anyway, they can't defeat you even if they buy ten or eight jet fighters. Why not just buy some propeller planes to improve security.

Keep the extra money in your pocket, and after you step down, go to a country with a large number of advanced fighter jets to let the other party protect you.

"It doesn't matter whether there are rewards or not. I just like research and feel a sense of accomplishment." Liu Hai also had a headache about this matter.

You say no, how many people are there, from the workers in the production workshop to the departments in charge?

But Liu Hai really doesn’t want anything. Even if he gets a sports car now, will it be useful?
If you really drive a sports car on the road, you might be stared at by the bald guy from the other side.

As for yachts, planes, etc., it is useless for me. I go to and from get off work every day at two o'clock.

Even the savings are tens of thousands. Now the savings for a year are more than 1 yuan. How much did you spend on food and drink?
"By the way, we spent 100 million pounds to buy the technical license for feminine hygiene products. Later, your wife privately donated 100 million pounds to help us manufacture domestic vaccines for children."

"The 100 million pounds we spent was for their company, so she lost 100 million pounds and paid it back to us."

"Do you want to bring one of the children back?" Sun Aiguo looked at Liu Hai.

"Of course, this is just my private idea and does not have any intention from my superiors."

Liu Hai shook his head when he heard what Sun Aiguo said: "Forget it, it's not easy for me to take care of myself. He will definitely not adapt well to the environment where he grew up."

"For the same reason, the large aircraft we produce this time can save a lot of foreign exchange for the country. If we can't produce it ourselves, we need to buy it abroad."

"Don't think about Big Brother. As for buying Western aircraft, we ourselves are not at ease."

"Not to mention supporting maintenance, management, etc."

"Think about it slowly, and then tell me, I think you have enough wine stored in the back." Sun Aiguo had no choice. His superior gave him the task, and he couldn't think of anything to give Liu Hai. .

Liu Hai smiled bitterly: "Director, you are not making things difficult for me."

Liu Hai wanted to get a piece of land near the Five-Star Plaza, but it wasn't cost-effective. When the land was open for sale in the future, he could just buy it.

It feels like a bit of a loss to exchange such a big achievement for a piece of land.

As for replacing it with something else, there is nothing to replace it with.

"Why don't you write down the credit and talk about it later." Liu Hai could only say this.

"It's okay." Sun Aiguo didn't have any other options. Liu Hai was so unbelievable. The key was that he was still so young.

While Liu Hai and the factory director were drinking tea and chatting here, the leader of the aviation department looked at the opinions given by the experts and was a little surprised: "Are you saying that this aircraft is more difficult to manufacture than the DC 7?"

"Leader, the person who designed this aircraft is definitely a genius. It looks like the DC 7, but according to the data, the changes have been too great. It is a completely new aircraft."

"First of all, the length is shortened by two meters, the height is also partially reduced, the wings are also shortened, and the engines are all modified. It is precisely because the length of the longitudinal engine is increased that the width of the wing is increased."

"The wing area has increased, which can provide more upward lift when cruising, and it is more fuel-efficient when cruising." "It can be said that this aircraft is the original DC 7. It is difficult for the designer to change it so well. .”

"The designer's statement should be to deceive the West and prevent the West from seeing our true aircraft design and manufacturing capabilities." A group of experts were shocked when they carefully looked at the specific data of our new large aircraft.

You must know how difficult it is to modify an aircraft. Only aircraft practitioners know that it is more difficult than designing an aircraft.

Because there are not too many rules and regulations to design an aircraft, but there are many rules and regulations to modify based on the original design.

One bad step can lead to project failure. Some of the transport aircraft we modified failed.

But this time, the changes to the big plane are so good.

"You mean the team that designed this aircraft is better than the design team at McDonnell Douglas?" The department leader actually didn't see any difference in the new large aircraft. It felt similar to the DC 7, and when Liu Hai reported Said it too.

When department leaders talk about Liu Hai, they use the word team, which means they subconsciously want to protect Liu Hai.

Of course, the leader thought he would use a loudspeaker to claim that this aircraft was designed and manufactured by a certain person, but probably no one would believe it.

"You can say that." The experts nodded. If there were no confidentiality regulations, these experts would definitely ask the department leaders to take them to meet the person who designed the aircraft.

"Then I will follow your opinion. With our design capabilities, can we design a larger aircraft?" The department leader thought more.

"Leader, pure design is useless. No matter how large the aircraft is, it must use a jet engine. Without a large-scale die forging machine, there will be various problems in manufacturing it."

"If our 4.5-ton large-scale die forging machine succeeds, then we may be able to manufacture large aircraft."

"Furthermore, the manufacturing difficulty of a jet engine is countless times that of a piston engine. The details depend on the strength of the R&D team." The experts still understood the truth and said these words directly.

"Actually, given our country's current industrial level, this large aircraft is the most suitable. If it really has a jet engine, there won't be enough ground staff." The expert added.

At this time, most experts are still very pragmatic, but there are some who add fuel to the fire and shout slogans. If the project fails, they will say that others have not done a good job.

The department leader had a headache when he heard this: "Two years ago, pilots were still waiting for the plane, but now it's better. The plane has no pilot, let alone a huge ground handling team!"

"Three years ago, our total number of aircraft was less than 800, including all fighter jets and transport aircraft, large and small. By the end of this year, we are expected to exceed 2000 aircraft!"

"This does not include the small single-person aircraft or the small two-person aircraft."

"But we are facing the retirement of aircraft such as the Y-5, and the iteration is quite powerful. By the end of next year, several aircraft manufacturers across the country will be able to produce more than 800 aircraft a year, and they will all be twin-engine, four-engine transport aircraft and passenger aircraft."

"Based on a crew of two people, and then they have to change shifts, there will be a shortage of as many as 3000 pilots every year. This is something that was never thought of before. We are planning to eliminate all unsuitable aircraft and replace them with twin-engine and four-engine aircraft. ." It's strange that the leader doesn't have a headache when he talks about this, but pilots only need so many.

Of course, if this kind of aircraft can increase production capacity for a period of time, workers will not have to work overtime and can just go to and from get off work normally.

So the leaders of the ministry invited experts here this time, mainly to demonstrate the relevant data and so on. The next step is to show it to a bunch of poor guys. Anyway, it is a barter transaction, and airplanes are better than other things. It doesn't look noble.

You must know that there are still many poor countries in the world. It is better than buying old goods from World War II. If they are cheaper, sell them. After all, aircraft after-sales maintenance is also a slow process.

"So we can develop new aircraft after a few more years when our industrial strength is strong." Experts also nodded. No industry is single.

The production capacity of large aircraft is relatively low. Transport aircraft can be produced between 50 and [-] per year, and civil aviation aircraft can be produced at basically [-] aircraft.

Mainly considering that there is no need to explode much production capacity.

"You should thoroughly understand these data, and you will make a report at the end of the year." The leader of the aircraft management department said to the experts again.

The experts nodded in understanding and did not ask why.

At the end of the year, Mr. Huo will come here to report on his work. At that time, he will bring some experts from the dealer to evaluate the safety of our large aircraft based on flight data.

Then we have to take a look at the manufacturing costs, and then decide whether to help us obtain flight permission for our large aircraft and help us promote it to the world.

Once a large aircraft gets its flight license, it can be sold in all regions except North America.

The country is not prepared to make much money from the sale of large aircraft. The country now also understands the importance of the market. The market is a chessboard. As long as I occupy a space, the chessboard will have one less space.

To put it simply, as long as we sell one more plane, someone will sell one less plane.

This is what dealers in Hong Kong taught us. They implement a low-price strategy when selling cars. As long as we sell one more car, our competitors will sell one less. Cars are not fast-moving consumer goods after all. As long as we sell this wave If the fight continues, once the other party goes bankrupt, we will have the final say in the entire market from now on.

In China, we are even preparing to sell at a loss. In the end, we have to compare it with the market price and listen to the opinions of professionals at the dealer.

At the motorcycle factory, Sun Aiguo took a sip of tea and said, "Our dock may be completed next summer, and then you can open it for use."

"The port facilities will be completed next summer. The dredging project of the entire Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is almost completed. At the junction with the Yellow River, a large ship lock will be built this winter and is expected to be completed by the end of next year."

"I heard that we are going to dredge the Yellow River next." Liu Hai was startled by the news that Sun Aiguo said.

There are two reasons why the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal cannot develop. The first is because the Yellow River is higher than the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

The second is the problem of freezing in winter.

"Actually, I think the management of the Yellow River still requires afforestation." Liu Hai said.

When Liu Hai crossed, the Loess Plateau was already green, and the precipitation on the Loess Plateau was getting more and more every year.

Sometimes the changes brought about by nature are easier to change the environment than those brought by man. When Liu Hai traveled through, most of the Loess Plateau was already planting trees and grass, and the planting areas were surrounded by barbed wire, because you would have to graze sheep around them. The people have eaten them all for you.

In later generations, it is due to the increase in precipitation on the Loess Plateau caused by global climate change.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, I heard what they said. I'm just concerned about whether our shipyard's ships can go from the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to the south?" Sun Aiguo's words left Liu Hai speechless.

There is nothing wrong with Sun Aiguo's words if he is not in his position and does not pursue his political affairs.

"Anyway, we're not in a hurry here." Liu Hai felt that if the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was really opened, then some large-scale heavy equipment produced in the factory could be transported through the inland river.

It would be too strenuous to transport three to five hundred tons on land, but transporting three to five hundred tons by water would be just a joke.

"I'm just here to give you a briefing so that you can be prepared." Sun Aiguo nodded.

"There are no urgent tasks now, and your plan for this year has been completed ahead of schedule. Take a rest if you want, and go back to your hometown as often as you should." Sun Aiguo added.

"And I want to tell you something. The dealer on Hong Kong Island will send experts to listen to various data about our large aircraft. The superiors are going to let others come in contact with these experts. The main reason is that it is not convenient for you to be exposed. After all, the West These experts are hired by dealers.”

Liu Hai nodded after hearing this: "This is best. I don't want to socialize, and I don't want to be stared at by some people with ill intentions."

Bangs would also like to thank this era. In this era, it is too easy to implement confidentiality measures. As long as you don't take pictures, there is basically no problem.

Liu Hai rarely takes photos of himself, unless he takes photos with his superiors. If that is leaked, there will be nothing he can do.

If you want to find out who is from which factory, it is not easy. There are many people with the same name in one factory.

"You still need to keep an eye on the elevator project team and the tower crane. After all, the Five-Star Plaza is of great importance. In addition, you should also take time to consider the houses along the street." Sun Aiguo still wanted to do some work outside the factory.

 Second update

(End of this chapter)

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