I'm in Wudang god catcher

Chapter 191 Do you know why I am a ruthless soul hunter?

Chapter 191 Do you know why I am a ruthless soul hunter?
Zhan Hongling wants to become a policeman.

Without this thought, I would not have chased Bai Zhantang for three thousand miles. Chasing one thousand is out of anger, chasing two thousand is responsibility, and chasing three thousand is sincerity.

The eldest lady, who grew up in a greenhouse, worked tirelessly to chase the "extremely evil" "criminal robber" for more than three thousand miles without any experience.

Without sincere prayers and sincere love, it would be impossible to sustain it.

Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who do good things are not as good as those who are happy. Zhan Hongling back then was obviously a happy person, and no one can deny this.

The turning point comes when six doors are added.

You will receive all kinds of care at home. After joining the Six Doors, family relationships can only guarantee two things.

[-]. If you live, you will not be killed by bandits;
[-]. If you stay in your job, you will not be fired by the government.

There is no other care at all.

Everything depends on your own ability.

If you have the ability, you can be reused.

If you are not capable, you will be transferred to a casual position.

It's not that she wasn't given a chance, but Zhan Hongling's performance was really bad. Guo Bujing couldn't keep sending people to clean up her mess, so he could only let her clean up her face.

The exhibitor is very satisfied with this.

Although face-swiping has no actual merit, it is very famous and prestigious, and it will not be in danger. It is more money, less trouble and close to home.

This kind of position is a coveted benefit for those who are lying flat, and they are always pursuing it in their dreams.

For Zhan Hongling, who wanted to make a successful career, she was a little disappointed. She wanted to handle a few cases, but was afraid that she would not handle them satisfactorily and would be laughed at by Shen Lian.

Zhan Hongling was not a fool. She knew that in the eyes of the six-door police officers, she was just a celadon vase.

It looks good, is expensive, is dangerous and fragile.

When needed, put them up high and display them on a colorful booth.

When not needed, carefully put it away and put it in a box deep in the treasure house for safety.

Zhan Hongling didn't want this.

She wanted to handle the case, but she was afraid that if she failed, she would become a vase and never be able to turn around again.

This is a very contradictory feeling.

Even greater than the conflict with Tong Xiangyu.

Because this is a career she has been pursuing since she can remember, and she is absolutely not willing to give up.

How can you be unhappy?
Ability cannot be shouted out.

is made.

Money is the hand of a servant, art is a pedestrian.

Inside the Six Doors, favors are important. Most of the gangsters who roam the rivers and lakes are extremely vicious people. They don't care about favors. They only care about whether their knives are fast enough.

Shen Lian is powerful, fast and ruthless enough, so people in Jianghu are afraid of Shen Lian, and the six sects respect Shen Lian.

If Zhan Hongling wants to be respected and become a detective who can handle cases, there is only one way.

Just handle a few major cases quickly and slap the closing report on Guo Bujing's desk. Even if Guo Bujing wants her to take a civilian job, I'm afraid some people will be dissatisfied.

So, when a case comes, should we do it or not?

Don't do it!

That is admitting failure from the bottom of your heart.

Then it must be crisp and meticulous.

Especially since Shen Lian happens to be in Qixia Town, Shen Lian must be able to find no faults and must be praised by Feng Siniang.


Lu Xiucai's silver reward was stolen.

100 taels of silver.

For most people in Qixia Town, this is money they have worked hard to save for a lifetime.

Even the clerk at Tongfu Inn will need at least 40 years to save up to 100 taels.

Compared to the six doors, this is a small case, but in a place like Qixia Town, a hundred taels of silver is definitely considered a big case among big cases.

According to the scholar's confession.

Someone hit him on the head from behind and knocked him unconscious. When Lu Xiucai woke up, the silver hidden in the kang hole had disappeared.

The time before and after lasted about half a stick of incense.

According to the traces at the scene, the weapon used to knock Lu Xiucai unconscious was a bench in the house. In addition, this person was familiar with the location where Lu Xiucai hid the money. It was obvious that an acquaintance committed the crime.

The prisoner is inside Tongfu Inn!

There are six people in the inn, who is the thief?
Shopkeeper Tong, 27 years old, a housekeeper widow, was originally the eldest lady of the Longmen Escort Bureau. She was enthusiastic, good at reasoning, and at the same time stingy and stubborn;

Bai Paotang, 25 years old, is a professional thief and a famous thief. Although he has washed his hands in a golden basin, he still has a lot of money ahead of him and is very likely to make the same mistake again;
Guo Yi, 20 years old, the eldest daughter of the Guo family, wanted to be a knight since she was a child. Due to her wanton behavior, she owed a huge sum of money and is currently working to pay off the debt;
Chef Li, 26 years old, once worked as a dishwasher in Yellow Crane Tower. His cooking skills are considered to be top-notch locally. He has a blind old lady at home and wants to find a good wife;

Student Mo, 13 years old, is the head of the Hengshan sect. He is a naughty kid who loves to eat candied haws. He is lawless and has no concept of money. He is best at acting like a spoiled brat;
Accountant Lu, 24 years old, is a great hero of Guanzhong and a former prodigy of the Seven Heroes Town. He has a reputation as a scholar and wants to participate in the next imperial examination, hoping to pass the examination;

Detective, Zhan Hongling, the second daughter of the Zhan family, the descendant of Zhan Bai, the martial arts hero "Ruthless Sword", wanted to be a detective since he was a child, and has read the "Anti-Robbery Guide" thoroughly;
Witnesses: Shen Lian, Feng Siniang;

Mascot: Shangguan Xueer.

"Please show the police to investigate the case."

Shen Lian made a "please" gesture and silently recited a few lines in his mind.

"Please start the first round of evidence collection!"

"Please start the second round of evidence collection!"

"Detective please vote!"

"Please vote separately!"

"The prisoners elected by vote are..."

"The real murderer in this case is..."

It’s such a memorable feeling!

Zhan Hongling looked at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian's eyes instantly became sharp.

The strong body stood upright, like a majestic mountain, and the bloody aura of killing thousands quickly overflowed and filled the entire Tongfu Inn.

In an instant, the entire inn seemed to be three to four degrees colder, and one could even smell blood.

The eyes with restrained light burst out with murderous intent, and the face was as cold as a glacier, as if it might burst open at any time, crushing everything in front of it into pulp.

What frightened Zhan Hongling the most was the slightly raised corners of Shen Lian's mouth. There was absolutely no smile at all, only the mockery of looking at his prey.

The moment their eyes met, Zhan Hongling felt a cold air rushing from her tail to Tianling. She couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat, and her hands and feet couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Zhan Hongling plucked up the courage and asked, "Captain Shen, are you here to help, or are you here to watch a joke?"

Shen Lian replied expressionlessly: "Whichever situation you think is more stressful is that."

"Why do you look down on me?"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong! That's really wrong. I'm not looking down on you, I'm just putting pressure on you. This is the first unrecorded lesson in the anti-theft guide."

"What do you mean?"

"You think I'm stressed? Do you think this is pressure? Will I kill you? Will I make things difficult for you? Will I crush your bones?
Do you know what pressure is?
I'll tell you!
The bloody corpse in the morgue has dozens of knife marks from the bandits, and the smell is overwhelming; the lady hanging on the beam was insulted by the flower-picking bandits, and she hanged herself in shame and anger;

The empty-eyed skeletons in the woods and the white bones that have been gnawed by wild beasts represent the brokenness of a family and are the sins committed by Ye Erniang;

Do you feel any pressure?

This is just the most basic level, every six-door policeman has experienced it, it is just a common occurrence.

The real feast is the crying family members next to the corpse, their hoarse throats, their gray hair, and their knees pleading.

If you can't solve the case, you will watch their eyes helplessly, from hope to disappointment, from disappointment to despair, from despair to numbness...

Have you ever seen that look?
I have seen it.

Like the eyes of a fish that has been dead for ten days, like the scrawled and random paintings of the worst painter.

Compared to these, these mockeries of mine are not even appetizers. If you can't even eat appetizers, how can you go to a big meal?

Do you know why some people look down on you?

It's not because you failed to successfully handle the case, but because you gave the worst excuse after failure.

When handling cases, do not rely on intuition, only rely on evidence.

Search for clues, reason and analyze, look for evidence, verify the reasoning, conduct repeated verifications, confirm the truth, and use decisive evidence to crush everyone's doubts.

This is what you should do.

Show your head, please! "

Zhan Hongling trembled all over after hearing this.

Shen Lian's words were very intimidating, like a bolt of thunder and lightning, splitting open her fragile shell and reaching her soft heart and her childhood wishes.

"Have you seen all the things you mentioned?"

“See it with your own eyes and hear it with your own ears.”

"and then?"

"Then I became a hotshot ghost hunter!"

Shen Lian handed over a small gourd: "This is a magical elixir that can calm the nerves. Drink this and you will have half an hour to investigate this case."

"Why half an hour?"

"Because Lu Xiucai promised to build the river embankment, the money is the hard-earned money of the workers. In about half an hour, someone will come to ask for wages."

Shen Lian took a few steps back and stood in the corner.

Zhan Hongling's eyes became serious.

She feels the pressure.

This pressure just hit her bottom line.

Not too big, not too small.

At worst, you just have to pay for it yourself.

The second young lady of the Kaifeng Zhan family is not short of money!

This time I was able to pay for it myself. What about next time?

Not every case can be solved with money, but every case is very heavy for the parties concerned.

"From the perspective of reasoning, we first exclude Shopkeeper Tong. Although she is a bit stingy, she will not be greedy for other people's hard-earned money. When the crime occurred, Shopkeeper Tong was embroidering in the room, and the embroidery needle was still in her hair."

Applying embroidery needles to your hair is not a weird thing, but it is very normal. On the one hand, it is convenient to use, and on the other hand, it is lubricated with hair oil to reduce friction.

Although Tong Xiangyu comes from a big family, she is not a delicate girl. After becoming a boss, she is able to save a little and save a little, and she is familiar with this little trick.

"Good! Well said!"

Bai Zhantang said hello.

Shen Lian's words were pressure, making Zhan Hongling dare not fool around with things. Bai Zhantang's encouragement was motivation, giving her the courage to continue the analysis instead of being timid.

"Secondly, Miss Guo is excluded. Her tutor does not allow her to steal. Even if she really needs it, she can borrow money from Capt. Shen or Feng Nuxia."

"This is reasoning, not evidence."

“The proof is that her hands are clean.

Lu Xiucai hid the money in the kang hole. If Miss Guo is a thief, she must steal the silver coins in the shortest possible time, wash her hands, and hide the silver coins.

There were people coming and going in the inn, and Miss Guo didn't have that much time, so she could be excluded.

Leave her out for now! "

Zhan Hongling added "temporarily" rigorously, then looked at Li Dazui: "You didn't do it."

Li Dazui said: "Why?"

Zhan Hongling said: "Because the business of the restaurant opposite is getting better and better, and it has taken away your business, you are researching new dishes under the order of shopkeeper Tong.

You need to cook during the day and delve into new dishes at night. In order to sleep a little longer, you set up a bed in the kitchen. You are always in the kitchen. "

Li Dazui argued: "Can't I leave for a while halfway? What's so difficult about this?"

Zhan Hongling said: "When the crime occurred, the diners outside ordered a braised liver tip. This is a dish that pays attention to the heat. You can't leave the kitchen."

Bai Zhantang encouraged: "Continue."

Zhan Hongling analyzed: "In terms of ability, Bai Zhantang is the most suspect, but coincidentally, he was with me during the time of the crime, so there is no suspicion."

Tong Xiangyu glared at Bai Zhantang.

Bai Zhantang hurriedly diverted the trouble: "Did Xiaobei steal the money? Do you have any evidence?"

Zhan Hongling said: "No."

"Why not? Where's the evidence?"

"Mo Xiaobei's hands are wet. It's obvious that they have just been washed. There is dirt on the cuffs, which looks like they were stained when stealing money from the kang hole. Besides, she knows martial arts.

Although she was young, her foundation was enough to knock Lu Xiucai unconscious. Also because she was young and lacked strength, Lu Xiucai quickly woke up.

In addition, she is greedy and fun-loving, has no concept of money, and does not care too much about stealing money.

From all aspects, she is suspected.

But she is indeed innocent.

She had washed her hands because she had played in mud. The dirt on her sleeves did not come from the kang hole, but from the mud from the Xiliang River. She had just returned from the river.

The slightly damp shoes and the cocklebur stains on the trouser legs can all be considered evidence of this.

According to my understanding, Mo Xiaobei's favorite thing on weekdays is to make clay figurines, but shopkeeper Tong doesn't allow it, so he can only secretly go to the river and clean the traces after playing.

To sum up, it wasn’t Beckham who did it. "

Zhan Hongling became more and more confident, and her analysis became more and more bold: "After eliminating all possibilities, the remaining one, no matter how weird, is the final answer."

"What do you mean?"

"The person who stole the money was actually Lu Xiucai. He was stealing for himself. What I said was right!"

Lu Xiucai argued: "How could I steal my own money? What's the benefit of this? Where's the evidence? It's only if you find all the money that it's evidence!"

Zhan Hongling smiled and said: "Stealing money is not the purpose, hiding money is. A big tree attracts wind. You are a hero in Guanzhong and you have a huge sum of money. If someone asks you to borrow money, you know that he cannot pay it back, but you have to borrow it." .

As for where the money is hidden, of course it is in a place where no one is paying attention, such as your book box! "

(End of this chapter)

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