Panlong: I became the main god and I was targeted by four beasts

Chapter 122 The panic from the Lord God, because of Baie?

Chapter 122 The panic from the Lord God, because of Baie?

"Looking for Baier? Get something?"

Hearing what Teresia said, Oliveira raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, my lord, there is indeed one of my wonders on Baier's body."

Teresia nodded respectfully to Oliveira, and then said quickly.

"Oh? I'm really curious, why did your things get on Baier's body?"

Looking at Theresia who was respectful in front of him, Oliveira spoke like this.

Oliveira kind of guessed why Teresia said that, but he was curious about what reasons Teresia would find.

"Well, you are such an adult."

As if organizing words there, Teresia then thought of something, and took out a crystal floating shadow emitting a faint gleam from the space ring.

"Lord, please see."

After taking out the crystal floating image, Theresia respectfully handed the crystal floating image to Oliveira.

Glancing at the floating crystal, Oliveira reached out and took it.

"Master Juggernaut, I have a master god envoy named Christanner. This master god emissary can be regarded as my favorite god-level, and his strength is also considered strong in the god-level."

Speaking of this, Theresia continued to say: "Because I value this Christaner more, I gave Christaner one of the nine spirit beads in my hand that is very useful for the god level."

"Although these nine spirit beads are very useful for the god level, they are useless for the main god. It's fine if Baier killed my main god's envoy. I won't care about him, but my one The nine spirit beads can also be regarded as an item comparable to the main artifact of soul defense, so I naturally want to take it back and give it to my next main god envoy."

When she said this, Theresa's face did not turn red, and her heart did not beat, as if what she said was true.

As for the crystal floating image that Theresa gave to Oliveira, it naturally recorded the battle in which Bayer killed Christiana.

The weaving of these two lies by Teresia is also very interesting.First of all, he made it clear that these nine spirit beads are useless to the main god at least, otherwise, Teresia would not give the nine spirit beads to ordinary gods for use.

Secondly, the reason why he took back the nine spirit beads is that this thing can largely serve as the main artifact for soul defense at the god level, and the nine spirit beads are not counted as the main artifact, and their value is relatively speaking It is very big, so Teresia asked Baier to take it back, not for any other reason.

If it were other masters, after hearing these words from Theresia, and what he said about the nine spiritual beads being really useless to the main god, maybe those masters would not waste that time to investigate.After all, how could Theresia, a lower-ranking lord, dare to deceive the lord?To deceive a master is to be considered provocative.

Therefore, This Theresia is also brave enough. He has also planned to go find Baie and get the nine spiritual beads as soon as the water master leaves. Otherwise, if the nine spiritual beads fall into the hands of other gods, In their hands, if the Lord Gods discovered that the nine spiritual beads were also useful to the Lord God, then the water master in front of him would definitely not let him go.

Naturally, Teresia didn't know that Oliveira looked at Teresia as if he was looking at a clown.

Oliveira also had to admit that Theresa's ability to tell lies was really something. Her face was not red and her heart was not beating, and the reason was almost very reasonable.

After all, Christanna, who Byer killed, was indeed the messenger of Theresia's main god. This kind of thing, which is comparable to the main artifact of soul defense, may only be collected by the high-ranking main god who has lived for countless years.

"Teresia, let me ask you again, the nine spirit beads are definitely yours, and you gave them to your Lord God Envoy Kristana, right?"

Ignoring Teresia's current expression, Oliveira just glanced at Teresia with her head down again, unable to tell what kind of mood Oliveira is in now.

"Huh? What does this water master mean? Could it be that he knows that the nine spirit beads are not mine?"

Teresia was taken aback for a moment, but then her heart beat a little.

"Impossible, Christanna is my main god's emissary, and what he got is absolutely impossible to be bestowed by other main gods. This is beyond doubt, but listening to the words of the master of the water system, he seems to know something. Could it be that he was testing me?"

Teresia quickly calculated in her heart.

"I shouldn't be testing a rare thing from heaven and earth that I say has no effect on the Lord God, right? It's not like my Lord God's messenger got the nine spirit beads from the water master's men, right?"

Thinking of this, Teresia's heart skipped a beat.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?He met the real owner of the nine spirit beads before he even went out?
The more she thought about it, the more Teresia felt it was possible, otherwise Oliveira would have no reason to ask him this question.Immediately, his whole body couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

If the owner of these nine spiritual beads is really Oliveira, and Theresia just said that he is the owner of the nine spiritual beads, wouldn’t it be that he gave Oliveira nine before Teresia was suspected of killing him? The divine level of the spirit bead was then obtained by him, and was finally given to his main god's messenger by Teresia?

God, if it was what Teresia had in mind at the end, didn't he just deceive the master in front of him?

Forget it was a lie, it was okay not to be known by the new water master, but he, Theresia, was exposed when he said the first sentence.


Thinking of this, Teresia couldn't help swallowing.

Oliveira just stood there without saying anything, which put tremendous pressure on Theresia at this moment.

No way, the person in front of him has the ability to easily kill Teresia. Once he is found to be lying, wouldn't it give the person in front of him a reason to kill him?
"My lord, please calm down. I said this because I was confused and greedy for the power of the nine spirit beads. Although Christanna is my envoy of the Lord God, I don't know the origin of the nine spirit beads. That is related to Christanna! The nine spirit beads are not mine, I hope you will treat me as a fly and fly by your side twice, and don't bother with me, an ant!"

It can be said that Theresa's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change.

Although the appearance just now was very respectful, but at this moment Teresia knelt down directly on the ground, frantically kowtowed and confessed in front of Oliveira, without any appearance of a main god.

Although the gap between the next Lord God and the master is extremely huge, the next Lord God does not need to kneel down even if he needs to be respectful and polite when he sees the master.

After all, the next main god is still a main god no matter what, and the ruler doesn't need the next main god to kneel, which is also giving the next main god some face.

But now Teresia can't control so much. If his guess is true, the master of the water system in front of him will have a reason to attack him. At that time, even if he slaps him here, Trey will be killed. West Asia, he has no place to cry.

Even if the Council of Lords wants to judge Oliveira, then Oliveira only needs to tell the whole process and then swear by the Supreme God to prove that it was indeed Teresia who did something wrong.

"Hmph, this Theresa is quite capable of bending and stretching. Although he is just a lower-level Lord God, he will kneel down when asked to do so. He is not a simple character. If he is the master of the wind system, he may not be able to do it with his strength. Be at the forefront.”

Looking at Theresia who was kneeling on the ground in front of her with a frightened expression and no sign of a god at all, Oliveira snorted coldly in her heart.

He really planned to kill Theresia just now. After all, this guy dared to lie to himself as soon as he came up. He was really a bit reckless.

It's fine to cheat once, but is it possible that Oliveira will continue to be deceived by a mere low-ranking main god in the future?At that time, if Teresia is directly killed, there will be an extra wind-type lower master godhead.

What Oliveira just said is also the last warning to the lower god of the wind element. Once Theresa continues to talk nonsense, Oliveira will definitely kill the wind element in front of him without hesitation. The Lord God slapped him to death!

However, Teresia had a bit of insight, and saw some clues. At this moment, she frantically begged for mercy, begging for Oliveira's forgiveness.

At this moment, Oliveira slowly stepped in front of Theresia. Looking at Theresia who still did not dare to raise her head to look at him, Oliveira leaned down and pinched the girl directly. The neck of the lower wind element god!

Theresia only felt an unbearable force coming from his neck.

It has been countless years since he became the main god of the wind department, and this is the first time that someone directly grabbed his neck and lifted him up!

"The Lord dominates!"

Teresia didn't dare to resist, nor did he have the ability to resist, because at this moment he was horrified to find that under the blessing of a powerful force of law and the power of will, Teresia's body could not move at all!

Apart from staring at Oliveira in horror, Teresia couldn't do anything now.

"You can bend and stretch, you can be regarded as a character, Teresia, but it's a pity that you are just the lower god of the wind department. If you are the master of the wind department, maybe you can let me take a second look."

There was a sneer at the corner of Oliveira's mouth, and then he flicked the arm holding Teresia's neck lightly. Teresia was like a puppet, and she was thrown to a different place like trash. In the courtyard building in the distance!

There was a violent explosion, and the entire courtyard building was directly destroyed by the impact and turned into powder. This was just a lesson that Oliveira deliberately withdrew to teach Teresia. If he wanted to, he could directly smash the Teresia threw Qingya Continent.

A low-level main god of the wind system, even the low-level main god of the Dzogchen wind system, to be honest, Oliveira doesn't even look up to him now. Such strength is not even qualified to be his younger brother, and Oliveira simply doesn't bother to use this special Resia's income.

The reason why he accepted Melo, the main god of the water system, as his younger brother was just because the other party had master-level combat power.

"Remember Theresia, I won't kill you today not because of your witty reaction. If you want to thank me, just go and thank Baier."

Looking at Teresia who didn't dare to pretend to be dead on the ground, and got up from the ground with horror in her eyes, cold words came into Teresia's ears.

There is actually no big problem for Oliveira to kill Theresia. At that time, if Oliveira is more casual, he can even give Theresia's main godhood to Baier.However, judging from Byer's character, even if Oliveira gave him the main godhead, someone like Byer probably wouldn't accept it.

After all, once you accept the main godhead, the favor will be lost.

"Thank you Master Master!"

Teresia didn't dare to show the slightest anger or other expressions on her face, she only dared to come to Oliveira at this moment and kneel respectfully on the ground again.

"The teleportation list of the Qingya continent plane teleportation array should be recorded by your main god army, right?"

Oliveira didn't want to waste time with Teresia anymore, and said the main purpose of coming to Teresia for this trip.

"Lord Master, the list of plane teleportation formations in Qingya Continent is in the hands of the commander of the Qingya Army who is in charge of management. If you want to check it out, you can check it out at any time!"

Teresia didn't dare to neglect, and exited quickly.

He felt a little bit bitter at the moment, it turned out that Oliveira came to him only for this little thing.Tell Teresia directly about this kind of matter, tell him to go over and help solve it, won't it be over?As a result, Oliveira's visit to Qingya Island almost didn't let Teresia die because of her own cleverness.

"I'm not familiar with the situation on the Qingya Continent. Come and take me to meet the regiment commander of the Qingya Army."

Looking at Teresia who was still kneeling on the ground, Oliveira said lightly.

"Okay, you don't have to kneel anymore, you also need to look like a god in front of the god-level. I see your posture just now. If I don't come, is it possible that you still plan to trouble Baier?"

Hearing Oliveira tell herself to get up, Teresia was relieved. Although she lost face, her life was saved anyway.But hearing what Oliveira said later, Teresia quickly shook her head in denial.

"No, no, no, Lord Master, I am also the main god after all, how could I go to trouble Baier."

Theresia laughed twice. He felt as if his heart was completely controlled by the master in front of him.

He didn't dare to say that he was planning to trouble Baier. Judging by the attitude of the master of the water system towards Baier, it seemed that the relationship between the two was definitely not normal.

"It seems that we will visit this wind element Dzogchen more and more in the future."

Teresia thought again in her heart.

This time, he also offended Oliveira. If he wants to repair the relationship with Oliveira, he must start from other aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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