Panlong: I became the main god and I was targeted by four beasts

Chapter 165 Genius-like characters, fateful encounter

Chapter 165 Genius-like characters, fateful encounter
As a core member of the Baruch family, the Baruch family is one of the most powerful families in the entire Magnolia Continent.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Linley was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

After Lin Lei was born, many nobles and powerful forces from across the continent came to congratulate him.

On this day, three full years have passed since Linley was born.

Under Hogg's specialized instruction, Linley gained some new understanding of the Baruch family's ancestral precepts and etiquette.

"I don't know what the concentration of dragon blood warrior blood in Lin Lei's body is. If the concentration is not enough, I would have to go to the Sunset Mountains to get some blood from the sacred dragon monsters."

In the palace of Baruch Empire.

Looking at Linley who was obedient and obedient in front of him, Hogg thought like this.

As time goes by, the blood concentration in the bodies of Baruch family members continues to decrease.

Using the bloodline awakening pool for Baruch was just a casual move, and Oliveira did not have the time to awaken the bloodline for Baruch's other tribesmen and other descendants of the ultimate warriors on the mainland.

Oliveira is the main god, high above the world, and it is already very good to be able to do this.How could you care about an ordinary god-level descendant?

The current Baruch family, to put it bluntly, is not worthy of having the talent awakening pool of the four divine beast families.

If everyone in the Baruch family really awakens their bloodline and becomes a god, these guys not going to the highest plane in the Magnolia plane will not be conducive to the development of the Magnolia plane.

If one day a super genius truly emerges among the descendants of the Baruch family, maybe Oliveira will consider giving them the talent awakening pool if she is in a good mood.

"Hogg, you are really harsh on your son."

Just as Hogg was imparting the ancestral teachings of the Baruch family to Linley, a kind voice rang in Hogg's ears.

Then an old man wearing a moon-white robe appeared in front of Hogg.

"Mr. Delin!"

When seeing the visitor, even Hoge, the current patriarch of the Baruch family, did not dare to show any slightness.He nodded slightly towards the old man.

Among the entire Baruch family, apart from Baruch, the first family patriarch, the most respected one is Drinkwater.

This earth god level can be considered as making a lot of contributions to their Baruch family.

Nowadays, all the patriarchs of the Baruch family have received guidance from this Drinkwater.

Even Hogg was like that.

Thousands of years have passed, and no one knows how powerful this former low-level god of the earth system has reached.

Drinkwater's sudden arrival now, Hogg can also make a guess.

Every time a new generation member is born in the Baruch family, Drinkwater will come to check their magic talent soon.

Although the magic talents of each generation of Baruch family members are not good, Drinkwater still sticks to his promise with Baruch.

Perhaps because of delays, Delin only arrived this time in the third year after Lin Lei was born.

"Call Xiaolin Lei to come out."

Drinkwater smiled slightly and spoke to Hogg.

Under Hogg's guidance, a child with curly brown hair and lively eyes walked out of the palace and curiously looked at the old man in moon-white robes in front of him.

"this child"

Just looking at the child in front of him, Drinkwater's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

As a low-level god of the earth system, Drinkwater could tell at a glance that Linley in front of him had extremely high talent for earth magic.The talent in the other party was something Drinkwater had never seen in other members of the Baruch family.

"Hogg, you gave birth to a good son."

He strode to Linley's side and carefully looked up and down at the child in front of him. Drinkwater couldn't help laughing.

"I'm not wrong about people. This kid's earth talent is absolutely terrifying. His earth element affinity is at least super high!"

After saying this, Drinkwater used one hand, and a translucent crystal ball appeared in his hand.

"Come on, kid, put your hands on it."

Drinkwater's voice was gentle and he looked at Linley in front of him with a smile.

Linley looked at Hogg. It was obvious that Linley believed in Hogg's words more than Drinkwater in front of him.

Seeing Hogg nodding, Lin Lei, who was only three years old, put his somewhat immature hands on the transparent crystal ball.

As Linley did this, streaks of light of different colors emerged on the crystal ball.

Earthy yellow, turquoise and a hint of fiery red light continue to shine.

"Hogg, I think it's better for Linley to stop being a dragon-blooded warrior and just practice magic with me from now on."

Drinkwater took a deep breath, put away the crystal ball, and looked at Hogg aside.

Apparently Linley's talent in practicing magic exceeded Drinkwater's expectations.


Hogg was obviously a little confused. He saw what happened on the magic crystal ball just now.

He also didn't expect that Lin Lei, a descendant of the Dragon Blood Warrior, would actually have such a high talent in magic.

"Mr. Delin, as a descendant of my family of dragon-blooded warriors, Linley must become a dragon-blooded warrior. After all, a dragon-blooded warrior can easily become a saint as long as he accumulates fighting spirit. I would not be at ease if Linley is allowed to practice magic alone."

"Okay, Mr. Delin, when I let Lin Lei practice fighting spirit, he will also practice magic. How about letting him become a warrior and magician?"

Delin spoke up for the rare time, and Hogg was too embarrassed to refuse, so he thought of a compromise.

Since he has the talent for magic, Hogg doesn't want his son to waste his talent. Unfortunately, it will only hurt Xiao Linlei.

"From today on, Linley is my disciple, Drinkwater."

Delin laughed and couldn't help but patted Lin Lei on the shoulder.

Lin Lei was young and didn't know much. When he saw Delin speaking like this, he also started laughing.

After staying in the Baruch family for such a long time, even though Drinkwater had mentored countless heads of the Baruch family, Lin Lei was the first one to truly accept him as a disciple.

Although there were many children of the Baruch family who had some magic talent, they only had some talent.

It is quite difficult to even become a saint with that kind of magical talent. Accepting him as a disciple and teaching him may not be a good thing for Delin or the disciples of the Baruch family.

If Drinkwater's fighting spirit cultivation was delayed because of Drinkwater, Drinkwater's face would be disgraced if he said this.

"Hogg, when Lin Lei is older, let Lin Lei practice with me. It will also be good for Lin Lei if I take Lin Lei out to practice."

"At that time, we can also send him to Ernst Academy of Magic. I am also a vice principal at Ernst Academy of Magic. It is also a good decision to let him make some friends there."

Delin said this.

Ernst Academy of Magic is a magic academy founded by Pope Ernst of the Water God Church in the territory of the Water God Church.

The entire magic academy is the largest magic academy in Yulan Continent. Even the powerful forces in Qingya Continent will send their talented children to Ernst Magic Academy.There is no other reason, it can be related to the Water God Holy See.

It would be no problem for Hogg to let Lin Lei go to the Ernst Academy of Magic for retreat. This was Hogg's first thought after learning that Lin Lei had a magical talent.

"Okay, since Mr. Delin is so optimistic about my son, Lin Lei's future path is up to you. But before that, I still need to know the blood concentration in Lin Lei's body, so as to pave the way for his future career as a warrior. "

Hogg nodded and said this to Delin.

As spring passes and autumn comes, the sun sets and the flowers bloom.

Several years have passed by again.

After checking Linley's bloodline, Hogg found that Linley's bloodline concentration was completely sufficient to complete the dragon blood transformation. He breathed a sigh of relief and handed Linley to Drinkwater with confidence.

Although he is still young, Lin Lei's talent for practicing magic has been revealed just after he came to Delin's side.

Unlike other magicians who practice magic, it may take a long time to master a low-level magic.

When Linley faced these lower-level magics, after trying to cast them several times, he was able to cast magic instantly.

In this way, Linley has been practicing with Drinkwater. Although he is not old enough to join the Ernst Academy of Magic, his magical attainments are far ahead of his peers.

Magnolia Continent, outside the dark forest.

"Lin Lei, this is the famous Dark Forest in the Magnolia Continent. It is said that there are many god-level monsters in the core area of ​​the Dark Forest. However, if they are only active on the periphery, the god-level monsters inside the Dark Forest will not Take action at will."

Looking at the huge mountain forest in front of him that looked a little eerie because of the dim sky, Drinkwater chuckled and explained to Linley.

"Grandpa Delin, are there more monsters in the Dark Forest than in other places we have been before?"

Next to Delin, Lin Lei, dressed in smart clothes, asked curiously.

At this moment, Linley has made a lot of progress in height compared to previous years.

Although his face is still childish, under Drinkwater's guidance, it has become a bit more stable.

"This is nature, the Dark Forest, the Warcraft Mountains, and the Sunset Mountains. These three areas are where Warcraft live and are the true paradise of Warcraft."

"Because there are so many magical beasts in the three major mountain ranges, many mercenaries and magicians will go inside to hunt the magical beasts and obtain the magic crystal cores in the monsters' bodies in exchange for gold coins."

"In a place like this, there are no ethical and moral constraints. Only if you are strong can you survive in it. Otherwise, even if they face some humans, they will have the idea of ​​​​killing people to seize treasures."

Drinkwater brought Linley to the Dark Forest because he wanted him to see the ugliness of human beings.

Lin Lei, who has been living in the palace and enjoying himself, how could he see the intrigue among human beings?

If he continues to be naive, it will be very detrimental to Lin Lei's future practice.So Delin must let Linley see the real world.

"Let's go."

Nodding slightly to Linley, Drinkwater walked at the front and led Linley into the interior of the Dark Forest.

In order not to attract attention, Drinkwater hid his aura slightly, making himself look like a sixth-level magician.

On the periphery of the Dark Forest are some of the lowest level monsters.

These monsters are probably only at the first or second level. With the talent of Lin Lei Dragon Blood Warrior and his magical attainments, he can completely deal with these low-level monsters.

Delin did not help Linley, but only gave him some guidance.

Although Lin Lei was a little nervous about fighting so many monsters for the first time, he soon became familiar with them.

In the dark forest, Linley even encountered some beings who specialized in hunting other humans.

These people make a living by hunting down other mercenaries and robbing those mercenaries of their magic crystal cores and money.

If it weren't for Drinkwater's existence, Linley's life would have been long gone.

This time, Linley finally stepped out of the ivory tower and half-stepped into the real world.

The experience in the dark forest lasted about seven days.

Seven days later, two figures appeared on the outskirts of the Dark Forest.

Linley's temperament at this moment was even different from when he first entered the dark forest.

Linley's body at this time carried a bit of murderous intent.

"Lin Lei, it's not a good thing to always be on the edge of killing. We have been in the dark forest for such a long time this time, so it's time to relax."

Delin saw Linley's tense spirit now and chuckled.

"I know, Grandpa Delin."

Lin Lei nodded slightly. This was the first time he had experienced this kind of thing. Lin Lei still needed to take some time off.

At this moment, Delin and Linley had walked a long way out of the dark forest and were walking on a path surrounded by dense weeds.


At this moment, Lin Lei was stunned for a moment. He was just casually looking at the surrounding environment, but at this moment, he was keenly aware of the existence of a black mouse under a huge tree.

This little thing looks like a mouse, but its size is much larger than an ordinary mouse.

Judging from the aura on the opponent's body, it should be a magical beast.

Following Linley's gaze, Drinkwater also looked in that direction and discovered the existence of this monster.

"This looks like a shadow rat, but it's really strange. Isn't the shadow rat a gregarious monster? This monster looks like it was just born. Could it be that it got lost?"

Drinkwater raised his eyebrows, looked at the trembling little mouse, and said curiously.

"Grandpa Delin, I see that its body has been shaking. Is it because it has lost its family and no one is looking for food for it, so that is why it is like this?"

Linley looked at the black mouse. Surprisingly, he was somewhat interested in the little mouse in front of him.

"Well, it's also possible."

After taking a look at the little mouse that seemed to be sizing up Lin and Lei with its beady eyes, Delin smiled and said this.

Anyway, the level of this little mouse was too low to pose any threat to Lin Lei, so Delin just followed Lin Lei's temper.Anyway, this time I took Linley out to relax.

After speaking, Delin directly took out a roasted chicken that had been roasted for a long time from the space ring and handed it to Lin Lei.

Linley did not hesitate, and with a slight toss, the roast chicken was thrown to the feet of the little mouse.

His little eyes rolled around, and he saw that this little rat of a relatively low level was not big in size but had a big appetite. He actually ate up all the roasted chicken in the blink of an eye!

"Big appetite!"

Linley looked at this scene with some surprise.

However, what Lin Lei and Drinkwater didn't know was that their every move was being watched by two invisible figures not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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