Douluo: I level up alone.

Chapter 292 Ye Lingling’s Persistence

Cheng Xiao pursed her lips, her expression a little complicated.

He had never thought that when he accused Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong, he also had the attitude of staying out of the matter, ignoring the lives of these people, and watching with cold eyes.

Now that a child had spoken out, he was suddenly awakened. It turned out that there was not much difference between him, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong.

Isn't it because of his own selfishness that he doesn't take action?In order to avoid Di Tian locating his whereabouts, deep down in his heart, Cheng Xiao also regarded him as expendable and dispensable cannon fodder.

For a moment, Cheng Xiao felt as if a five-flavor bottle had been knocked over, and he couldn't explain what he felt.

At this moment, he realized that he was not that noble, and he was also a person who would do anything for his own benefit. When he came to Wuhun Hall, he wanted to use others as tools and experimental subjects from the very beginning!


A crisp sound echoed in the square in front of the temple.

Cheng Xiao looked at the crowd in shock and saw an abnormal flush of anger on Li Yuan's pale cheeks.

Li Yuan slapped Xiao Yu!

"Brother Li, I..." Xiao Yu covered his cheek, looking dazed.

Li Yuan pushed everyone away, stood up forcefully, knelt down again, and then pulled Xiao Yu to kneel down: "Kneel down!"

"This is the only chance! If you don't believe it, how can you expect others to help you? This is not his obligation. If you want others to help you, you must first show your own attitude!"

"Or are you not that eager to see your parents again?"

Xiao Yu lowered his head and said ashamedly: "I know, Brother Li."

After saying that, the two shouted "Please see the Holy Son" again, but Li Yuan's figure was swaying, and his physical strength was quickly exhausted under the sun's exposure.

He had been fighting the beast tide at the top of the city before, and had already consumed most of his energy. Now that he had not received any replenishment, he could not compare with others.

But his expression was firm and unwavering.

In the square in front of the temple, this was just a small episode.

Cheng Xiao's eyes fell on Li Yuan. After looking at him deeply for a long time, he turned away with some shame and left.


Cheng Xiao suppressed the bubbling kindness in his heart.After wandering around for a long time, Cheng Xiao still did not choose to take action and left the square in front of the palace resolutely.

It would be false to say that it is not touching, but that's just it.

He couldn't reveal his position for the sake of someone he only met once.


After leaving the square in front of the temple, Cheng Xiao took a long breath. The crowd of kneeling people in the square in front of the temple made him feel a burst of pressure. Only after he left them, the big stone in his heart seemed to be removed, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

After figuring out the direction, Cheng Xiao walked towards the west gate.

He needs to wait for the opportunity and escape from Wuhun City with Dugubo and others.

Arriving at the west gate of the city, the casualties here were much smaller than those at the other three gates.

The soul master has Ye Renxin's Nine-Hearted Begonia, and it's hard for him to die even if he wants to.

As for the soul beasts, there is also the Emerald Swan to save them. Unless they are killed in one blow, they will not lose their lives easily.

With the aid of the healing system, the two sides were almost competing to see who made more mistakes.

So far, neither side has made any obvious mistakes, so the battle is at a stalemate.

Despite this, Ye Renxin still couldn't cover everything.Therefore, there were still many other healing soul masters busy outside the city. After Ye Renxin healed the severed limbs and fatal injuries, they would completely cure these people.

"Help me, it hurts me so much! Help!"

"Little miracle doctor, there is someone here who is seriously injured."

"Hurry up, hurry up! Don't block the way for irrelevant people! If you have nothing to do, hurry up to the top of the city. What are you doing wandering around here?"

Cheng Xiao was roughly pushed away by a healing soul master and shrugged, but did not get angry.

Moving his eyes lightly, he quickly found the figure he wanted to see among the crowd.

Ye Lingling!
Ye Lingling was covered in blood, her face was stained with blood, her hair was a little messy, and it was stuck to her cheeks with blood and sweat, which gave her a sad feeling.

At this time, Ye Langling was holding the Nine-Hearted Begonia in her hand. Her four soul rings were rising and falling, exuding warm soul power fluctuations. In front of her, a wounded man was lying on the ground groaning in pain. The green soul power covered him, and he was seriously injured. Heals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blood stain was not Ye Lingling's own, but that of the wounded.

As a healing soul master, Ye Lingling also joined the rescue team, and because of Jiuxin Haitang, his healing level was far superior to other healing soul masters of the same level, so he received unanimous praise from everyone.

He even got the title of "Little Miracle Doctor" for this reason.

When Cheng Xiao came to his senses, Ye Lingling had just finished treating the wounded in front of him.

"All right."

"Thank you little miracle doctor, thank you little miracle doctor."

Ye Lingling smiled and shook his head, wiping the blood and sweat on his face, but it became more and more messy, like a painted-faced kitten.

That look made Cheng Xiao feel a little dazed. This was the first time he saw Ye Lingling like this.

Ye Lingling raised his head and was about to treat the next wounded person. Perhaps by coincidence or intuition, his eyes suddenly crossed the crowd and met Cheng Xiao's eyes.

Cheng Xiao originally thought that with his disguise, Ye Lingling wouldn't be able to recognize him.

Unexpectedly, a hint of surprise suddenly appeared on Ye Langling's face. She walked through the crowd and came to Cheng Xiao. She grabbed Cheng Xiao's hand and led her into a vacant hut used to treat the wounded.

"You didn't go out?" After closing the door, Ye Lingling's face was filled with joy, and her eyes flashed gently, like stars.

"No time." Cheng Xiao shook his head, "How did you recognize it was me?"

Ye Lingling was stunned, then frowned and shook his head blankly: "I, I don't know either. I just recognized you at a glance."

Cheng Xiao was thoughtful, could it be the effect of Acacia Heartbroken Red?
In the original work, it seems that after Tang San awakened for the second time and changed his appearance, Xiao Wu quickly recognized Tang San when they reunited.

However, this incident was not mentioned in the original work, and this was just Cheng Xiao's guess.

Putting aside the thoughts in his mind, Cheng Xiao quickly took Ye Lingling's little hand: "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's go find Yanyan first and wait for an opportunity to escape later. The chance to escape should come soon..."

However, to Cheng Xiao's surprise, Ye Lingling took his weak hand out of Cheng Xiao's palm and firmly rejected Cheng Xiao.

"Sorry, I can't leave!"

Cheng Xiao was stunned and frowned: "Why?"

"This is my duty!" Ye Lingling's eyes were clear, looking a little bright in the darkness, as if pregnant with some kind of belief.

"Grandpa said that doctors are benevolent and should take it as their duty to save lives and heal the wounded. No matter which force the injured belongs to, whether they are righteous or evil, doctors should not be biased."

"There are wounded here, and I am the healer!"

"I have a responsibility to stay here! I can't leave!" (End of Chapter)

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