Chapter 1 Selected Paradox Players

Congratulations, the selected player, you will travel to the medieval world.

What is your gender?

You are a male human, characterized by strong bones, a deep voice, many muscle fibers, and a rugged body.

"Trait obtained: male (strength +1, charisma +1)"

What's your appearance?

"Forward full!"

My child, when you were born, all the gods of beauty in the sky cast their gazes and blessed you with joy.

"Acquired Traits: Extraordinary Charisma (Charm +3, Attraction +30, Fertility +30%)"

What is your height, weight, and body shape?
"An adult is 2 meters long, weighs 120 kilograms, has fat-packed muscles, and is positively stretched."

Your physical talent makes the gods puzzled by why the individual differences between people are so huge. The fat-packed muscle shape makes you have stronger frost resistance, stronger absolute strength and explosive power, higher testosterone and growth. hormone.


Where did you come from?
"Northern Europe."

In addition to the farming civilization bred in the big river basin, the ocean has also created batches of prosperous nations.

The ocean, which is sometimes friendly and sometimes roars angrily, was an important carrier of transportation in ancient times.

In the Middle Ages, in an era that did not yet support ocean voyages, Germanic tribes were about to rise on the fringes of the European cultural circle.

This is the Nordic land of blood, iron and rough seas.

"Acquire traits: This is Viking (Strength +1, Ocean Punishment -10%, Winter Punishment -10%, Combat Skill Learning Multiplier +10%)"

What is your adoptive parent's family?


Your family opened a blacksmith shop in town.

Your adoptive father was an active member of the town council, though a minor one, and joined the militia.

"Acquisition Trait: Blacksmith Family (strength +1, forging and two-handed skill learning multiplier +200%, forging stamina consumption -50%)"

What were you good at as a child?
"Arm strength."

You were strong and strong, and when the other kids got into fights with the neighboring village, they always liked having you around.

You can swing a forging hammer, push a plow, and chop a log with an ax just like an adult.

"Acquiring traits: robustness (strength +1, attractiveness +10, fertility +10%, forging and two-handed skill learning multiplier +100%)"

While growing up, you spend most of your time in
Point exceeded!Please choose negative traits to balance!

"Lust, greed, gluttony, drunkard."

"Acquired trait: lustful (more likely to be attracted to the opposite sex, unsatisfied desires will increase stress, fertility +20% when continuing to engage in pornography)"

"Acquired trait: Greed (having a natural desire for wealth, unsatisfied greed will increase stress, continuous monthly income +5%)"

"Trait acquired: gluttony (naturally, the body's metabolic rate is extremely high, and if the appetite is not satisfied, the pressure will increase. When you stay full for a week, your strength +1, vitality +10)"

"Trait obtained: Alcohol (alcohol can significantly stimulate your dopamine secretion, if you are not satisfied, you will increase the pressure, after you are fully satisfied, your strength +1, damage +1% within 10 hour)"

The balance is completed, and the traversal begins.



Luleå Bay, Northtown, winter.

Feng Daofu, who was wearing a black cloak, grabbed the edge of the pottery jar with both hands and leaned forward to look at the water.

Very handsome.

Ridiculously handsome.

Just a little younger.

"It's fine to time travel, at least let me become an adult directly."

Feng Daofu, who just buried his adoptive parents, sighed.

Feng Daofu, an engineering student at Tongliao University of Technology, prepares intensively for the postgraduate entrance examination every day.

Originally, I started a new game of riding and hacking at night and wanted to relax, but I didn't know that I went through it in a daze, or traveled to the overhead medieval era set by the background of the module.

Fortunately, his identity and background were similar to what he had planned, and he got help from a blacksmith couple.

The appearance with black hair and black eyes was different, but he was not rejected by North Town.

Because Feng Daofu thick-skinned.

Relying on his smooth body without calluses, and opening his mouth with a mouthful of white and undamaged teeth, even body odor does not exist.

Even the underwear is made of purple ice silk!

He directly set himself the identity of the royal family of an ancient eastern empire.

Look at the fat pack muscles on my buddies, this is the best proof of aristocrats!

Not only can he eat, but he can also keep himself fat and healthy. He is as tall as a duke!

Look at my buddy's hands again, you can see a lot of purple capillaries when they are so tender, this is a true purple blood nobleman!

It is an epic-level nobleman one level higher than the elite-level blue-blooded nobles!
The North people think it makes sense!

So someone wanted to kidnap Feng Daofu for ransom that night.

After being repulsed by the virtuous blacksmith family, the leader (chief) of North Town spoke, and the people in the town did not dare to make any mistakes again.

The leader made a decision to absorb the young purple blood royal family into North Town.

Feng Daofu's status jumped up and became the noble class of North Town, sitting on the heads of free people and slaves.

The identity of the master was revealed, and personal safety was temporarily guaranteed, but the problem of hunger was not solved.

Although the Norse tribe obtained advanced technologies such as rotational farming from Rome during their adventures and plunders, they were limited by the conditions of Scandinavia and their per-acre yield was very backward.

——It is said that food can be grown in this ghostly place full of frozen tundra, which has proved the level of farming technology, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it has mastered the core technology of the Middle Ages.

After entertaining Feng Daofu for a meal, the mayor's family directly stated that they had no food left.

Although Feng Daofu has a thick skin, his integrity is still there.

After thanking him, Feng Daofu moved into the home of the kind-hearted blacksmith and his wife.

On weekdays, I do my best to help with chores. When I have free time, I go to the beach with my neighbors to fish and hunt to supplement my food supply.

In northern Europe, where productivity is severely lacking, noble lords with empty titles and no assets have to rely on themselves.

In this way, more than half a month passed unknowingly.

According to the normal trajectory, Vondorf will eventually inherit the craftsmanship of the blacksmith couple and become a respected blacksmith in North Town. When he grows up, he will figure out how to use golden fingers to transform the world.

Unexpectedly, when the blacksmith couple took the male slave workers to collect iron ore yesterday, they encountered several hungry brown bears.
Most of the slave laborers were killed or injured, and those who survived did not make it through.

The blacksmith and his wife were seriously injured, but also failed to survive due to the backwardness of medicine and medical technology.

Feng Daofu deeply felt that this is a world where natural selection of the weak preys on the strong.

Feng Daofu also felt a little regretful.

For most of the month, I was devoted to filling my stomach and offsetting the pressure of desire brought by those four personality traits.

The remaining time should also be used to do other things. If I take out the papers I took for the postgraduate entrance examination and brush up on my medical skills, will the results be different?
Feng Daofu shook his head: "Unless I reach the mid-to-high level, I am just getting started with medical skills and there is no medicine, I can't cure serious injuries like that."

dong dong~
There was a knock on the door.

Feng Daofu came back to his senses, washed his face and hands hastily, turned and entered the longhouse.




"Xiao Xiao~"

When I first came in, the light dimmed at first, and then I heard the cry of cattle, sheep and pigs, followed by a strong smell of livestock.

Feng Daofu glanced at the 12 cows, 6 sheep, 4 pigs, and 2 horses in the animal pen. There were also some chickens, geese, and ducks nearby.

Such is one of the legacy of the blacksmith.

The Norse plunder is just to earn extra money. They mainly rely on raising livestock and farming fields to achieve self-sufficiency, supplemented by hunting and fishing.

In order to keep warm, the longhouse only has a door and no windows. Not only does the whole family live there, they eat, drink, and sleep in one big room, and the precious livestock live together.

One can imagine the smell of a dozen livestock huddled together.

Put it this way, Vondorff feels like a super-enhanced version of the boys' dorm.

In a sense, the two are similar, they are both animals~
Feng Daofu was extremely uncomfortable after time travelling, so he thought about trying to improve it, but the effect was mediocre.

Unless another cowshed or stable is built, as long as they continue to live together, the smell will not go anywhere, and Feng Daofu has gotten used to it in the past half a month.

Anyway, I'm young and have good sleep quality. I can fall asleep when I fall asleep, so it doesn't matter.

As a high-income group of blacksmiths, these livestock are just one of the inheritances.

If you inherit all the inheritance, building a livestock house is more than enough. Feng Daofu pursed his lips in a complicated mood, and hurried to the front door: "Who is there?"

The voice outside the door was familiar: "It's me, Brooke."

Feng Daofu opened the door, and outside the door was a strong man a little taller than him.

He has long golden hair and a beard tied into a knot with animal sinews.

Under the gray fur cloak was a long tunic of natural color linen and trousers, layered with a woolen sweater.

"Lord Ethelnor is looking for you regarding the ownership of your adoptive parents' property."

Brook put one hand on his hips, revealing his rotten teeth. On the right arm outside the cloak, the golden arm ring was shining, and the rune inscription could be vaguely seen, symbolizing his status as an elite warrior of the tribe.

"Thank you, I'll be right here."

After Feng Daofu thanked him, he went back to the house and went to the storage room on the other side.

There are wooden benches fixed on each wall of the storage room for sitting during the day and sleeping at night. Various sundries are piled underneath.

Three Slavic slave girls were sitting on the bench.

Wearing a thick gray strappy dress, he is busy with handicraft work during the winter break, preparing for the next year's trade.

Hearing the movement, they quickly stood up and bowed obediently: "Little master."

These three tall, fair-skinned Slavic female slaves are not very old. They look about twelve or thirteen years old. Although they are simple, they can be seen to have great talents.

Once the girls have passed the age where they are prone to die young, the Norse will take them from Slavic farms during Sorgon patrols and take them home to raise them for a few years to cultivate their loyalty.

Blacksmiths, who are high-income groups, are naturally beautiful Slavic female slaves.

Because the three of them were still young, they were left with Feng Daofu when they went out yesterday, and they became the only remaining members of the family just like him.

Feng Daofu said: "I'm going out for a while, and you guys can guard your home."

The three girls nodded seriously with sullen faces.

Feng Daofu gave a few instructions and turned to leave.

When he reached the door, Vondolf paused, then returned to the storage room and pulled out a wooden box from the debris pile.

The wooden box was very solid and had a shiny black iron lock hanging on it.

The three girls who secretly paid attention to the little master's movements were stunned.

If it were them, they probably wouldn't be able to drag him away.

The little master is smaller than them, and he is no less tall than the mistress, and his strength is no worse than that of an adult blacksmith.

The master said before his death that this is the best proof of the purple blood nobility, as long as the little master grows up, he can become the most powerful blacksmith in the entire northern world.

After their master died, they were at a loss, not knowing what to do in the future.

Now that they have such a noble, powerful, and good-looking little master, the three girls quietly peeked at Feng Daofu's handsome face, and their inner uneasiness gradually subsided.

Feng Daofu took out the key from his trouser pocket and twisted it in. He carefully put the unscrewed iron lock aside, his arms puffed up, and he opened the wooden box.

It was stuffed with dry straw, and a steel sword was placed in the straw pile.

Feng Daofu held the cold leather hilt, slowly lifted the steel sword with force, played with it for a while, and estimated that the length of the steel sword was about 80cm and the weight was about 1.2kg.

A bit on the heavy side, which affects the balance.

It's not because of the adoptive father's craftsmanship, it's because we haven't had time to do the next step of polishing.

As long as the excess steel is ground away, the weight balance can be improved.

The adoptive father originally planned to stock up enough iron ore and firewood for the winter, and then slowly grind it during the winter break to create a top-notch steel sword, making his name in the northern world and becoming a sword with his own exclusive runes. Famous craftsman - equivalent to a famous designer.

No idea.
"It's enough to support the scene."

Feng Daofu took out the dark brown scabbard next to it, and put the steel sword in the sheath on his waist.

Going out again, he stopped again and checked the stove.

After confirming that the small hole was discharging the smoke normally, Feng Daofu finally led the horse out this time.

Brooke had been waiting outside.

With an unknown grass in his mouth, he leaned against the wall, folded his hands on his chest, looked at the sky and wondered what he was thinking.

Next to him is his long-haired horse.

Hearing the movement, he glanced at Feng Daofu's waist, without saying anything, got on his horse and led the way directly.

Feng Daofu has taken the time to ride several times in the past month. His riding skills are barely beginners, so it will not be a problem to follow him.

"You are riding a horse at low intensity, riding skill +1"

"Riding Skill Lv0 (98%)"

A translucent message appeared in the corner of his eye.

Feng Daofu glanced at it and ignored it, thinking about how Ethelno, the leader of North Town, would deal with it.

"As long as I can forge a qualified short knife and prove my forging ability, can I inherit all the inheritance of my adoptive parents?"

(End of this chapter)

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