Chapter 16 The Saint Touches His Head
"Wake up?"

Willie opened his eyes, and Feng Daofu was changing his dressing: "The wound is in good condition, and it will fully recover in about two weeks."


Willie moved subconsciously.

Stop after a while.

Because reason finally came online half a second later.

Even if his hands are tied, he is no match.

As a Norse clan leader, Willy didn't want to admit that he was inferior to a young brat, it was too embarrassing.

But it is also the dignity of the clan leader that prevents him from ignoring reality.

He is young but as strong as an ox.

The little calf can pull a large cart, and can even plow 10 mu of land without taking a breath.

Just like a monster...

Willy's chest rose and fell, and after a while, he said in a dry voice: "What are you going to do with us? Slaves?"

Vondorf did not deny: "In Scandinavia, regardless of any clan, mistakes need to be punished, and death is the most direct way."

"But you didn't."

Willy smelled the bitter herbal smell and looked at the tribesmen around him who also had their hands tied but were still in good condition: "You spent precious herbal medicine to treat us."

Feng Daofu said: "Of course you will pay for the crime of murdering me, but I will use another way."

"As you can guess, you will become slaves of the church, responsible for building roads, digging canals, repairing farmland, herding cattle and sheep, etc. During wartime, you will also be required to serve as auxiliaries of the church."

"You pay for it by working hard, and the church will also protect you and guarantee your personal safety, clothing, food, shelter, and heating."

“Whoever kills a slave will be punished with his life, and whoever imprisons and starves a slave will himself be imprisoned and starve.”

"I will give you half of your body freedom, you can enjoy some legal rights, you can earn a certain amount of remuneration in labor, you can own your own independent property, you can start a family, have a family life and fulfill your responsibilities to the family."

"After three years, you have paid for your mistakes and the Church will set you free."

"If you think it's too long, you can also spend the remuneration you earn from your labor to buy your freedom, and you can decide whether to stay or go."

Every time Vondorff said something, the Norwegian, who was pretending to be asleep, moved a little bit.

When Vondorf said he could be free, Willy was shocked: "You still call this a slave?"

Vondorf's instant sermon mode: "Io created this universe, whether it is alive or not, our gods are the same god, our ancestors are all the same ancestors, we are all Io's child."

"No matter which tribe they belong to, they are all equal members of the real world."

"Brothers and sisters who have made mistakes need to correct themselves, but this is only temporary and should not be exploited or abused."

Willie stared into Vondorff's face.

He really wanted to find the flaws in the words, but no matter how he looked at that tender face, all he could see was full of sincerity.

I can't help but have a good impression of him in my heart.

After Vondorf finished speaking, Willy was silent for a while before asking: "Can you tell me about your god?"

When I heard that there is no threshold for believing in religion, even slaves can do it, and everything in the religion is equal.

Willy bowed his head to show his conversion.

Visible anger appeared on the faces of the other Norwegians.

Three years to be free.

The result was much better than they expected.

Willie thought so too, but as the leader of the clan, he still chose to add another insurance policy, hoping that the newly added status of petitioner could protect them.

Willie thought to himself: first pretend to convert and improve the treatment of his own people. If this new god is really powerful, then it is true faith, if not.
Vondorf didn't seem to notice his intentions, he smiled and developed the Norwegian into a petitioner before preparing to leave.

Before leaving, his steps suddenly stopped, as if listening to something.

The Norwegian, who had been watching his movements, was taken aback for a moment.

What is this doing?
While they were wondering, Feng Daofu turned around again with a sacred look on his face: "In order to let you feel the glory of Io, I will give a blessing to one of you."

Vondorf pointed to a Norwegian with a disheveled face: "What's your name?"


"Tim, are you willing to fight for me and Io?"


Tim glanced at Willy, and nodded decisively after receiving the signal.

Feng Daofu didn't care about his small actions, as long as he agreed.

"Tim, I bless you in the name of the true god Io!"

Under the nervous gaze of more than a dozen Norwegians, Vondorf secretly organized him into the team.

"A veteran Norwegian fighter joins your team"

"Activate Trait - Bravery, the morale of Norwegian Veteran Warriors is boosted!"

"Activate Specialty - Supporting the Weak, Norwegian veteran fighters have gained a small amount of experience!"

"Activate Specialty - Physical Strength, the HP of Norwegian Veteran Warrior +5!"


Tim froze.

The hungry and weak body seemed to be injected with a warm current, and the whole person's condition improved immediately.

This extremely real feeling is like a miracle!
Tim lost his mind immersed in the miracle, and was so moved that tears filled his eyes for a moment: "Io, I feel the warmth of Io."

The other Norwegians see Tim's reaction.

Tim would never lie.

He didn't drink any mushroom soup, and there was no strange smell in the air, could it be... Willy, nicknamed the Northern Fox, was short of breath.

Because of the bloody killing of the blond mad king, he was forced to lead the clan away from the ancestral land.

Hela, the goddess of death, loves women, the elderly and children.

After going to sea, the chances of the old, weak, sick and young being summoned by Hela are too high.

Other clan leaders can be indifferent, but Willy cannot.

Although he is rational, he has deep feelings for his tribe.

Therefore, they did not choose to go to sea like other clans that moved out, but took the clansmen into the mountains, and came to the east coast from the secret path discovered by their ancestors.

The original plan was to grab enough food and then use the 'ice road' formed by the frozen Baltic Sea to go south to the other side of the warm sea.

But who knows.
Just when I was most desperate, I suddenly got hope.

Back and forth, ups and downs, the shocking Willie also lost his mind.

"You completed a wonderful sermon, Diplomacy +20"

"The name of Io is beginning to spread among the Norwegians, and monthly piety +1"

Fondorf turned off the prompt in satisfaction.

He quietly motioned to Xiao Maoluo, who was secretly holding the 'Sacred Artifact of Light', to leave.

Little Maoluo's small body was as nimble as a cat's, and she disappeared into the corner without a sound.

Speaking of which, Little Mauro's name is the same as the cat, Cleo.

The meaning is the cat goddess, which is said to be a local myth of a Slavic farm.

The name is correct, and Cleo's personality is similar to that of a cat.

He is a bit shrewd and alienated from strangers, but once he got close to him, he became very attached to him. When he was seriously injured in his hand, he wanted to provide him with personal service several times, and he wished he could stick to him all day long.

In addition to being clingy, there is also a little stubbornness.

In the small class of the great inventor in the evening, Feng Daofu couldn't solve the math problem that Feng Daofu asked. Little Maoluo held the abacus given to her by Feng Daofu and was so anxious that she almost shed tears, but she refused to admit defeat. Her jewel-like eyes were so similar. Persian cat.

Feng Daofu fucked her up that night.

In short, Plan B didn't work.

This is a good thing. It proves that Plan A is extremely effective for backward Germanic tribes and that the way of integrating Scandinavia through religious assimilation is correct.

Feng Daofu thought that it was not in vain to waste his time, racking his brains to recall the family history of Khan and Mu Ge.

The three barbarian brothers from Northern Europe, Mongolia, and Central Asia, who have had empire-sized forces, are very similar.

They are all surrounded by tribes and scattered sand, and there are two powerful forces surrounding them.

In the end, Northern Europe was assimilated by the Cross, Mongolia was assimilated by the Central Plains and Crescent cultures, and the two brothers eventually withered away.

Only the Crescent Moon, which has a strong ability to assimilate, is still very vital after more than 1000 years. In the 21st century, it is still preparing to convert the Queen and turn Buckingham Palace into a Qing O Temple.

Thinking about it is a bit outrageous.

Feng Daofu tried hard to summarize the history in his mind and came up with some gains. He understood that for the development of a force, material construction is important, and spiritual construction cannot be left behind.

The reason why people have two hands is because Mao Luo catches them, and Sister Yu wants to catch them too!
The foundation of Aio's teaching is very good, the distance is expanding rapidly, and there is only enough food to preach.

Food requires more land, fertilizers and high-yielding crops.

There is a plan for chemical fertilizers for the time being.

Only high-yielding crops are in trouble, and they are all in America, separated by the Atlantic Ocean.

So these Norwegians become important.

Feng Daofu looked at the Norwegian clan leader.

Norway's forests, coal, iron and water resources are nothing.

What Vondorf values ​​most are the Norwegian shipping lanes.

A sea route from Bergen, Norway, along the Faroe Islands-Iceland-Greenland-Newfoundland-Canada American Passage!

This is a channel that can be accessed even with the shipbuilding technology of the early Middle Ages!
For those crops in the Americas, Feng Daofu has made up his mind to participate in the affairs of Norway.

Receive the hearts of these people first.

Even if he knew that they must still hide their clansmen in the wild, Feng Daofu didn't seem to know and arranged work for them.

Eat before work.

A lot of supplies have been purchased recently, and the hired believers are also working hard, and there is no shortage of tableware and tables.

Several Norse female believers were cooks. Some were cooking a large pot of stew on the campfire, some were making bread, and some were preparing wheat porridge and milk. Although they were busy, they seemed to be in good order.

Feng Daofu took out the copper whistle: "Gather!"


Accompanied by the rapid whistle, workers and child laborers all gathered at the gate of the longhouse.

It was chaotic at first, but soon they were reminding each other that the team was successful.

A team of 10 people, a total of 10 teams.

Small half are hired adult workers.

Most of them are child laborers.

These new children come from nearby farmers, as well as relatives and friends of believers in Northtown.

Seeing that the first batch of child laborers were paid well, they ate well and were influenced by the saints, they spoke in a more orderly manner, so they found Feng Daofu under their hearts.

Feng Daofu refused to accept anyone who came, and by the way, he packaged it as a welfare package for the Ao Cult.

The believers save trouble and money, and recognize their status as petitioners more.

Although Feng Daofu paid for food, he was able to concentrate the education of the new generation under his command, which not only better cultivated the new generation, but also shielded the influence of the original family, killing multiple birds with one stone.

Children are much more malleable than adults.

The orderliness and speed of the formation must exceed that of the adult square formation.

"1, 2, 3, 4."

"12, 34."

The squad leader yelled.

The children walked in unison, and the team came to the door neatly.

This scene fell in the eyes of Willy at the back, and his eyes were wide open: "Is this to train the army from an early age?"

Even if he didn't have this concept in his brain, with Willy's intelligence, he could see what this level of organization represented.

Not to mention anything else, only Feng Daofu used the money to customize uniform warm and thick uniforms for the children.

The visual impact of this unified uniform is enough to shock others, and it also made Willy vaguely feel Feng Daofu's ambition.

Vondorf noticed but didn't care.

He glanced at the tactical experience he had acquired, and came to the front with a smile on his face.

Holding a big wooden spoon, Feng Daofu cooked meals for everyone himself, and said words of encouragement and praise from time to time.

It is said that they worship each other with small faces.

Wait for the meal.

Drinking thick wheat porridge, eating bread that is not bitter, chewing meaty pig sausage, and finally having a bowl of hot milk and red onion soup.

After snorting and snoring, the warmth made people subconsciously exhale. When the children consciously cleaned the tableware, they still did not forget to turn their fiery and grateful eyes to Feng Daofu who made them full.

If the panel now unlocks favorability content, each one will be at least 99.

The bad one might be that the saints always force them to drink a lot of milk and give them homework.

When the Norse people ate, the Norwegians didn't wait by the side, and they ate together.

Willie was at the front of the line and glanced at the food.

It's normal to be worse than the Norse.

The problem is that the food standard of the Norse people is high, even if it is worse than the Norse people, it is much better than what they used to eat!
The aroma of food wafted around, and Norwegian people subconsciously swallowed their saliva after not eating well for several days in the wilderness.

How much money does he have? Willy swallowed, marveling at Vondorff's wealth.

Feng Daofu doesn't have much money, but the North nobles also want to have children, and the money collected from one noble is enough to raise a dozen children.

Willy didn't know.

They Norwegians were a little uneasy eating the saint's thick wheat porridge.

I really want to ask: Saint, who do you want me to kill?
What?Catching big fish, burying stone men, and barking like a fox?
With extremely complicated emotions, Willie finished the meal in silence.

While eating, I also discovered that the North people would use two wooden sticks to pick up food, and their fingers were as nimble as the legendary elves.

Some Norwegians tried it. Compared with them, their fingers are as stupid as iron blocks.

Fortunately, most of Lord North don't know how to do so, so he gave them their honor.

As for the little ones?Children are already flexible in their fingers, but now they are surrounded by a saint who can perform miracles. It is normal to have a little magic!

Tim, who has personally experienced the blessing, has become a fan of Feng Daofu.

When the companion lowered his voice and quietly asked how he felt, what Tim said was drooling, exaggerated as if he was bathing in dragon blood.

The Norwegians believed it.

He also looked at Feng Daofu with the same fervor as North's child, looking forward to being the next one to be blessed.

After eating, Feng Daofu asked them to rest for a while, saying that it was to digest food.

Willie kept watching Vondorf playing games with the children.

First line up in two vertical rows, facing each other.

Feng Daofu took out some snacks and asked the children to count.

Face to face in groups of two and two, within 1 minute, the one with the most numbers advances and gets a reward.

The rewards can be taken directly, or you can choose to continue to challenge. If you win again, you will be rewarded more.

The big winner who wins in a row to the end will not only get rich fruits, but also get a surprise prize that is priceless, worth a thousand pieces of gold, and extremely precious: the saint touches his head!

The winner in the end was a beautiful girl who smiled very happily when her head was petted. The other children all looked envious, and secretly vowed to count the fastest next time.

Willie didn't see the value of counting games.

But this atmosphere made him feel inexplicably comfortable.

so good.
After the game time, Feng Daofu came to find them: "When I rode the Pegasus with Valkyrie to the outside world, I saw many other worlds and gained a lot of knowledge from them."

"Therein lies the knowledge that one can build a house as high as a mountain out of mud."

Build a house as high as a mountain out of dirt?
Not to mention the Norwegians, the Norse people were dumbfounded.

But looking at Feng Daofu with a serious face, he must have listened to the saint!
"Your task is to cut wood, dig clay, and demould to make embryos. Ted will teach you how to use these tools."

One-third of the Norwegians went to log wood, and one-third stayed to help.

The last third of Norwegians leave with wheelbarrows full of tools.

Sarri came over: "Is it really okay to treat them so loosely?"

Vondorf said with a smile: "They have converted and are already our half-brothers and sisters. I believe them."

As long as they dare to run, Brook, who is in ambush, will dare to do it!

"It's more important to get them to do what they want."

Vondorf looked at the site that had been leveled and was waiting for construction: "I can't wait for you to see the first church."

 At its peak, Mongolia was a super military empire of unprecedented scale, with its largest territory spanning Europe, Asia, and Africa.

  Stretching nearly 110 longitudes from east to west and about 8000 kilometers in length, the Eurasian grassland has become a happy place for the Mongols.

  The Crescent Empire on the Central Asian Peninsula stretched from the Indus River and Congling Mountains in the east to the Atlantic coast in the west, the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea, and southern France in the north, and the Central Asian Sea and the Sahara Desert in the south.

  Following the Persian Achaemenid Dynasty, Alexander Empire, Roman Empire, and Byzantine Empire, it became the fifth great empire spanning Asia, Europe and Africa.

  The pinnacle of Northern Europe was the Great North Sea Empire, which encompassed the entire present-day Denmark, northern Germany, eastern Poland, Norway, England, most of Scotland, southern Sweden, and Iceland.

  The vast North Sea is indisputably Denmark's inland sea.


  The native civilization systems of Northern Europe and Mongolia are far less powerful than their own countries' military strength.

  After all, the civilization system is inseparable from real interests. The religious systems believed in by Northern Europe and Mongolia have strong regional characteristics.

  This system can only be applied to special areas with extremely harsh natural conditions such as the Scandinavian Peninsula and the Mongolian Plateau.

  Therefore, it is naturally backward and limited

  Once relocated to other areas, it can no longer be applied to the local reality, and at the same time, there is no way to help the ruler continue to maintain the rule, so in the end they cannot escape the fate of being abandoned.

(End of this chapter)

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